“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Next Hiree Needs To Be a Staff Psychologist

Or at the very least someone to hold Anger Management Classes.

Yesterday a friend and I went to the Finance Mtg at Peru City Hall.  The committee is chaired by Ald. Dave Potthoff and members are Ald. Ferrari, Ald. Perez, Mayor Scott Harl and Ald. Mike Radtke (absent). Other aldermen present were Sapienza and Mueller, Public Service department managers, Dave Bartley City Clerk and Engineer Eric Carls, Finance Justin Mueller.

I personally have been going to Finance meetings for many years and previously Ald. Mikyska, Ald. Mertel and Ald. Ankiewicz were on the committee.  Looking back I don't ever remember them being so totally rude and out of control. No matter where I saw Ald. Mikyska he was friendly and pleasant not that we did not have disagreements but he was always a gentleman. Ald. Ankiewicz had his moments but on the whole, he would always greet anyone coming to a mtg and maintain his composure while talking to you but he was not without a few snarky comments made with a smile on his face.  Mayor Harl was there sometimes and sometimes not.

Yesterday, the meeting started out being a bit tense. I did not speak to anyone when I got there and neither did my friend. Early on in the mtg, Ald. Potthoff had a list of expenses submitted by Ald. Perez for an overnight trip he made to Wisconsin to look into what the sand transportation business was and how it was affecting communities in the area.  Evidently he had discussed possible reimbursement by the city for his expenses and he was told by the City Clerk to submit them and see what happens.  The first comment by Ald. Potthoff was "so aldermen now have expense accounts?" The tone in his voice was very derisive. Suddenly we have Ald. Sapienza making fun of Ald. Perez telling him that he went to Chillicother IL and Michigan to see a Splash Pad and was not reimbursed. He looked very angry.
And he looked over at me and said something to the effect that he supposed I would be writing this up on the blog. Angry, Angry. No one at the table told him to not treat a public citizen in this way as I had said nothing to provoke him. At this point I said it was not necessary to yell at me as I was not a member of this committee. Should I have reminded him that the meeting was open to the public?

Ald. Perez said fine no need to submit to the council because it was not necessary.  I am betting it will be submitted to council so there can be a further discussion on something just to bring something Ald. Perez had done and all of the naysayers can jump in once again.

A closed session had been scheduled for this committee but Ald. Potthoff said but he said it would not be necessary. For the first time Mayor Harl who had not spoken during the meeting but had been looking at pages of material he had in a packet, said he had written down somethings he wanted to discuss in closed session.

This city has become one closed session.  Be sure to check the agenda for Monday''s council meeting which will probably be preceeded by a closed sessions Committee of a Whole meeting.


Anonymous said...

This is the nature of any government. Government does not like public scrutiny. Period. Government wants power over people and they don't want people knowing what they do.
That is precisely why our founders made it so difficult to do anything. If you read our constitution carefully - you will come to the realization that it is NOT a blueprint for government. Rather, it is designed to RESTRICT government.
Everything the government does that is not expressly allowed by our constitution is an infringement on our rights and is only allowed because the people are complacent and the let the government get away with it.
Government will continue to do the things you describe in the post until we put a stop to it.

"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule." - Samuel Adams

Peru Town Forum said...

I forgot to post that Ald. Sapienza did reply to me on his way out the door by whispering quietly to me, I didn't mean it. Alderman I want a public apology just like the nasty comment you made Publicly.

Anonymous said...

I guess its ok for Alderman Perez to have a expense account? And if this was another Alderman or Mayor you would ask for a FBI investigation. He got caught! Well I guess no harm in trying. Why would ALDERMAN have expense accounts? FOIA and call the FBI. This isn't a sled ride anymore.

Anonymous said...

How much was it?

Peru Town Forum said...

12:02 PM

I would encourage you to keep abreast of what goes on and read the monthly disbursements and see who is paid for going where. It is always there in black and white depending always upon your status in the tier of favorites at city hall.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a trip to Florida to look at a plant that builds fire trucks mentioned on here? Who went? Who paid? Was this in actuality a pleasure trip?

Anonymous said...

This clarifies why "sappy" is the name one is referred to on comments on here. Such outstanding mature behavior, and oh, so classy. A real man would apologize publicly. We know this won't happen, and probably rest assure his verbal one to one comment will be denied it was said.

Anonymous said...

Forget the blog, Alderman Sapienza should call Newsweek! How would anybody on the blog think its ok for Alderman Perez to charge the city for his travels? Did the ladies from the splash pad charge the city for the trip to pick up the grant? OF COURSE NOT. Public service looks to be self-serving for some.

Anonymous said...

If city paid any expenses for that Florida trip(couple night? Airfare? Gas? Food? Cocktails? mentioned, to look at fire trucks wouldn't that be the same as looking at splash pads? Did anybody go as a wife or whatever else. Foia this information. Don't remember year this happen or month exactly, possible within the last 2 years.

Anonymous said...

12:17 Florida trip was paid by the company and no Peru taxpayer dollars were used.

Anonymous said...

I believe the trip to Wisconsin was discussed and recommended in an open public council meeting. The city lawyer only stipulated that council members should not tour the sand facilities together as this could be an OMA violation.

I believe the Mayor and Fire Chief traveled to Florida to tour the fire truck factory - far less of a necessity. Was an expense submitted for that?

Now - I'll say one thing. Nobody will learn anything by staying local. If change is going to happen it will happen with ideas and information from the wide world outside of the corrupt Illinois Valley.

Anonymous said...

I would not have a problem, with any elected official submitting expenses for reimbursement for travel to research and investigate issues in order to make a more informed opinion about an issue affecting the city of Peru. I appreciate the initiative Alderman Perez showed in researching the sand issue. If the others had gone and submitted expenses I would have no problem with that either.
I want my elected officials to be informed. Not "Rubber Stamps" just doing as they are told.

Anonymous said...

I read your description of the events and it seems to me that you are dramatizing just a bit. You reference being "yelled at". Did he really yell at you? Yelling is raising your voice in anger. Just curious.

What is wrong with Potthoff's comments? You make it sound like he said something horrible.

Your bias in presenting facts takes away any credibility, not that there is any.

Looking forward to your more detailed description of the "yelling" that took place.

Anonymous said...

Rodney has the right as a public official to be reimbursed for his travels. Its constitutional. He has the right to put up campaign signs wherever he wants. Its constitutional.

Anonymous said...

Rodney has the right as a public official to be reimbursed for his travels. Its constitutional. He has the right to put up campaign signs wherever he wants. Its constitutional.

Anonymous said...

1:13 Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...

The city clerk said "ok"? Does he have the authority to authorize expenditures?

Anonymous said...

1:10, wasn't it fire chief and Hylla? I would still look at dates of this trip and and cross reference to city credit cards. See if ANY EXPENSES ON THERE. Fire Chief and Mayor? Two years ago? HUM! when did mayor appoint Fire Chief full-time? 9 months ago? HUM! It very easy to say that company paid. VERY INTERESTING. What I like about this blogsite is the fact one can research past blogs and maybe put two and two together.

Anonymous said...

Lol perez is a crook you talk all negative on here about alderman but you cant take the heat in person? Lol

Anonymous said...

I wonder if two males citizens were in attendance at the meeting yesterday would they have been treated differently.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Sapienza's behavior is disgraceful. He is out of control. The power has gone to his head.

Didn't Bartley also tell those citizens that the city was responsible for their basement problems and would pay to fix it? Does he have the authority to tell anybody that they will be reimbursed for anything?

Anonymous said...

Lois, did any of the other people in attendance say something to Sapienza about his rudeness. I know Harl is useless, but I would like to think that either Rodney or Bernabei would step in and remind him that you deserve respect.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:00 PM


not a word

Anonymous said...

Isn't a city clerk a glorified secretary? Respectfully speaking.

Anonymous said...

2:12 - not in the Strong Mayor (or Mayoral) form of government that we have. The City Clerk has statutory power and is intended to be a check on the Mayor's power. Remember - all of our different government systems are set up with checks and balances if the office holders exercise them correctly.
In Beebe's book (not sure about spelling) on the early history of the City of Peru - I think there was an interesting story in which the Clerk refused to give the Mayor the City account books and City Seal due to some sort of disagreement. I think they had to get the county involved to settle the dispute.

