“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Infrastructure project to bring Gov. Quinn to Peru « AM1220 WLPO News

Infrastructure project to bring Gov. Quinn to Peru « AM1220 WLPO News


Anonymous said...

Another liberal trying to purchase votes from the country folk. And Hurl up front, panting like an obedient lap dog.

Anonymous said...

Ha! No mention of Harl in the news tribune article. He was there because he's in the picture, but he must not have been given the chance to speak!

Anonymous said...

The big whale is trying his best to work his way to Springfield. Hope this doesn't happen, there is enough UNION in government NOW!

Anonymous said...

How childish are your comments here. He is the mayor do you want him not to show up. I dont agree with everything he does but your comments are awful.

The guy has a wife and family just like you. He ran for office and won. Did I vote for him? No I did not but be respectful. I do not think comments that attack the guy on his weight makes for a very useful blog.

I do not see many comments that are helpful but I see more just being cyber bullies.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:34 PM

Sorry to say that Mayor Harl had set the tone for many of the insulting comments that are made toward him. He has been rude toward the residents either himself through attitude or not being a leader in helping solve problems. He ignores emails, phone calls and is totally unaware of what takes place at council meetings, preferring to shuffle his papers and talk to his atty.

I agree some comments are in bad taste but so much stems from the bad attitude emanating from the city hall.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that this forum will never be a conduit for change. It is only a place for anonymous complaining and nastiness. Look at the first comments in this section. Our mayor is there with other local dignitaries because the governor stops by and we have to call him "Hurl" and the "Big Whale". How pathetic. What you Lois and many of your bloggers fair to understand is that the nastiness, accusations and rumors are what take away all credibility and I think actually work to the benefit of what you pretend to fight.

It's the same thing that happened to Kristy. No credibility. By the way, where is she with the proof of the money that was delivered to her door to pay her off? Oh that's right. We are still waiting.

Anonymous said...

I'm calling BS. Don't blame him for the stupid comments here. I am done with the blog. It's really unfortunate that your role in the community is catering to fools who say the most ridiculous things. I came here thinking a difference could be made. I was wrong.

Very well said 7:34.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:18 PM
It is very evident that you only see and read that which will fit your mindset, so I say goodbye.
Many thoughtful, well thought out comments are continually being posted but you do not see them. Crawl back into wherever you came from and know I can throw it back as well as you do when needed.

Anonymous said...

Lois your tone to 10:39 and others who disagree is another reason why this is not serious. Crawl back in your hole? Because they didn't agree with calling Harl names?

I love how you cans be critical of the council and mayor for supposedly being so mean to people when most citizens do not find that at all. They return my calls but then I do treat them with respect. I'm no one special, just Joe citizen.

It's pretty sad really. I've never read comments as mean spirited as they are here. So go ahead, let me have it. I'll look forward to my insults from you and your handful of anonymous friends.

Anonymous said...

I also vehemently oppose Harl and think many of the issues brought up are very valid, but think way to many simple viscious attacks are posted. Whether he is a rude mayor or not does not give anyone the right to call him fat.
Two wrongs do not make a right.

It is not only in poor taste, but it ranks right up there with reporting that people look smug or full of themselves in meetings. Or saying that people do not understand when they simply disagree with you. These are subjective comments, not facts, and so more harm than good to the credibility.

I do value the blog and the many interesting points brought up. I only wish people would be less personal and more attacking in spirit of hard debate, or litigation.