“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, October 07, 2013

Peru Committee Public Poperty Meeting and Regular Council Meet Tonight

Peru City Council Meeting at 7:30, complete agenda online on city web site, this is the Public Works Committee report.


Anonymous said...

When will the names and donation amounts be made public for the most recent donations to Harl's campaign fund. For instance the golf outing.

Anonymous said...

What are the plans for Phase 1 of the Peru Pool Facility, when where they made and by who?
If someone has a interest whether to build or not to build a swimming pool in Peru and what methods are available to finance it this the Public Property Commitee meeting tonight, Monday, )ct 7, at 6:15 is a must attend meeting.
With Ald. Perez being chairman of this committee you can be assurred that everyone in attendance will have a fair and equal opportunity to express themselves. Come prepared and open minded at 6:15 tonight.

Anonymous said...

There are all this companies/businesses that have received contracts with the city for many many years. Has anybody contacted these companies and asked if they would be interested in donating their services in somewhat of a capacity to defry the cost of a pool? Why hasn't mayor harl done this?

Anonymous said...

If they do build a new pool, I'd like to see a nonunion contractor do the job so everyone could see how much money could be saved.

Anonymous said...

Non-union hard working people.

Anonymous said...

The city still must pay the prevailing wage.

Anonymous said...

Recently the blog has been recieving a increase of comments which are written by individuals who have a vendetta.
Historically this form of expression by some individual or a few individuals has resulted in closer censorship of comments. With the trend of hateful expressions being censored will come comments from these individuals that Lois dose not publish all the comments she recieves and only the comments she favors. The 90 some per cent of bloggers who enter constructive comments understand that there is a need of the owner of the blog to censor the 2 to 3 % who want to use it for what it is not intended and will happily continue to comment and understand that this responsibility of the blog owner is justified best when fulfilled. Lois when in doubt throw out.

Peru Town Forum said...

I did attend both meetings this evening. The Public Property Committee listed to the FFPP gave an summary of their plans to introduce splash pad information to the city council in a few weeks. For tonight there were 2 laptop computers set up with the information to view. Claudia Mikyska made the presentation.