“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

saukvalley.com | Nord: Taking job ‘worth the risk’ in Dixon IL, Sterling, IL and Rock Falls IL

saukvalley.com | Nord: Taking job ‘worth the risk’ in Dixon IL, Sterling, IL and Rock Falls IL

Another city establishes a City Manager (Administrator) position, you might want to read.


Anonymous said...

Presently Peru government has a full time priority to focus on. When this priority is completed you can be assurred that many ideas will be explored in the future. Once again Peru government has failed its citizenship in having the accounting check and balance system needed. Who are the 2d and 3d government officials to check the individual employees paychecks and who signs them. What part does each of the following have in the check and balance: Mayor, SPW, Treasurer/Budget Director, City Clerk, Finance Committee. Is anyone else involved in the organizational charts?
The key to a successful government, no matter if it is home rule or payroll department etc. is the honesty and intentions of the people in the government positions.
I have not mentioned the newly hired investiagator because he will not be in a permament position. He is a great choice.

Anonymous said...

I heard today at the local watering hole channel 13 is gone at end of year

Peru Town Forum said...

8:15 PM

True and the channel was offered to the city for $24,000 which would be the cost of stringing the lines to city hall.

Anonymous said...

We need public access channel I have seen these channels in couple cities

Anonymous said...

Many cities are adopting the council-mayor form of government. Ottawa had a study done that reflected those same thoughts. All in all the Mayor must have the business experience to run a city. The voters established that they thought that the current Mayor had that knowledge to operate the city. End of discussion.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:03 AM

I think you forgot to say that 37% thought he did and the remember of the population thought someone else would do a better job.

Anonymous said...

A number of bloggers have supported having less representatives as a way to save cost. Dixon had the commisioner form and as a result less elected officials were involved in the process. Well 54 million dollars later they adapted more management control with a city manager-council form of governemnt.
Back to the comment made by 11:03.
It starts at the top.

Peru Town Forum said...

Sometimes on all levels of government, we need to be able to have a vote of no confidence if necessary and a change in leadership than occurs.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:18 AM
Their nearby sister city of Sterling has a City Manager, a low salaried mayor, one alderman per ward and 2 at large and it is working very well for them. The key in this instance could be the City Manager.

Peru Town Forum said...

The "found dump truck" at Maze is making the rounds. Is there any truth to this?

Anonymous said...

Lois - what you are suggesting is the ability to recall state, county, and municipal elected officials. After the Blaggo fiasco, a bill was proposed in Springfield. This bill was blocked by the Illinois Democrat Party. They thought it would be to dangerous to allow the people to have this kind of power. Instead, they replaced it with a law that allows the recall of the Governor only and is virtually impossible to implement.

Anonymous said...

Truck found at maze is making its rounds? True?' Doesn't Washington illinois also have a city manager? Bless those who were affected by the tornados in Washington and in all areas of disasters caused by Mother Nature. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Anonymous said...

Was there or was there not a peru city truck found of maze lumber.

Anonymous said...

4:31, isn't it funny how nobody has answered? Not even Alderman Perez. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

@8:07 maybe alderman Perez hasn't been on here to see the question. Why don't you call him to ask then come back and tell us what he says. I'm sure his number is in the book. Geesh!!

Anonymous said...

6:00, my my . if you aren't familiar with this blog site, Aldeman Perez does answer some simple questions of bloggers so people who participate on this site. Ther is no harm in the above blogger mentioning Alderman Perez hasn't answered question. geeze.

Anonymous said...

10:21 anon
I agree it's a simple answer I also read Rods comments. Have you ever thought that maybe Rod doesn't live on here like others do? Hopefully he's enjoying family time. Besides I'm sure if this was an urgent question that needed to be answered by the alderman than the proper form of communication should occur. It seemed to me the previous comment was made as if this is an aldermans formal way of communicating. I know Rod well enough to know he answers his phone and is the only alderman we can trust. I'm sure he's not answering because he's hiding .

Peru Town Forum said...

