“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Peru Registered Voters Please Pay Attention Read and Consider Signing the Petition

Attn: Peru Illinois, registered voters. A group of dedicated people are trying to get a referendum on the ballot for next March 2014 and have petitions for you to sign. The referendum is:


This would not decrease your representation, but actually increase it because you would have 3 aldermen you could contact in case you have a problem - your ward aldermen and the 2 at-large aldermen. The council has voted to reduce the number of council meetings from 4 per month to 2 per month. I believe that is saying there isn't enough city business to meet 4 times per month, so are 8 aldermen really needed? There would be an additional savings per year of approximately $11,000 by reducing 2 aldermen.

Contact me personally if you want to sign and have not had the opportunity. I may be able to direct you to someone that lives closer to you that can stop by with a petition. It is a rare opportunity in the city of Peru that you actually have the opportunity to move this city forward to a better and more responsible government.   This is not about, but I like my alderman, it is about the government taking responsibility for honestly governing this city and making aldermen responsible for more than their own ward.


Anonymous said...

Having less representation is better governing? It doesn't add up. In Ottawa the committee structure defines the work of the elected. Peru's form of governement has all the elected in every vote. I doubt that those that represent areas of your town have much to do with the local ward. It would make much more sense to have 8 at-large elected officials.

Anonymous said...

We thought you got rid of Baker, Judy, Don, JACK, Bob, etc, etc over the last 5 years. Now you got a new slate and your not happy with them? Residents will quickly understand that the petitions that are circulated every few months are the work of those that have personal agendas.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I think we will save even more than $11,000 when you factor in all the expenses we're stuck with each year to send these aldermen and their spouses to the IML Convention. With two less aldermen we will save an additional $3,000 not having to send two of them on the phony-baloney TEST/Chamlin appreciation weekend in the big city.
Plus, we might not have to suffer the insult and indignity of having to pay for hotel-valet service to park Lukosus's vehicle.
What kind of a "schmuck" does that to the people who elected him!
Wish I could take back my vote and give it to Weberski. We need people with integrity more than ever in this city. The ongoing payroll scandal has proven that.

Anonymous said...

1:57 pm,
Part of the appeal of this referendum is the opportunity it provides because it means six seats will be open come 2015.
We need as much "turnover" as we can get from the current council.
Six or eight total, it doesn't matter when you consider larger cities like Ottawa and even smaller cities like Utica that govern just fine with only four representatives on the legislative level. We need new faces on our city council. Whether it be four, six, or eight. We need to vote them all out except Rodney Perez. All the others including Harl have done nothing but spit in our faces with the decisions they have made. No-bids, cutting the number of meetings in half while keeping the same pay. They need to go.

Anonymous said...

Hey 2:12, What you're referring to is "activism". And what you don't seem to understand is that activism is the never-ending pursuit of supporting candidates that just might improve our city.
We will continue to work for those who we beleive will do good things. At the same time we will be working against those that have failed us. That's how it works for those of us who are passionate enough to make the effort.
I guess we could be like you and just sit there and hope for the best. That's how we ended up with Judy, Jack, Bob, Baker, and now Harl, Sapienza, Waldorf, Lukosus, Ferrari, Mueller, and even Potthoff. The bottom line is this, "The work is never done. If you work to elect somebody and they fail to do the job you fire them and hire somevody else.
All you're doing is defending the status quo. Get out and "work" for what you think is right instead of criticizing those of us who do.

Anonymous said...

Excellent comment 2:48. In the private section, most of those aldermen along with the mayor would have been fired by now for their incompetence and excessive spending.

Anonymous said...

If saving money from elected officials is the main thought of this plan. What's wrong with eliminating all of the city officials and just have a group of "activist bloggers" come once a month and make decisions for all of the residents. Maybe even volunteer for police patrols, fire hose detail, and water testing. What a utopia of fun for those self-qualified individuals who have annointed themselves as "community activist".

Anonymous said...

