“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, December 02, 2013

The Council Had Many Expenditures on the Agenda Tonight

I did not attend the council meeting this evening so will be waiting for those who did or the local news sources to give us some clues as to how it was handled.


Anonymous said...

One hilarious tidbit of info from the disbursement sheet last night. A Time Clock has been purchased.
Now that is funny. Only 46 years late. How will we recoup all the money lost due to all the phony timesheets over those 46 years?
We could build a dozen pools and half a dozen Senior Centers for that kind of money.

Anonymous said...

Did they vote to spend $8000.00 to move a pickle ball court to some remote location?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Harl would never allow a timeclock. How did this happen? The employees will be livid.

H, Tom said...


Anonymous said...

H Tom - it is a safety precaution. One guy to drive, one guy to navigate, and one guy to make sure they are safe.

Anonymous said...

I was approached to sign a petition to eliminated elected officials. Is this a recall or what?

Anonymous said...


Please don't follow my truck around town. It makes me wonder if I am being stalked by a unstable person who spends time counting leaves. The vacumm takes more than one person to operate, we need to do this safely. Residents are still raking leaves.
You are welocme to help, please check with my supervisor to outfit you with the correct safety gear. We don't allow Budweiser on any city trucks, please leave your stash on the front porch next to your yellow couch. You will have to wear a yellow safety vest. You can throw the vest over your Willy Nelson 1984 farm-aid t-shirt. You may not have worked a complete 6 hours in one day for some time. We will give you a chance to catch up to speed. If you can't keep up we may have to drop you off to cut grass in the park. Good luck Tom.

p.s Cable TV has some great shows on if your not busy trailing the truck. Sanford & Son and All In the Family are on everyday. I may suggest that you stay away from Criminal Minds re-runs.

Anonymous said...

So now that we have made it into the 20TH Century with a time clock to actually keep track of hours worked (or not) we should consider some more efficiency measures. Why not move into the 21ST Century and put GPS tracking on all of our cars and trucks. That way we know where they are, how long they spend idling (all day from what I heard), and if one disappears in the middle of the night. This is something that the private sector figured out a while back.

Anonymous said...

11:45 - What you are referring to is the Petition Drive to create two At-Large Aldermen positions and reducing the total number of aldermen from eight to six.
Citizens will now have three aldemen to contact when they have a concern and we will save $15,000 per year with two fewer aldermen.
That's a win-win.
Oh yea, one more thing about the petition/referendum.
If approved, all existing aldermanic terms expire on the date of the next city election which essentially means that the four aldermen elected in 2013,(Ferrari/Mueller/Sapienza/Lukosus),will have to run again in 2015. So, in April of 2015 there will be six aldermenaic seats up for grabs. That is an excellent opportunity to replace many if not all of the "No-Bid Seven".
Remember, as of January 2014 our council has reduced the meeting schedule to only half as many meetings without reducung their pay. There must not be much work to do so we can certainly get by with fewer aldermen. Sounds like a great idea. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Yes because all of the private sector uses GPS on all of their cars and trucks. No, they don't.

Of course we are going to criticize now that they actually have a time clock. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

1:52 - Yes, almost every business with a fleet the size of Peru's uses a fleet management system. The market for these systems is growing at about 22% CAGR.
Fleet management is about smartening the fleet vehicles operations. Intelligent fleet management solutions based on technologies such as Global Positioning system based telematics are helping fleet operators to enhance operational efficiencies in terms of improving vehicle performance and mileage, enhancing operational reliability and safety, maintenance planning, driver control, and optimizing navigation and routes. The growing competitiveness among the transportation service providers, CO2 emission control norms, and rising fuel prices are making the Fleet Management System (FMS) an essential component for the business operation of the fleet vehicle operators.
Not everyone uses all of these services, but most use at least one - driver control.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the leaf vac truck has a designated route and schedule? It seems as though they've been spotted quit frequently in the same location.

Anonymous said...

Put a blow and go in every city vehicle too!

Anonymous said...

Of course... managing the city fleet would be something a city manager would be interested in. Peru does not manage the fleet, they just misplace it from time to time and buy trucks every other month. Then they let their employees drive trucks around town on personal errands.

Anonymous said...

1:36 Looking on the city web-site there were 10 meetings on the schedule for the city. I guess I am confused about the lack of meetings. Ottawa has only 4 positions and alot of responsibility, they meet twice a month and are paid about $20,000 a year. Would this work for Peru?

Peru Town Forum said...