I Have been informed by Ald. Perez that the dump truck has not been found so we can stop the rumors on that one.

Anonymous said...

We're gonna find a lot of stuff coming up missing with 2 supers retiring this fall and winter. These guys have been milking this city for almost 40-50 years each. If an inventory was done we wouldn't know what we had anyway. These guys both have a complete set of stihl power tools at home and charged to the city. That's why they never did inventories. And when noone runs the ship workers do it too. You wouldn't believe the city bought property at their vacation homes. I bet that's where the dump truck is anyway.

Anonymous said...

10;07 Lois

And I can assure you, it never will be found, except maybe some parts.

Anonymous said...

How many dump trucks have been stolen in our part of the state this year? This just does not make any sense, of course leaving the lights on all night at the public works building all night didn't either until the word got out that someone was stealing gas. But stealing gas to taking a truck, Oh My!

Anonymous said...

5:56 That has always been a pet peeve of mine (those lights at the public works building). They are on 24/7. Wonder how much money we could have saved after all these years of those left on "ALL THE TIME".

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it someone respectable saw Bleck parking his old vehicle back at city hall early Thursday morning. What did he need to use the city vehicle for. Destroying incriminating evidence. Enron all over.

Anonymous said...

3:18 Thursday was Thanksgiving. Are you sure your informant was accurate?

Anonymous said...

3:18 please stop. "Someone respectable saw Bleck parking his old vehicle.............." Wow. He must be committing a crime.

Can we please stop with the crazy accusations and just stick with facts? If there are so many facts about all of the horrible crimes, then why do we need to spread rumors and make ridiculous accusations.

Please. These things kill all credibility.

Anonymous said...

If Bleck as many others in Peru were not of questionable reputation and recently involved in a local investiagation he would not be the target of accusations. knowing existing circumstances one wonders why he would be so stupid to utilize a city vehicle as he has no authority to do so being retired.
Maybe Bleck would account as to why he was using a city vehicle? Who told him he could do so and who has the legal authority to grant the loan of a city vehicle to a person who is not a employee of the city? Not being a employee of the city is this vehicle insured for liability if he is the driver and what is the difference of using fuel which is in the vehicle or stealing gas from the pump? Don't these people realize the trouble they may already be in as well to increase it?

Anonymous said...

That's the problem peru and ex peru officials and employees do whatever they want because they know nothing will happen. Its been said on here the the current elect. Super would go to his dads who is a retired city employee and do work at his house with city equipment and on the city clock. Nobody says nothing. They do what they want because that's how the "in" employees did it before! I was told his dad takes his truck upto electric garage to wash it like the mayor does

Anonymous said...

Gary Bleck was the dumest promotion ever done by a management group in the history of Peru and Jim Potthoffs is in the top five. Name one city that has had three family members appointed to manage the same department back to back to back. It got so bad that the power plant could not be demolished in a proper manner.
If in question about Bleck take a look at what at less pay has filled Blecks position plus the added responsibilities that Bleck could not be given because of his limited qualifications.
Did Bleck ever do anything to improve himself occupation wise from the day he was hired to the day he retired besides an increase in his paycheck? Everyone knew he suffered from a lack of ambition when it came to physical work so he was promoted only to discover that he lacked in all other job aspects as well.

Anonymous said...

Bleek wasn't good at anything except stealing from us tax payers. He stole hours and city property! Puthoff was the same just like his old man ! Useless at everything except stealing and drinking!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:34 AM City government of Peru is a model child of nepotism appointments in the state. If Peru would have hired on the open market rather than friends and relatives with lower qualifications and higher prices it would be so much better off.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that Bleck is still an active employee of the city and not officially retired. I am sure that information could be provided by the clerks office.

Anonymous said...

If Bleck is not on the time clock he does not belong using city property such as vehicles. By what means is he still a employee, vacation time, sick days or investigation etc? None the less all city property he previously had such as keys etc. should be turned back in to the city. To say that Bleck was ever a ACTIVE employee is the height of a oxymoron! For sure he is not coming back to give instructions on making out payroll.

Anonymous said...