Funny, I tend to believe that some others have more knowledge and qualifications as being a building/code enforcer then the one who was appointed that position by Harl. You may be on to something 4:20. A few days ago on the evening news there was a city that shut the doors down of their fire department. This city contracted $250,000 a year to the city next to them for their fire service and this being done is saving hundreds of thousands dollars a year. Peru should do this with laSalle. If I remember correctly from the news the city had a population of 100K that shut their FD down.

Anonymous said...

We could change to a council manger form of government and reduce the number of aldermen at the same time. But I guess that is not the plan.
Come to think of it, if you get down to brass tacks, the real problem is there is no PLAN. No vision of what we want our city to be 5, 10, and 20 years from now. No goal to work towards. Even Harl would be an effective leader if there was a real plan. But no. The lack of vision leaves us with tax, borrow, spend, and repeat.
OK folks, times a wating. Did we get that fire works contract yet :)

Anonymous said...

When the city can give away a contract to TEST without any other bids I really doubt 11,000 in savings on aldermen pay really means much. It will still come down to politics (no matter how many), just who kisses who.

Anonymous said...

It seems the ballot inititive is about getting a chance to replace the current Aldermen. The reduction in numbers is just a bonus. Here's what I don't get. Why change the whole system when the system isn't your problem, your problem is the people? If you want to replace the Aldermen, why not just vote them out at the normal election cycle? We all know why. Your chosen candidates are unelectable. You now know this too. Since you can't get unelectable people into office, your only choice left is to go nuclear and remove a couple of the electable people. Most people call that revenge, and it is definitely not a just or sound reason to play with people's form of representation. This petition drive reeks of some leftover anger over losing an election or some deep rooted personal agenda aginst a local water company receiving a legal contract. I find it sad. So will the voters.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:43 PM

Believe and know that many people have and are talking about a manager to run the city because in this day and age just plucking someone in the city and have him run for mayor will not work. Specialists in city management will happen but most did not believe the residents would be ready to take this all at once...reducing aldermen, adding at large aldermen and then add a city manager might have accomplished anything. One step at a time and it will happen it people open their eyes and ears.

Peru Town Forum said...

left out "not", might not have accomplished anything.

Peru Town Forum said...

Last nights council mtg is on video now on the Peru web site.

Anonymous said...

$35,219.00 is in the cash received column. This is the amount recieved from the claim on the stolen dump truck.
Is this the final chapter about the dump truck? At what stage is the Peru Police Department at in its investigation? Is the insurance company going to conduct a investigation of its own or is it going to simply raise premiums to get the $35,219.00 back it has paid the city? How many similar claims has Peru filed in past years? How did someone get this truck out of a locked garage and fenced in locked yard if they didn't have a key? Or was it even taken from this garage? As you can determine on your own payroll is not the only descrepancy open for further investigation.
By the way what was the cost of the replacement dump truck without the claim money included?
Has any city official questioned the proper authorities openly at a city council meeting in regards to this dump truck? Peru had a insurance consultant for years paying him $7500/year upon moving to a different company he resigned? It was always a must to have this position filled previously why has it been left open for a extended amount of time? It was always understood that as a consultant his firm was liable for his mistakes if they occurred? Is the consulting engineering firm or TEST financially liable for their professional mistakes with the city??????? If the answer is NO, why not they reflect themselves as being professional also.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:46 PM

Glad to see someone looking through the disbursements of the city of Peru. As you say, there are lots and lots of things to question. I watched the video this evening and at the beginning Ald. Radtke brings up the fact about the insurance company paying the city the 35,000+ you mention.

I will be doing a foia on some cell phone expenses. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

I have thought it was very strange from the beginning that no one in our city government expressed any outrage that this happened or any interest in what had happened or any further investigation. Do you suppose they are all in the know?

Anonymous said...

