“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Getting to Know the Candidates

We are very fortunate this year to have so many quality candidates running for alder/man/woman and their signs will identify who they are and for more information, some have established web sites and some have pages on Facebook to keep you updated with their campaigns. But for some reason the Illinois Valley has never developed a forum for the candidates to tell us what their views are. Please reference the article I posted on the Streator elections where organizations did host a forum, not a debate.

As they make their door to door journey while they campaign for votes, if you have time to talk to them you will get answers to your concerns. Some have posted phone numbers and email addresses to make themselves available to you. We will be glad to help anyone if they don't have the information needed.

I am writing this because there are a small number of people who are trying very hard to use this blog to spread untruths and malicious comments to scare people into not voting for people they don't like and/or to push their candidate while bashing the other. Those comments will never ever be posted. I have been accused of denying them their right of Freedom of Speech. I always say when someone is being rude, ignorant or unbearable with their behavior that their right to speak like that ends at my ears and in this case it ends at my eyes. I have been asked before to be considerate of others reading the blog to not post that type of comment, so if it offends me and not because of any political views but just from a common sense point of view, it offends others. So to those people, I say don't waste your time writing and my time deleting your posts.

This is a very important election and I hope that a great percentage of voters in Peru will avail themselves of the opportunity to express their opinions on election day and to learn all they can from good news sources and from the candidates themselves and hope you will continue to view the blog also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Which bias source are you recommending ?