“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, March 14, 2011

Congratulations to the New Alderman for the Fourth Ward of Peru

Extending our congratulations to Jim Lukosus who was chosen by Mayor Scott Harl to be the new Alderman from the Fourth Ward. He takes the seat formerly held by Ron Wren who unexpectedly passed away earlier this year. We wish him an easy transition into this new position and believe he will add a new dimension to the Peru City Council.

At the City Council meeting Wednesday March 23, the aldermen will vote on whether they will approve Mr Lukosus to fill the seat.


Anonymous said...

Could we have a brief background of Jim Lukosus-years of residence in Peru, age, education, occupation, volunteer gov't committees and volunteer work in Peru, history of attendance at Peru City Council meetings etc.?

What has Mr. Lukosus done to deserve and prepare himself to be a Peru alderman? What are his goals for the city of Peru and what methods is he planning on to utilize to achieve them?

This is a two year term one in which you must be off and running not one in which you expect a maximum of on the job training time. The results of this appointment will be judged solely upon its success' and failures in the eyes of the majority.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with you 10:41, What volunteering did any of the current aldermen do?
What has anyone of our current aldermen done to deserve their seat on the council? Others weren't voted in, they were appointed by Baker. And some of the council didn't do diddly. Give the man a chance, to make himself known. You are already to critize. Congratulations Mr. Lukosus.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with you 9:43, EVERYONE OF THE CURRENT ALDERMEN BESIDES ALDERMAN LUKOSUS HAS BEEN CURRENTLY VOTED IN! If you don't believe this statement survey past election.

Peru Town Forum said...

At various times thru the years appointments to the Council have been made and on this current council Ald. Mikyska was appointed when Ald. Bilochini (sp?) was killed in an airplance crash. Since then Mikyska has won on his own and that was 2 years ago when he run unopposed. Considering that there were 11 people interested in Ald. Wrens vacancy, I don't think he would be running unopposed today.

Anonymous said...

Wrong!! He would most definitely had a challenger-trust me!

Regardless everyone alderman now is being challenged why are you so confident he would not be challenged?

Peru Town Forum said...

If you were answering my post, I said he would not be running unopposed, he would have at least one challenger and maybe more.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that a person can be so thin skinned that they would become upset that someone would ask very common questions about a appointee that every candidate would have willingly answered in a election. If the transparency had been demonstrated on the eleven candidates that had been promised by the Mayor when he was elected these questions would have already been answered. The only time I had heard any mention of the candidates the figure 8 was stated not 11.

10:28 - EVERYONE OF THE CURRENT ALDERMEN BESIDES ALDERMAN LUKOSUS HAS BEEN CURRENTLY VOTED IN! Why would you even attempt to make such a issue out of a evident known fact?

There was a question of what have our current aldermen have done to deserve their seat on the council. Our current aldermen have run for office and have been elected by their constituents.

You ask what volunteering have any of the current aldermen do? Have you ever heard of the Peru CSO and the many activities it conducts each and every year. A large percentage of this organization are Peru Aldermen.

It was stated that "You are already to criticize". This was not criticism but good sound questions of a person who wants to be a city representatives for the next two years. If you think the questions of Mr Luukosus are critical you had best go hide in the closet and cut out paper dolls for the next 3 weeks because this rodeo is going to get a lot tougher.

Peru Town Forum said...

Do you suppose that every appointed alderman or appointed official to this city has been subjected to this scrutiny in past year? Since Ald. Mikyska was the most recent, I willing to bet that when Mayor Baker appointed him not one question was publicly asked. He was approved and welcomed by the others. End of story.

Yes please inform me of the many activities the CSO conducts each and every year. Please also give me the needed information about how to join, especially if you happen to be a woman! By the way your comments do not intimidate me or others. Many people will tell you that the CSO is part of the problem and not part of the solution. This is 2011 and sometimes it sounds like you are back in the 16th century.

Anonymous said...

2:58 You do realize that Mr. Lukosis has not yet been established as our 4th ward alderman. You also do know who has to vote him in = DON'T YOU? Talk to your alderman if you have a problem with the appointment. I think you'd have a problem with God if the PRESENT MAYOR nominated him. The past is gone. Let go! Move on and if your unhappy with the way things are being voted on - ELECT NEW ALDERMEN ON APRIL 5th!

Anonymous said...

I will support the mayors decision, but I definitely don't agree with it. City council has once again become a resemblance of a "little boys club" filled with old minds and old thinking. I did my research on the final three candidates and one was 25 years old. 25! I would have much rather seen him get the appointment than Mr. Lukosus. Having a perspective from that generation could have been a welcoming sigh of relief from the typical city council we are so used to seeing. Just my two cents.

Steve said...

To 7:20 p.m. - You make a good point. I agree that the young man to whom you refer, Jutin Loger, would have been an excellent choice. I am hopeful that Mr. Loger will not be discouraged and remain interested and involved in city government. He is an impressive young man and we need that infusion of a young perspective as well as a female perspective on the council.
I support the appointment of Mr. Lukosus because the state statute says it is the mayors appointment to make. I beleive Mr. Lukosus is very capable and qualified and I look forward to working together with him in representing the "Fightin' 4th Ward" and all of Peru.
If I am successful on April 5th I will do my best to encourage and mentor young Mr. Loger if he decides to reamin involved. And someday he may very well kick my butt for the 4th Ward aldermanic seat. Although, I will not serve more than two terms regardless. Yes, term limits are needed.
We do need young people to get involved, you are absolutely correct. There will be more opportunity for young people in just two years. Seats for Aldermen and Mayor will be up for grabs. Interested individuals should start planning right now. As I've said before, these races must be run like a marathon not a sprint. Consider how long it has taken those of us who have been involved in the reform movement in Peru just to get to the point we are right now.
Six years of effort will be put to the test on April 5th, 2011.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone believing that Mr. Lukosus will be confirmed by the city council? Lets not count our chickens before they are hatched.

What is the next choice ? Another Mayor's PET.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on 12:28 - let it go and grow up. Mayor Baker is gone. Move on!

Anonymous said...

To Steve: I agree with you 100%. I am near retirement and I can't remember the last time we had such a diverse crowd interested in city politics(old, young, and women). I don't live in the 4th ward, but I would have supported seeing Mr. Loger appointed, just for the fact that it would have been a historic/real change that everybody in the city could have seen/experienced. From what I have heard he showed interest in our city government before the position came available, I think that says a lot.

Anonymous said...

Joe Oscepinski, Jr also showed much much interest. He is also a precinct committeeman and a very well respected young man. younger than loger i believe.