To 8:02 pm, You are at least right about one thing. The referendum is primarily about "a chance to replace the current aldermen".
There are additional benefits, but replacing most of the aldermen is the ultimate goal, and the only hope to correct things like No-Bid contracts and payroll scandals.
What you are wrong about is your interpretation that you can determine who is electable and who is not. Fortunately, that will be up to the voters, not you. As you are obviously a supporter of the status quo in Peru, I'm sure the "activists" working to pass this referendum have little concern for your interpretation. Folks with your mindset, like the status quo crowd in Peru have never been known to actually work with real passion for their chosen candidates. Those candidates are vetted by and supported by the insiders who have the most to gain financially in the city of Peru. Private companies that make their living off the taxpayers of Peru. Engineering companies, water companies, hardware supply companies, insurance companies, and attorneys. By criticizing this grass-roots effort, you are essentially defending the many status quo decisions made by the current council, including No-Bid contracts. If you want to embrace that type of policy then that's sad. I believe the activist grass-roots folks out there are clearly holding the high ground, and so will the voters of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Watching the city council video. I see it was stated that the building that Maze owns is now costing the city $900.00/month
($10,800.00/yr). I seem to remember this building for $800/mo just a couple of yrs ago - or was it less?

Increased rental fees are usually a result of demand due mainly to location and limitations. A building so secluded and (apparently) not protected against vandalism and theft would certainly not carry increased rental fees. Of course, that logic does not apply to government dollars.

A quick ride past this area's entrance shows that road is lined with excessive foliage and trees. Who maintains this or does the cost of rental incur this labor as well?

I believe it is important that the tax payers (who are indoubt about this theft and the actual investigation of this theft) should be made aware of exactly what was done in the investigation by local police and the insurance company. A full size dump truck is no small item and for it to be stolen without a trace of evidence sure gives me pause to reflect on our Police and even the Insurance adjustors.

Lots of questions:
1. How does this reflect upon the city's payments?
2. Are Insurance Companies granting easier claim procedures?
3. Has this ever happened before to the City - whether a truck, tanks of gas, etc.
4. How many claims have been made against equipment loss per year and, if so, what increase or decrease in premiums paid by the city have been incurred.

Does anyone really believe that a insurance corporation simply operates under the business practice of paying $35,000+ claim and not getting the money back? Questions, questions and more questions!!!

Anonymous said...

I hear many indirectly upset about the city council's requset of a investigation. It sounds like the most recent call to ouster the officials is in direct payback to those making accusations against the Peru Mayor. A recall, changing the form of government all for revenge. The unions, the party, the appointed, the former supporters, all have been teamed up to create a new diversion. I signed the petition, I enjoy a good conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

I also recall that the rat trap that the city is renting from Maze was supposed to cost $800 per month. They also stated in an open council meeting that they would "donate the rent money to the city infrastructure fund." I wonder how that is going. Everyone just kind of dropped their jaw when they said that and the obvious question was asked - "that sounds kind of silly, why not just let the city use the building for free then." But the Mayor said, "what they do with their money is their business, if they want to give it back that's ok with me." As I recall, the return of the money was the main reason for Peru entering into the agreement. I wonder if they are still giving the money back....

Anonymous said...

Lois, I have spoken with Alderman Perez after IML Conference and I never heard mention the J Potthoff was at the conference, to my surprise I see a $295.00 charge to payment to cardmember services for Potthoff for electric 2013 IML Conference....was he or was he not at conference?

Anonymous said...

Stop the petitions and look back at how good you had it for many years. Full disclosure: just a citizen who was happy the way things used to be.

Anonymous said...

11:12 surely mr. potthoff must have been there for something. maybe just overnight because his expenses are cheap compared to everyone else who attended. (party?)

Anonymous said...