Anonymous said...

bartley had no authority to do what he did - he practices what is called favoritism and it is causing problems for the city.

Anonymous said...

1:26 Your wrong on each account. Never did the city spend .01 cent for the trip to pick up the truck in Florida. No overtime either.

Anonymous said...

1:59 He must have the authority to giveaway appliances and repair basements. He did. Don't blame Rodney if he was told he could be paid for his travels. I have a due electric bill. Can I spin the wheel to get reimbursed?

Anonymous said...

switch a uruuee.. The company always wants to have a few inspect the fire engine prior to getting it. Never has the city paid for a trip to Florida for officials. thank goodness that a few are looking over expense reports for alderman.

Anonymous said...

I read 1:26 ' s post. Did you 3:16? The blogger didn't say city money was spent. I understood the comment to suggest checking to see if possibly money was spent. Don't twist it around that the blogger said taxpayers money was spent. Proofread please.

Anonymous said...

Read 12:17s comment blogger, it just asked WHO went to Florida?! Of course 3:44 didn't add the answer to that question in their comment. 3:44, you are so accretive in your comment. You must be a city employee/alderman.. to be so direct.

Anonymous said...

The trip to Flordia could be gratis or the cost could be thrown into the cost of product purchased. Who knows and how do you prove any accusations? Accusations that are only made because of the distrust of government officials.
Let's discuss the important questions before the expenses are incurred such as was the fire truck needed and what should the structure of the PFD be-as is- or outsourced, or other ideas?

Anonymous said...

Time khas proven that Sappy has replaced a individual who had a much greater interest in Peru than he has.
Bob would have bought a $35 Christmas tree, put $15 of Christmas candy on it for the kids from the deli with no charge and put it outside for all to enjoy and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
We all know what Sappy's idea of a Xmas tree is and we all wish were he would put it!

Anonymous said...

OK, two politicians go to Florida to tour a fire truck factory and look at the fire truck the city will be buying. And you are telling me that the fire truck company picked up all expenses and the city paid nothing.
Hmmmmm. I got beach front property in Arizona for sale - you want some?

Anonymous said...

Really?.... An alderman went to inspect what could be a very valuable or horrible decision the city is going to make that could impact the city either favorably or negatively for years to come and he requested reimbursement? What the heck is wrong with that? Yes or no. If denied he eats it and learned something. If approved he gets back what he spent and learned something. My lord what is wrong with that? Whether you like the man or not at least he went and put eyes on it. His experience should be shared with those that want to know which in my opinion is every alderman, mayor and citizen that lives in Peru. Maybe it's time for eyes to open again. I lived in Peru, raised my children in Peru schools and ran a business in Peru. It makes me sick to hear some of those that post on here and have to hide behind anonymous. Yes I no longer live in Peru but I was an advocate for this fine city for 27 years and was proud to proclaim it everywhere I travelled. Although I have no voice in your decisions now they still effect my family and loved ones in many ways. I'm proud of Peru and wish it the best especially those that serve it every day. Im not ashamed of my thoughts or this opinion. Fix what's broke and vote. It's your only option. I'm also not ashamed of who I am so I can't wait for those that respond behind anonymous.

Robert T. Thompson
PPD retired

Anonymous said...

switch a uruuee-"wants to have a few inspect" ain't got to understand.

Anonymous said...

What radio station is Alderman Perez being interviewed on over the next couple days regarding family fun days? Someone said it was on facebook. And radio station invited Mayor Harl for a interview also. Any info?

Anonymous said...

Yes Mr. Thompson I agree with you. What's the big deal! There are some people on the council who want to make it a big deal just to make Perez look bad. No worries though because I have a feeling they will end up looking as foolish as the mayor did with the campaign fraud complaint.

Anonymous said...

Word was at the fire station is that the fire chief knew a sales rep for e-one fire trucks. Were other company's looked at for bids from other company's? Or did the fire truck get purchased due to the fire chief having connections? Any under the table kickbacks personally given ? From reading blogs the fundraising organization for our fire department known as Liberty Fire Company that ask taxpayers for donations didn't give any donation money to this purchase to offset the city's cost of almost $800,000 dollars. Why didn't any donation $ go towards this? This is a valid question that has never been answered.

Anonymous said...

"The public cannot be too curious concerning the character of public men." - Samuel Adams

Anonymous said...

Mr. Thompson Thanks for your many years of service in Peru. Me and my wife agree with you. We are ashamed of what this town has come to. No matted where you go people are talking and laughing at Peru. Alderman Perez should be reimbursed for any travel expenses out of town. Elected officials are paid pennies for the amount of time they put in and wouldn't expect any of them to travel out of town on city business and not be reimbursed travel expenses. I thought the recently purchased Christmas tree for almost $2,000.00 was a waste of our dollars and would've been better spent if elected officials submitted their travel expenses.
Did all elected officials make the trip to Wisconsin and Perez was the only one to submit a request? If so, they too should request reimbursement.
As far as the way Lois was treated at a public meeting shame on Alderman Sapienza for his rude behavior. That is not the first time we have heard of him being disgruntled with citizens. He owes Lois an apology. And so does Alderman Potthoff

Anonymous said...

Even Gov. Bruce Rauner knows that if he wants honest advice he must seek it from people from OUTSIDE Illinois. His new Chief Operating Officer is the former governor of Hawaii.

On another note: Federal corruption charges have been brought against the sitting Speaker of the New York Assembly. A Dem of course. He was perp walked into jail and had to post $200,000 cash to get out on bail. According to reports, he had no problem coming up with the cash on very short notice.

I hope they are looking at Madigan.

Anonymous said...

Nothing would make me happier than to see Madigan, Cullerton, and at least 50% of the Illinois General Assembly thrown in jail for fifty years!
This would at least start our State's redemption process in the eyes of the rest of the country.
What these people have done to our State is nothing short of High Treason. It should be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

"Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote." - George Jean Nathan

Anonymous said...

you know. if we vote to change the form of government we can also force a vote for an entirely new council.

Anonymous said...

5:39 This is a bizzarro world. Its called Public service. You signed up. It's funny to think someone would "really" believe that a small town elected official deserves mileage and hotel costs to visit another State. My god, Don Baker drove around town for 40 years and I doubt he ever submitted a bill.

Anonymous said...

Why does the NT have the Mayor of Toronto on the front of their web page? Oh... wait, that is our own Boss with the look of bewilderment. He must have caught himself telling the truth to react so surprised.

Anonymous said...

As a resident I sat through 6-7 hours of meetings with the sand business. We have local companies that have the same transportation process. Why would Alderperson take a trip to a sand mine? The Peru project isn't a sand mine, its a transportation.

Anonymous said...

He went to a processing and shipping center - not a mine. It was recommended at a council meeting that if the aldermen wanted to see one in operation they should do so. The only stipulation was not to go together to prevent an OMA violation.
The council routinely gets mileage and per diem to go the IML meeting.

Anonymous said...

11:47 I have reviewed all of the city council meetings on tape and never was there a field trip recommended or approved at any of those meetings. You could of went a few miles and viewed a shipping center in action. Employees have to have department heads and the city council approve all fun trips or training seminars. Why is Alderman Perez different? This wasn't a city meeting. I wonder what else was on that expense report?

Anonymous said...

Hey! Wait a second here. I've seen probably too many to count payments to alderman Jim Lukoses goes to Washington and Springfield trips on.a regular basis. He's position is no greater than alderman Rodney Perez'
I was going to bring that up awhile back but never bothered. If he chose to be on some board in Springfield to represent Peru than he should have to pay his own way to? Someone please show me the minutes and votes approving all his trips. I approve alderman Perez going to Wisconsin to educate himself on sand than sending alderman Lukoses to Springfield to play golf. Not one comment on here about that. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

This morning I listened to a lasalle rock music station. Alderman Perez was interviewed. Alot of questions were asked and answered by he. Thus interview is going to be broadcast a couple more times. Alderman Perez mentioned on this interview that Mayor Harl told him a while back, that his day was coming. Bullying, intimidation, disrepectful, unprofessional, childish, ignorant. Can't remember station number. I was on my way to work. This interview should be a topic on this forum.

Anonymous said...

Many individuals on our city payroll get reimbursed for gas mileage. On the 1/14/15 disbursements the administrative assistant from the electric department was reimbursed. It doesn't even state where she went.

