This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Saturday, August 24, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
Be sure to read the Open Forum in tonights paper and stand up for what is right. Enough of the political games down at City Hall.
5:01 PM, August 24, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Steve Weberski did a fantastic job on the Open Forum. I hope everyone contacts their aldermen, and tells them what we think. I know I will but my two are followers not leaders. What does Waldorf, the barber, and Lukosus the golf coach know about anything. The people of Peru, should rebel if this goes through, with Test. The low bidder should get the job. No more Favorites.
6:03 PM, August 24, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Do it citizens of Peru. This is a chance for you to change the wrong that is being done with your tax dollar. Tell your representative to go out for bid with regards to this contract. If Test submits the lowest and best bid then they will have earned the contract in the right and honest way.
6:17 PM, August 24, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Ambassador of Deer Spotting here.
I think you all know I try to stay out of these political Bru ha has , as I am a pure sportsman and always positive in Peru. But in this case I had to add my voice to Lois and encourage people to say, lets get a bid.
I would never have questioned His Emminence Harl the I and his college of Alderboys and Alderwomen, but those same two aldermen came and nearly convinced me to to subcontract out our deer spotting activities to an offshore company called Deer Estimator and Spotting Trackers , or DEST. He presented figures to me that showed we were actually causing the Concerts for Cause to make millions and only be able to donate a few thousand to charities. It was impressive, there were spreadsheets and a pie chart, and they nearly had us convinced we should stop. But then a fellow deer spotter noticed an envelope marked DO NOT OPEN IN FRONT OF PEOPLE OR CAMERAS THAT CAN'T HAVE THEIR MEMORIES WIPED BY CONNECTING POINT with cash falling out of it, along with some business cards from DEST.
I am not the suspicious kind, but when questioned about their relationship to DEST, the alderman called the City Attorney and he threatened to move our Deer Spotting location to Utica using a little known Peru Papacy rule called the Super Minority. He explained it as when a few really special cool people want something it gets to happen here because it makes them happier, richer, or more special. sometimes all three, which is called the Really Super Special Super Minority Rule. I said I didn't believe him, but he pointed out that was how the Mayor got appointed last election!
I couldn't argue with that, but we held firm. They may move us of course, but you have to do what you have to do. We do have sticks, but dont want to use them to fight.
And to think it all came about because the aldermen opened that envelope and had to pay cash for the pizza they had delivered because the business strongly preferred cash. Thank God for that.
6:22 PM, August 24, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Thank you Lois for keeping us informed of what these crooks are doing at city hall. And special thanks and welcome back to the A of DS. You always make me laugh, but your analogies are spot on.
6:54 PM, August 24, 2013
- Anonymous said...
When the contact with PDC was approved did you know Alderman Waldorf and Lukosus were absent...interesting something smells in the Valley..
Man up Waldorf this is going to be your sunset term! -
7:32 AM, August 25, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
Just curious, I know that Perra operates TEST as his father did before him but surely there has to be a board of directors in charge, does anyone know what the structure of this company is or is it a corporation? Who is the money behind it?
8:35 AM, August 25, 2013
- Justin Loger said...
TEST Inc. would make it a corporation, but that doesn't mean it has a board of directors. If it was his fathers company then it would be safe to assume he is the largest shareholder. In that case (if it was my company) I would elect myself to the board, and hire myself as President, Secretary and Treasurer (CFO). Now I don't believe he holds all three officer positions but it is perfectly legal to do so. In any case, it is the officer positions that run the day to day operations, not the board. The board will step into major corporate instances, like an acquisition or a merger. Hope this helps!
