“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Approval Given By The City Council to Appoint Co Superintendents of Public Works

I was not at the city council meeting but this news report from WLPO says it all.


My own personal opinion is with the lone dissenting vote of Dave Potthoff. I agree that the senior foremen of the public works dept. should have been able to handle this for the few weeks it should take to hire someone new.  Notice I said should. The hiring again will be done by Mayor Harl, Ald. Waldorf and Ald. Lukosus, need I say more. Normally you would have a more informed group of people doing the interviewing but we evidently have to go with what we have. Perhaps an interview with all of the city council would be appropriate considering the circumstances of the current (for one more day) SPW/civil engineer. If you doubt what I am saying, watch the city council video of July 15, 2013.

Is This What Your Campaign Card Has On It??

Anonymous said...
I have one of mayor Harls original campaign cards and no where on it does it state anything about town hall meetings. There are eight bullet points so I am still waiting for some factual evidence he has done contrary to any of these points. If you can't remember what he said then I guess you really aren't referencing facts.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The City Council Will Vote on the Co Superintendents for Public Works Tomorrow. What Would You Like to Ask them Before The Vote is Taken?

I am sure you all have a question or 2 on this appointment and so without being funny do you have a concern that the aldermen should address.

My first question is when and if a new civil engineer/spw is hired, who will orient him to the job? Who will work with him while he adjusts to the new position? Will he have a support system and who will his go to person be?

Since the previous engineer will no longer be here, who will it be?  Hopefully not the Public Works Committee.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Portion of the Agenda for City Council Meeting Monday Dec. 30 .....Any Thoughts??

PERU FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT for period ending December 21, 2013

Motion to approve ordering one new police squad car under state bid with the trade in of two used police squad cars with said car to be paid for with police department
enforcement funds

(Recreation & Parks, Airport, Buildings & Grounds)






Monday, December 23, 2013

Peru at-large referendum unchallanged « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru at-large referendum unchallanged « AM1220 WLPO News

My Thanks to the Peru Electric Department

This morning I would like to thank the Peru Electric Dept. workers for quickly coming to our home to solve an electrical issue that had developed over the past few days with  lights blinking off and on intermittently throughout the house  They took one look at the connection to the house and identified the problem, got up to the wires and it is fixed. Prompt and very courteous and we wish to thank them and we wish them a Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Who Has the Responsibility of Overseeing the Peru Ice Rink?

This questions has been asked on the blog and I didn't have an answer and still do not.  We all know that ice skating is a recreational activity and logically it should fall under the responsibilities of the Peru Recreation Board. Now many of the board members have a particular interest and they don't generally venture into unknown territory. One is informed about soccer, another girls baseball and another boys baseball and then of course there is tennis and pickleball and the Recreation Director Linda Kasik takes care of the summer recreation programs, movies in the park and at one time the Peru swimming pool.

In the past I believe that the Public Works Department kept it in condition so that people could skate on the ice.  For the last few years that hasn't happened and partly it was because the city council chose to locate the rink at Veteran's Park which is prone to extreme wind conditions and the ice did not freeze properly and it was impossible to maintain.

This year it was going to be at McKinley Park on the girls baseball field.  Last year Mayor Harl took it upon himself to purchase a $7000 ice rink setup and a zamboni machine to clean the ice for skating. The pictures above show the condition of the ice rink.  The weather has been cooperating the last few weeks and temperatures cold enough to keep the water frozen.  Yesterday several people were at the rink using snow blowers trying to clean the ice of snow and as you see above in the photos, it was not accomplished.  The First Ward which is the location of McKinley Park has 2 aldermen and not a word has been heard from either one Ald Tony Ferrari or Ald Becky Mueller regarding this  recreational activity located in the First Ward. Will this year be like last year and the entire winter will go by without a usable rink.  I understand that Ald. Perez of the second ward has been looking into the situation. He and Ald. Mueller of the First Ward are members of the Public Property committee and perhaps this should be under their management as this is public property. 

Someone either the mayor or the city council needs to take the reins and decide who is responsible as this is such a waste no matter how you look at it.

Not related to the city of Peru or any policy or any official. I am using this forum to post this for your benefit if you are interested.

No comments expected on this video and watch only if you have an interest in what you eat and how it affects your health or if you have been on a diet and trying to lose a few pounds and find it difficult. The speaker has a great sense of humor and speaks so much truth and in some ways you can almost put his views into a political context of our country and our city.
I have followed this advice for over a year and it does work.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Petitions Had Enough Signatures to Place The Change in Government on the March Ballot

Over 400 people signed the petition to put the change in Peru Government on the March Ballot.  Meaning now it is up to all of you voters to determine if you wish to move forward with the reduction in aldermen, one per ward and 2 at large.

The penniless in school: New report on homeless students - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

The penniless in school: New report on homeless students - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

This link will take you to the News Tribune for the article. This is the first time I have done this in a long time and I realize many will not be able to read it because you have used up your 5 reads to the paper. Go to the library or ask someone you know to share their paper with you. We here spend enough time discussing our city and its downhill slide and this is about real people and especially children having a very difficult time and they are living here and even sleeping in our local PADS shelter.
I think about all the money we spend needlessly and many times unnecessarily here in Peru and take a minute and think about having nothing. Most of us cannot do a great deal do help them but it does help to be aware. Ask anyone on the PPD and they can tell you about the increasing number of homeless people they encounter on a daily basis. Winter is a very hard time and especially during the very cold days and nights.

Peru could ban leaf burning on federal holidays « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru could ban leaf burning on federal holidays « AM1220 WLPO News

I am posting this so I can express my opinion on this proposed ordinance.  This is crazy. How many federal holidays fall in leaf burning season and how many people actually burn their leaves?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Because of Circumstances Here in Peru, Opening a New Post for Your Posts

It seems that there are a number of unresolved issues here in Peru and its residents have comments to make. I did see the resignation article in the N.T. when I was visiting with some friends and I do believe no reason was given for the decision.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

City Does NOT Receive Same Tax Levy

 (75 ILCS 16/10-60)
    Sec. 10-60. Home rule unit library; reduction of tax levy. If a tax supported public library of a home rule unit, as defined in Article VII, Section 6, of the Illinois Constitution, converts to a public library district under this Article, that home rule unit, for the year following the year of conversion, shall reduce its property tax levy by the amount levied by the home rule unit for the most recent year before the conversion.
(Source: P.A. 87-1277.)

