“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Potthoff Weberski Stachowiak Ward 4

This was removed at the request of the LaSalle New Tribune as they believe it is an infringement upon their ownership of the article.


Anonymous said...

Why would a incumbent alderman with twenty years experience, the second longest on the Peru City Council, be a member of only one committee and not be a chairman of any committees?

Peru Town Forum said...


Because that was the decision of the alderman you are referring to and for reasons of his own. A chair was offered to him

Anonymous said...

Going to vote in the 4th ward I must know why he would make this decision? What were the reasons? I hope it was not a personnel conflict that he enabled to hinder his responsibilities to his constituents and the City of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Do we know why he refused? Was it a committee he didn't want? Was he too busy with his job? Just curious!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:27PM and 9:18PM

I will do some research and get an answer for you and find out the reason.

Anonymous said...

go dave you have my vote!

Anonymous said...

There is a perfect reason for term limits; 20 years as an alderman, that is to long for anybody to be in public office! Any elected official should have no more than 2-3 terms max! Than any good-ole boy scenarios are cut short!

Peru Town Forum said...

This is an update on the reason Ald. Potthoff is only a member of one committee After Mayor Harls election, he gave each of the aldermen a questionaire about what committees they were interested in and would they be interested in being a chair of any particular committee. For several weeks he spent time with the members who chose to come to those meetings and organized the committees with those who participated. Ald. Potthoff attended none of the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that kind of represent a lack of interest on his part? And doesn't it appear to show a state of nonchalence toward the committees established to help run the city?

J said...

Looks like Dave will have 2 votes, his plus 1

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like none of the committees meet anyway.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about why the "Unions" are agaist Mr. Pottoff? Why the Illinois Valley Building Trades Council has thrown their support behind Mr. Weberski. Over the years, his opponent, Alderman Potthoff, has gone out of his way to support local contractors. He could have saved a substantial amount of money on his $11 MM expansion if he hired out of the area non-union contractors. Mr. Weberski on the other hand, couldn’t see fit to hire a union contractor to replace his own roof. I bet he forgot about the building permit also.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I ask a pointed question about the Union involvment in this campain, and your blog won't reply. I'm courious about the new good ole boys club the current Mayor is trying to build with the PAC's help?? This is a bad thing for our city.

Peru Town Forum said...


That is not true that none of the committees meet. Finance meets 2x a month, sewer and water meet as needed as does recreation and electric. Ambulance meets 2x a month and I believe bldg and grounds is also as needed. There is committee called Health that I don't believe meets and I don't even know its purpose.

Peru Town Forum said...


I am not a union member and never have been. I don't know why the Union Trades made that decision as they do not keep in touch with this blog with their decisions. I know as much as you do about that. You are correct that Mr Potthoff has used union labor at the Y and maybe he did it because he felt he would get a better job done.

Anonymous said...

Ok it seems that this blog supports the PAC for the new candidates.To answer your question about the use of unions, I don't have that answer. However there are strong Non union companies that done fantastic work. You don't have to be Union to do good work. I wonder what Mr. Weberski's respose would be? Thank you for posting my questions.

Peru Town Forum said...


Mr Weberski used union labor to replace his roof and the contractor would have taken care of all necessary paper work.

Anonymous said...

I will support no one that is supported by a union. Unions are destroying the very country I love! GO DAVE, DAVE and Jamie!

Peru Town Forum said...

Yes there are non union people who do very good work and many of them are self employed folks.

Anonymous said...

Jamie is too lazy to work for any union. He couldn't do the work. Sorry

Steve said...

To 8:18 a.m. - The official blog "Creep-O-Meter" is maxxed out as a result of your knowledge of maintenance projects being performed on my residence. That is a little bit scary. Do you keep notes on all residential improvement projects in
Peru? Do you suffer from Building Inspector envy?
Whoever I hire to work on my property is certainly none of your business and you are incorrect to assume you know who is a union contractor and who is not.
The YMCA Board of Directors uses union labor because it is in their over-all best interest to do so. Also, because the quality of union labor is superior.
To 11:38 a.m. - You and a few others like you would like to make an issue of union vs. non-union support for certain candidates. Truth is, it's not an issue in this campaign and never has been. If its an obsession for you then you are unimformed and out of touch with the real problems we face in Peru. You're entitled to your opinion. Union bashing is in style right now for folks like you. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

Steve,Steve, it is not that I'm out of touch with what is happening in Peru. I'm more informed than you think. All the skewed information you post, causes nothing but distrust in your campaign. I do have the right to know who does your work if you are saying that the "union" worker and the quality is better that a non-union worker. How many non union workers live in the 4th ward I'm sure they want to know your stance on their quality of work.

Anonymous said...

I wont have to bash much longer because unions are on the way out. Just think, no more robbing of the average american taxpayer. I know its just a start but a start none the less. About the comment of unions being "superior" in there work, you are sadly missinformed. Give credit to the many more non union contractors that show much more pride in there work than a union contractor ever will.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:37 and 12:42 PM and I assume both posts came from the same person. Since both Mr Potthoff and Mr Weberski have used union labor in construction projects, I don't see your point. Your comments have nothing to do with the election of an alderman for the Fourth Ward but for some reason there are some people who can't control their anti union feelings and have to inject them into whatever the topic may be. This election on April 5 is so much more important to the residents of Peru because of the manner in which the currently seated aldermen have chosen to run this city. It is about the way they have conducted themselves while in office and how they have and have not conducted the business of the city of Peru. Your dislike of unions will not make this city of Peru a better place but putting in office people who are knowledgeable and will perform the duties required of them will put us on the road to a better functioning city and a government that the people in Peru can look to with pride and know the elected officials are doing what the residents expect of them and be fiscally conservative at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Could you explain "Folks like Me"

Anonymous said...