Anonymous said...

Our County Board gets millage and meals just to attend a normal meeting. Our state Senator and Representative get paid expenses to attend a normal meeting - on top of a salary that is very high compared to what regular people make.

Anonymous said...

Ald. Perez should have done what the City Employees do whenever they need to help somebody move or maybe go fishing.... they just "borrow" a city vehicle.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:05 PM

It was a discussion at the last Zoning Board Sand Mine Meeting and Ald. Perez brought up that he wished to see for himself the operation of Sand transportation. Initially one of the Board members was going also, but he changed his mind. Atty Schweikert made the comment about 2 people going together could be a violation of the OMA. Should not have mattered because only one was an elected official: the other was a volunteer board member. All the council members and mayor were present.

Lois said...

It is rather funny that we call this committee PUBLIC SERVICE, a change from PUBLIC WORKS. Very little coming from this administration is about serving the public, it is about huge egos running around, getting angry when they are not looked upon as the greatest. I am not seeing much humility AT ALL.

And in case you the reader has not read the quote I have profiled on this blog, I am reposting.

"In democracy, the purpose of public office is not to fulfill personal ambition. Elected officials must serve a cause greater than themselves. The political winds blow left and right, polls rise and fall, supporters come and go. But in the end, leaders are defined by the convictions they hold. Former President G.W.Bush

And I did not vote for him but truer words were never spoken.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lois for 2:08 comment. It was also reported as such in the News Tribune and on WLPO.

Anonymous said...

1:09 The difference is that no City of Peru or government funds were every spent on trips to Washington or Springfield. In addition the Mayor or those approved by a role call vote can represent the City. No citizen or elected official should ever be able to utilize taxpayer funds for the purpose of a field trip, or anything else. This is more than poor judgment. City employees may use reimbursements if they utilized anything outside normal city travel methods or hotels for training. That it with the approval of the business owner or department head in a city operation.

Still looking for the tape of the city council meeting in which Rodney Perez and another board member were going to visit a sand plant? I am sure that the other member could have figured out that the similar operation is just a few miles away.

Anonymous said...

1:09 The difference is that no City of Peru or government funds were every spent on trips to Washington or Springfield. In addition the Mayor or those approved by a role call vote can represent the City. No citizen or elected official should ever be able to utilize taxpayer funds for the purpose of a field trip, or anything else. This is more than poor judgment. City employees may use reimbursements if they utilized anything outside normal city travel methods or hotels for training. That it with the approval of the business owner or department head in a city operation.

Still looking for the tape of the city council meeting in which Rodney Perez and another board member were going to visit a sand plant? I am sure that the other member could have figured out that the similar operation is just a few miles away.

Anonymous said...

Bob, on 8:46

Did you know that this project is a sand transportation project. It's taking sand from one area to the next. No mining is involved. The most important decision in the history? Not quite what most of us would call dramatic. It will employ many people. No mining is involved. Look up online or stop by Utica or Peru and you have other companies doing the same thing. The transportation of sand is not the issue that upsets anybody, its the mining near the homes. That is far from anything that this development is proposing. I work in the trucking industry, its helped a lot.
The biggest decision in Illinois is the Early retirement and the pensions that it cost taxpayers. According to the new Governor the only way we can get out of this pension crises is for job growth, the sand industry provides some of that. You may be one of those early retirement public employee pensions that should cheer for the growth of jobs without the environmental concerns that this transportation business provides.

If you think your local official should be paid to go on field trips like this, send him a check. I like many others would rather see funds go into your pension program, after all you were the one that provided a real service for many years.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09 asks why? We all know why because its Ald Rodney. If it was Ald Jim that went to Wisconsin it would be justified. Others would jump to Ald Jim's defense by saying Ald Jim did his duty by investigating the sand company who is wishing to go to Peru. We all know it never would've made it to the blog and the aldermen would've just wrote the check.
The more I read the non sense like this and everything else that's going on it makes me think of very desperate children fighting over jealousy. I would like to throw this in too. I've known Tom Payton for many years. Our children went to school together and he's always been a stand up family man and father. It's been about 3 years since I've really seen him and can't figure out why he would fall into peru politics. Scott Harl was talking him up last month during a Christmas gathering and I thought if Tom is in his boat he will sink fast. What I've been hearing Tom is involved in playing rotten on Ald Rodney with the others and Mayor Scott than I have lost all respect. I honestly feel Tom is being used by Scott and ald Dave W. I say Ald Dave W because they are friends too.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 you're going to need to re read and comprehend 2:08 from Lois. Her posting will tell you that the meeting you are desperately looking for on the city website will not be there. She says in her comments the meeting was a ZONING BOARD MEETING. If you can't find Zoning Board meeting videos on the city webpage there's a reason for it. It's because they don't record ZONING BOARD MEETINGS. According to Lois's comment it appears that other city aldermen and mayor were also at the ZONING BOARD MEETING. I gather from this that they all knew Rod was planning a trip to visit Northern sands. It's clear some of you are really trying desperately to find some wrong by Rodney with that but to me you sound desperate.
Lois, can you answer this. Did Rodney get reimbursed his expenses and the city is wanting re-payment or was it just a submitted expense to approve or deny? Either way to me is no biggie as he should be compensated for city business related travel.
Grow up people if you really want to beat Rodney you all just might want to shut up because it sure seems the media and public is rallying for Rodney. I'm sure Rodney would want All of you to keep shooting yourselves in the foot because it's just putting him further ahead while y'all be limping.

Anonymous said...

6:13, Perez has not been reimbursed yet. He simply submitted his expenses and was waiting for the finance committee to approve or deny those expenses. They did neither. Alderman Potthoff decided it should go before the full council. In other instances, the finance committee approves or denies expenses in their committee meetings. Potthoff wants to bring it to the full council to try to shame Rodney. I think Potthoff's ulterior motive is to make the Perez name look bad since Rodney's brother Chico is running against Potthoff. Pretty obvious Dave! Wise up, we are not stupid.

Anonymous said...

Another closed session committee meeting of the whole. Don't bother showing up for that because you'll be wasting your time!

Anonymous said...

But it was ok for waldorf to expense out Chicago chop house for himself and his wife...short term memory

Anonymous said...

The city is in the black or so harl claims-doubtful for sure pay his expenses can't tell me when the mayor and his cronies go to their little chicago trip with spouses that the city pays for that this is a fact so why isn't Perez reimbursed? The mayor and most of the alderman act like they are in junior high rude jealous brats I am not proud of my city anymore I smell embarrass for it

Anonymous said...

"I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating." - Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall

A roll model to our own "Boss" Harl.

Anonymous said...

Front of the NT Web Page. It is official, there is no room for the "Concerts for a Profit" events at our airport. Huzzah and Hurrah! Mark one of for separation of crony business, entertainment of the sheeple, and government.
Down Government Corruption! Up the Republic!

Anonymous said...

I see we are hiring a Engineering Technician what the heck is that...65k base salary and fringe

Are you kidding me more layers of government employees...city workers now are sure who to report to...are we getting rid of Chamlin...I don't think so

Alderman Waldorf pet projects are costing us money...

Anonymous said...

I am in no way defending Ald Waldorf but only testing your knowldege of what is legally correct and incorrect. When did and under what circumstances did Alderman Waldorf expense out Chicago chop house for himself and his wife and had this been voted upon and approved by the city council. Myself if this had been approved by the council I question why they approved his wifes meal or any other of her expenses since she is not a elected city official.
As for Aldderman Perez was his trip voted upon and passed by the city counci;to pay for all his expenses to observe processes of the fracking industry and its transportation?
Alderman Perez has 4 years experience in his position and should be aware of city finance and legalities. My question is was he correct in asking the city clerk about a expense account question or should he be asking the city attorney who is a professional source?
A answer of this is the way it has always been done is not binding or good enough? To skim upon actons such as Alderman Perez's situation should be determined by pre set guidelines not here say nor another aldermans past actions of travelling to Chillcothie, Il. or Michigan to obesrve a splash pad? Personally I myself would start looking at Ottawa, Illinois' splash pad 18 miles away and speaking to those that built their splash pad for under $100,000. The city could easily afford to build this on their own. The south end of Centennial Park would be a perfect location and is already equipped with shelters, washrooms, Horseshoe pits, recreational apparatus for children and more than enough room and ample parking. A frizbe golf park could be inexpensively added in the future. Presently the city can afford to pay for its own splash pad of somewhere at the cost of $125,000 or below(as it has positions that pay way over this amount in salaries,expense accounts and fringe benefits),than the State of Illinois can pay for a cost of over $500,000. As I pay both city and state taxes I believe it is my duty and priviledge to express this view. Thank you for taking the time to read it and if you have any thoughts of your own please share.

