“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prosecutors say Peru plane held drug money - MyWebTimes.com

Prosecutors say Peru plane held drug money - MyWebTimes.com


Anonymous said...

What? There are so many things in this article about the incident that don't make any sense at all. Has this been published in our News Trib?

Anonymous said...

Snowboarding in Illinois?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the airport employees who contacted the Peru police regarding this unusual occurrence. Lots of questions though, regarding the steps taken by the Peru police. I would ask our Mayor and the current Aldermen to take steps to follow this strange occurrence and to take an even bigger step to make sure that the citizens of Peru are kept in the know as to what steps are being taken.

This needs to be more than the dividing up of the spoils. This is a drug situation, at our local airport which probably has been going on for sometime. This cannot be ignored and those people, from the person who owns the plane to the passengers and pilot of the plane, must be held accountable. Our local police are diligent in monitoring and stopping locals for DUI's.....I would think this would be a higher priority and certainly something that would bring more money into their coffers. I sincerely hope the explanations when given are worth the transgressions of allowing drug runners to go free. However, I have to question the Peru police in allowing a person to go free who has had a past history of arrest due to possession and that also involved guns, ammunition and "large amounts of money". There must be some law that would allow the police to at least hold this person for questioning.

Anonymous said...

If you read the article...they were questioned

Peru Town Forum said...

Snow is in fact a well-known street name for cocaine

Anonymous said...

Anon:10:54 if you read Anon 10:05 comments you should be able to realize that the commenter has read the article and that in-depth questioning is what is being referred to, not a caught today gone today situation for creating this chain of events.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many discrepancies between the article in the Ottawa Times and the News Tribune? Also why is there no place for comments under the Trib article? The Ottawa Times article is much more detail oriented than our local paper. It also has been removed from the Ottawa Times web site.

Peru Town Forum said...

Very suspicious that they have hidden the article. You can still find by putting "peru airport" into search on the Web Times or come to the blog and click on this topics title.

Anonymous said...

What were the men from the plane doing from March 3rd til March 6th and what happened to the vehicle they took off in? Also where did this vehicle come from? Was it sitting at the airport waiting for them? What was in the 2 bags they unloaded from the plane to the truck? Couldn't the police get there fast enough to check or wasn't it reported in time?

Anonymous said...

I understand that police and prosecutors are barred by Illinois Supreme Court rules from commenting on a pending investigation. My question is after the April 14th hearing will we then be informed as to what went on at the airport from March 3-6? And what time does that hearing take place on the 14th? Hopefully Anon 5:27 your questions will be answered, because people in Peru want to know and I believe have the right to know what is going on in their city!

Anonymous said...

Why then 12:47 why were they allowed to mention it at all? And why were they allowed to release the amount of cash found, the suspects names, the 2 vehicles used at the airport,ETC.? Way too many unanswered questions. Who cares about the money - where are the drugs and where did they go?

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2010 - one year and a day ago three adults were arrested and charged with three to five counts of drug felonies each and agents seized 14 ounces of cocaine, two pounds of marijuana, cash and ammunition. The business building in downtown Peru that these individuals were using still has the windows covered with sun bleached, water stained, grocery wrapping paper.

I am in question to the status of this trio? I hope that they have not been set free. It appears that some have a new book and do not realize when it comes down to law enforcement that the majority still prefer to follow the old book. Do I sound outdated, old and ancient and a complete fossil or am I making sense? Please respond and let me know.

Anonymous said...

In the minutes of the weekly city council meeting of March 9th under public comment it is stated that the question of the uses of the Peru Airport was one citizens concern? What answers did they receive and from whom?

The officials of Peru have a lot of answering to do to the rest of us who live in LaSalle County. On April 14th the plate had best be clean or that airport should be shut down!

Peru Town Forum said...

Look on the left side for the heading Popular Posts and go down the list and find the Topic Title - Do You Have Questions About the Operations of the Peru Airport. Chuck Studer who manages Av-Tech at the Peru Airport made several lengthy posts about the operation of the airport. It may or may not answer your concerns.

Anonymous said...

3:34 As far as I have read and determined the only thing that will be answered April 14th is where the money will go.

Anonymous said...

Why would they close the Airport????? They run drugs daily on Interstate 80. Should we close down the Interstate Highway system. The whole notion that "we deserve to know" drives me mad. Law Enforcement will tell you what they can, when they can. Did you ever stop to think that they may be continuing this investigation? That they may be going after bigger fish?

Anonymous said...

How much bigger do the fish have to be? U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration told police Zachary had once been arrested on charges of possession of meth and marijuana in a case in which guns, ammunition, and a large amount of money was seized.

Anonymous said...

Bigger fish? Two of the individuals involved in this incident had already been charged with drug trafficking and possession of large sums of money. As far as comparing our little airport to interstate 80 that is absurd. Closing 80 would affect the country. Closing our airport would affect a few. Anon 9:12 don't you think citizens have a right to know what's happening in their neighborhood so they can be better prepared and more alert?

Bob said...


It looks like one of the subjects involved in the airport caper has done this kind of thing before. Go to Google and search Bartosz M. Kupczyk. There you will find "United States v. Bartosz Kupczyk, 09-3017". Look under CourtListener. It appears Kupczyk was trying to get back $231,930 seized from his car. He was trying to suppress his being stopped and the money he had with him. The last sentence reads as follows "We affirm the district court's denial of Kupczyk's motion to suppress." The stop was in February 2008. What would be the odds of two people with a not so popular name involved in transporting large sums of money.

If you don't read the Ottawa paper go to www.mywebtimes.com or www.inottawa.com. Both will take you to the same place. Under search near the top left type Peru airport. The first one that comes up reads a little different than the article in the local paper. Read the paragraph that begins with "On March 6". Instead of truck in the local paper it describes the truck in more detail.