10:13 AM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
You people in peru have no idea about a corrupt and just plain stupid city government! I read all these posts and they aren't anything compared to the morons that run Dalzell. Our mayor told the fire department last week that they aren't allowed to use water or equipment to train. Someof the equipment they have doesn't even work. The fire truck won't even pump water properly. They can't buy safety equipment to protect themselves or us citizens. How are they supposed to protect us citizens and our property when they never train. Most of them don't even live in Dalzell but are there to serve us . Wednesday nite at 6 pm the village board ordered a meeting with the fire department to further put them in their place. These volunteers are belittled by our city and still pledge to protect us. The city board will get paid for attending this meeting to tell the fireman we are broke. Wednesday nite at 6 pm in the fire house will be a great meeting that will surpass anything you Peruvian have ever seen done by a corrupt city government. Hope to see a lot of people there to support our firefighters, whether you are from dslzell or not.
3:08 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
At the time of the PDC vote, it was discussed in a Public Property committee meeting. At that time, the water sampling was handled by the Public Property committee aldermen, for some reason. Now the TEST contract is under Public Works.
Waldorf and Lukosus need to man up, do the right thing, and have this contract bid. I'm sure they moved this topic to Public Works because they don't want Perez handling it because they know he would want to put it out to bid.
Harl wanted this contract bid and bellowed about it the first time he got elected, but now since TEST financially supports Harl, he's keeping his big mouth shut. You notice in the video, he didn't say anything about TEST after Waldorf was done rambling on and on. -
3:38 PM, August 25, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
I emailed both of my aldermen and the mayor. Ald. Ferrari answered back and Mayor Harl sent a form letter which I suspect was sent by someone in the office. Unfortunately when someone else called Ald. Ferrari and they said they read the blog, he said "that was your first mistake". So that lets me know he had no inclination to listen up.
Have you emailed or called yet? -
4:15 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
3:08 I don't see how your post supports Your charge of corruption? Are you claiming that the Dalzell government is keeping money that is supposed ro pay for Equipment .
Not having money, or taking measures to save money, is not a crime or evidence of corruption?
This issue in Peru is an attempt to avoid bidding on a large contract. What's your point? Just calling for firefighters from other communities to come and try to disrupt a meeting to discuss issues? -
4:29 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Peru and Dalzell are a lot alike... we both re-elected an idiot to run our towns! -
4:31 PM, August 25, 2013
- A blog supporter and friend said...
I too contacted both my aldermen and the mayor and I too got the form letter response from the mayor. What does alderman Ferrari mean that reading the blog is a "mistake"? This blog and its' creator (Lois) has provided us with more information than our government officials or representatives ever will. It's allowed us to express our opinions, seek answers to questions, and learn more about how our representatives think and act. If alderman Ferrari thinks the blog is a "mistake" then he obviously feels threatened by it as do many of the other aldermen.
4:53 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Anon 10:03 Don't assume, if you have to assume you do not qualify to answer the question. TEST was started during some very questionable in house business practices of Peru government in the 80's and it has been a long standing question of who is the money behind it. Justin think of a reason that TEST has never had to bid for this contract and you may have the answer to who is the money behind it. There are citizens of Peru who have traveled to Springfield to discover who the owner or owners of TEST are and could not get the information.
6:22 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Alderman Ferrari should be added to the "HAS TO GO" list! Remember the defensive outburst at a meeting not too long ago (I believe with Linda or her husband)? Not very professional in my opinion. He thinks that he is important being that he is an alderman. NEWSFLASH!!!! -- Being an alderman in this little area is as important as the man on 24hr call is in order to clean oil lamps!
6:31 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Justin thank you for coming on here and answering questions even though you lost your election. Keep staying involved and before you know it you'll be sworn in as mayor
6:35 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
6:22 If the city of Peru's has a contract with TEST, the specifics of that contract should indicate the owner and form of business that TEST is. You could FOIA for all contracts and vetting information required by the City prior to doing business with a company for such a large contract?
You also could write to TEST directly and ask the information. They probably have other government accounts, and you could FOIA those cities for the same documents.
A private Company need not share their financials with you, but if they do business in the public sector, many municipalities request basic information like this from a contractor before signing such an expensive, critical and long term service contract. If it has ever been provided to Peru during the negotiations for business in the past, it should be readily available on FOIA. If Peru has never asked or required in writing such information and has no idea of who the owners are, that in itself is a big red flag.