The City of Peru Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 7. It starts at 1:30 PM beginning at Rotary Park in Peru and proceeds east to the fire station where Santa Claus will be there to pass out treats. There will also be a Pearl Harbor Day Parade on Water St. starting at 11:30 AM at the Peru Rescue Station.

Peru Town Forum said...

Miracle on 1st Street
Saturday Dec. 7 La Salle

Music downtown 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Complimentary Hot Chocolate & Candy Canes at Dr. Wendy Sanders at 641 First Street.

Breakfast with Santa (Lock 16 Visitor Center)
8:00 Seating & 10:00 Seating $10 Adults $7 Kids
(Call for Reservations at 815/223-1851)

9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. Santa’s Workshop at Hammers Hearing. Make your own craft. Bring a donation for the food pantry and get a free treat.

9:00a.m. – 11:30p.m. Free Picture w/ Santa at a Santa’s House 1st & Wright Streets Pick up photo at the La Salle Library after 1:00 pm

9:30a.m. – 1:00p.m. Fire Truck Rides – Knights of Columbus

11:00a.m. & Noon Christmas Show at the Living Word Church of God

(the old majestic theatre) on the corner of 2nd & Gooding Street.

Noon - 4:00p.m. Bowling at Midwest Family Bowl (Minimal Fee)

1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m. La Salle Library Story Time with Bill Myers

1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Carriage Rides

1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Santa’s Workshop at Hammers Hearing

2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Bingo Lock 16 Visitor Center

2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Hispanic Traditions

3:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Free S’mores - La Salle Fire Fighters (in front of mens Emporium)

4:15 PM - 4:30 Walk with Santa from the Midwest Bowl to City Hall

4:30 PM Tree Lighting
4:30 - 5 PM City Hall Open House

Peru Town Forum said...

Spring Valley Christmas

December 7th - Lighted Santa Parade

Winter Wonderland

Travels through downtown

6 p.m.

Float participants are needed. Entries may be made by individuals, businesses or organizations.

Contact 815.664.2753 for more information.

December 8th - Christmas House Walk

The Homes of St. Margaret’s.

Six homes (including St. Roch’s former church in LaSalle that is a home now) will be on the walk. One home from Spring Valley, 2 in Peru, 2 in LaSalle and one in Utica.

Tickets are $25 on sale now at Spring Valley City Bank & St. Margaret's Gift Shop. Other locations listed on the flyer: HOUSE WALK

Advance tickets only!


Peru Town Forum said...

Oglesby’s “Light Up the Night!” Christmas Lighting Contest

December 3, 2013 by City Clerk
Filed under News from Your City Council, Uncategorized

Have you taken advantage of this mild weather to get ready for Oglesby’s “Light Up the Night” Christmas Lighting Contest?

Participants may register in four categories. You may enter more than one category, but you must complete a form for each category. Extra forms are available at City Hall.


“Light Up the Night” - Traditional Christmas lighting display
“Through a Child’s Eyes” - Best children’s theme
“Oh, Holy Night” - Religious lighting display
“The Clark Griswold Award” - Over-the-top decorating, where bigger IS better and quantity trumps quality

Entry forms were included in your utility bills and must be returned by noon on Monday, December 16th to be included in the judging. Residences must receive their electric service from the city to be eligible.

Oglesby Illinois

Judging will take place Wednesday, December 18th, and Thursday, December 19th, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. All entrants should ensure that their displays are on at those times.

Winners will be announced Friday, December 20th.

Anonymous said...

Just read the article in tonight's paper. It sounds as if they are testing the waters for crating and independent library district. “We have to quit doing the heavy lifting,” Hylla said. “They have to be their own taxing district.”
So, does anybody believe for one second that the City of Peru will lower the tax levy if they get their way and create a new taxing district. Absolutely not! The City will continue to tax the same amount, the only difference will be that the money will be used for somthing else. Meanwhile, the new Peru Library District will have the power tax much more than they are getting now. Additionally, they will need to create new positions to administer the district.
I say Hogwash! Harl has had more than one opportunity to appoint more conservative memebers to the library board. But he has refused all volunteers that even hinted at reform. We need to stop this new plan before it takes root.

Anonymous said...

Who is Peru's labor attorney?

Anonymous said...

I feel the library is important for our community, however I don't think granite counters are necessary.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the LaSalle Fire Department buys all the marshmellows and whatever else they will hand out from their own donated money. They also donate their time as 100% completely unpaid volunteers.
The LaSalle Firemen, as well as any other similiar group, are to be congratulated and acknowleged as a role model which makes for some of the great big hearted cities we have surrounding Peru, Illinois.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:35 PM

When they speak of the labor attorney, it is Tom Melody and I believe he might be with a Chicago firm.

