“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Link to the last City Coucil Meeting Aug. 19


Listen to Ald. Waldorf, Ald. Mueller and City Atty. Schweikert


Anonymous said...

What was the final cost of the BB gun club? Please include the wages and benefits of the city workers and the $1600 of missing tools with signed disbursement by the SPW. No matter wat the total it accomplished some good even though a retirement was more of a reward than a penalty.
Somehow you have to get the feeking that this retirement is going to be the escape hatch for the next employee who the city wants to take action against.

Peru Town Forum said...

have been thinking today about a recent water testing bid in which TEST was the High bidder and another company got the job for bidding less and did well. The company that got the job did it for close to 17,000 than the bid TEST gave the city. I will be researching the details on this for a FOIA. Anyone else remember this? I know it was within the last year.

Anonymous said...

Lois, if my memory serves me correctly the city recieved a lower bid than TESTs last winter.
Wasn't a lot said about that bid.
If TEST recieves this contract without the city going through the process of competitive bidding there should not be one aldermen re-elected who votes to renew TESTs contract, and the present Mayor and his appointed city attorney should also be replaced. If they want to work FOR TEST they can do so but the people must be made aware who they are working for and without demanding competitive bidding it is not them. TEST did a terrible job of writing Waldorfs speech last Monday night, he was so lost. One has to think that they should buy a few drinks before the meeting as well as after. By now everyone knows that the gang is a lot looser tongued at the IML meetings of course pockets are at there deepest out of town. Peru pockets are pretty much for brewskis and suds money.
But now that the Super Majority Vote has been discovered by the CA for the council a vote is worth a fortune. How good it gets!

Anonymous said...

I just listened to the video and I did not understand one word the alderman said concerning the TEST contract.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget to carefully watch the expenditures at the IML meeting in October, especially the 4th ward alderman who spent the most last year.

Anonymous said...

7:07 WHO? What?

Anonymous said...

9:49. Yes, valet parking and an extra night in Chicago on us taxpayers. It wasn't the senior 4th ward alderman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just listened to the video of this meeting. I thought everyone who wanted to speak at the beginning of the meeting had to fill out a 3 x 5 card as Ms. Mayszak and Ms. Noonan did? Apparently Mr. Vaccaro is granted special privileges which once again proves it's who you know and who you are in this city that counts.

Anonymous said...

Lois it was PDC out of Peoria and they were awarded the landfill contract - they should be aware of what TEST charges the city for the water and waste water contract I thought it was like $44,000 a month