Anonymous said...

You forgot one thing 9:12. The only purpose of government (at all levels) in the State of Illinois is to spend money and tax more.
We have a class of political operatives running all of our governments that only desire to spend money. Until we rid ourselves of these political operatives that are in the pocket of the crony business men - we will never be free again. Rather, we will be relegated to providing the endless revenue stream demanded by our rulers.

Anonymous said...

Excellent comment 9:12. Why can't we build our own splash pad? The answer is the unions and the grant from the state. The FFPP have the funds to build the pad, with maybe a little help from the city. How it turned into a 500,000 dollar project, we will never know. But, Centennial Park is the perfect place, not Washington Park. Thanks for your well thought comment.

Anonymous said...

When Harl and the others try to use this expense situation against Perez somebody should inquire why a $250.00 expense during the IML Convention for a single meal for a party of 2 at the Chicago Chop House was submitted by Waldorf during his first term and approved by the Finance Committee without batting an eye. Somebody should also ask why expenses for Valet Parking submitted by Lukosus was also approved by the Finance Committee just a couple years ago at the IML Convention.
The double standard regarding who can submit expenses and who can't is pretty obvious here folks.

Anonymous said...

Very little said about the Mayor of Peru's presentation at the IVAC State of the City. What always is disguisting is how one can brag about what we have rather than what we should have and my main point is cash reserves. Peru is on a Roulette Wheel of Expensive Hirings without proof of need of the positions. This wheel is spinning in the direction of unpayable pensions, early retiremment with paid up premiuns for medical insurance util medicare kicks in, useless logrolling and featherbedding, plus a managing city council of which the majority of its membership do not have a clue or want of curtailing of these and all other expenses. Peru,which does not, should have a huge pot of gold in cash reserves and a paid up well maintained city. It must be recognized that revenue of $55,000,000/yr. for a town of 10,000 is unheard of and worse than this is that Peru politics shows a history of long term division of this revenue among a few. This few is what is meant by the "inner circle".

Peru Town Forum said...

10:32 AM

You are correct with your numbers, yes Peru could have built a Splash Pad on its own and numerous people were encouraging that since the swimming pool was taken down.

Thanks to the consistent effort of the FPP they have accumulated enough money and with some help from the city which never seemed to be forthcoming, that is the reason for the grant writeup. The first simple splash pad design was refused by the DNR because it did not have enough bells and whistles for everyone of all ages. So now we asked for one with lots of bells and whistles which will cost a lot more money and the state agreed. It is crazy and we need a splash pad that is all.
Perhaps now they we can have the state money, the city should say to the FFFPP, we will help you build the Splash Pad, ignore the Grant and eliminate all the Boccie Ball, Horseshows, Volley Ball, Parking lots and checkers on the picnic table.

Anonymous said...

10:56, nobody is getting paid up premiums on early retirement until Medicare kicks in, that's the first I heard of that, you might want to call the City Clerks office to get the facts before you make those types of comments, even as employees they are paying a portion of their premiums.

Anonymous said...

How about the city build the splash pad and leave the 100,000 in the pool fund which was the original intent of the donors and the fundraisers.

Anonymous said...

With the new governor vetoing all unnecessary expenditures, I wouldn't be surprised if the FFPP grant gets cut.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:56 you may find it interesting to learn if you don't already know that over 6 years ago before Mayor Harl took office that the average wage of the employee of the City of Peru was between $52,000 and $53,000 per year plus benefits. This was the highest average per city employee in the entire State of Illinois for a city of 10,000 or less. How is the pension/city employee /year calculated?
With a upcoming election of those who have the cost of operating the city as their financial responsibilities it seems best to forget the cost of running a hot water appliance at a city park and start participating in determining what is to be done with major problems such as the amount still owed on a hydro plant in comparison to its payback on investment. Compare these two costs and you immediately realize that some of the present council are paddlling their oars in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

1:09 January 24....go to the minutes of the Finance and Safety Committee on December 10th and you will get your answer on early retirements.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Harl is part of the Peru Twp Good ole Boys Club. Hiighest salaries in the State for a population of 10k and 6 miles of road.

Anonymous said...

the City of Peru does not post employee compensation as is required by state law.

Anonymous said...

According to the resolutions for Monday's council meeting, there are two separate requests for the use of McKinley Park. One is from Alderman Perez (who has hosted these in the past), the other is from Ray Zbrowski (rec board president). One calls it a Winter Family Fun Day, the other calls it a Recreation Winter Play Day. Are these two different events or are they one in the same? If indeed they are the same why are they listed as different resolutions by different individuals?

Anonymous said...

8:52 why would you say such a flat out lie? All salaries and wages are posted annually in the paper and ALL expenditures are posted on the website or available for review at city hall. People like you are horrible and thrive on stirring the pot. You bore me.

Anonymous said...

What do the City of Peru candidates for Alderman think about an ordinance to annex the last remaining Peru Township roads that are in the City of Peru? These are a small stretch of Pulaski Street and Shooting Park Road.
By annexing these little hunks of road - I think the Township will fall below the minimum require millage to have a Township Road District - it will then be abolished, along with the Road District Tax.

Anonymous said...

8:59, I did, it doesn't say anything about anyone not paying their premiums or getting them paid for by the city, what they did was gave the retiree's the same as the employees which is a retiree before that meeting was responsible for up to $10000 out of pocket, now just as employees they pay for their deductible, which is $5000,but the city will pay a portion of the 20 percent after Blue Cross pays the 80 percent. The retiree's pay the full premium monthly.

Anonymous said...

They used to post wages in groupings in the local paper once a year. Like $0 to $25,000 and $25,000 to $50,000 ect. That was during the baker era however and also didn't factor in benefits which were very good as well. Don't know if they still do. Peru pays well for services provided by all city workers partially because of contracts negotiated by the police and they're union which started around the late 80's. Whatever the police negotiated in pay raise and benefits Mayor Baker used to provide, mostly, to all city employees to keep everyone happy. At least that's the way most employees looked at it.

Anonymous said...

4:22 on jan. 23rd anonymous

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I think You need to re read my original post. I never made a difinitive point as to whether Alderman Perez should or shouldn't get reimbursement for that trip he took. My point was, what others have stated since, that it's been done before by finance but if they chose to say no then it would fall on Alderman Perez to accept his out of pocket usage as his cost. I also am very aware the manner of business that will be coming to Peru and support it and those jobs that will hopefully be many and better then average wage compensated. I have concerns about roadway repair costs in Peru and the surrounding roads those trucks will travel daily and the costs to keep them in good condition and clean. I used to drive a truck in 1979 and will say that I'm also curious if these trucks will be sealed/enclosed as you know all too well that when it rains the weight of certain loads can increase greatly. More weight, more damage to all the roads travelled on. Anyhow.....as far as pensions and early retirement go in illinois I can only speak from my personal knowledge point. I retired early and received a lesser pension amount. I did not receive health care from the city till I reach Medicare age. The Peru pension is a private pension between the officers and city. I believe I payed 10% of my income and the city had a match amount, which by the way, they fell grossly behind even when they were flush in cash. I watch and see they have increased what they pay in so they are catching up. I believe the last number provided me after retirement and during an argument with and alderman was $7 million behind. When I started my job on Feb 1st 1981 I made a laughable wage to be a cop for Peru. I say laughable because all my friends were working at the cement plants and other factories in the area. Some for the state ect ect and were all making double my wage and worked straight shift and had a normal life. We worked swing shifts switching every 6 days. One advantage I knew I had was that if I lived to be 50 and worked for over 20 years for Peru I could retire and collect a pension early. Some history.......sorry.........so after you read my old post again and this one maybe you'll see that I wasn't for or against Perez. I was for stopping the stupidity. You choose what that is and how you stop it is with your vote every chance you get. Also by speaking what you believe is the truth and stand behind it. I'll post my name again so it's clear these are my words. BTW I have some wonderful pictures I can show you from the Iraqi elections from 2004 where 84% of the electorate voted having to walk to their polls (we outlawed any vehicles to try and stop bombings, we didn't stop them all) and risking death as the bad guys boycotted the elections and threatened death to those who did. And Peru citizens are upset or so proud yet you can't get 30% to come out and support your government or change it. Again I say OPEN YOUR EYES and please please VOTE.