Illinois is closing one day at a time - Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois is closing one day at a time - Chicago Sun-Times

Is he correct, Illinois is sinking quickly as more and more companies move out of this state?

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Streator to present first drafts of comprehensive, downtown redevelopment plans - The Times: Local

Streator to present first drafts of comprehensive, downtown redevelopment plans - The Times: Local

Topics are something to think about.  Peru has NO plans that I know about so some of the ideas put out could also apply to this city. All are food for thought even though our cities are very different.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Illinois Valley Random Act of Culture

Christmas Parade with Santa Claus Today in Peru

The parade will be starting at Rotary Park and will go to the Fire Station where treats will be distributed. Bundle up warmly, ifs cold out there. Starts at 1:30 PM.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Peru Registered Voters Please Pay Attention Read and Consider Signing the Petition

Attn: Peru Illinois, registered voters. A group of dedicated people are trying to get a referendum on the ballot for next March 2014 and have petitions for you to sign. The referendum is:


This would not decrease your representation, but actually increase it because you would have 3 aldermen you could contact in case you have a problem - your ward aldermen and the 2 at-large aldermen. The council has voted to reduce the number of council meetings from 4 per month to 2 per month. I believe that is saying there isn't enough city business to meet 4 times per month, so are 8 aldermen really needed? There would be an additional savings per year of approximately $11,000 by reducing 2 aldermen.

Contact me personally if you want to sign and have not had the opportunity. I may be able to direct you to someone that lives closer to you that can stop by with a petition. It is a rare opportunity in the city of Peru that you actually have the opportunity to move this city forward to a better and more responsible government.   This is not about, but I like my alderman, it is about the government taking responsibility for honestly governing this city and making aldermen responsible for more than their own ward.

Monday, December 02, 2013

The Council Had Many Expenditures on the Agenda Tonight

I did not attend the council meeting this evening so will be waiting for those who did or the local news sources to give us some clues as to how it was handled.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

From Our Family to Yours

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Might We Consider this Appropriate for Peru at this time?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Week in Peru

Since I live close to the Route 251 most of my travels take me through Peru and to the shopping to the north. Seldom go to the downtown area or anywhere very far west of Peoria Street. Anything you have noticed in town that you would like people to be aware of.

We had a very stressful and involved week with the rescue of a small kitten.  Learned  a lot about shelters and what they do and don't do. All is not what it seems locally with that situation.

I will not be bringing up anything this week of Thanksgiving and I know most with be busy with family and friends but the blog will remain open and I will be taking posts as usual.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Peru City Council Has Approved Further Investigation into Public Works

You have all read the News Trib and heard this on the radio so I will not repeat. In a nutshell, retired Judge Balestri will be asked to investigate if approved by the Peru City Council.

I will also add the Truck Gate onto this topic as it appears there are too many unanswered questions that are not even being asked at city hall.  Do we ordinarily insure all of our city vehicles? Was this dump truck insured or do we not insure dump trucks owned by the city? When was the last time this truck was used and for what purpose?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Overtime for Peru Employee Being Investigated

Now since the N.T. has printed at least part of the issue, Peru residents know that there is a problem.  I would hope this has not been a common practice for years in Peru or any other local cities.   If so, we do need a large broom to start cleaning house and hiring responsible representatives.
Many questions need to be asked and I hope the answers we receive will be honest and appropriate action disbursed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Voters of Peru Need to Do Some Soul Searching

We all need to remember that it has only been 7 months since we re elected Scott Harl as mayor of Peru. Even if it was only 37% of the vote, it was enough. I have asked myself and many others why did the people who voted for him do so. Was it party affiliation? Was it union affiliation? What about city contractors? And now I am asking was it because enough people were on the take to make a difference?
This is an extremely disturbing turn of events given that the mayor has just finished one term of 4 years. It also tells us why we have had very few new faces at city hall who were not loyal to the mayor. It sounds like all those involved got a little too comfortable. 3 long term employees were let go from their jobs with what appears to have been valid reasons within the last 6 months.
Some remember the mayoral debates at the Peru Library where the mayor indicated he did not interfere with department heads as he felt they were doing a good job. He did not choose to interfere with the unelected Recreation Board because he felt that they were doing a good job. He changed the committee structure to 2 aldermen on each instead of the normal 3 in previous years and when challenged on that he said the committees didn't have that much to do. Continually narrowing the involvement of other elected officials in city businesss?
Definitely more questions than answers and feel free to add yours.

Interestng isn't it?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Illinois is Broke - News and Updates

Illinois is Broke - News and Updates

But Peru seems to have funds, check the agenda for Wednesday. Wonder if they would consider cancelling the meeting?

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Reboot Illinois - Which counties have the highest property taxes?

Reboot Illinois - Which counties have the highest property taxes?

yes LaSalle is on the list

H-1B ObamaCare Bombshell | For The Good of Illinois

H-1B ObamaCare Bombshell | For The Good of Illinois

While looking for some information about how Obamacare will be affecting municipal employees, I came across this article that seems to indicate that the state of Illinois is outsourcing some jobs to India with regard to healthcare by a company called Cognizant.

Are the Dominoes Falling?

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Obamacare's Cadillac tax costly for public-sector workers

Obamacare's Cadillac tax costly for public-sector workers

Municipal employees have always had great health care insurance and it looks like there are going to be problems on the horizon.

The Cadillac tax will be levied on health insurance companies, which many expect will pass the tax along to governments. That leaves government officials with a big decision: They can cut employees' health plans so they fall below the Cadillac threshold; pass the tax cost on to workers; or eat the tax themselves and make other budget cuts. Each choice has consequences. "Quite honestly, the decision is almost unmakeable for a local official," says Sonny Brasfield, executive director of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama.