6:42 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
4:53 He usually says that is your first mistake by reading the blog. He will not have anything to do with you once you admit that you read it or are friends with Lois. He should have been using this web site as a way to stay in touch with his constituents but he refuses.
8:50 PM, August 25, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
That is because once they take their seat at the council they take on an aura of invincibility. Better than the people he represents but this goes for most on the council. As written above, the purpose of serving in public office is not to fulfill personal ambition.
Perhaps we need that plaque hanging in the council chambers.
9:06 PM, August 25, 2013
- Anonymous said...
To 6:42, How familiar are you with the Peru way of doing business. Your points are well taken in regards to how municipalities interact with contractors. But you are talking about Peru here. You will never be allowed to look behind the veil of secret agreements funneling contracts to local compainies who provide money and perks to elected officials. There is no due diligence by the city of Peru for these comnnected companies. Why would there be? They are connected companies.
The contract between the city and TEST is so vague and poorly written that any legitimate public body or private company would be embarrassed by it. You will have no questions answered by this city or any of its officials.
That is by design. -
7:42 AM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Some people are as dumb as a box of rocks and have no business representing anybody in any ward. Not to mention any names, but we and they themselves know who they are.
8:45 AM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
In the 80s Mayor Baker was in office. Test conducted their business inside their office in Westclox. At that time B. owned Wesclox along with the Ill.Valley Trust..Could this be why you can't get any information about who owns Test? Who is in the Ill. Valley Trust???? Interesting
9:50 AM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
I would bet my last $$$ that somehow, somewhere, Don Baker has his fingers in the pie. Seems a bit to coincidental.
10:54 AM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
As a citizen of Peru I'm noticing a significant problem with elected and appointed long term representation, plus lifetime and longer, corporations offering services to the city.
Presently Peru has been in business with Chamlin Consulting twice as long as the present City Attorney. Test has been doing business with the city for approximately 30 years with this same individual as legal representation for the city without any competitive bidding. Now he has introduced a "Super Majority" clause which there is no assurance it even applies to this situation. This is a $3,000,000 contract over 5 years which an alderman wanted wrapped up within a week, 4 1/2 months before the end of the present non competitive bid contract. He gave very unprofessional reasons why the next contract should be non competitive and was verbally supported by the same city attorney. Is there a legal business reason why or has too long a tenured position created a must know. It would also be interesting to find out who is involved in the ownership of TEST (especially if any of these same people are involved at city level and at Test.
The city contract with PVAS was at best legally flimsy and involved
$4K/month but TESTS's non bid contract is $50K/month is very
questionable. Hmmmmmmm lots of questions!!!!!!!!!!!! -
11:12 AM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Both TEST and PVAS where created at a time when there was no other option for public / private partnerships willing to serve a small market like Peru. I'm sure there are some that want both functions to be taken over by the City. Be careful what you wish for.
As far as the bidding thing goes, please keep in mind that there are times when you don't want to bid things out and award the contract to the lowest bidder. I'm not saying this is the case here. I'm only saying that there is value in continuing to work with the same people over a long period of time. My understanding of WWT is not all that great, I'm just saying that there might be risk associated with shifting contractors back and forth every couple of years. -
12:28 PM, August 26, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
I say that too cozy of a relationship with private in city business is not good ever. When the council almost in total believe we should renew the contract, I want to know why? What to you know about TEST? How do we know what somebody else would offer us when we have never asked?
We do know about PVAS pretty much, but TEST remains a mystery. Their web site offers nothing to substantiate any different conclusions. -
1:29 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Off subject, but I want to keep this subject on the forefront - did Kristy get final numbers on what the city made from the 2 concerts?