Robert Thompson
Peru PPD retired

Anonymous said...

Exactly right 10:06. Despite foolish and irresponsible comments like these, all of the salary information you want is readily available, in addition to the city posting required salaries in the ranges just like every taxing body does.

Anonymous said...

9:49 a.m. There are two resolutions about McKinley Park because the mayor and council are trying to make Rodney look bad. They are trying to schedule every Saturday so Perez doesn't have a day available to use. So obvious what they are doing. What they didn't take into consideration is that those requests made by Zbrowsli were made by him and not the recreation board. Those days were never brought up and voted on the board and that is a violation of the OMA. He overstepped his power and he will be told about it at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

9:49 Why would the city have 2 people organize what appears to be the same event and would it cost citizens twice?

Anonymous said...

By law all cities are to give a individual salary and cost of itemized benefits granted to each individual employee who earns more tan $75K/year. This means a specific salary and benefits not a bracket salary such as %75,000-$85,000, $85,000-$95,000, $95,000 and above.Peru, Illinois has never obeyed this law since it was made stature during the current administrations era.
Mayor Baker granted many, many raises to specific individuals given because of certain "works in kind". Possibly many still remember the city trucks being parked on Rt.6 in front of the old U of W. Employee co-operation or as commonly refered today as "all working off of the same page" was a major bar in determing if one was getting raises and how much. Pretty well known fact in Peru is that every employee did not fill out their own time sheet but left it blank when turned in to be filled out by a fatherly super. Incidents such as this have been long term morale boosters for city employees.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:37 AM All the salary and benefit information required by law is NOT readily availabe. If you knew the law you would know that very little of it is readily available.
Because Peru "the Leader of the Illinois Valley" inmitates a few other cities does not mean it is following the letter of the law. Peru, if you want to be a leader set the example not incorrectly become one of the boys: Obey the laws of the State of Illinois.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should check out the minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of 1/5/15. The Buildings and Grounds portion shows another "Hatchet-Job" in the making against Alderman Perez by Harl and the other aldermen. Read the minutes to see how they are maneuvering to phase out the hanging baskets that Rodney and other volunteers plant and take care of and therefore take away another community service provided by Alderman Perez and his group of volunteers. It is so easy to read between the lines when you read these committee minutes. What a bunch of childish phonies we have for so called "leaders" in this city. So they will phase out the baskets and buy a load of concrete planters and ask the business owners to maintain instead of keeping the popular and attractive hanging baskets just to spite Rodney Perez. Then they send the Super Chief as the bag-man to break the news to Perez. These people are disgraceful human beings.
Also, why the hell is there a need for an Engineering Technician? This will be another new position created with a salary in excess of $60K plus bennies. What the hell is Eric Carls so busy with that now he needs an assistant? Will Chamlin's invoices be reduced? Have Chamlin's invoices been reduced at all yet? I doubt it. C'mon, what is the justification for yet another phony baloney position in this city. These paople can't spend our money fast enough. Totally out of control spending and nobody using any common sense to determine if this position is necessary. Not a single word of discussion is included in these committee minutes of "why" an Engineering Technician is needed. Not a goddamn word! Somebody wake us up from this spending nightmare being forced on us by these nit-wits masquerading as public servants. God help the city of Peru, because the mayor and aldermen have no clue whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, you people are wrong. Since 2012 it has been the law that every municipality post the salary of their workers on the Internet - just like the schools do for each and every teacher. Everyone should be able to look up the salary of each employee BY NAME.
The fine print newspaper listing - which was only in the print edition and was not published on the Internet - is not sufficient.

I have the right to know exactly how much each employee makes - including the cost of benefits such as insurance, retirement, etc. I should be able to look this up by name.

This is such a large problem in the State of Illinois that Gov. Bruce Rauner made it one of his first priorities to issue an executive order "help" municipalities comply with the law. This data will be collected and posted on a State of Illinois web page now.

Municipalities could have complied by simply posting the report just like the schools do - but many, including Peru, chose not to because they feared what the public would say when they had a chance to review this report without a 50X microscope.

Anonymous said...

Just as Streator has an engineering assistant, as well as Ottawa. There is no way Karls could do all the work that Chamlin does. He needs somebody to inspect or do computer work.

Anonymous said...

Ok 2:14 then are we cutting back on some of Chamlin's jobs and will we be paying them at least $75,000 less per year to justify an assistant's salary?

Anonymous said...

1:09, make sure you read page two of those December minutes regarding Alderman's Radtke's comments concerning employees who retire early. Notice the question he asks the human resource manager about early retirement. Also read how he suggests the city put a plan in place for the future. Not being sarcastic, because I do not fully understand either, but I believe that is the point 10:56 is trying to make.

Anonymous said...

The reason we hired Carls was to get rid of Scamlin Engineering. However fees to Scamlin have increased over 25% since C-harls hiring as city engineer . Now he needs an assistant ?? Come on people ! And he's already hand picked an applicant to hire , which by the way is one of his college buddies! The cycle just continues in Peru ! Why can't our HR honestly hire someone . From the buddy buddy system at the fire department to everyone's kid or friend getting hired every where else in Peru ! What does our HR do ? Maybe our town wouldn't be so corrupt if the HR did their job like any other business ! Every department hires and fires whoever they want . Now an employee with less than a year with the city can hire his buddy as an assistant ? This seems like the new officers on the fire Dept with no state training that were given officer positions because of how good they kiss butt ! This town is out of control !

Anonymous said...

Was the new position included in the upcoming budget?

Lois said...

When our first engineer was hired in 2013, I believe he encouraged the city to buy this computer system. At that time he was asked Do you know how to use it and he answered yes he did know and would use it. So here we are later minus that engineer but with a system no one knows how to use and we must hire another full time salaried IT person to use it. The first engineer was hired at 87,000 per year. Figures on new people I don't have handy and it is very late but the 2 will certainly more than that.

Anonymous said...

I don't know of any computer that requires an "IT Person" to run it. You might be referring to a software package - what it does, I don't know. Memory says it is used for estimating costs.

Anonymous said...

Why can't he go to a class to learn how to use the software? Every software vendor offers training - especially for limited use applications that don't serve the consumer market.
Who knows, this training might have been included in the software bundle. It might have been paid for with the license - has anyone checked that. Did they purchase the updates and maintenance with the package - is it still up to date?
What does this software do? I tried searching for it, but I could find no information.

Anonymous said...

Lois you are completely wrong. The system was never purchased as you say. It was authorized but the last guy took off at 1159pm on news years eve so he did not get his Christmas present delivered.

756 you are not correct as actually the latest information shows that the city has paid for Carls in savings and then some. Of course you wont take the time to compare apples to apples. Workload drives expenses buddy so either wake up or have you know who do a better job on your posts.

You band of brothers an sisters. You see the city moving forward in such a positive way it is killing you.

BTW Rod has voted for all these changes along the way. Are you bailing on him?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:42 AM
The first engineer (Sean Mikos) recommended that the computer system be bought. He did so knowing and stating that the program would save the city a lot of money and time
and would be of great service to Peru. He explained that it would be expensive but if need be the city could purchase it a segment at a time. Alderman Radke and Alderman Potthoff who were the Finance Committee at the time of this meeting both questioned Mr. Mikos about the computer program he recommended and did ask if he himself would be capable of working with the program in which he stated he would be. Alderman Radke than said "Frankly this is exactly why we you were hired". The computer program was than voted upon by the council to be purchased. How much the exact cost of the program was and what has been done with it since being purchased (over a year ago) has never been disclosed. Since Mr. Mikos discontinued employment with the City of Peru no one employed by the city has had the knowledge to use this purchased program.
Why is it going to cost $75,000 annually to hire another person to utilize the program instead of making sure the present city engineer knew how to use it before being hired? Who decided that this is the man for the job and how much is Human Resources involved in hirings?
It must be remembered that Peru is still in the age of council members deciding what road work is to be done and money split evenly/ward? Therefore street repairs are accomplished politically not by the city engineer. Similar incidents could go on and on.