Anonymous said...

If you want to read on how to handle excessive corruption and thievery look up Bell, California government. A large, large majority believe that all invoved in any wrong doing in the Peru government should be thrown out of public office and charges filed. This means ALL involved no matter how minute they believe it is.
The only guilty allowed to stay should be,if any, the elected candidates who campaigned openly admitting to the people that there intentions were to rob, loot, misuse and steal the citizens goods and money. Presently some of Perus representation are so scared that they ready to wear Victoria Secret wings in public. There should be no lienency or halt to these procedeing until complete house cleaning is conducted and justice is served. Peru is in need of honorable people who want to serve its citizens rather than themselves.

Anonymous said...

8:03 I am so sick and tired of listening to people like you talk about throwing the city council out and charging them all with crimes. Charging them with what? What crime was committed by all of the aldermen? Are these the same charges people on the blog said were going to bring down Mayor Baker and the previous council?

You don't care about what is right and wrong, you care about your own politics. This petition is anti-democracy. It will not change the current council as individuals elected to terms of office cannot have those terms changed while in office. YOU GET TO VOTE AT THE BALLOT BOX! VOTE!

That is how you make change happen. Better yet, why don't you run for office yourself and expose the corruption? What is stopping you?

Anyone who supports having a smaller number of people controlling our city is just being foolish. Call up your aldermen or schedule a meeting like most people do who care. Do not reduce the number. To save $11,000 or less people going to a convention that most city leaders across the state go to? Why in the heck would you ever do that?

Anonymous said...

I, as 8:03 does, care about the city having efficient stewards of taxpayers money. Have you totaled the recent expenditures of the Peru Fire Department, full time chief at a annual cost of $84,000.00/year with full benefits and a fire truck of over 1/2 million dollars without one question of doing a cost analysis if this should be outsourced or combined with another city (LaSalle). I WILL WILL GET TO VOTE AT THE BALLOT BOX AND I WILL VOTE IN FAVOR OF 4 ALDERMEN, 1/WARD AND 2 ALDERMEN AT LARGE.
8:09 DO you really believe that most city leaders go to a convention and spend as freely with the taxpayers money and never, never bring back a prepared summary of that convention to their consituents as the city representation of Peru has failed to do forever. Could you explain why each individual attendees expense account bounces all over the spread sheet? It does not matter if some stay for 3 days, 2 days or 1 day and than come home for a wedding reception it will still be out of sight and much more than if they were paying on their own buck. Valet Service!
This petition is not anti democracy but rather a tool with which democracy is improved whenever the majority is in favor of the improvement. Once again I'll remind you that Mayor Harl also answered your comment at the library debate when he stated that the majority rules, thats the way it works!
This petition is open for all to sign or not sign, 6600 Citizens of Peru which is much fairer than the recent "Super Majority rules of 7 citizens" on a 5 year multi million dollar contract.
In conclusion I as many others have exposed corruption, poor business practices and unqualified representation without being restricted such as Dave P. And Rodney P. have been for years.
This is one reason I would not run for public office - there are too many hoops to jump through when you have the majority of council members against you because if it was to stop they could not fulfill their greedy little hands.
Please keep commenting you are starting to get me interested in running for a elected office.

Anonymous said...

Why such a small amount of private donation money being put towards the fire truck purchase?????? Liberty fire company has a donation drive mailer on a yearly basic. Has anybody ever come to the podium to inform people as to what Liberty spends all its money on? Maybe a big investigation needs to happen with Liberty. fire company. Go back a couple years with this investigation. See what companies have been paid out of this account. Wonder if surprises might show up.

Anonymous said...

What were the final totals on the convention?

Anonymous said...

To 8:09 am,
Please don't lump anyone who supports the petition drive to create "at-large aldermen" into the "Peru Conspiracy Theorist" category.
I support this effort for a Ballot Question because if citizens unite to gather signatures for a ballot question, I believe they are entitled by law to do so and I respect them for doing so.
I have looked into the specifics of the ballot question and find it very interesting to say the least. There is no drastic change to the form of Peru's current governemnt at all. Having one ward alderman from each ward and two at-large aldermen for a total of 6 is hardly radical and is actually more efficient and provides each citizen with more representation than the current setup. As to your comment recommending calling aldermen or meeting with them. Perhaps you have forgotten the response of 7 of 8 of our aldermen when they were bombarded with calls encouraging them to bid the water contract recently. Those seven aldermen blatantly ignored the majority of citizens in Peru and voted 7 to 1 to go no-bid. So don't try to tell us common folk on the notion that these aldermen are responsive to the wishes of the people of Peru. Because that is just not the case. I support the petition because I want more opportunity to elect people who will actually listen to my concerns and this referendum will provide me that opportunity. I will get to vote for three aldermen instead if two and i will have three aldermen to contact instead of two when I have a concern. But mostly, it is very likely that there will be new aldermen elected as a result of this referendum.
I like that idea best of all.