1:39 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
For Hitorical Information:
Groundwater Analysis Service Bids
Feb 13, 2012
Bids Recieved:
PDC Laboratories $27,021.14
Test Inc. $43,950.50
EMT Inc. $35,124.00
PEC Inc. $36,806.00
Clerk Bartley and Mike Perry (Chamlains' Engineer) reviewed each bid and compared all service offered. Clerk Bartley call John LaPayne of PDC and asked if all EPA requirements would be met and he was told yes. Bartley and Perry's recommendation was to go with PDC Laboratories because they offered the same services were low bidder.
This is the first time that Test had to bid against others in a competitive bidding proicedure in the City of Peru and they were the 37.8% higher than the lowest bidder and the highest bidder of all 4 bidders. This is a known fact and proof of why the upcoming contract in December should be a bid contact, besides it is the law. If the government cannot obey the law they create how can they enforce it fairly? -
2:48 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Why was it ok to bid landfill contract but all of a sudden not the big contract? The money saved could be a goid start to a pool!
5:14 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Larry, Moe and Curly = top 3 tier management of TEST!
5:15 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
It's funny how far an a** kissing will go - TEST spent time and money on trying to get Baker re-elected the first time and second time - Harl was so against TEST and now that Baker can't help them they start a** kissing and Harl fell for it hook, line and sinker - if only Harl could have been a fly on those walls to really hear what TEST really think about him!
5:25 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Although a report was compiled by the Treasurer and sent to the aldermen and FINALLY sent to me almost a week later; it was not financially accurate. I am still awaiting the COMPLETE report.
5:25 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Is it possible all this talk about TEST is because they are not unionized? Will the inflated prevailaing wage Peru passed be applied to the water contract?
5:41 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Many aldermen don't realize they are dealing with 2 separate issues with TEST; 1. contract operation for certified operator in responsible charge for the water and wastewater treatment and 2. laboratory analyses per NPDES permit requirements set forth by the EPA. These services are not dependent on one company; it just so happens TEST offers both services.
All normal/daily/weekly sampling is usually performed by the licensed certified operator at the Wastewater and Water Treatment Plants and should be included in the contract operation fee. What the City is actually paying for is the Class A and Class 1 operator which is required for Peru. Since TEST has the corporate lab in Peru I believe samples are performed at TEST lab instead of the Wastewater Plant (at one time this was the process). This is not normal; again most municipal plants have their own laboratories to meet basic testing requirements.
The NPDES permit also requires special testing; sludge, Priority Pollutant Scans, BioMonitoring, etc. This is separate and should possibly be reviewed for significant cost savings especially if these are being subcontracted to other laboratories.
5:46 PM, August 26, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
Kristy, what about the partnership that TESTestablished in 2007 with Suburban Labs out of the Chicago area, aren't they doing some of the testing. What is their role?
6:10 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
TEST has always utilized Suburban to subcontract testing (and PDC in certain circumstances) not only for Peru but many other industries and municipalities. Certain parameters were required to be performed by a laboratory that was certified to perform analyses and at one time it was more cost effective for TEST to subcontract than to become certified, buy equipment, etc.
I do not know the current status of TEST laboratory certification but I assume since the partnership with Suburban a vast majority of special sampling is sent to exclusively to Suburban and not PDC or Test America. My question is the City being charged TEST price or the subcontract lab price and why shouldn't the taxpayer reap the benefits?
Kristy -
6:36 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
6:36 No contractor passes on the direct cost of their subcontractors in any business. It is called profit, and that is what keeps the business in business. You can't just charge what you paid for the lab services. Also, the sub contractor usually will not give the same price directly to the city that will give to the main contractor.
It is why when you build a house the contractor does not charge you the exact lumber price, exact nail price they paid. The only price that matters is the market price, not the cost.
You have to see what is feasible when you try to break up the bid into each sub contracted portion. If you take away analytical , they may just make it up on the labor side.
If the city really wants to get hard ass about it, they can request a cost plus bid. I don't think for a city this size it will draw much interest from competitors, but I agree its worth a shot. No bid at all, especially not knowing the history and who owns the company, that's just not good business. -
8:53 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Anon 5:25 What incident in the past leads you to think that Mayor Harl supports a continuation of water treatment with TEST without competitive bidding for the new contract? I do not remember Mayor Harl expressing his personal thoughts on this issue up to now.