I won't sign this petition either. I am an advocate of the council manager form of government. The savings realized by reducing the number of Alderman is insignificant. If we are going to make a change like this, we need to include the change to council-manager.
The council-manager form of government is very different than simply hiring a manager (which would actually be called an administrator if the government type is not changed). If we just hire an administrator, that person is no different than any other hired department head and will still answer directly to the Mayor. In the Council-Manager form, the City Manager is insulated and answers to the entire council only. The council and mayor can not be involved in the day to day operation of the city and they cannot be involved in hiring or firing of front line employees. The manager is also bound by specific rules as spelled out in the municipal code. The manager would also be bound by a code of ethics similar to a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.
That is the change we need to make. Granted, a qualified City Manager (not administrator) will cost about $150K per year for a town our size. However, when we change to that form of government, the position of Clerk and Treasures would go away. We can also choose the number of Alderman we want and if they represent Wards, are at-large, or a combination.
I am convinced that is the only way Peru is going to progress.

Anonymous said...


Peru Town Forum said...

12:28 PM

I explained all this previously and I am not going to do it again. You surely must know that most big decisions are a series of small steps or you would have something like obamacare on your hands. If you are going to wait for a sudden and immediate change to manager-council, I believe you will have a very long wait unless the city gets tangled into a bigger mess than they are now.

Anonymous said...

Lois, please remember that by changing the number of Aldermen now, the terms will be reset with the potential result of an entire new council. Then, when we decide to change to a Council-Manager form of government, the terms could be reset again.
Furthermore, we can't simply hire a manager. Everything would be the same - just one more highly paid individual in the mix. We need to change to Council-Manager. The people will not put up with a series of small steps. We need to get it over with at once.

Anonymous said...

11:19 anon or Slueth? Great catch! Lets not jump to conclusions yet Until records are requested. What night would he have stayed the night for Fri?
Did Rodney see him at the party or did he not go?
Maybe double check with Rodney to see if he saw JP at the conference. I think Rod is a straight forward guy and tell the truth.
Will these supers ever realize their cheating days are over?

Anonymous said...

Stop the conviction of those who may or may attended a meeting, convention or workshop. Post the actual expenditures and then make your conclusions. City department heads are required to attend meetings like the electric meetings in Springfield. Does it sound a little bit hypocriticial if you ask Rodney to verify expenses and not list his own(educational expenses of course).

Anonymous said...

8:02 PM -----KEEP POSTING!

You hit the target on the post and have got the predictable response.
Yes, its about revenge. And its always easy to call out the word corruption and mention names of the current city council members. In the name of democracy. I would bet the Maude Powell statue that if any of those city elected leaders had anything that resembled the word illegal, that those conspiracy analyist would have them charged in a heart-beat.
Sometimes its easier to change the form of government than get elected. Or make the rules to run unopposed to be elected. Either way is not the best form of democracy for Peru or anywhere.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:24 PM
There is absolutely no revenge involved in the PAL Initative. We are all honest hard working people who live in Peru. In fact many of us have been working for the last 8 years to improve the representation in Peru.
Admittedly many of us worked to elect the current mayor and all of us would gladly take our vote away if that would be possible.
Working for the betterment of this city is our only goal.
Anybody that has been watching the activities of the present administration from the present scandal, to the concerts for a cause that produced no funds for the cause to the failure to produce a long range for for Peru. On and on while cities on all sides of us are licking their chops and going for the gold.
I suggest you stop the prescriptions and look at reality.

Anonymous said...

Is Concerts for a Cause funding a City of Peru issue? No, its a decision by the promoter. According to the news articles, the city received monetary fees for the concert production. Is the recent scandal outlined in the front page a city issue? No, its a isolated investigation.
Again how easy it is to list "present administration" as the lynch squad. That term present administration includes all the department heads, city clerk, treasurer, alderman, police chief, fire chief, zoning office, etc. If your implications are that everybody needs to be changed then say that. Do you really believe that it was the administrations decision that failed to provide funds to those causes? Or do you really believe that all are involved in some great scandal?

Anonymous said...

4:00 I agree it should not be a City of Peru issue, but the city got so deeply involved in giving away services and extending itself to assist the effort, they actually became entangled in the misnamed and unusual events.

If it actually was a Charity event, some of the actions of the Mayor and the council might have made sense.
it is not and has not been.