Read more: http://medcitynews.com/2013/11/obamacares-cadillac-tax-costly-public-sector-workers/#ixzz2k4VbMrZj

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

VORTEX Aquatic Structures International Inc. | World Leading Manufacturer of Splashpad Aquatic Playground Equipment, Poolplay and Spraypoint features

VORTEX Aquatic Structures International Inc. | World Leading Manufacturer of Splashpad Aquatic Playground Equipment, Poolplay and Spraypoint features

Highlights of City Council Meeting November 4

It appears that the Friends of the Peru Pool have made some headway on a long discussed topic in Peru. Many people knew that maybe we could afford a splash pad but not a pool for many years as fund raising was slower than anticipated. Finally maybe a slight dent was made into the NO's and maybe the city will help the group try and get a grant. They did not offer any financial help from what I could ascertain from the News Tribune write up but helping with a grant is a maybe.

The city is going paperless and does that mean no hand outs for the public at city council meetings? It sounds like it.

Also the city is considering buying computer notebooks for the officials! The alderman just got a raise in pay, maybe they should be paying for their own.

It seems that much of the packet which is mailed or delivered to the aldermen will now be on online in the near future.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Responsible Government for Peru

A Facebook page has been set up for information regarding the petitions being circulated in order to place some new choices for Peru on the March referendum.

The question will be:
Shall Peru Restrict the number of Aldermen to Six with one alderman representing each ward, plus an additional two aldermen to be elected at large?

The title of this posting is the title of the Facebook page.  Please stop by and add your like to it.


Friday, November 01, 2013

Reboot Illinois

Reboot Illinois

Sources of school funding unfairly distributed.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

New Topics for this Week

You might be interested in reading the new ordinance the city has enacted regarding vacant buildings.  The download for this ordinance is on the front page of the city web site plus a registration form download for registering a vacant building and paying the city $200.00 per year for allowing a bldg to remain vacant. Also an additional $500 fee for the city to inspect this vacant building.


Also the video for 10/14 is online and I did listen to it today. Mostly routine business but it left me with one pretty important question.  Ald. Potthoff brought up the walking+bike path at Baker Lake and how it all transpired which he stated he was satisfied with. It seems that the information was relayed to Chamlin Engineering and they took the project in hand and sent it out for bids. When and how I am not aware of. Why are we giving a project to Chamlin not for him to do but for him to find a contractor. Did we pay Chamlin to find the contractor? Could the city and the city engineer have found a contractor on their own and not have to pay an additional fee to an additional company, Chamlin engineering. Was the Public Works Committee not able to do this?

Sorry Ald. Potthoff you explanation simply left me with more questions.

Monday additional note: Does anyone remember where the November 11 Veterans Day Event was held last year or on previous years? We have a Veterans Memorial at Veterans Park but according to the video of this Oct. 16 mtg, this years November Veterans Day Program will be held at Washington Park. Any vets out there reading the blog know or remember where it was in past years?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Memory of Gary Eccles Former Peru Fire Chief and Condolences to His Family

I was asked to post a heading for friends of Gary Eccles to post their condolences to the family and this I will do as he served his community for some time and served it well.

I did not know Gary personally but only by name.  I do remember he would attend most city council meetings and always dressed  in official dress uniform which really impressed me that he was so proud of being the Fire Chief in Peru. Through the last few years after his dismissal from the job, I have not heard one nasty or critical comment about him and that leads me to believe he did his job with honesty and pride in his city. As the administrator of this blog I offer my condolences to his wife and daughters, to extended family members and to his many friends for their loss.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Does Washington School Have a Place in Peru in the Future?

In my opinion, Washington School is the last great piece of public architecture (beside our churches) we have left in Peru and it is truly a treasure that as a city and a people we should not allow to be razed saying it no longer is needed.

I have discussed with friends what it could continue to be used for but I would love to hear from you.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Peru removes building inspector and gives the job to the fire chief « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru removes building inspector and gives the job to the fire chief « AM1220 WLPO News

This will answer your salary questions on all the jobs.

It is Official Building and Zoning Inspector Chosen

At tonights city council meeting, Jeff King was chosen to be:

Full time Fire Chief
Fire Marshall
Safety Director
ESDA co Director
Building and Zoning Inspector

The ordinance was passed 4-3
Ald. Potthoff  No
Ald. Perez - Abstained
Ald. Mueller - Present
Ald. Radtke - Absent
The following aldermen voted yes

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Peru Elementary Board Talking About A New School « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru Elementary Board Talking About A New School « AM1220 WLPO News

I ask "What did Ottawa do with Lincoln School, that is older than Washington?"
"What is St Bede going to do about bringing their school up to code?"

What has the building of our city hall done to make this a better place?

When is this city going to learn to no keep tearing the heart of this city?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Would You Consider Other Types of City Government?

We have what is called a strong mayor - council city government with a city divided into 4 wards with 2 aldermen in each. La Salle is similar but Princeton, Oglesby, Ottawa and Streator have 4 commissioners each .  Princeton and Streator have city managers.

It looks like we have more paid elected officials in comparison to most except La Salle.

Considering recent changes in salary structure for the aldermen with more money for less meeting time, are you interested in change. Do you feel you are adequately represented? Would you like some of your aldermen to be at large instead of bound to one ward? Aldermen as a rule become very territorial and don't want others infringing within their boundaries. If you have unresolved problems in your ward, who do you reach out to.

How strongly do you feel about the current structure? Some of you have watched council meetings, are they working for you or working for themselves?

New Local Businesses in The Illinois Valley

Just read that Dunkin Donuts is coming to the vacant lot on Shooting Park Road in Peru.

La Salle recently opened a new deli downtown and another new business is scheduled to open nearby which I don't have any details on yet.

Oglesby is opening a new Hardware Store this week.

