“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

City Cracks Down On Spring Valley Smoke Shop « AM1220 WLPO News

City Cracks Down On Spring Valley Smoke Shop « AM1220 WLPO News

What is the status of the Peru shop, as of yesterday I was told it is open.


Anonymous said...

The Peru Smoke Shop was investigated Monday morning, upon what was found it was closed by law enforcement and for some unknown reason reopened Wednesday morning and is presently open for business purposes.
The Spring Valley Smoke Shop was investigated at the same time Monday morning closed and still closed with city officials stating they are not going to issue them a license to reopen.
Two neighboring cities located five miles apart with two completely different government law enforcement procedures. Could the reason be one is in LaSalle County and the other is in Bureau County with different States Atty's. Many from Peru are still bewildered as to the proceedings at the airport when $500K was found on a airplane which no one claimed.
What are the procedures for a plane to land at the Peru airport - day or night. The explanation the same as every other small airport is not good enough What are the SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures). Is law enforcement involved?

Anonymous said...

Recently there was a TV program which explained how a huge drug cartel was using airplanes to fly out of Columbia and land at small airports where drug distribution was going unnoticed. Also people were travelling on Amtract across the country to move drugs and there was a large bust in Galesburg.

Anonymous said...

Cudos to Spring Valley for taking action! Peru should have done the same and just as quickly. Business' are thriving in Spring Valley - not so in Peru.