It's a big deal. Lots of taxpayer money and city liability for what turns out to be a misrepresented private enterprise. It might have seemed right to get behind such an event, but in the end it will come back to haunt this city and those individuals.

The administration is at fault for the years of support WITHOUT receiving funds, lack of investigation of the funding model, risk of the airport grant, and endangering the public by not having adequate crowd control or event capacity guidelines.

You dont have to have a major catastrophe or attorney general indictment to point out mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

12:33 What is wrong with the 1st ward in comparison to others?

Anonymous said...

8:02 and 2:24 welcome to the club. If you disagree with Lois or the bloggers you are an "insider" or Lois will give you a degrading insult about your "prescriptions". Yet she will weed out posts that are not convenient to her cause or that are insulting to the bloggers. We all know that. Thank you for the smart post though. It's a rare find on here.

Anonymous said...

I have confirmed the petition collectors have rallied the amount of signatures required to place it on the ballot, I really think focus is on current alderman and the referendum will be a vote on how council handles issue.

Anonymous said...

8:02 and 2:24 who seem to have a problem with the people that have taken an active role to improve the quality of elected representation in Peru. I don't understand your criticism of people that dedicate their time and efforts to elect quality candidates. This petition drive is provided for by Illinlois law and anyone is entitled to pursue it to referendum. Call it revenge if you will, but these people are working for what they believe in. This referendum is democracy in action.
Straight forward, legitimate, democracy in action.
Judging by your comments you must be satisfied with the current group of aldermen and that I support your right to say so.
However, there are many folks who are not satisfied and they are trying to legally and lawfully facilitate some change in those aldermanic seats. It's not revenge, it's the American way. If you don't like your representation, you work to oust them. Simple as that.
I respect your opinion so you should respect mine.

Anonymous said...

someone stated harl could be an effective leader if there was a plan-if he were truly an effective leader HE would have a plan-clearly he does not.

Anonymous said...

7:56 - that was sort of my point - he could be a leader only IF he desired to drive a long term plan for Peru.

Anonymous said...

The people circulating the at-large petition will be going door to door Saturday morning. They will also be at the Christmas parade.

Anonymous said...

i just hope that everyone who makes rude and horrible personal comments and not productive ideas or solutions will run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the petition should be taken into bars/eating establishments on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Some places sell tickets for prizes, people selling raffle tickets for school sports/activities, candy bars, Girl Scout cookies, wrapping paper, candy, cheeses, etc... Get my drift? What would be wrong with a petition? Better yet, where is the city Christmas party this year? If there is one, take the petition there. Wonder who would be squirming? Too funny. Partying on taxpayers money. Petition taken to school Christmas programs. Ask school if a table could be set up. Have a neon sign made up.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:22 Why are you so against "CHANGE" and striving to keep things status quo. Peru presently has a mayor in office who fits your description. No one, no matter how old, remembers a investigation such as Peru is now conducting in the towns long history. This is something to be really proud of!

Anonymous said...

I was talking with a couple guys at the coffee shop. I think these two guys know allot of what goes on in Peru they seem to think this fiasco down at city hall is far from over and this could very well be the end of Mayor Harls political career. I find it hard to believe anything will happen with some above average citizen doing that criminal investigation. I'm sure this judge won't question the people who really need to be questioned. .

Anonymous said...

Is it true that a city official who resides on Knob Hill suggested to create a seperate taxing body for the Peru Public Library and the library board to manage? What position does this elected official hold and does he know that LaSalle County has beteen 140 to 160 taxing bodies already in existence.
This is an overload of existing taxing bodies! How long ago has it been since this person has been to the library besides for the Mayors debate? Being an elected city representative he should know that the library has a high usage in Peru by all ages and income groups especially since advanced technological innovations, such as computers, have become a big part of library life. All one has to do to witness the amount of people who use these comuters is to walk into the library.
It is apparent that he does not realize the importance of a library being in Peru. A city that has an educational system where over 43% of its students are on an assisted food program should tell you that an outside source which can help them by offering educational tools at will and which their families cannot afford, does not understand the needs of the city.
I believe that our tax dollars should be returned to the community in the form of services that benefit the majority such as splash pads, swimming pools and libraies rather than paid to public officials in the form excessive and increasing salary and pension.
What did this official's introductory wage and what %age has it increased in the last 5 years and who has appointed the Peru Library Board of Directors if these officials are dissatisfied with the boards finacial aspirations? The library boards present financials wants are supported by state mandate.