Anonymous said...

1:04 PM brings attention to the shining example of how the Peru City council discourages volunteerism. Harl, Mueller, Sappy, Potthoff and others claim the Hanging Baskets are "too expensive" and disrupt line of sight with signs so they must be discontinued. What a load of BS. The Hanging Baskets are the only thing that looks good in downtown Peru. They will spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars at the drop of a hat but they can't afford the cost of flowers to fill these baskets. Her's a thought. Send one less elected or appointed official to the IML Conference and you can pay for enough flowers to fill the baskets and the volunteers will do the rest. What is wrong with these people?

Anonymous said...

9:32...It is a load of Bs. Was in Ottawa yesterday and their hanging baskets are still being utilized and are now filled with blue ribbons to honor law enforcement. How do they manage? Does the mayor work hand in hand with the volunteers and support their effort? Also, do the city employees assist the volunteers?

Anonymous said...

9:32, you and many others are constantly forgetting the primary purpose of our local governments (the plural is intended as this includes all local governments from the schools to the county).

The purpose of local government is to extort money from the citizens - much like a mafia protection scam - and distribute this money to local, well connected, business friends. Now granted, they must at least make the appearance of providing some sort of service - but they keep this to the absolute minimum else it interfere with the margin that is due to their friends, relatives, and "associates."

Once you realize this and understand the purpose of local government, then everything they do makes complete sense.

To all the local Bosses, I think your days of TIF sucking are limited. The Internet has shined a light on your various scams and the people are getting a little bit upset - especially when the combined taxation is 50% or more of individual incomes.

Anonymous said...

9:32 I doubt any of the council members discourages volunteerism. I went by a number of occasions and Perez and Potthoff were hanging baskets with others. I have seen both of them working with each other, they get along well. I think the problem with hanging baskets is that they need a lot of water. Sometimes twice a day and that's difficult for volunteers.

Anonymous said...

Have been out of town and finally listened to the video of the last council meeting. I could not help but notice how Alderman Waldorf questioned the mayor about his request to hire a city administrator. I wondered why he (Waldorf) now seems so concerned with spending money when he just spent close to a million on vehicles. Is he afraid of the administrator taking away control of his committee, and his power to control the money? Election time is right around the corner, is this what is affecting his decision now?

Anonymous said...

After they washed off the idealism of the 1960's from their bare feet and out of their long hair, the Baby Boomers came to the realization that government had nothing to do with service. Instead of asking what they could do - they started asking what is in it for me.
Think of it, an entire generation that, for the most part, views government as a source of income - no matter their line of work. That is why they discourage volunteerism - in interrupts the flow of profits from the honest working man to the crony business friends.

Anonymous said...

12:40 If you go to the city web site and click on documents, forms and maps, on the left side, this will take you to the total compensation report required by public act 97609. The only problem is that this report is almost 3 years old. And I am not sure if it was ever publicly released as is required by law, meaning to the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Ha Rah for 10:22 old buddy for a great comment and Ha Rah Blog for a job well done. Any and all ways the word can be spread of goverment waste is deserving of praise. Spread the word over and out 10:22AM.
Where have I read "Taxation without Representation", lets not become a victim again.

Anonymous said...

To 7:59 AM, The latest information shows nothing of the sort. In fact, there has been "NO" numbers revealed that indicate Eric Carls is duties to this point have cut even slightly into the Scamlin & Associates invoice gravy train. If you have proof 7:59 am, you should present it. Now they are going to add this technician position that will only make it that much harder for you to make your false claims. Put up or shut up!

Peru Town Forum said...

10:35 PM

I wondered about the Potthoff-Perez work together for the flowers last summer and more recently the Food Pantry for the Holidays at HYVEE.

But that is now all gone and the picky grumpy scene at Finance last week seems to be an indication that Potthoff has no desire to work with Perez. Very disappointing to see what we all thought was a step forward has now taken a dozen steps backward. But I am betting Mayor Harl is chuckling to himself now. Did I mention the other 2nd ward candidate was also present at that meeting?

Anonymous said...

What floors me about the hanging baskets is that so many other communities do it and don't seem to have the problems Peru has maintaining them. It's a simple thing really, but we know the real reason they are being discontinued is because it was a Perez project. They're teying to stop Perez from doing anything for this city. Sorry, pathetic bunch of leaders. I'd like to see the rest of the council get their lazy a**es out there and take turns watering those baskets.

Anonymous said...

Who keeps stealing Perez campaign signs? Do they really think that's going to stop him?

Anonymous said...

10:43- like you said, the data is old. I'll take you word for it about being 3 years old since it is NOT Dated and NOT signed.
This also does not include every employee.

Now - from a few minutes of research I can tell that the Illinois Legislature and the Governor pulled a fast one on the tax payers back in 2012. Prior this change, IMRF employers where required to post all salaries in the newspaper every year. Now, they only have to post salaries above $75K - and they can put it on the Internet web page or post it in the office.
You can thank Former Governor Quinn, Speaker Madigan, President Cullerton, and the Illinois Democrat Party for this giant leap backward in public accountability.

My question is - if a school district must, by law, post ALL compensation on their web page, whey shouldn't a City?

Anonymous said...

Its nice to hear that the 2nd ward candidate Tom Payton is attending meetings. Why would Mayor Harl chuckle? I have seen Potthoff get grumpy with Harl over spending issues. One person said that Potthoff throws around nickels like manhole covers. He is too conservative for my liking.

Anonymous said...

To all the alderman: As parents and grandparents, what are you teaching them? Seems to me they are being taught by your actions, how to be disrespectful, dishonest, etc. Isn't it the responsibility of parents and grandparents to be role models? Don't we want our children and grandchildren to be honest leaders if they happen to follow in our footsteps, and not to be a follower? I'm very disappointed in one Alderman in particular that has fallen into the follower group, yes, that would be Alderman Pothoff. I use to admire you as a role model for our community.

Anonymous said...

C'mon 10:35 AM, Look at the minutes from the most recent Finance committee meeting. You don't think they discourage volunteerism? Read the minutes. That's exactly what they are doing, including Potthoff. They say it's too expensive. Nobody said anything about the volunteers complaining about having to water the baskets. The volunteers lead by Rodney Perez are going to be denied the opportunity to do the job because this committee has determined it is too expensive. Of course the reality of the situation is they want to eliminate a public service that is organized by the alderman they love to hate. So they deny the citizens of Peru a more attractive downtown because of petty and childish behavior by Harl and most of the aldermen.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Conversation and minutes regrding hanging baskets are in the Buildings and Grounds portion of the Public Services Committee meeting of 1/5/15.

Anonymous said...

So, if somebody just happened to hang some baskets full of flowers on the lamp posts and maintained them without any city involvement, what would happen?

How did we find ourselves in the situation in which everything that happens in this city requires Council approval?

My motto - it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

I think everyone should purchase a package of flower seeds and mail them to Mayor Harl's house. Mail them overnight delivery - signature required.

Anonymous said...

12:51, better yet. Send a pack of seeds with your power bill - with a note saying seeds of change.

Then, just to be annoying, send two checks. One for two cents less than the total and one for two cents with a memo note stating: "here is my two cents."

Anonymous said...

11:18 The Total Compensation report is most certainly dated. Go all the way to the bottom of the page. And yes, it is almost 3 years old and has never been updated.

As far as the hanging baskets go I believe the mayor's comment was that it was too labor intensive. How would he know because he wasn't in any way involved with them. And then they have the nerve to say we're going to go with the concrete planters and the volunteers can plant them. This is not the way for government to work with citizens who volunteer their time and energy to make the city a better place to live. You work with them not against them.

Anonymous said...

11:18 you are right about the signature but if you scroll down just a notch you will see the date. And I believe it is April of 2012. At first glance I wondered why there was no date, but it is conveniently WAY at the bottom of the page.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... that is where the page number belongs on any real document. This is just like the finance reports that are scanned in upside down - anything to make it difficult to read.

Why would the Mayor care about the labor involved in volunteers hanging baskets? Isn't that the point - take the labor portion out of the picture by having the volunteers do it?