Anyone else have news of any new businesses in the area?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Doctor: Flesh-eating ‘Crocodile’ drug surfaces in Will County - Chicago Sun-Times

Doctor: Flesh-eating ‘Crocodile’ drug surfaces in Will County - Chicago Sun-Times

Posting for those who are not aware of this horror that is occurring not too far from Peru. Pass on to those you know. Pictures available online on the web and you tube.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

City Council Meeting Vote on Raising Salaries and Pool Referendum

City Council Baker Lake Path Discussion October 7

Trick or Treat in Peru Marquette Road and Surrounding Area

Each Halloween, the streets intersecting with  Marquette Rd and on Marquette itself which is a major north south road through the subdivision are congested with cars driven by parents bringing their children to trick or treat in the area. I believe some parents believe this to be a safe area and treats are given out by most home owners living there.

The problem occurs when some cars are parked on one or both sides of the road and children are walking from house  to house and crossing streets while parents are watching them. Others drive along while their children are walking and now add in the normal flow of traffic going north or south.

The city with the help of the police and esda will be handing out flyers encouraging people to park and walk with their children. People living there think this may bring more congestion to the area and you still have kids darting back and forth across the roads while parents sit in their parked cars.

While that part of the city is having issues, other parts of the city see little or no trick or treaters in their neighborhood and people do not even put on porch lights because their are few children in their neighborhood.

What do parents think of the solution?

Monday, October 07, 2013

Looking Back at the City Council Meeting Tonight

I did attend both meetings this evening but not sure I am ready to write up what I witnessed. I would say the most of the council were unaware that sitting in the audience was a City Manager from a city in California. I hope that this video does not do a disappearing act but we did have a citizen doing a video of part of it, just in case.

Council will meet 2x a month next year at the same rate of pay as when they had 4 meetings for most of this year. Ald. Perez objected stating if time spent on city business is less, so should their salary be.

Looking around during the mtg, I did observe a lot of head shakings going on and I surely do understand their sentiments.

Peru Committee Public Poperty Meeting and Regular Council Meet Tonight

Peru City Council Meeting at 7:30, complete agenda online on city web site, this is the Public Works Committee report.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Peru City Council Meeting Monday October 7

Mayor has placed on the agenda that  we go out for referendum with an increase in property taxes to build a swimming pool in spite of the fact that the Friends of the Peru Pool do not want this done. The votes on this could be routine or possibly interesting depending on the integrity of the council members.

Also Dept Supervisor of the Electric Dept. Jim Potthoff is retiring and the city will seek an electric dept superintendent/engineer to replace him.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Health Dangers of Inorganic Arsenic

The Health Dangers of Inorganic Arsenic

In municipal water supplies

Reading only for those interested in the health of yourselves, your families and community. Those who only think to make fun of my interest please do not read as you would only find more reason to call this a health blog and not a community government blog because you do not understand.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Is the City of Peru at a Crossroad?

Most days I have more questions than answers about the workings of the city and many of you do also. As far as I can tell, we have no plans for anything. The Friends of the Peru Pool is one small example of dedicated volunteers who want to work toward funding a pool in Peru at some time in the future. There is absolutely no cooperation from the city except a few words of praise for the hard working people who are trying to raise some funding. I have heard no explanation about what has happened to the money that would have been spent on maintaining the previous pool each year since it was demolished. This is a legitimate question and yet when Ms Noonan asked this question of the mayor at the last council meeting, his answer was "Proceed", meaning I won't answer that.

The city just  voted to "give" a contract to TEST without going for bids, in spite of the fact that Mayor Harl ran 2 mayoral campaigns, saying this would be corrected when he would be elected Mayor and people do have that in print.  And now when questions are asked on this blog about various aspects of our water service, bloggers immediately attempt to make them look foolish for even questioning the process and this only could be coming from TEST employees, families or friends,and elected officials. This administration has developed a network of contractors, aldermen and employees who makes sure that the votes always go in the right direction as directed by whom?

We have a smoke shop recently charged with selling illegal drugs which remains open, 2 smoke shops were raided at the same time and the other store in Spring Valley was closed while ours remains open. The minutes of a meeting at least 2 weeks ago said that legal counsel was working on this problem. It takes that long long to come up with an answer?

Communication is a vital function of any successful city and we have literally none. Your tax dollars are spent with or without your knowledge for the benefit of others ( as in retirement parties).  In spite of the frequent announcement of how much sales tax the city is generating, it seems there is not enough to plan for the future  or even for the average needs to maintain the city. Let's never forget we are so progressive we have a Lobbyist in Springfield looking out for our needs when what we really need is a City Manager.

All one has to do is drive around the city and it will speak for itself.  Knowing that the people in La Salle and Peru carry a long history of resentment towards each other which I do not understand and I a resident of Peru my entire life have never felt that we as a city were ever any better than LaSalle.  In fact there were times in the recent history of our city, I was frankly disturbed by  happenings in Peru.  The boundary line divides police, fire, ambulance but I hope that we are past the point that it makes a difference to the people of either city. I shop wherever I am getting the best buy and sometimes it is beyond either of the cities. We all have friends and family in both.

It is a worthwhile goal to hope that someday, city services would be combined to serve both La Salle and Peru in a fiscally responsible manner. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

EPA warns modernizing Chicago water system may boost levels of lead - Chicago Tribune

EPA warns modernizing Chicago water system may boost levels of lead - Chicago Tribune

This is not only about Chicago but many cities in the U.S including the Illinois Valley.  The complete article is in todays Chicago Tribune and is almost a "must read" especially since water is on our mind. Meeting the EPA limits on lead is not good enough. Any time your water system is disturbed as a water main break, lead can be released into your water flow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Twin Peaks at La Salle-Peru, Illinois | Visitors' Guide | Chicago Reader

Twin Peaks at La Salle-Peru, Illinois | Visitors' Guide | Chicago Reader

Wonder what the traveler really thought about his trip, sometimes it takes an outsider to show what many of keep trying to get across to those who rule.

Reboot Illinois

Reboot Illinois

Pay to Play in Illinois, does it filter from the top to the bottom?