It was a major campaign issue of Mayor Harl to do extensive research with the services of TEST and four months from now for the first time of his administration a waste water treatment contract is due. Mayor Baker signed a extensive 5 year contract with TEST at the end of his last term of administration.
In fairness to all; Mayor, City officials, taxpayers and those involved in the same services as TEST competitive firms should be given the opportunity to bid. TEST should also be given the opportunity to participate with a bid.
For the first time in many years Peru has acquired the services of a full time city engineer under the leadership of Mayor Harl whose main goal should be direction of water treat at this time. The Aldermens Committee does not have the specific education, background or present knowledge to shoulder this decision on their own nor does the council or city attorney. Peru has recently hired a Professional Engineer what is his opinion? This situation seems to be a good starting point for him to make a introduction of himself to us the taxpayers who really employ him.
8:55 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Kristy it is becoming more and more knowledgable that the taxpayer is reaping the benefits. The problem being that it is a few taxpayers reaping the benefits and those few are very confortable in doing it and loving it. Possibly alot of the mystery of TEST would be cleared up with a disclosure of ownership and board membership if thre is a board of directors. Presently these facts are as secret as a old gal on her birthday she is more than happy to tell you it is her birthday but will never let you know what birthday.
9:35 PM, August 26, 2013
- Anonymous said...
At the next council meeting, during the public comment portion and on record, simply ask if anyone considering signing on to this super majority vote can answer this question.
"Can anyone here, council, Mayor, Attorney or Engineer state who in fact owns the Company TEST, and can they state for the record there is not conflict of interest awarding this contract to TEST?"
Record the response to the question to make sure that the council recording is not accidentally truncated. That response can be kept for the upcoming elections.
Ask the same question in writing to our representative and ask for a reply in writing. Keep record of all response.
After that please post the response on the blog.
If you are concerned about retribution for asking this question, you could hire counsel to pose it for under 80 dollars, maybe even pro Bono. The individual asking the question need not be a resident of Peru. -
7:33 AM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
In my opinion, there are 2 possibilities as to why we are not bidding out the contract. 1-somebody is making "handshake" money behind the scenes or 2-those in charge of the decision are too stupid to actually know what they are deciding upon or too lazy to take the time to learn the details of this contract. I'm actually leaning toward #2. The alderman on this committee sit up there and talk a lot of fancy words but I honestly believe somebody has been writing down the information for them to repeat. I don't think either of them have the capability to understand the "big boy" issues.
7:48 AM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Why have two city representatives foolishly caused such a turmoil over a situation which other city governments have no difficulty in processing as normal business procedure - a fair, open bidding procedure.
8:54 AM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
#3 possibility could be that if other corporations are allowed to bid that their bid will be much lower than TEST's bid for the same services and with the same qualifications.
#4 possibility is what could be revealed in a complete change over from TEST to a different service corporation.
#5 possibility is a combination of #1 possibility thru #4 possibility.
Please add all possibilities to list that you have thought of as they will be made good use of in a upcoming city council meeting. If you need incentive remember it is your tax paying dollars that are involved. -
10:19 AM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
7:33 The mayor and council will say that public comment is just that...a comment and they do not have to answer any question.
10:24 AM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
What if the low bid comes in higher than the $3,000,000 contract TEST is proposing?
11:41 AM, August 27, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
7:48 AM
Your comment is very close to the turth IMO.
Mayor Harl changed the committee structure several years ago, I believe it was about midterm of his first term. Previously there had always been 3 members on the committee which we thought worked out well as there seemed to be more diverse opinions and better solutions especially on the Public Works Committee. And then to top it off he put Dave Waldorf and Lukosus on the Public Works committee for water, sewer, streets, electric and recently took the Airport from Public Property to the Public Works committee.
This screams for an answer of why? We now have 2 aldermen who ask no questions and go along with whatever having the Airport business added to their already over burdened committee.
