“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pool referendum decision expected next Monday « AM1220 WLPO News

Pool referendum decision expected next Monday « AM1220 WLPO News


Anonymous said...

According to the reports Rodney wants a pool but doesn't want to have the residents pay for the pool, but wants to have one built. He doesn't want a referendum but will support a pool if the referendum is approved! As long as taxes won't be raised. The pool group is insulted that a referendum would be on the ballot, the same group that supports building a pool. Maybe we will wake up one day and find a pool in Washington Park that nobody will have to pay for. That must be plan. Whats wrong with letting the taxpayers decide on a referendum? Pro or con let them decide.

Anonymous said...

Perez was right, the city voted for a bike trail. Why not a pool?

Anonymous said...

11:13 am, You are right about Rodney being right. I can also ask this, Why can't the council vote to spend or not to spend $3 miilion on water services, why can't they grow a pair and vote on spending $3 million for a pool?
The answer of course is because none of them actually have a pair!

Anonymous said...

If the City would have been fiscally responsible by going out for bids (T.E.S.T. contract), setup the yearly road maintenance program to insure there is more than one bid, and scale back on wasteful spending ($1,700 retirement meal for Bleck) you would have seen Peru be in a position next summer to begin the construction of one. Instead we have elected people into office that have no sense of how to begin to save and only have a sense of spending to those that support their own personal agendas.

Anonymous said...

A pair of slapping sticks?

Anonymous said...

1:28 your right, them their city folks don't need no clean water. We need a pool. They don't need no road maintenance, build a pool. They don't need no sewer fixes, we need a pool.

Anonymous said...

My grandfather use to tell me if you want somebody to spend your money, get an attorney or support a politician. If you want somebody to make you money get a good honest businessman. Grandfather was a honest man with intregrity and values and didn't screw people over. Excuse the word screw.

Anonymous said...

1:44 I have no idea how the cities without TEST can look themselves in the mirror, drinking the sludge and garbage that paying thirty percent less for labor and testing .

I can't wait until the world realizes that only the mighty TEST could possible solve the worlds water problems.

And you cannot maintain roads without over spending, or they blow up.

Everybody knows that.

Anonymous said...

The mayor and the majority of the alderman are typical Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Haha just watched the videos, I do have to say that Alderman Perez was referring to the David Ramsey plan. That was the envelope system he was referring to.
Very old but wise method of how to spend.

Anonymous said...

Heard Harl was bashing Democratic Party...

Anonymous said...

6:41 it was priceless when he said that instead of going to the movies wait for netflix or rent a Dvd. At that rate and the need for a few million dollars the city may have to wait for a few hundred years for the envelope to fill up for the pool fund.

Anonymous said...

1:25 good spin on Rod's comment. I also listened to the video. Rod was referring to family spending and a way to save for a residential pool. You should really try and listen a bit closer. If the city would stop spending our tax dollars on frivolous crap like retirement dinners, safety glasses, shovels, No UTurn Harl Signs, and bid jobs to try and save us money than that's money that could go right into the Rod Pool Envelope. A penny saved is a penny earned. How much did the aldermen waste on engineering fees for the bike path and other stupid things like for this attorney to draft stupid ordinances and referendums? There is so much waste in Peru they could fund a pool with waste spending alone.
Great Job Rodney keep it up. I find it funny when your critics try to undermined your efforts then it backfires on them. All they need to do is listen.

Anonymous said...

1:25 good spin on Rod's comment. I also listened to the video. Rod was referring to family spending and a way to save for a residential pool. You should really try and listen a bit closer. If the city would stop spending our tax dollars on frivolous crap like retirement dinners, safety glasses, shovels, No UTurn Harl Signs, and bid jobs to try and save us money than that's money that could go right into the Rod Pool Envelope. A penny saved is a penny earned. How much did the aldermen waste on engineering fees for the bike path and other stupid things like for this attorney to draft stupid ordinances and referendums? There is so much waste in Peru they could fund a pool with waste spending alone.
Great Job Rodney keep it up. I find it funny when your critics try to undermined your efforts then it backfires on them. All they need to do is listen.

Anonymous said...

3:50 I also watched the local reality Tv show and I must have been on the wrong channel. He spoke about netflix and family dvds, and the waste of money on the bike trail.

Anonymous said...

There are a bunch of spinsters on the city council. It's all in the websters dictionary. I like the word minipulation.

Anonymous said...

11:46. I think you need to watch the video again. 3:50 is exactly right. Perez was giving examples of how a family would save money for a pool, trying to have the aldermen look for small ways to save money. They don't want to listen to Rodney, ever. But they should!