Venable LLP | News & Insights | Publications | Newsletters | Political Law Alert

Venable LLP | News & Insights | Publications | Newsletters | Political Law Alert

Pay to Play 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Council Meeting Tomorrow 9/23

Mostly the meeting looks like routine business but this little snippet will be discussed again. Mayor Harl wants the pool to go out for referendum which I do not believe will pass.  They can then say the people have spoken, end of issue for now  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sodium in Public Water Supplies: An Increasing Public Health Concern

Sodium in Public Water Supplies: An Increasing Public Health Concern

It seems that I am not the only one concerned about the sodium we take into our bodies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Peru Council Meeting September 9 Part II Vote on TEST Contract

It appears that  City Hall does not wish you to see this council meeting as it is over a week and still it has not appeared on the city web site. This was done by a private party who attended the meeting last week.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Monday, September 09, 2013

Bidding on the Water/Waste Water Treatment is Over and No Bid Won and the People Lost by a 7-1 Vote

No surprises tonight except for Alderman Potthoff joining the clique. I really thought he was a thinking man but I guess I was thinking of the aldermen of the people he used to be.

Ald Sapienza needs to learn when people call him to express their opinions, they are calling him to solve a problem not to have him turn the tables by  asking them how they would solve the issue before him. I think his loud demanding tone of voice might have discouraged anyone in the audience from voicing even one thought. He was nasty and should apologize to all who took the time to call him.

Ald Waldorf really looked pretty smug. Pulled one over on the people he represents and who cares if they don't agree.

Ald. Radtke tried to compare it to the police and fire going out for a contract.

Lukosus, Mueller and Ferrari were pretty quiet.  Wonder if maybe they were thinking about all those people who wanted it to go for bid but they didn't have the hutzpah to vote for that solution.

Mayor Harl sat there in a chair, saying nothing, and I wonder if he was thinking about the times he said yes he wanted to have this contract go out for bid and how now he just couldn't jeopardize his office by expressing what he said when he was running for office. So now we all think he is just any old politician who would say anything to be elected and then throw all honesty and integrity out the window.

Atty Schweikert assured us that Christ Perra was 100% of the ownership. ??? I actually felt bad for Chris Perra that this city council put him on display when it wasn't necessary.
Last spring they should have started getting together information to go out for bids and explain to Chris Perra that the city needed to start following the rules they are supposed to and since this is a large contract extending for many years the city is required by Illinois Municipal law to do so.
In fact Ald. Sapienza further embarrassed Chris Perra by stating he had helped the city fight the fire at Westclox. Please remember that at the time of the fire TEST has an office in the Westclox building and I am sure he was trying to save and protect his own business.

An additional thought:
The council chambers were full to the brim with standing room only and yet during the last public comment, I thought perhaps a few people would express a comment pro or con and it was utter silence. After thinking about this, I believe that most of the people there had already talked to or emailed their aldermen and expressed their ideas to them and were there only to observe them as they discussed and voted on the TEST decision. If they were disappointed, I am sure they will share that with family and friends as will they talk to them about the attitude shown by their representatives.

Now the funny part which shows how uninvolved the mayor is, when no comments came forth, Mayor Harl sees his friend Vaccaro at the back of the room and says, Greg do you want to add anything about the BB gun club. Now why would he even say that?
It was almost like I want to talk about something I like or am interested in and I am not interested in water or waste treatment.

Mike Hart's Opinion to the Blog

Subject: Peru Forum

     During the Public Works Meeting held on August 19, 2013 a discussion/recommendation to renew the TEST contract was addressed.  Both Alderman Waldorf and Alderman Lukosus stated they recommended the renewal of the TEST contract without going out for bids.  They had Treasurer Hylla read a scenario  of what possible costs could be.  He stated 6 full-time employees salary of $315,000 per year and testing costs of $289,100 per year.  Does TEST currently have 6 full-time employees at the Water/ Waste Water plants now?  Or 4 full-time employees plus the cost of a secretary and company President Perra.  TEST has never explained how many are really employed at the Water/Waste Water locations.
     How many tests are performed to achieve a cost of $289,100.  I can understand biological wastewater reporting and testing and chloride testing of drinking water but at $100 to $150 a test this is an amazing amount of tests preformed.  TEST has held this contract without going out for bids for many years.  WHY?  Do certain individuals own interest in this company that are or were on the city payroll?
     It is time to require our City of Peru Administrators to place this contract out for bids.  Why the rush now, the contract does not expire until December 2013.
     During the August 26, 2013 regular council meeting representatives from a Water/WasteWater Treatment Company were in attendance and an elderly woman from Peru sitting near them.  The Mayor saw new faces and came over to ask what their purpose was in attending the meeting.  They stated their purpose, the mayor left and had Clerk Bartley return to them and inform them they would not be allowed to speak even during the Public Comment time at the end of the meeting.  The city was wrong according to the meeting rules.  Clerk Bartley called the representative on Tuesday to inform her they were wrong.  Citizens of Peru need to contact their elected Aldermen and Mayor and voice their displeasure of a Carte Blanc contract for TEST.  I attended both these meetings and will continue to attend meetings to get the correct information out to the citizens of Peru.
                                                                                                                  MIKE HART
                                                                                                                  PERU RESIDENT

Sunday, September 08, 2013

My First Ward Aldermen Replies to Me

Hello Lois.  Thank you for your interest in the City of Peru. I have heard from several citizens and listened to their opinions on this matter, as well as doing my own research. All I can do is ask you the same question I have been asking myself. "Is potable water and the proper treatment of the city's waste water worth $57.16 to each resident of Peru in 2014?" We are, after all, elected to look out for the health of the community as well as the tax dollars.

Best Regards,
Becky Mueller


Lois thank you for the e-mail this item will not come for a vote till september 9th, till then I willl be listening to feed back from my constituents.
Thank you
Alderman Tony Ferrari
If you live in the First Ward, you need to make sure that you call or email. Ald. Mueller has only heard several so please express your concerns to her. Ald. Ferrari would like to hear from you also.

Please let us know what you alderman says.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Test Inc Suburban Laboratories Explain

Test Inc and Suburban Laboratories

Scroll down the page until you come to Suburban Laboratories in partnership with Test Inc. I would like to know more about this partnership and what do they do for Test or for Peru and what does Test  do for them or is it none of our business?

