“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ward 2 Candidate Perez


Anonymous said...

Mr. Perez says he will donate his first 1000 dollars to the pool, is that trying to buy votes? I put that right up there with Ald. Ankiewicz saying if we don't have a pool our kids will not learn to swim and will drown! Is that what our local election has come to, buying potential votes? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Perez is probably donating money to prove that he is interested in helping others . So many Alderman are only interested in doing what they want to do . The majority of the citizens of Peru have said they want a Pool . The duty of an Alderman is to find out what the majority of the citizens want and push for that issue . Mr.Perez is a firefighter in Peru , so I'm sure he already donates alot to help the citizens . Mr.Perez is always at public events preaching safety to all of us and even our kids . Just because someone donates to a cause that means they want something in return ? obviously you don't donate to help the good of mankind . Mr.Perez has also stated he is against all the wastefull spending in our government . I'm for anyone that wants to cut spending by our city officials . How many city employees have a city vehicle for their own personal use ? TOO many . The only ones that need a City owned vehicle are emergency responders ... police , fire , and EMS . And the Fire and Ems vehicles weren't even bought with our tax dollars . They bought those with funds they secured through donations . Wastefull spending is when we have public works superintendant, electrical superintendant , and building inspectors using city vehicles to drive to and from work , run personal errands , shop out of town , give rides to family members and visit family on holidays . This is ridiculous with the state our city is in right now . the price of gas is outrageous for us citizens to allow these crooks to waste our tax dollars like this . When was the last time one of these guys came out on an emergency , NEVER . But they use these vehicles and go and do what they want whenever they want on our dime . Your worried about someone donating money so the city would have to pay less when our employees are wasting money faster than fundraisers can bring money in !! Obviously Mr.Perez is worried about more than what he is going to get out of being an alderman , he is more worried about what us citizens are going to get out of him being an alderman . That is how it is suppose to be !!

Anonymous said...

75% of the population that knows how to swin , learned to swim in a public pool . You must have been one of those kids with a private pool and a private instructor . Most people wouldnt know how to swim without public pools . Every city needs the opportunity to have one for its citizens . And you question someone donating to help ? Obviously you won't be volunteering for the concert for a cause to raise money .

Anonymous said...

I see we are still discussing a pool? "senseless"
We do not "need", a pool in Peru" I am writing this because I will support perez for what I have learned about him. I really don't think with him donating a 1000.00 to the pool will get him any votes, I think his work within our community, energy,and that it seems like the people I have been talking to like the guy. besides all that, Perez is not for raising taxes for a pool and If he feels a need to give 1000.00 to a pool fund out of his earnings from the city, that comes from our tax dollars to pay him, Then I respect that. Because it shows he is doing this for other reasons then to make a buck.I only come on this blog to read and have only commented one other time last year. But this pool deal is over the edge. I told Mr.Perez when he came to my door last month that he will have my vote if he doesn't support raising my taxes over it." Lets move on to the issues that matter!!!"

Anonymous said...

Mr.Perez will be the candidate that will represent the citizens of Peru . He is out there everyday walking , talking , fighting fires , working with the schools with our kids , working with the courts with our kids , helping anyone that asks , just like his Father a Retired Peru Firefighter . Mr.Perez listens to what we say and is willing to act . There isn't a day that goes by that i don't see him out there somewhere . He is who i trust to help cut the cities wasteful spending and un-needed council meeting saving us tax dollars . Perez investigates things before he makes decisions . That is what we need . He is what we need .

J said...

Geez, could we get 8 Rod Perezes on the council? He sounds like the real deal.