“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Would You Believe Another Water Main Break??

Photos were taken about 7:30PM and this was several hours after the break was discovered.


Anonymous said...

Another break, another thumbs up for the Mayor..
Great Job..!

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder how many breaks could have been avoided by the previous administration if they had been proactive in the much needed infrastructure throughout the City. I think I could come up with a little over $5ml off the top of my head right now on money wasted on 2 new City halls. I'm not only talking about the previous mayor, but all of his "boys" that voted right up his "alley." Independent thinkers? Absolutely NOT! Financial planners? Don't make me laugh more. We need aldermen that know how to run a REAL business with big boy money!

Anonymous said...

Dear 9:04
If you look at the current list of candidates which on has the financial background to manage "big boy money" None yes I said none. A true working council should have a mix of both.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe your response 9:04pm. You need some wake up pills if you think the current group of new comer aldermen (women) will do us better.

They could not be able to run "a one arm paper hanging business" without raising our taxes or rates .

I have printed off all of the new comers letters and IF THEY GET IN, I will hold them accountable in the future . Watch and See..

Anonymous said...

7:00 You mean the previous Mayor I assume.

Anonymous said...

None have previous or any financial background? You are not serious. Mr. Potthoff runs a multi-million dollar company every single day. Please don't put everyone you don't like into the mix. Be fair with your opinion.

Peru Town Forum said...


Most of the current candidates have dealt with finances or are doing so in their current jobs. To me it looks like you are only making noise in an attempt to make them look bad. Don't panic when they are elected they will most definitely surprise you but not me because I expect they will do the right thing for the city of Peru.

Anonymous said...

For clarity 12:44pm, could you please let me know how successful this particular type of business, on average, could be without very large donations and gifts? How would the average financial statement and profitability compare when only earned income for services are recorded? In my opinion, BIG difference. Also, for the record,I use to be a Pothoff supporter. Actually made a comment once about supporting him for Mayor. Then I looked into the issues MUCH further. Saw way too many "no" votes and disagreement with the other players. I would like to see more proactive members on the board. Need ideas. Need go getters. Not just a big old "NO" on every vote. That's the "easy way out" strategy as far as i see it. And evidentally, all of the other voters did too.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, I wouldn't be surprised if the City does have to raise taxes. The problems were created and shoved under the table long ago. Now they have come to surface. Infrastructure needs updating. Period. I won't like a tax increase and I'm sure those on fixed incomes won't like it either. What choice is left? Someone please offer a better plan. But I assure you, there will be screaming (and more changes in the roll call) if the taxpayers are taxed for luxury items, such as a pool. Needs first!

Anonymous said...

I'll put my tax dollar on four new candidates winning tomorrow and the City of Peru having a debt of far less than $43,000,000.00 four years from April 5, 2011 than I would of having the four incumbents re-elected and the City of Peru having a debt of less than $86,000,000.00.

Yes , Mary Landsiedel, Steve Weberski, Mike Radtke, and Rodney Perez have worked hard, given everyone in their ward a opportunity to personally meet them and ask questions, and will do the right thing for the City of Peru. Give them the opportunity to move Peru ahead with your vote, Tuesday, April 5th 2011.

Anonymous said...

Please let me clairfly what I mean. Of the four trying to unseat the current council members, I see some management experence. Not enough to intice me to change my vote this election. Since the Mayor has had limited experance I feel the council needs CEO's independent contractors and small business owners to bring that knowledge base to the council. Which only strenghtens the debate on financial issues. Just because you have have an idea to balance the budget or fix the roads with little or no knowledge on the funding process works is not good enough to get things done.

Peru Town Forum said...


I have a problem since the member who is a CEO has done nothing to further anything in the city for the past 2 years. He has refused most committee assignments and is member of the electric committee only and chairman of none. Anything else he point blank was not interested.
The only small business owner up for election has failed the city in not holding even one committee meeting as chairman of the Streets and Alley committee. So who is discussing our streets if the committee is not. That is a very serious error in judgment.
As to independent contractors you might want to check his past financial enterprises.

Anonymous said...

What are you people talking about? You've had the present council members for quite some time (some as much as 20 years) and where is Peru today? In debt, and crumbling apart. No swimming pool (lack of proper maintenance) and pathetic roads. Do you want to vote for more of the same? If not vote for Mike, Mary, Steve, and Rodney.

Anonymous said...

How much money would Peru be in debt if it did not own its own electric facility, which it has for over 60 or 70 years. How much would Peru be in debt if it did not own its own electric plant and was not Number One in sales tax revenue in the area for the last 40 some years?

What do we have to show for these golden eggs? Poor roads, no swimming pool, limited vision by our city council with nothing in reserve to utilize. Citizens you have a council which does not understand finance and debt when it is staring them in the face!

Vote Tuesday! Vote Wisely! Vote for Steve, Mary
Mike and Rodney! The future of the City of Peru depends upon it.

Every man, woman and child who lives in Peru presently has a city debt of $4300. Every family of four has a city debt of $17,200.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to Mike, Mary, Steve, & Rodney. I have watched you as part of the community for many years. I've seen you at many different functions over the years and I've watched you roll up your sleeves to get the job done. I respect your honesty and willingness to get involved to clean up this mess that our prior alderman have created. You have a huge task ahead of you. If you stand up to your beliefs and never let your vote be bought, you will have our continued support in everything you do.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, the word CEO just about wore out it's welcome. I was so sick of hearing it last year and I just about can't stomach it anymore. Big words and letters mean nothing, it's what you do to change and make something better that really counts. It's the legacy you left behind. It's the little things that you are remembered for. Hmmmm.