Anonymous said...

7:57 how is this person wanting status quo? They just referenced the rude and horrible comments on the blog and those people should step up. I agree. Some of the comments on here are very ugly and don't justify it because people feel like they've been treated rudely at city council meetings. Stick to policies and issues you disagree with but please don't defend the ugliness on here. It is awful and one of the many reasons no one takes is seriously.

Anonymous said...

And the way some citizens are treated by their representatives (aldermen) and the mayor is ugly. If you're not part of the status quo and if you don't obey the rules you're disciplined for your behavior. If you're part of the "elite" club you can do whatever you please. Is this the American way? Not in my books. So if this blog allows people to vent their frustrations more power to its founder - Lois!!!

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that the payroll scandal needs to be thoroughly investigated by someone who has ABSOLUTELY NO TIES WITH ANY PERSONS OR WITH THE CITY, UNIONS, etc. A person such as a retired judge who can still practice law has no business doing this investigation. PERIOD! Alderman of peru, doesn't this seem like common sense to you? AN HONEST INVESTIGATION SHOULD BE DONE. I find it interesting that a retired judge from LaSalle county agreed to do an investigation.

Anonymous said...

10:33 You are absolutely correct about the elite group. This cannot be disputed, it is fact.

Anonymous said...

10:33 what names have they called you? Have you been called fat or lazy or been accused of a crime? That is what is on the blog.

Specifically, how were you personally treated rudely by your aldermen or the mayor? How has anyone been "disciplined" by these people? I'm not saying it is not true, I'm just asking for examples of these things from your experience when you have tried to communicate with them. Please share.

I am a nobody and I have never been treated negatively at all. I just don't get someone saying that you have a right to call people names and say ugly things because someone else did, but at least give us examples if that is how you believe. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

1:51 here are a few examples.

The mayor made a joke about Kristy Mrowicki during a council meeting. She said something like "she had good news" and after she was done speaking, Harl said "oh I thought you were going to tell us you were moving from Peru". The crowd all demanded an apology from him, but he didn't apologize.

Were you at any of the meetings with the Venture Drive business owners? One man spoke and Harl didn't like what he was saying, so Harl threatened to have the police chief remove him from council chambers. So much for freedom of speech. Believe me the business owner had not crossed the line to deserve that treatment.

Linda D. was told to be quiet numerous times when it was not her that was talking. She was told during a council meeting to stop "smirking". First ward aldermen when meeting with the 28th Street neighbors about pickleball were horribly rude.

Don't believe it 1:51? Start coming to the council meetings. Of course, they are a little bit better behaved now that they know they are being recorded.

Anonymous said...

I have not been called fat or lazy or been accused of a crime because I'm not fat or lazy and I've never committed a crime!

Have you ever actually talked to anybody 1:51? Have you actually ever had a problem with the city that you needed help?

Anonymous said...

Whoever investigated Dixon should be called in to check out Peru. Balestri should walk away or call these people himself. If he were to do that he would be respected even more.

Anonymous said...

The FBI investigated Dixon. Crudwell made a mistake and went on vacation. She had an employee in the clerk's office pay the bills for a week or so. The employee saw something fishey and told the Mayor. The Mayor told the FBI.

Anonymous said...

10:31 That's funny ;) the Mayor told the FBI. Can anyone imagine our Mayor ever contacting any law enforcement division to investigate anything here in lil Vegas?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the elderly woman who attended her first meeting. The mayor approached her and asked her what she was doing there.