H, Tom said...

sounds like harl has company . must of hit a lazy peru employ cord . sorry but i don't follow you around . i'm not dizzie like you and your pot somkin buddys anonymous . go back to sleep in the truck till you get to your house to check on it again . lois may not blog this , but its true .

Anonymous said...

10:40 by all means run for office. I'm not sure how my comments are influencing you but I would encourage you to do so. To say you will be more hamstrung is just an excuse. Get yourself on there and fix it. Why would you talk about voting and picking new people when it sounds like you could address these things. Go for it.

As for valet service that is generally how cars are parked at large convention hotels in downtown. I travel a lot for my business and some hotels only do valet parking. I'm not saying all convention expenses are reasonable but for those who have ever actually stayed at one of the downtown hotels understand what I am saying. The cost is the same for overnight parking valet or not.

11:01 thank you for the thoughtful and intelligent response. Well said and you bring up good points. One of my main points is it will not impact the current terms of office and I think some people do not understand this.

The only thing I will add is your comment about the "majority" of people. Be careful with that as the blog is a tiny fraction, not a majority. Have you asked some of the aldermen how many calls they actually received regarding that contract? I'm pretty sure you would be surprised and it was not a big number.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Alderman Perez say that the only people he saw sat at the convention was Scott Harl and Jeff King? Jeff King at a IML CONVENTION? WHY? Harl appointed him a couple weeks before that convention at a salary of $84,000. And King donates personally to Harls campaign funds. Bunch of phonies! I heard that in the springtime 2013 it was in the making between Harl and King that he was going to be possibly appointed the positions at $84,000 a year. Then several months later it happened. Why do the alderman get paid anything, if they aren't smart enough to see through crooks.

Anonymous said...

To 1:07 pm, I think you need to do more research on the effect the At-Large referendum will have on existing aldermanic terms.
The State Statute (65 ILCS 5/3.1-20-20) that allows for the question to be placed on the ballot clearly states, "If a majority of those voting on the proposition vote in favor of it, all existing aldermanic terms shall expire as of the date of the next regular aldermenaic election, at which time a full complement of aldermen shall be elected for the full term". I think it's pretty clear.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:07 Glad to see that you swallowed hook, line and sinker the weak point that I empasized. Valet Service! Now being a experienced business traveller would you please explain the balance of the ridiculous expenses that will be itemized on expense accounts soon. Also expense accounts are made to live as you normally do not to upgrade three levels higher because it is on someone elses buck. I have also travelled on business for months at a time. Seriously maybe both of us should run for a elected Peru office. Just speculating what do you think of Ald. Potthoff for Mayor? I tend to like the idea a lot and I pray he does also.

Anonymous said...

City employee Christmas party? When? Where? Open bar? Dutch? Or taxpayers footing the bill? Does each city department have their own party also?

Anonymous said...

Once again our whipping boy on expense is the library. The Library Board did nothing wrong except ask for what was legally due them. Our petulant politicos had to pony up under the advice of the attorney. But...they showed the Board. They refuse to cut the grass at the library, forcing them to hire an outside service. Meanwhile city workers are cutting the same grass three times a week to look busy. The library is the best thing about Peru and the staff are the most cordial and efficient of city employees.

Anonymous said...

I could be stoned by blogging this: we don't need a library. Sad to say. When is the last time any of the people who participate on this blog checked out a book? I haven't been to a library in 15 years and I'm an avid reader. Those who participate on this blog have internet at their disposal.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:57 PM

I have checked books out recently and I think it might have been last in September. If I want to read something that I most likely do not want to keep, I always turn to the library. Love their online way of checking to see if what I want to read is available here in Peru or perhaps somewhere in the system.
The library is not only a place to check out books, take home and return when done. People daily use their public computers, newspapers from other cities are available. Audiobooks, local history information, microfilm of old newsprint and with the cost of subscription magazines, the library is a great resource with their endless selection to read there or check out the older magazines and read at home.
Remember the mayoral debate was at the library. They hold events for children, teens and adults...check out their website. It is a great place and I hope we don't ever even try to eliminate it from our life.