Also I would also like to know the names of other municipalities (according to the N.T.) that they have contracts with because I am seeing a lot of smoke and would like to know where it is coming from.

City of Peru NO-BID Contract

Friday, September 06, 2013

The City Council Agenda is Available for Monday 9/9/13

The vote will be taken Monday as scheduled  and you can believe that there is a lot of meetings going on in the city and you can bet some of their are against the OMA with the mayor meeting with his very trusted friends.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Peru City Council Meetings

Will the TEST contract be tabled? Our city atty gave many excuses for the super majority vote and seemed to be a cheer leader for TEST, so what comes next.  Will you be at the council meeting and have you called your alderman? The majority would love to say that no one contacted them to express their views so be aware and be there.
Make sure you pass your News Tribune paper from tonight to your friends and neighbors and even make copies if need be. This Opinion from a Peru resident resonates what many have been expressing on the blog and to their friends about the lack of civility and rudeness expressed to them.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The IN KIND Scam Being Placed on the Residents of Peru by Our Government

Payment in Kind

What It Is:

Payment in kind refers to the use of a good or service as payment instead of cash.

How It Works/Example:

Payment in kind may be made for an exchange of goods or services for work performed. The value of the goods or services is considered an equal exchange for the work performed.

Examples for payment in kind may be room and board in exchange for home or grounds maintenance or company stock or other securities instead of cash in a retirement plan.

A loan is referred to as "paid in kind" when a similar article is returned by the borrower.  In the case of a will, payment in kind allows the trustee to make distributions to the beneficiaries using equivalent values rather than having to sell assets to get cash.   For example, if an estate is to be divided equally among beneficiaries, the items may be distributed based their value and not their actually conversion to cash, allowing the trustee to distribute cars, houses, jewelry, and even stocks of equal worth.

Why It Matters:

Payments in kind in the place of wages are still taxable. For example, employees will have payments in kind reported on their W-2 form. If a business receives payment in kind as a payment for goods or services, it must include the fair market value of the payment in kind item.  Payments in kind to business are reported on the business's Form 1099-B, "Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions."

My Source is: http://www.investinganswers.com/financial-dictionary/businesses-corporations/payment-kind-632

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Concert Revenue from Kristy

Photo Gallery - Village of Villa Park Creative Citizens

Photo Gallery - Village of Villa Park

This city near Chicago has such a great and creative web site and then I found the fire hydrants and had to share with you for a much needed light hearted fun.  Enjoy them I sure did.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Welcoming Committee at City Hall

I left the meeting last night thinking it was rather boring and no one had even made a public comment and now I am finding out why.

First let me tell you that last week after the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Harl called on Greg Vaccaro to make a comment. Now you have to know that there was nothing on the agenda regarding the BB gun club and he had not filled out his 3 x 5 card but he was allowed to comment. Why? I guess because he is the mayors friend.

Last night before the council meeting started and some of us were still in the community room a conversation was taking place in the council room that deserves some attention and briefly this is what happened. Some individuals from another Environmental company doing the same thing as TEST had decided to make the trip and present some information to our officials. I understand the mayor came to them and asked why they were at the mtg and they told him they wanted to make a few comments on the water treatment issue. He then went and got Bartley, Lukosus and Waldorf and came back to the people and they were told by Bartley doing the mayors job that they could not speak because the topic was not on the agenda.

You now see that it is fine when Mayor Harl wants his friends to speak against the council rules but when someone else wishes to speak the answer is NO. Add to this that the ladies had traveled some distance and were welcomed into Peru with rudeness by our elected city officials. Perhaps again another violation, it seems.  Peru doesn't only have one black eye, they have 2 now.

TEST Contract with Peru December 22, 2008 Fourth Rider

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Make Peru an Honest City Don't Let the Council Vote This NO BID Water Contract

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The city attorney dealt a serious blow last Monday when he told Waldoerf that he would not have time to complete a new contract by Monday thye 26th. Waldorf was attempting to rush it to a vote by Monday so that any opposition would have only a week to organize and educate the public on the situation.
In reading the "Fish Wrapper" this morning it appears that Mr. Waldorf and Mr. Lukosus have made a serious miscalculation by not confirming with Schweickert in advance that a contract could be prepared in one week.
The extra week may allow the public just enough time to let their elected officials know that this deal stinks to high heaven.
You actually have a rare opportunity here to make a difference. Do it!
10:14 AM, August 24, 2013

Public Property Meeting Monday August 26 and Council Agenda

City Council Agenda Aug. 26


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Super Majority Vote term used by City Attorney

After Ald. Waldorf gave us all the reasons why TEST is the only company able to do the work for the city and therefore we MUST "give" them the contract to continue their work, then it was the push was continued by Atty Schweikert.

And when Ald. Perez asked about bidding ANYTHING over $20,000, the city atty said not necessary if you have a super majority vote. So today everyone is asking what in the heck is a super majority vote. This only shows us that the deal is already sealed with TEST. The mayor, the city council and the atty have no desire to go out for bids for the large and long contract.
 Isn't it required by law?

I was not impressed with Ald. Waldorf or Atty Schweikert and their display of persuasive tactics attempting to convince the people they knew absolutely what they were talking about and we should not even be concerned that no bids would be sought beside that from TEST which has been already given to the city.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Have You Tried to Contact Your Aldermen Lately? And Other News

It was recently brought to my attention in the past week, that one alderman was unable to be reached, phone calls or emails unanswered.  Also emails to the mayor received no response. I thought they were called our representatives here in Peru.And just for your information, this happens to be the mission statement of our city, taken directly from their web site:

The City of Peru's mission is to provide top-quality, fiscally responsible municipal services in a manner that promotes the high standards of our City.  (please take note of the last phrase)

I guess the pickleball players are definitely feeling their oats and come to play early Sunday morning with lots of loud yelling and even profane language, all heard in the neighbors back yards and even homes. The neighbors were given the wrong information by a member of our city government and were told to circulate a petition with neighbors  because the players really wanted to play at Washington Park and not 28th Street and this was a for sure.  It turns out it was false because the players now say, if they agree to play at Washington Park, that means they don't like it at 28th street and they do like the 28th Street Park. They sure have a lot of friends down at City Hall while residents continue to have their privacy invaded. How can these people sleep at night?