No Lois they are not from the same person. I don't have a problem with Unions or the work they do. What I see is the unions trying to gain a foothold in local governments. This can be seen all over the country. In Peru I take the same stance that I took 2yrs ago when Mayor Harl was elected. I felt back then he wasn't the right person for the job. I felt he had too many people he would have to listen to for helping him win the job. ( time to pay the piper) I feel he wants his union brothers on the council so all the work will be driven toward union shops. The city of peru is working it way out of the mess it is in but so are a lot of cities our size. I just don't want another boys club formed. Yet I can see this happening with the PAC sponsered candidates. I hope I'm wrong thanks for posting.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:21 PM

All of the people you have referred to are people I have only met in the 8 years or less. As I have explained none of them have union memberships at this time and they are definitely independent thinkers and I am very impressed with their intelligence and independence. One of my pet peeves is incompetence and believe me I recognize it when I see it. My point is give them a chance to right the wrongs that are currently taking place and if you find in 4 years that they are not doing what you expected, well it will be time to vote again.
Quite possibly and hopefully the city might try some term limit ordinances.

Peru Town Forum said...

"correction" - I have only met in the past 8 years or less.

Anonymous said...

What does a union and collective bargaining have to do with no bid contracts, the same consulting engineering firm for over sixty years,or a Street & Alley Committee with a budget of $1,000,000.00+ that doesn't have committee meetings? Where do they get their information?

What dose the union and collective bargaining have to do with the condition of our roads and the city being $43,000,000 in debt?

Why were conditions allowed to become so deplorable that basements were flooding not once but two or three times per year? Oh I forgot we had the 100, 200 and 300 year rains all in one year!

All of us would like to have a swimming pool and we would have one if some of the present council members would have taken heed and listened to Mayor Baker twenty years ago and pursued this subject with the same vigor they have when we have greater priorities in the worst of economic times. Today it is a decision of wants and needs, or should I say needs and wants.

The candidates are running that will consider alternatives to a swimming pool until the city has a true means of building one. I would much rather have a splash pad than a dream and a promise and I think the children would also.
We will have a outdoor pool in Peru in the future, I know we will, it is that we have to be fiscally responsible in getting one.

Fiscally responsible down to the nitty gritty, for example picking up you business mail at your work place, the city building. It should not have to be forwarded to the aldermens homes at the tune of $4000.00 to $5,000.00 per year cost to the city.

Peru Town Forum said...


Great comments and very well said. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very nice comments 3:21. You expressed many of the same feelings and thoughts I was experiencing such as "What do Unions have to do with this election?" and "Did Unions get us in the mess we are in today?" and "Instead of concentrating on Unions why don't we talk about progress and what we can do to get ourselves out of this mess?" VOTE for change, progress, and a brighter future. Just VOTE!

Anonymous said...

Lois Really!!!

Anonymous said...

i will vote for the tried and true in the 4th ward, dave potthoff all the way

Anonymous said...

why did you not list dave potthoff's website below steve's??

Peru Town Forum said...


Because he did not let me know that he had one and since he does not answer my emails, I don't go around looking for links to include for the election. But if you check the other blog you will find letters he has written in response to her emails, makes one wonder.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're right Lois. I went to the other blog and there does seem to be some correspondence between Mr. Potthoff and the writer of the blog although, the writer denies it's Mr. Potthoff. It's quite strange - to me anyway.

Anonymous said...

I went to Mr. Potthoff's site and found it very informative as to what he belives and what he has done over the years. Compared to Mr. Wererski's which offers no plan, just we need change. It would seem that he is trying to take someone off the council who actully thinks about the people of the 4Th ward as well as the city of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Lois..the other blog is a train wreck...even Stephen King needs to be afraid of that author of the blog...please don't take anything it says as anywhere near the truth..just enjoy the read as a great FICTION!

Anonymous said...

I went to the other blog and you are right 2:13. But, I do have to say that there was what appeared to be correspondence between Potthoff and Kristy. How would one explain that?

Peru Town Forum said...


Yes, but the email conversations are real and it sounds like he is encouraging the recipient and shows very much his antagonism to our current mayor and that leads to his inability to work and cooperate within the Peru city government. Why does he want to continue as a representative of the 4th ward if he will continue along the same path as he has been.

Anonymous said...

Lois-2:52...i do not believe they are real....i would not put it past the author to concoct any if not all of it....you know the authors lack of credibility.

Peru Town Forum said...


Too technical to make up without extensive computer savy.

Anonymous said...

The other blog openly backed Potthoff in the last Mayor's election, so her being in contact with him should be no surprise, same as it is not surprising her good friend Ken Drennan of the public works backs Potthoff.

Anonymous said...

The other blog owner, KD, and POTT. Now there's an interesting team if I ever met one. Is Mr. P supporting or even participating in the other blog? Maybe that's why he lost by such a landslide in the other election.

Anonymous said...

what is the big deal lois about someone being in contact with someone-you and steve are in contact, you baby him all the way what is the big difference can you tell me? i dont get it. again silly silly comments by the above.

Peru Town Forum said...


Don't forget my name was also mentioned in that email. I remember that night so well because when I made that comment about the seniors, I was rudely interrupted by Potthoff who did not even have the courtesy to allow me to finish my comment.
Sure I talk to Steve but he is not my alderman. I talk to lots of people everyday so what's the problem?
The rest of your post is so silly I won't even comment.

Anonymous said...

9:18 There's nothing wrong with being in contact with someone but if you have checked that other blog you will see that Kristy denies that it's Potthoff sending the e-mails. So, is she or isn't she in contact with him? And, why would she print it and then deny it?