Linda said...

I have a library book in my possession right now and I just returned 2 that I finished reading.

Anonymous said...

3:02 I don't know about the expenses because I haven't seen anything. Please don't get me wrong I do not believe in wasting one dollar for unnecessary expenses but I really don't think most people commenting here have a concept of travel expenses of this nature as you and I apparently do. Going to a convention is not "lining your pockets" it is getting reimbursed for expenses. Some may be excessive. If so, then that can be a discussion but the crazy accusations on here make any intelligent discussion next to impossible.

I do not have an interest in running for office but as for Mr. Potthoff for Mayor, I say I'm good with that! The only way to beat an incumbent though is to have one strong candidate as the alternative. In the last mayor race no one on here could figure that out and yet were so convinced Harl was going to lose. Nope. Not without one viable candidate. Two or more just splits the votes up.

Anonymous said...

I to just finished a book from the library and returned it yesterday. All employees are helpful and pleasant.Thank you Peru Public Library for all you do for everyone in Peru.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:54 PM

I think you misunderstand the intent of most people that complain about the expenses associated with the conventions. Most people that are designated by a company or business to attend a conference are expected to bring something of intellectual value back such as ideas, methods, innovations etc. The current group of officials that attend say little to nothing to the people whose money they are spending about what exciting things other cities are doing and maybe we should give that a try.
Conferences I attended and paid for by my employer meant that I bring something back. Conferences i attended on my own dollar were exactly that something to help me do my job better and there were no expectations I would bring back anything. That was all for self improvement. I expect the same in Peru.

Anonymous said...

Time to close the library. It is not needed and besides, LaSalle has a good library if anyone needs services like that. Peru Library is a duplicate service. No need for it any more. I would support the City sending some money to the LaSalle Library in exchange for closing the Peru Library - or even the other way around. We don't need both.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:09 PM
The Peru Public Library is the one symbol of culture that exists in this city, a symbol for many of us and it will never close because too many people realize the value it is to the community. You need to read up on the beginning of libraries and why they came to be.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:54 I do not know if home rule or Mayor - city council form of government allows for a primary run off if there are more than 2 candidates in the race. State statute would also have to be referred to.
Last election Mayor Harl received 35% of the votes with Hart getting 26%, Baker 25% and Giordono 12%. Being that Hart and Baker split 51%and Giordono obtained 12% in noway would Harl been reelected in a two person election. One has to realize that the more candidates that run for Mayor against the incumbent the stronger the incumbent will be. The incumbent has all votes of the present city workforce multiplied by their husbands, wives, sons and daughter and spouces, plus other relatives. Also all of the contacts the Mayor obtains from services hired and vendors doing business with the city. As you can see the incumbent Mayor enters the race with a huge amount of votes in his pocket and all should realize that the only real opportunity to defeat him/her is to limit the election to a two person race.
If the potential candidates would consier which candidate would accumulate the most votes and back that one candidate you would have had a new mayor the last election and you will have a new mayor in the next election.

Anonymous said...

To: 5:22PM

You say the library did nothing wrong except ask for what was legally due them. Yes, that's correct, the library looked at the law and determined the MAXIMUM tax rate they coud charge and they levied accordingly. No plan or justification for the increased funding, only the justification of: "The law says this is the maximum we can milk from the taxpayers so give us what we are entitled to receive." Of course this action is supported by the local "activist" internet community. Let's think about what would happen if the Peru City Council proposed levying the maximum property tax rate they were allowed. I suppose this action would be blog-approved also because it would be in line with the same practice that occurs in the Mecca of the Peru Town Forum - Ottawa, IL. Before I get stoned to death, I agree with Lois and Linda that libraries are an essential part of our society and provide tremendous value to any community. But taxation at the maximum rate just because the law says you can is fiscally irresponsible. It deserves to be condemned.

Anonymous said...

10:55 - If one more person would have run for Mayor last time there woould have been a primary. Five is the magic number that triggers an automatic primary election for Mayor in a non-partisan election.

Anonymous said...

Our community is to small to support two full service libraries. Having both a Peru Library and a LaSalle Library is wasteful. One of them has to go. This is no different than having two fire departments and two police departments. We need to face reality, LaSalle and Peru need to cooperate.

Anonymous said...

We will have a new mayor long before the next election! Harl thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, but he will pay the price for his payroll blunder, with either his resignation or being removed from office.

Anonymous said...

Providing symbols of culture do not fall into the purpose of government. The library should either stand on it's own through fees and donations or it should be closed. This is particularly true locally where there are so many other options and other libraries.

“Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.” - Milton Friedman

Anonymous said...

How come privately run companies can do leaf vaccuming with one or two people instead of a full crew. Safety issue, my foot.

Anonymous said...

There is something relaxing about a library. From a financial aspect, they will be non-existence in the years to come. Schools are providing the necessary technology for students that only a library use to have available. From my experience as of the past many years, people who read have a tablet where as they read novels on. Millions of free downloads available. lasalle has such a historical library, went there several years ago just to see the inside of library. I was flabbergasted, beautiful. I know of several families that are purchasing I-pads for their pre-schoolers for Christmas this year(which is against what I as a parent would do, due to my age with older children). If I had a vote in a decision of a library or not for financial reasons. I would have to vote to not have one. The librarian in peru is a lovely person, possibly find her another job within the city. As far as reading a book the old-fashioned way(which I do), many novels can be bought used at thrift stores, garage sales, etc..a quarter to a dollar. If my children and grandchildren were little, I wouldn't be taking them to the library. My honest opinion. We have two computers, one I-pad, and cell phones with internet access. I participate regularly on this blog site.

Anonymous said...

Library could be the bathhouse and parking for the new pool . Would cut costs. Many more people would use a pool in the few months it's opened then the would the library which is opened 12 months. I respect and admire people who are 60+ of age, , however, reality is that libraries are not what they were years ago, thanks to technology. As years come upon us, libraries are going to be used less and less. Use LaSalles. A no brainier. City hall could get a subscription to Chicago trib, USA today, and the daily disappointment, and have a room at city hall for those who like to read those papers.

Anonymous said...

Donations for a library? No way! I stopped giving to Liberty Fire Company for the peru fire department. Why? Because I think that organization and boys club isn't managed properly and no one answers question relating to its money as to how it is spent, and no documents as to it have been posted on this blog site. So as far as I'm concerned, it's somewhat of a scam. Read all the blogs regarding to it over the past couple of years. People need to wake up!

Anonymous said...

Who use to pay for the beer that stocked the refrigerator in the upstairs of the fire department? Wasn't our current appointed fire chief president of Liberty Fire Company when that was happening? Who would care to answer this?

Anonymous said...

People are getting tired of constantly being asked for donations to this and for that, regarding the above bloggers blog regarding library donations. The average hard working person does not have extra money to be donating every time they turn around. Myself included.

Anonymous said...

Libraries are necessary. The availability of books is NOT completely handled by Kindle. It is not a matter of just getting something cheap to read.

Libraries catalog and chronicle so much more than the short sited people here give them credit for, and they are necessary for the many millions of poor who do not have home access to internet with Kindles, Ipads or access to online full service libraries.

In the future that may very well change, but now libraries are a hybrid, offering assistance, tangible books and e books. So many here make judgments based on their family, what they see, or their personal need. Examine the facts... Libraries, particularly in rural areas are critical.

You will need them for at least another decade or so.

Anonymous said...

Don't know where to blog this. I'm disgusted with the roads in peru. Was up at intersections by 251 yesterday. By auto zone, subway, big lots, could not see turn lanes, arrows, etc... What's going on? This has been getting worse over the last couple of years!!!! Who is in charge of this and why hadn't it been maintained. From: a ticked off taxpayer!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the library is nice. However I agree that just because they can tax at the highest rate possible, doesn't mean they have too. They have lots of money in their bank accounts, and they could easily back off on high taxes for few years. Granite countertops are not necessary.

Anonymous said...

That was discussed on this site 11:50 in the past if I remember, but don't remember what month and year it was blogged. Interesting though. And something to think about. Who else remembers?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have children who have graduated from college with bachelors in the works for obtaining master degrees. I asked them and personally know that they had never used a city library for their assignments. Nor was the college(university) library of assistance to them for their assignments. They used the college library a few times for the quietness. Their personal laptops were used for research. Definitely not against a city library, but the cost effectiveness of one by taxes that is used to support it doesn't make sense to me. Ask college students who are home on holidays or spring breaks if they go to perus library for their studies? Their answer will surprise you. Never once in the last 20+ years I had to take my children to the library for public school assignments either. Nothing is more satisfying then an old fashion page flipping of a good book. I've read mostly with a tablet for the last several years. The proximity of LaSalle and Perus libraries can't be more then 3 miles apart.

Anonymous said...

Concerning the library. Every small town (and Peru is a small town) does not need services like this. We need to pick and choose what our government is going to spend money on. Towns need to start working together and spread costs over a larger population.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are against your property taxes being used to fund the library: Do you really think the city would deduct or decrease your property tax by the percentage they say the library takes? Not only will they keep the money, an additional tax will be needed to support the library.