Our aldermanic system is in need of radical change. BTW it is really Chamlin and Test that take charge of all but the agenda. -
12:20 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
10:24 that is the point isn't it? To get them stating clearly, on video that they do not need to address this most basic issue. A public comment can be a question that has not been asked and answered as it should during a multi million dollar debate.
You need to build a greatest hits video library to pass out during the elections. The cabal here just does so many outrageous things here it starts to numb everyone. A focused presentation before election is what voters need to see. -
1:04 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
TEST does much of the same work for other cities. How much do they charge them. Somebody should be able to find out.
4:29 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
A couple of years ago a infrastructure committee was formed which accumulated and contributed alot of good ideas to the city.
Could a advisory committee be formed led by the city engineer to guide the council in its upcoming water treatment contract in the next four months.
Forget the present public works committee it has already dropped the ball. What a presentation Blah! Blah!#**! Blah&**@*! Ouch!
Itch!! Ouch#@!
Reminded one of a young boy whose athletic supporter was too tight.
5:08 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
The next biggest city to Peru that TEST services is 1/2 the size of Peru. TEST has been a rather difficult corporation to find anything out about.
5:50 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
What is the Illinois Valley Trust? Does it still exist and if it does who is in it. Is it associated with TEST?
5:54 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
What is the Illinois Valley Trust? Does it still exist and if it does who is in it. Is it associated with TEST?
5:54 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
I don't believe that there is 4 months left a discuss this contract. I think it is going to be introduced for vote at the Sept. 9th meeting.
6:20 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
You know who is real good at finding out who are the owners and money behind a company? Attorneys that are suing them for something, that's who. Now if anybody here knew anything that TEST did to violate the CWA, they could file suit directly under the Clean Water Act as Citizen Attorney General, if it directly affected them or had the potential to cause harm (in other words Chicago or Peoria environmental hippies need not apply). So cool how you don't need to bother the busy folks down at Ms Madigan , or or SA.
During the discovery phase, pre trial, all the names of partners would come out. They would have to. Even if you decided to drop the suit.
Now I wonder if any people in this whole Valley might know some things about their operations that would qualify. I know Kristy has done a bunch of digging round this city. Maybe others know things too.
But rumors won't cut it, you need facts and people willing to testify. But one things for sure, win or lose, the people who are TEST would be discovered. That is not a bad thing. Only round here do people need to keep things like that secret. -
6:41 PM, August 27, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
6:20 PM is correct, the TEST contract will be renewed on Sept. 9 which in itself is strange because it is 4 months before the contract expires. Who is behind this early vote? Waldorf and Lukosus did not dream this up all by themselves for sure.
Sapienza and Mueller too new.
Don't think it is Potthoff.
Ferrari, I would be surprised. We know it would not have been Perez as he would like to see it go out for bid. What about the one remaining alderman or Mayor Harl? Who is it? -
7:13 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
A good attorney could do the job, outside the Illinois valley!' Too many pad each others (you know what). Investigating can go a long way.
7:56 PM, August 27, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Lois, it would have been the alderman who plays golf with Test.I hope Harl didn't change his mind about open bidding. If he did I am very diappointed in him.
10:05 AM, August 28, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Peru Development Land Trust
P.D.L.T. -
6:33 PM, August 29, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Google "Peru Development Land Trust "
and see who's address and phone number comes up. Lol -
6:36 PM, August 29, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Wonder what Mr. Mike Hart thinks of this.
12:23 PM, August 30, 2013
- Anonymous said...
I googled Peru Development Land Trust. The only info I could find was Don Baker, President and Ronald Hammers, Vice President. What does that have to do with Mike Hart?
7:20 PM, August 30, 2013
- Peru Town Forum said...
It has nothing to do with Mike Hart.
8:01 PM, August 30, 2013
- Anonymous said...