Also, some representatives from a water treatment company were present and were told they could not speak by the mayor or make a proposal.

I believe the pool committee was also denied by the council a presentation they wanted to make.

An article in the news tribune by the woman who was treated poorly at the meeting was labeled "a lie" by our council.

Anonymous said...

9:20 Excellent points. There are so many examples of how our council treats the regular guy like crap.

Anonymous said...

Also remember when the pool committee wanted to speak and was denied, yet the bb gun club was asked IF they wanted to speak. And do not forget how the library board was treated after they received the money they were entitled to. I am sure the list could go on if we all put our heads together.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I wonder if 1:51 is satisfied with all of the examples listed so far???

Anonymous said...

What must be emphasized is that it is the same administrative and council members who are consistent in their rudeness.
All of the examples of uncalled for remarks are factual. I know because I have been a witness of them, and embarrassed as were the recipitents.
I was also at the the excellent display of swimming pools that were lined up in front of the council in which the gentlemen gave a presentation of the works his company has done. Upon completion, the same alderman who accussed the lady of smirking, aske the person if he was done. Upon telling the aldermen he was done the presenter was told good than you can pick your stuff up and leave. As he was told to do the gentlemean struggled to put his things together put everything on his lap and proceed to move himself on his wheel chair through the council chambers. I felt so sorry for him but today I am sure that I misdirected this empathy. This man excelled at what he was doing. The coucil member is the individual to feel sorry for as he showed major aspects of being mentally challanged and has verified it further since.
Also I have heard some of the nasty remarks made by the Mayor to those in the council chambers, his unfairness in the handling of public comments. interrupting people giving a comment and recognizing his own "inner circle" but avoiding others who were in line first. I also have seen him give unlimited time for the "inner circles comments and let the public comment be a question and answer session for those he likes but tell those he dislikes that it is public comment not question and answer. If you are in the "inner, inner circle" you will come first before others who have the floor to personally insult them. It is also possible to be asked if you have anything to say if you are "popular" but will be insulted if you are "unpopular".
From time to time certain members of the council will gang up on a indidual member rather than give the coucncil member with a opposite viewpoint a opportunity to express themselves.
I do not believe that under strong leadership this would be allowed, but when the leader is the worst example I can only think of a often used family saying, "Don't get too big for your breeches". Sadly, this saying is coming way to late and now you, me and Peru will have to suffer embarrassment in the near future. But the satisfaction will be that we do have representation that will give it their all to see that justice is served and not to reoccur.
The vote of the council was 8-0 to move ahead with a investiagation of a supposedly pay infraction. A highly qualified retired judge has been employed to explore for improper business practices. Depending upon his findings it will be determental as to how the same hiring council votes to further proceed. The inability of some to seperate friendship from honest business has been exibited in the past and must be changed for the better in the future. There are particular members of the council who should be reminded that they also are being watched and the rugs have all been picked up so that no unforseen dirt gets swept under them.

Anonymous said...

I heard library is next on harls hit list 6 of these people have to go or we will be organizing to save them too.

Anonymous said...

There are seven on that board and all good people. Why is he now after them?

Anonymous said...

Looking to separate them as their own tax body? It happened in Morris

Anonymous said...

5:38 p.m. I couldn't agree with you more. You obviously attend council meetings and know exactly how unfair the public comment period is. Harl has got to go. Thankfully he has done himself in and knows it by not showing up at the Christmas parade this year. He normally does go to that one, but not the Pearl Harbor parade.

Anonymous said...

When Is potthoffs retirement party? I missed blecks. I'm paying for it with my taxes so I'm gonna go. Please find out.

Anonymous said...

I don't know when Jim Potthoffs retirement party is but I have heard his pension starts at a annual pay of $85,000.00 and increases annually. Does anyone know what Blecks pension started at?

Anonymous said...

Is Bleck presently drawing his pension or is he still on Perus active employee payroll?