Peru Town Forum said...

I don't believe I have ever seen a comment made when a great deal of money is spent on sports activities that take place no longer than 3 months in the entire year. The library is open 6 days a week and available to all ages and I am hearing way to many complaints about the cost. Many of us don't benefit and may never have taken part in any sports activity and never benefited from all the money spent by this city so others may enjoy them.
This city wastes so much money already and they don't need to take the property tax that the library benefits from.
Who is complaining about the 50,000 of your tax dollars given to the Recreation Board to spend and most done without oversight by the City Council. Anybody asking for an itemized list of their expenses?

Anonymous said...

The schools should not be spending money on sports programs either.

To answer 3:23 - you are correct. Remember, the library discussion started because our City Council discussed or commented that the library should be separated from the city and a new library district should be created. They (City of Peru) obviously have their eye on that money. So if the library becomes a library district, they will levy their own tax and Peru will keep their tax the same. Additionally, it will cost more for the Peru Library to be on their own, since they will have additional administrative needs as well.

Anonymous said...

High school sports are a joke in the first place. Coaches play favorites, and if one has a certain last name on many occasions or one had a sibling that was a good player. Only a few get scholarships to college by playing in high school. Might be cream of the crop in high school, but in college is where the competition really is. Too many athletics have problems with being put down a few notches in college competition and quit playing the sport. Too many parents gloat on their kids being better then others in sports. The real world is awaiting. Kicking , slapping, hitting, running, swinging doesn't pay the bills. A good education helps pay the bills after schooling. I'm undecided to give my opinion on the library issue at this point.

Anonymous said...

The council is getting exactly what it wants people....everyone to forget about the payroll scandal and start arguing about the library. I say we leave the library alone right now and let them be open 12 months and 6 days a week for all ages.

Anonymous said...

I say that Perus' main priority is to do a through and complete investigation and proceed with all further processes justified.

Anonymous said...

To 2:38 your myopic viewpoint is exactly what is wrong. When the first public libraries were founded, the rich and privileged had full access to all the books they needed.

But the public library concept was founded on the belief that every citizen, no matter their wealth or status, could access the same books.

Not everyone has full Internet access, nor do they attend college, nor do they have laptops. I am sure all of friends and your kids friends have never heard of this, but let's focus on keeping libraries till the Internet is in every home and every kid has a kindle.

Maybe consolidation is a good idea, but this area could have benefited by consolidating many towns and services long ago. Won't happen.

Anonymous said...

6:48 and 8:00. Don't worry, the investigation is not forgotten. It is being reviewed by the retired judge. Just because the aldermen don't bring it up doesn't mean it isn't on their minds. They are patiently waiting and will act as soon as they can.

It will be interesting to see if the mayor walks in the Christmas parade this year like he did last year. Oh wait, it's not an election year next year! Plus he'd be walking alone.

Anonymous said...

The library system is just one example of duplicated services throughout the entire Illinois Valley. No sense picking on the library right now. The priorities should be (in my humble opinion):
1. Finish the payroll investigation and any legal activities associated with it.
2. Change the format of Peru's Government.
3. Create a commission to research duplicate government services and possibilities for merging or consolidating services - including the Peru and LaSalle School System.

Anonymous said...

9:38, also look into the real reasons why Harl has appointed certain person to certain multi-function positions with an outlandish salary, and investigate the qualifications of this certain person. Disappointed in all the Alderpersons for being a "yes man" in regards to this.

Anonymous said...


Myopic - Lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.

You are correct. WE as a City and a State need to look after our long term financial well being.
This needs to start now. Not tomorrow, not next year, but now.

Peru library is used mostly for entertainment. WE can't affort to continue subsedizing entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Myopic. My meaning , short sighted people who REFUSE to see the vast majority of poor or underprivileged citizens who depend on a library for said entertainment and information.

Because your needs are met without a library, and those in your circle, you think it is unnecessary and we can't afford it. Perhaps your children have been educated. Now, by the same logic, let's close down the schools.

Don't need them anymore, 7:20 is all done with em.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid it is not the governments responisbility to provide entertainment or even information to anyone. And I think the poor would be better served by enacting policies to attract employers. Pplicies like "Right to Work" that will remove the stranglehold origanized labor has on our community.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though the parking lot is empty except for one car when I drive by it most of the time.

Anonymous said...