Anyone notice a new fence on the west side of Baker Lake Park? And here we thought all physical changes to a park had to go through the Public Property Committee. This is Peru and it all depends upon who makes the request once again.

The ESDA building will be sold and it will become a gourmet burger place.

Alderman Decide NO to Applying for ITEP Grant

Several public comments preceded an announcement by Ald. Waldorf speaking for all of the aldermen that they would table the grant and not proceed with a vote. The public comments asked that the council not go for the grant but instead aim for a swimming pool.
The mayor later stated that he thought it was a mistake because this was an 80-20 grant, meaning we would only have to pay about 250,000, although we would have to upfront the entire amount and then be reimbursed for the 250.
On the swimming pool, the mayor would like to see it put up for a referendum to the voters and with the information that property taxes would have to be raised to maintain a swimming pool. He did mention that since the Friends of the Pool committee has now about $100,000, if they would be willing to put that into a splash pad, the city might be able to help with the additional funds needed for that structure. Granted some of that money would have to be returned to the donors as they only wished to contribute to a pool and not a splash pad.

The Public Works Committee is recommending that Test be rehired when their contract runs out. Ald. Waldorf and Ald. Lukosus made this decision. They studied some information from the Bureau of Statistics is what I think they said and then made their decision. As to the amount being over 20,000 and requiring the city to go out for bids by law, our city atty said it was not necessary if this is something like a "super vote"  So they use the 20,000 figure when they want more contractors to bid and when they don't they don't. I guess this is what we call open and honest government just like Washington DC.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Petition | City of Peru: Vote no to TRANSPORTATION ENRICHMENT PROGRAM | Change.org

Petition | City of Peru: Vote no to TRANSPORTATION ENRICHMENT PROGRAM | Change.org

The link sent this morning no longer works.  This is the site I was originally sent to but no longer can access with that link posted. I am not indorsing this project at this time but am posting it if you wish to sign the petition. I am not in favor of the bike path at this time or the swimming pool either due to the over $100,000 season upkeep on top of the initial expenditure for the pool.

Friday, August 16, 2013

City Council Meeting Date Day Change to Monday August 19

The meeting day and date was changed to Monday August 19 because of the ITEP
grant schedule (Illinois Transportation Enchancement Program).

The last day to apply for the grant is 8/20. This is the same program approval that was tabled last week. I have asked for information on this project from the city clerks office through a foia but it seems they don't have anything other than the map which I received.

Quote from the ITEP web site is:

"ITEP 2012 Announcement
CHICAGO – January 30, 2013. Governor Pat Quinn and Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann Schneider today announced a nearly $50 million investment in community transportation projects throughout Illinois. The latest round of funding through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) will support more than 400 jobs through 54 projects, including bike paths, walking trails, historic preservation and streetscape beautification projects in communities across Illinois. The ITEP is a federally-funded, competitive program that encourages transportation-related enhancement projects in a variety of categories. Read More | Approved Projects."

Some of you may remember that this subject of a bike path through La Salle Peru was brought up prior to the election 3 years.  At that time we gave Chamlin Engineering the job of drawing up a map of possible routes that would connect with La Salle and then go on west. The problem is that no further route extensions were done.  This was eventually to connect with the Hennepin Canal and be a part of a great bike trail titled the Kaskaskia Trail through northern Illinois but at this time I understand there is NO Kaskaskia Trail..

 Based on this estimate the local share portion of the project will be $250,589.58 which will need to be an upfront payment and then we would be reimbursed by the state.

I understand at the Recreation Board meeting this past Tuesday there was someone present who lives in LaSalle and is working on the routes but he  is not a part of the La Salle administration.

If interested you might want to speak with your alderman before the meeting Monday as I understand some of them might be more interested in a swimming pool than a bike path.

TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 1,252,947.90 and our cities portion would by the 250 thousand plus, the rest would be covered by the state. I have the itemized listing.

The most recent video is posted so please take a minute to watch as there is some relevance to the grant. Not sure the aldermen have received enough information to make an informed decision from looking at this video.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Buy A Pizza And Support Peru Little Leaguers « AM1220 WLPO News

Buy A Pizza And Support Peru Little Leaguers « AM1220 WLPO News

La Grotto wants more of your money. A pizza costs how much? A dollar from each to Little League.....what is the message we are getting?

We are in the process of adding up the city expenses so far from the last concert and will detail them to you when available.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Are There Regulations and Rules About Informing All Aldermen About Special Meetings

I don't know the proper procedure about informing all aldermen when a special meeting will be held and their attendance is requested but common sense says it starts with the mayor and in this day of electronic communication, it should only take one email and a BCC or CC to each one requested to attend.

Why is it happening that we have one alderman who is not receiving messages and the mayor and others insist he is being texted. He is the one alderman who is persistent in his attempts to work for the city and do what is right.  Last week you may have see there was a Public Works Mtg (closed session only).  I only know that because someone told me and I am absolutely sure that the other alderman don't check the city web site everyday looking to see if a mtg has been posted that they should know about.

Being an elected official involves accepting responsibility for your actions and it is not happening. I did not go to this meeting for personal reasons but certainly know many who did and I am hearing the same from each and every one of them. The slogan has become "Go my way or the highway". There is no room for dissension in this city. This video should be on quickly, I hope it does not disappear.

Lets Swim Again

Lets Swim Again

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It Appears There is a Failure to Communicate

I have a listing of 2013 city council meetings scheduled for the year made up by the city and it shows a meeting for the date of August 12 and those who were interested in attending have looked for an agenda of which there is none on the city web site. They may post one at city hall and use that as an excuse so we will need to see what surfaces tomorrow.

I do know that we went through this with a complaint to the A.G. one other time. Perhaps they are distracted down at City Hall.

