“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moline firefighter announces run for Illinois Senate | WQAD.com

Moline firefighter announces run for Illinois Senate | WQAD.com

This might be good news for all of Illinois.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why? Because he is not a incumbent and does not care to become a career politician. Also he is entering political life with the idea of serving others.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Kind of like what every newbie says. It does not mean he can do it. I just wondered if you had any real information on his background and qualifications.

Or maybe we have come to that point that the only good politician is the one who has absolutely no knowledge of civic events , background in politics, no experience with negotiations or the way things actually work.

Has to be just an every day Joe to be able to get the work done, and one who wants no pay and no benefits for the job. That's been tried before too.

The US congress is getting bogged down with rogues who have no diplomacy skills and no compromise capability. The ultra conservatives elected represent some of the most unworldly, Ill informed and under eductated idealogues that have ever been swept in by the malcontent electorate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:55 PM
Your description of todays highly qualified politician has given me the following reasons to not vote for a incumbent or career politician.

United States - 17 trillion $'s
Illinois - 155 billion $'s
Peru - 36 million S's

trillion - thousand billions
billion - thousand millions
million - thousand thousands

I'd say it is time that we all start looking for new and better ways.

Anonymous said...

5:54 Yes of course. And lets make sure that every one we send in there is just like us. Good simple folk.

In fact, I was at my doctors office the other day and thought I could write some scribble for pills down just as good as them. And my kids teacher, I'd like to boot her out and get one of my old nuns in there to kick some butt. And flying planes ain't so hard, I see all kinds of people in movies do it.

I am not arguing those figures of yours. I am just saying change for the sake of change... Without intelligence compromise and respect for those in your profession, any profession, is the oldest cause of upheaval, revolution , and revolt that's ever been.

You say you want a revolution well you know... We all would love to hear the plan. You tell me that its evolution well, we all doin what we can.

This firefighter may be the greatest man ever to run for office. I have no friggin idea. Thats the point. How in the heck is it a good thing just because someone has no experience and just wants to serve the people. Automatically a good thing. No platform statement, no position statements... Just a declaration that he wants to do away with all the compensation for the position. That's kinda like saying going in... You are worthless and should do your job for free.

Running for a position because you think it is so easy anyone can do it, and that they should not have any benefits... Well it kinda sounds like he may play well to the constant complainer and whiner mentality that is unhappy no matter what, no matter who is in.

Second string quarterback is always the most popular in town. Let's here why this guy is good for Illinois. Whats his stand on the issues? Just cause he is new, Joe Everyman does not magically make him good for Illinois.

One of the things I like about Rodney Perez is that he is not just contrarian, he gives rational. And respect to people I would have punched. Congressman is a big first step. Has this fellow ever dealt with the realities of politics? Getting the things you want done might take a little more savvy than coming in like a white knight.

Anonymous said...

5:54; I could t agree more! All the government knows how to do is spend spend spend on wasteful measures and we will be the ones stuck with the bill!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:43 Much of your comment is a comparison of extremes. Sounds good but is the same pathway that has put us in the postion of China in ultimate command of the U.S.
anon 5:54 has put the figures out there which paint a dismal picture of a cities, state, countrys financial debt. Even if you are scared of change these figures demand it, in fact they demand radical change.

Anonymous said...

8.33 Radical change . To what? Fascism? Mandatory lack of education? French Revolution Style? Castro type communism?

My point is simple. Change for the sake of change is absolutely meaningless and praise for a complete unknown just BECAUSE they are unknown and have no experience, with no position other than essentially doing away with compensation, an old tired gimmick that hardly puts a dent in spending, is just silly.

Comparison of extremes? Isn't that what you want? Extreme radical change? Only politicians of da people ( Stalin was big on that). Just give me a candidate who SAYS something and takes a position besides hey I am just one of you and hate all the representation we have now.

Anonymous said...

I know of one person 2:03 but most people on here really don't care about REAL change. The only thing these bloggers care about is the next politician who can give them some sort of comforting promise(s).

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:03 PM Would you be in favor of taking all the air out of the inside of the world until it is completely deflated and storing it in a box until 2115? Take your medication and join the rest of the human race!

Anonymous said...

1:31 Seriously, just because you cannot understand the words and concepts and have no logical rebuttals is not an excuse to imply a lack of sanity on my part. I do not take any medications, and I am sure that removing the air from rock and magma would not incur collapse of the tectonic plates.

What is with the people here that cannot have a dialogue or debate without getting personal? I simply pointed out it is valid question to ask. Why is someone new and inexperienced given sainthood? Why would they be good for Illinois?