How much do big concrete planters cost and whose friend will we buy them from? I Goggled it and found some "cheap" ones for around $700 each and "expensive" ones for around $2,000 each.

Grab your wallet folks - Boss Harl has another plan to separate you from your money.

Anonymous said...

11:53 please at least read the minutes prior to making any comments. Read the comment by 12:00, it was discussed briefly at the Public Works meeting and nothing was noted about not needing volunteers. Stop the conspiracy. Nobody made any mention about flowers being too expensive. 11:53 please be honest

Anonymous said...

PLEASE can we stop calling the committee as a whole open meetings with the public invited? Tonight's caw meeting starts at 6:00 and has 4 topics under closed session. They will be lucky to start the regular meeting on time tonight. These meetings are a sham and nothing more than a closed session. Rename it already. This government is a joke.

Anonymous said...

I just know that the City does not like it when people provide services for free.

Anonymous said...

2:38 let them have fun with the inaccurate comments. If your looking for accuracy don't look here. I think most of the topics are day to day and don't involve city councils.

Anonymous said...

2:38 and 3:32 I think there is more accuracy on this blog than you will ever know. Those minutes do reflect that the mayor felt the baskets were too labor intensive to continue. I can reassure you positively that he has no way of knowing how much work went into those baskets because he never helped or even asked. Besides, the labor was free. The only thing the city had to do the second year was water them. Volunteers prepared them, picked out the flowers, planted them in the baskets, and hung the baskets all while using their own vehicles. Volunteers even watered them the first year.

Anonymous said...

Why are so many of the different organizations that take working together to make a successful city working against one another. Included are the city administration, city council and city council members among one another, businesses, city vendors, city rec board, PPD, PFD, city employees, town citizens, volunteers etc., etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

Watching the video of the last city council meeting I could not hear those making a public comment because the podium was moved and the speaker faced the council. Why are such irratable things done by the city? Also could those speaking have their mic's turned on and speak into them?

Anonymous said...

The time has come that a good paycheck sometimes does and sometimes does not cover taxes, insurance and utilities. Isn't this scarry?

Anonymous said...

@4:57. Alderman Perez and his wife watered the hanging baskets and planters the whole summer the first year.

Anonymous said...

4:57 I agree with you that much of the info on this blog is accurate. The city council should be using this means of communication to their advantage and learn from the comments, but I would tend to believe that their thinking is that only a few people wrote, for example the 136 comments that are listed under the staff psychologist heading. Listen to the citizens of Peru mayor and city council, the majority will never steer you wrong. Be glad and welcome their input at the meetings and even consider some of the intelligent comments written here. Your life will be easier if you include us ordinary citizens.

Anonymous said...

Interesting at tonight's council meeting - before the meeting started, Mayor Harl called Tom Payton out into the hallway to chat.

Anonymous said...

8:39 And then Tom Payton was seen conversing with Mr. Vickrey in the hallway???

Peru Town Forum said...

8:39 PM

Signs seem to be that he is the hand picked candidate of our City Mayor, Scott harl.

Anonymous said...

8:39, why would thus surprise anybody? It takes about 5 minutes of conversing with someone to figure them out. If a person can't be snowballed that is.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Mr. Payton will see through Harls antics. One never knows, could backfire on Harl. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Anonymous said...

R.P. better watch out - The Boss is libel to send some union goons to rough him up.

Anonymous said...

Tom Payton was being informed by Harl when he can expect his yard signs to be ready. Harl has arranged for Payton's signs to be purchased by Local 150. Mr. Payton will also receive campaign money from the Local Building Trades after being "sponsored" by Harl. This is not rocket science folks. This is how Harl has helped his other "Rubber Stamp" aldermen candidates in the past. I don't think it will work this time.

Sherry Mayszak said...

I was at the council meeting last night. I can say I'm very disappointed with Dave Potthoff and a remark he made when planning the winter fun days was being discussed. He said in exasperation "it's just a sled ride". No, Dave, it's more than a sled ride. It's an event that kids and families will remember their whole lives. It takes planning, and Rodney has done it several times before and knows how to get it pulled together in a short amount of time. If it wasn't for Rodney, Peru would not have these winter fun days. It was his idea and then the Rec Board stepped in and took over. If it's "just a sled ride" why hasn't Dave Potthoff organized one in his 20+ years on the council? Please don't minimalize what these events provide for the community and don't try to trivialize what Rodney does for this city.

Anonymous said...

Harl's handpicked man!!! COULD NOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!! Glum you're killing me, feel like I owe you some money for all this entertainment!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Peru rec board and PAID rec dept. employees should be organizing these events.

Anonymous said...

With the Peru rec committee involved, stand by for the "Winter FUN Days" to turn into "Winter FUND Days."

Lets see, two bucks a hot dog, a buck for hot coco, maybe put up a beer tent and get the Pizza lady to hire a band. We will need some city trucks to randomly drive around the day before and the day after the event. Maybe require some people to "volunteer" to point at empty parking spots. We can make up for that with phony overtime later. Oh... I forgot, we will need to appropriate thousands of dollars and spend it locally for things that are not needed. Maybe this can be taken out of the endless "Hotel Motel Tax" - after all, people will come from miles around to go shopping when they are done with their sled ride.

Have fun kids.

Anonymous said...

These fun days, according to our city attorney, are a liability with Rodney hosting them. My question is if that is the case then how could the friends for the peru pool host fun days in the park and Mary Noonan host concerts at the airport? So how were those events able to take place? Let's not forget the car shows at Centennial Park, IVAR at Baker Lake, the fishing rodeo at Baker Lake, etc., etc. Are these not considered a liability also? What is different about these and what Rodney wants to do?

Anonymous said...

9:31. Yep, Payton is bought and paid for by Harl. Unfortunately he sold his soul. I just can't figure out why? How can a nice guy who's friends with RP on Facebook turn and stab the guy in the back? What's in it for him??

Anonymous said...

10:20 As a professional in the area of liability. Mr.Perez must understand that hosting a event that has a potential for injury opens him and his group to great exposure. Meaning they can or will be sued for everything they have. Yes, everybody sues and his event without the umbrella of the City is exposure nobody wants. I don't get why Mr.Perez doesn't understand that idea? Those other groups you mentioned all would be tied into liability with the organization.
Mr.Perez can pick up a liability coverage of about 1-2 million for about $6000.00. Why not help him with the cost if you feel he is the only one that can run a snow day. Your local Park group should organize a event if its needs to be organized.
A snow covered hill and a sled going down at high rate of speed has the potential of injury. Would you organize this event and risk the potential of a lawsuit? Your next question is why would the city care? Well, they would be dragged through the potential suit by allowing any individual to host the event without coverage or city supervision. They city may have exposure after they sue Perez. Broken legs are going six figures in the liability game.

Anonymous said...

He is an insurance salesman - that's how.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:20, they take out insurance policies to protect themselves.

Anonymous said...

10:21 you never understand why people run for office? Maybe he wants to be in public service? He is a small business owner and has been in service clubs. He is going to meetings and may have some business sense. If he gets the backing of those like the mayor and a few organized alderman he will do well.

Anonymous said...

So wanting to take part in local politics is now stabbing someone in the back? If Mr. Payton believes that he can a better job than the current alderman he has every right to try and unseat that person. Isn't this blog about getting people involved? Instead of complaining that Mr. Payton is attempting to unseat Mr. Perez, why aren't more people concerned that there is no opposition in the first ward? The more involved the better!

Anonymous said...

What kind of group would the FFP belong to that they would be covered for liability? They are citizens who formed their own group.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody put one of those cameras on Tom Payton? How do you people know where he goes and who he talks too? This is funny.

Anonymous said...

You don't need a camera to see what's going on at city hall. It was done in plain sight.

If the council would approve Perez' winter fun day, it would be covered under the city's liability plan just like FFPP group is covered. They are an extension of the city.

Lawyers make the world a place where nobody can have fun.

Why would Payton be a friend on FB to Perez and then run against him. Mueller is doing ok.

Anonymous said...