Activity at the Former Crazy D's Truck Stop or Flea Market

There was a blog posting several days ago about the union rat appearing at the demo of the old Crazy D's truck stop which was formerly Hamiltons and most recently a "flea market" which ended about 2 years ago.

The property has been for sale but has had no takers and the owners decided to take the building down in an attempt to make the property more desirable to a buyer.  They hired non union labor and began to the razing of the building. And that is when the rat made his entrance because they were not using union labor. The rat truly loves coming to Peru considering the number of times he has made an unasked for appearance.

The rat is gone and I understand the laborers are also gone and the building is standing half razed and will probably remain in that condition. You all know how I feel about this, so I won't go on any more. I have been told more times than once that Peru is a very unfriendly town to business and perhaps they are right.

MyWebTimes : Flying too costly? Bill looks to limit state legislators' use of executive planes

MyWebTimes : Flying too costly? Bill looks to limit state legislators' use of executive planes

Interesting since this city has an airport

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Concert Revenue Due to the City of Peru

I believe according to ordinance Payment to the city is overdue.

Sunday, August 04, 2013


Inter-State Consolidated Emergency Reporting Network
LODD- LaSalle Co- Peru PD K9 dog. While responding to an Armed Robbery incident 1849 hrs the handle was involved in a motor vehicle accident fatality injuring his partner Kali a female Belgian Malinois. Our thoughts and prayers are with the officer and the Peru police Department in this tragic event.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

A Beautiful Day in the Illinois Valley

We certainly couldn't ask for a nicer day in the summer than today, no wind, not too hot and not stormy. With that in mind, why has our electricity been on and off for about the last 1 1/2 hours?

Noticed it first while having a late lunch when one of our fans stopped and started intermittently. A phone call was interrupted at least 3 times when power was once again interrupted. Computer was down and it didn't pay to restart because it kept shutting off.

It is back on now @2:30 and keeping my fingers crossed.

Central States has a game today and I believe it might be in Peru.

Car show and other activities up the road in Cherry, so hope the police don't block off travel up the Plank Road in favor of the once again For Profit Concert. My personal opinion is that the point of the concert series is for profit as no town this size can support continuous charity events and the donations are more for organizations not for real causes. We should be getting a wake up call on this pretty soon.

One of the interesting expenses is that each person involved in parking cars is wearing a carpenters apron and yes these were one of the expenses paid for by the city. Surely not a big expense but interesting. Most of these people happen to be our city aldermen. So many things in town, they could be volunteering their time for and this is their choice.?????

Friday, August 02, 2013

PEDELTY BOX: Streator Youth Baseball enjoying best of both worlds - MyWebTimes.com

PEDELTY BOX: Streator Youth Baseball enjoying best of both worlds - MyWebTimes.com

Honestly none of my children participated in local little league baseball so I know little about the adventure that it is.  With Central States coming in this weekend, I found this article written in the Ottawa Times a very good read. The Concert tomorrow is dedicated to supposedly bringing money to Peru Little Leagues and we have parks dedicated to baseball. The term "travel teams" really had no meaning to me  although I had heard for the last several years that it has become very big in  youth baseball
If little league or youth baseball is an area of interest, I think you will find this interesting .

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

City Council Meeting Monday July 29

Council Meeting Video is ready for viewing.

Discussion on the abandoned gas stations. A bank asked the city if they were interested in purchasing the Marathon station on Fourth St that has been out of business for some time..

Casey's is requesting annexation of the property located at 2950 Fourth Street. No further information was given, but is this the location of the old quonset hut outside the city limits? Is Casey's interested in building something similar to the one in Spring Valley in west Peru? Would that be something to be excited about in the Fourth Ward?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ideas Floated Around For Ottawa Riverfront Development « AM1220 WLPO News

Ideas Floated Around For Ottawa Riverfront Development « AM1220 WLPO News

What an interesting idea, bring the people together and brainstorm ideas. An overflow crowd shows how well this was accepted by the city officials. Can you even imagine this happening in Peru? Asking people what they would like not telling them after the fact that this is the way it will be. No wonder Ottawa has become a model city because of their superb leadership and relationship with their residents. It means a lot for a resident to be proud of their community.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Public Property Meeting Concerns

One of the concerns before the Public Property Committee composed of Ald. Rodney Perez and Ald. Becky Mueller is the desire of the Soccer Teams to expand the number and size of the fields located in the Baker Lake Park. I believe that Peru is one of the first locations in which soccer fields were situated locally and I am told up to 500 kids participate. The problem seems to be that they have outgrown their current fields.

One of the promoters of this private organization is Larry Wiede who also happens to be a member of the Peru Recreation Board. He and another person that I don't know the name have requested from the Recreation Board the need to eliminate some trees at the park for the purpose of making more soccer fields and bigger fields.. Two of the trees marked for cutting down are very old oak trees that have been in their location for generations. As far as most of the Recreation Board is concerned it sounds like they have no objection to this tree elimination project. It will have to go before the city council for a vote.

It amazes me that a couple of people who privately have started a number of soccer teams for all ages can tell the city what they want done and up to tonight no objections were raised. There are a number of new soccer fields on the drawing board and I believe that La Salle will build 2 at their new Rotary Park and the LP Sports Complex will also some time in the future put in soccer fields. Peru also plans on building new restrooms in the western part of Baker Lake Park for the teams.

Each sport in the city has their season and that means that the baseball and soccer fields are not used all year round and yet these sports take up so much space and are scattered around the city in our parks. I don't believe children are allowed to use them for fun baseball without being on a approved league team. So we end up with a lot of land used for only approved league play and not for just being a kid. Do we as a city need to get together with La Salle and perhaps Oglesby to find out what plans they have for soccer fields and jointly take on soccer and coordinate the use of the soccer fields.

Does the city need to take a deep breath and take stock of our parks and their use and talk to our neighbors?

Don't forget we still have an ice skating rink in storage and we don't know where that will be placed either.

And the airport will host another concert this Saturday and if there is money to be donated it will go to the Peru Little League.