The same argument can be said for both the library and the pool. Both offer services to a small group of people. So you have supporters for both and those that don't support one or the other or both. The library has way too much money in their accounts. The library could easily cut back on their tax rate and give that amount to the pool fund and then many people would get both services.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:17 PM

Although it would be nice to have a pool again, we will need to wait until the city has the money or a private donor appears.
The pool is open for about 90 days or less a year while the library is open all year and works for all ages and even those with disabilities.
Let's not argue about closing the library so we can have a pool, that is not a logical discussion.
For the time being, I think the city needs to work with the YMCA and establish some type of program that will be city subsidized for the time being and allow residents particularly children to use the Y pools.

Peru Town Forum said...

Look how quickly the mayor got a BB gun program in place for only a few young people. Its all about who is asking for the program.

Anonymous said...

Does the new Parkside school have a library? If the answer is yes, that facility was built in the last five years, so why did the educators feel the need to have a library? Are the new schools in the valley being built without libraries? Could someone please answer these questions? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Lois, I never said to close the library in order to have a pool. I said the library has enough money in their accounts to hold them for a while. Why not put some of the real estate tax revenue they get towards the pool fund. The library does not need that much money.

Anonymous said...

12:08 it is not the governments responsibility to provide information to everyone? Are you for real? And We wonder why Peru politics are as back asswards as they are....

It is one of governments most sacred obligations to provide information to the public, and the public library system was established primarily to equalize access to information no matter how rich or poor, skin color, or any other type of label you might apply. Equality of education is FUNDAMENTAL to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every dictatorship hoards information and discriminates in education, for an educated , free thinker is rarely fooled by the type of charlatans and posers we have.

This belief that the low folk don't need to know anything, let the fine leaders do their jobs and take care of us... Its the heart and soul of what is wrong here! A Library may be unnecessary as a duplication of services, but saying it is not the responsibility of government to provide access is absolute crap.

Anonymous said...

12:08. Get real. If government is the one providing information, it is called propaganda. The private sectore provides enough inormation.

Anonymous said...

The government's most sacred obligation is to provide us information? You will excuse me Heir Goebbles while I get my hip waders out.
Oh wait ... It's for the children. That makes if ok. After all - we gots to indoctrinate those future voters... I mean young leaders of tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this city has any young leaders for tomorrow. Only sheeple are left, the status quo will continue on

Anonymous said...

3:22 How much money does the library have in their account?

Anonymous said...

How much money does Liberty Fire Company(org. For fundraising for fire department) have in its account also?

Anonymous said...

4:36 Yeah. Call out a Nazi for supporting things like public education, the public library system and the freedom of information act.

Thats got Goebles all over it.

Except the first things they ( Nazis) did was destroy universities, burn and sanction all public reading materials , and kinda keep a close lid on the information flow.

But you are right. Its not the governments responsibility to provide free access to info. That would be Facism. Ben Franklin, Nazi.

Anonymous said...


The library has at least $250,000 in their accounts. Plus in the tax levy for 2013 - 2014, out of a total levy of $990,000, the library gets $470,000. That is so excessive, it's almost half of the entire levy. I think the library should back off on what they demand, and have some of the money go to the pool building fund. It might be law that they get that much money, but in my opinion, it's wrong.

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe that if the library backs off on what they demand that some of the money would go to the pool building fund.
The recreation has to be given $50K per year by statue and is given another $25K per year. Exactly what are the majority of citizens getting for this?
What are we getting for this $75K?
Another failure of the present Peru Mayor has been a inability to relieve members of committees when their term has expired. If a person has not accomplished his committee goals in 5 years he is not going to and he is not going to bring in new ideas. These committees should be more than a long term hobby.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:56 PM

You are exactly right!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:06 PM
Your problem is not with the library it is with the state law that says the city shall give a library so much money per year.

Anonymous said...

I agree Lois. But the library has the authority to not collect what it is entitled to by law, and then the council would have authority to say where the extra revenue would go, and my plea to them would be that it go to the pool fund. You do know who is president of the library board, don't you?

Anonymous said...

The law is that a city library (one that is not a library district) shall be funded by a city tax levy up to a certain amount as determined by the library board. The law does not specify a minimum. I think the library also gets funding from the state dependent on the amount of the local levy. This gives the board an incentive to max out their local levy. In other words, the library views a lower local levy as money being lost, not saved. Since the law was written in such a way that they can max out the levy without having budgetary needs, they do. Additionally, Mayor Harl has refused to consider any volunteers to the library board that have even hinted of bringing the library tax levy in line with the needs of the community.

Anonymous said...

No I do not know who is president now.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the library website it lists the trustees and the officers.