More citizens need to step into the ring of politics. I'm a retired veteran and served on the county board for two terms. I chose to run because the incumbent was not attending meetings or doing what he promised to do. It was clear to many that he had his own agenda. I believe Mr.Perez has been doing an outstanding job for Peru as a whole. It's clear some don't care for him but you don't get into politics to agree with everyone and be a yes man to the others. My point is this, being Mr.Perez appears to be well liked by many, and works hard for Peru, is honest and appears to take his position seriously, then why would someone run against him? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for his opponent stepping into the arena but why has he not ran until now? The last election was just two years ago. Did his opponent attend meetings prior to this recent election? If so, then I could see his passion to get seated. I will say, I've been around politics a long time and know when I see a scheme political move and this is one of them. It's a fact that Mr.Payton is affiliated with Mr.Waldorf, and this scheme has been in the making for several months. My sister is good friends with Mr.Radtkes wife who is a very sweet lady. I believe when she says that Mr.Payton has been selected because no one else would challenge Mr.Perez I believed it and I see it. I'm surprised that Mr.Payton would meet with Mr.Harl in public since he is trying to avoid what is happening here, and that's the public pointing out he was hand picked. Mr. B.Smith who is also a friend of Mr.Payton has also let the cat out of the bag on a few occasions. Politics can and will turn the most nicest, honest person into a mean spirited person. I had to get out of politics as it was making me hate people.

Anonymous said...

1:49 Your too gullible and much too trusting of others that want you to believe in some scheme to get a guy elected. Does Harl have a reason to get Perez out of office? If your reply is yes, go to the next question. Every election has hand-picked candidates to get the other out of office. I am sure that the other individuals running for office are hand picked by others to get those currently in office out of office. Why hasn't the guy ran for office before? Time? Did Perez go to meetings prior to running for office? Doubtful? I doubt that you were ever in politics or ran for office, if you did you would understand why someone would run against Perez.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Sherry Mayszak running against Perez?

Anonymous said...

Thank you 1:49 PM I've submitted comments to the blog for years why some qualified, successful citizens of Peru although highly popular and capable of obtaining a winning vote would and will never run for a city office. Your comment is a role model of why it is best to abstain from political office. Anyone who is in bewilderment as to why Alderperson Mueller has no competiton has to read your article. Have you ever questioned or spoke to Mr. Tom Payton personally as to why he is running and what he hopes to accomplish. This would only be fair to him and it seems to you.
My concern is what Tom will do in office, which I believe would be honorable and progressive. He surely has a interest in the development of Peru and a willingness and desire to tell you about it and from experience I know he will listen to your viewpoint also. Whoever you vote for is your choice but I am sure after talking to Tom you'll walk away respecting him.

Anonymous said...

Sherry took out a petition but withdrew once another person choose to run. Did she take out the petition only in hopes of dissuading anyone else from doing so??
Also, I am confused by the comment that since mr Perez is doing a fine job and that no one should run against him. The council felt test is doing a fine job and choose not to bid (apples and oranges) and everyone went crazy (rightfully) but the premise is the same....just because a position is adaquitly filled doesn't mean that it can't be improved

Anonymous said...

Sherry M was never running against Perez. She took out a petition just to keep others from running against Perez with two already appearing to run. That was their plan. People recognized that and it failed. Do you think Rodney does not play politics?

1:49 it is funny that you are asking why now. Did Rodney not decide to run for office and win the first time? Isn't that how everyone gets started? They just decide to run.

These comments about Tom Payton are sick. Personally I will be voting for the person who doesn't post on Facebook their every "good deed" for the world to see. Rodney is the greatest politician of all. That's not a bad thing, it is what it is. What is still is accusing other aldermen or the mayor of "playing politics." That is what politicians do. All of them.

Anonymous said...

Anon2:42 Really? Why Harl would want Perez out of office? Are you new in town? There's a club at city hall called the good ole boys club. The leader of the club is the mayor and his minions are the seven dwarfs. The club is looking to recruit another minion because to get their roller coaster to run smoothly is to have 8 minions who will see, hear and say no evil. For them to have 1 uncooperative club member throws a wrench into their clubs oath of office. I don't know the guy running against Ald.Perez I'm not in his ward either so I can't vote for either of them. What I do know is Peru is heading for derailment and I truly believe it it wasn't for Ald Perez it would've hit already and none of us wouldn't have known it because no one on that council can be trusted except Ald Perez. I once believed in Ald Pothoff but no longer. city of Peru can't afford to lose or chance having Ald Perez get beat. I'm personally not concerned as I see Ald Perez running away with it. What I am concerned about is having Ald Perez continue fighting the same faces over the next four years. I'm in the fourth ward and will be voting for Chico Perez because I've known him for over 25 years as a trusting kind man and Ald Pothoff has expired.
Ald Waldorf needs to also expire. I honestly feel with Ald Perez staying with two newly elected aldermen it would give us the diversity needed to head Peru back down the right track. Mayor Harl is dirty and has dirty players in his circle. I've known him for many years also. I predicted how he would run Peru into the ground years ago.

Anonymous said...

Psychiatric counseling is covered under the city's insurance policy. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. Probably.

Anonymous said...

3:29 pm, comparing TEST to aldermen doesn't work. No matter which person wins for alderman, the citizens only pay one wage, the same wage. However if the TEST contract had gone out for bids, citizens could have potentially saved thousands and thousands of dollars.

Anonymous said...

Just because a poisition is adaquitly filled does not mean it cant be improved. That is the point of the comment. Yes it is apples and oranges but shouldn't we seek out the best options in all areas of our government and its functions? If you feel mr Perez is the best option then vote for him but there is no need to bash mr Payton or anyone else before they have an opportunity to campaign and if elected, prove themselves. That mindset will only keep potential candidates from stepping forward on the future.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding comment 10:40 PM. It is proven that that mindset of bashing a candidate before the opportunity to campaign and if elected, prove themselves will only keep potential candidates from stepping forward in the future. Many highly qualified candidates who were much needed have never stepped into the political arena because of this exact reason.
It must be remembered that this blog has strong beliefs in transparency, fair treatment and open participation made available to all citizens of Peru, term limitations and the advantages of such.
In conclusion the mission of Peru Town Forum:
"This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the People of Peru and those interested in the city to express their views."
Nowhere do I find that the blog is to take sides backing one candidate or belittling the other.

Anonymous said...

Being a former union officer I know from experience that the union would never allow a closed door session with the management because they wanted the body to know that how they were being represented and that there was no need to go behind closed doors to make secret agreeements.
Admittingly that city business is different in some ways than union management business I still cannot reasonably believe that Peru has so many closed sessions and that a union member, Mayor Harl, allows them. How many closed door sessions have taken place in Peru in the last 6 years? I mean a grand total consisting of council, committee and meetings as a whole closed door sessions.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:17 PM

I also strongly oppose any elected official using their influence as a member of an organization or political party or city privileges to influence any candidate running for an office in the city in which that official is holding office. I oppose the elected official donating to the campaign of said candidate or encouraging others to do so.
In other words if individuals currently hold an elected office within this city, let the current candidates run on their own dime and do not attempt to influence voters with whom you might have clout over due to the administrative position you have been elected to. Do not attempt to influence any people who do business with the city in any way as to how they should cast their vote.

In other words, take care of your own affairs and let the people of this city vote for the person they believe is the best candidate.

I would like to see a fair and honest election.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of unions, currently the Union rat is situated on the sidewalk by the old Casey's gas station. The rat is probably best described as a sign, and as such falls under the city's sign ordinance which does not allow for signs to be placed in the public right of way. It should be moved to private property with the consent of the owner, correct?

Anonymous said...

Yes the RAT is a sign and the city's sign ordinance does not allow signs to be placed in the public right of way.
Part of the sign ordinance also calls for signage to only be so big which the RAT is humongous and should be reduced to the size of a mouse which fits under the sign ordinance. The juristriction of the RAT comes under the realm of Jeff Kings' responsibilities and should be acted upon
ASAP, if not sooner.
As a citizen I find it very questionable why city governmental agencies do not cooperate with other governmental agencies in Peru. City vehicles have driven by this sign since it has been there today and have taken no action nor informed the specified department or individuals which should have taken a action. If communications have progressed as they should what has been the concrete results? If no action was taken where did communications stop up the ladder of the chain of command?

Anonymous said...

Is somebody not doing there job 4:57?

Anonymous said...

YES, someone did not do their job 2:43 PM, and no excuses are acceptable.