No Lois the Peru Development Land Trust has nothing to do with Mike Hart, but the insincereity and misleading comment of Anon 12:23 is a good example of why Peru so seldom is attracting outstanding political candidates such as Mike, Steve, Justin and Sherry. People of reputation normally do not care to tarnish their name and as you know they do not have the devious attributes of other political representatives and therefore usually lose the election.
The four above named individuals have participated because they want to do something for Peru not because they want Peru to do something for them. Presently what other elected officials of Peru could state this besides Alderman Rodney Perez?
It appears that the Sept. 9th city council meeting will prove this staement correct. Sorry citizens but you will have to pay how much more on account of the "Super Majority Vote"? No one will ever be able to judge this financial figure because of the lack of a fair open competitive bidding procedure for water treatment.
Does anyone honestly know if elected officals have to pay the same utility rates as all other homeowners? -
9:06 PM, August 30, 2013
- Anonymous said...
The word a few years ago was that public officials of Peru do not have to pay for utilities because they come with the position for free.
11:14 PM, August 31, 2013
- Sherry Mayszak said...
I can assure you I always paid utilities while I was an alderman. That idea sounds so ridiculous I can't believe that it could have ever been true, but I suppose stranger things have happened.
11:11 AM, September 01, 2013
- Anonymous said...
11:14 now that you mentioned that something in ticking in my head. I think I may have heard that years ago. Wonder how we could find out if true? Nothing would surprise me.
1:25 PM, September 01, 2013
- Anonymous said...
It's NOT that strange.
Kristy -
9:18 PM, September 02, 2013
- Anonymous said...
How many homes still have two meters on them? One for peak hours when service is higher and more costly and the second for when electrical usage is down and the city charged less during these hours.
8:52 PM, September 04, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Sherry, I am sure that you had to pay for your utilities when you served as a aldermen. In case there is someone out there who does not know, including yourself Sherry. SHERRY, YOU WERE NOT IN THE CLIQUE!
But clique or no clique Sherry you were and are a great soldier of the city and are respected as such. Thank you -
9:11 PM, September 04, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Anon 8:52 Yes there are still homes which still have two meters. Whether they are both working I am not sure. The electrical department made so much money each year that being a city owned facility it gave the homeowner free electricity as a Christmas gift for the month of December years ago.
Reading yesterdays Chicago Tribune article on IMEA which Peru is a member you will never have free electricity for a Christmas gift again. In fact Peru now pays more belonging to IMEA than other cities that are purchasing electricity in the open market.
If the supervision of the electrical dept. of Peru wants to disagree with this they can write to the Chicago Tribune who has done the investigative article. Maybe it is time for the News Tribune to follow suit with the TEST controversy rather than simply reporting what it wants of each council meeting.
The foreman of the Peru Electrical Department claimed that wind turbines took too long to pay back (36 years) to invest in, but the Chicago Tribune article claims
they are huge money savers for those cities who have them.
Peru also has a Hydro Plant at Straved Rock which it still owes over $14,000,000 on and whose rec credits are valueless.
Thank goodness through creative utilization the city representation has turned the airport into a money making machine. Could someone, anyone tell what all government bodies have as a total financial investment in this airport?
Now I ask as a citizen do you feel secure in allowing your city government representation to use the "super majority " vote rather than using open compettitive bidding in the $3,000,000 contract for 5 years with TEST. I don't and I don't even know who the city is dealing with as owners, Board of Directors or whatever. Hope to see you at Peru City Hall, Monday, Sept 9, 7:30 P.M. -
11:01 AM, September 05, 2013
- Anonymous said...
Anon 11:01 AM Very convincing. I'll see you Monday and be asking everyone I talk to from Peru to be there also.
11:51 AM, September 05, 2013
In reading the "Fish Wrapper" this morning it appears that Mr. Waldorf and Mr. Lukosus have made a serious miscalculation by not confirming with Schweickert in advance that a contract could be prepared in one week.
The extra week may allow the public just enough time to let their elected officials know that this deal stinks to high heaven.
You actually have a rare opportunity here to make a difference. Do it!