“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

To Our Mayor and Committee Aldermen Re: Open Meetings

Monday, June 04, 2012

I expect our government to be honest and truthful in the manner in which they conduct the peoples business in the city of Peru. That must be very hard considering the fact that 2 committee meetings were held today, Monday June 4, 2012, without 48 hours notice and a posted agenda via the internet. The mayor said that they posted the announcement at the city hall and that is all they had to do.

Mayor, please read the Open Meetings Act

A public body that has a website that the full-time staff of the public body maintains shall also post on its website the agenda of any regular meetings of the governing body of that public body. Any agenda of a regular meeting that is posted on a public body's website shall remain posted on the website until the regular meeting is concluded. The requirement of a regular meeting agenda shall not preclude the consideration of items not specifically set forth in the agenda. (5 ILCS 120/2.02)(from Ch. 102 par.42.02)

The meetings were the Water and Sewer meeting at 10 AM and the Public Property Meeting which also means Recreation Commission oversight before the regular City Council meeting.

Do you suppose they did not want the people whom they serve to observe the actions of this city?


H, Tom said...

This is just another one to show the people of peru that the mayor and alderman are going to do what they want and they don't care what we think ! Wake up people !

Peru Town Forum said...

10 more months until city elections!

Anonymous said...

The way the city conducts business has become one joke after another. Does anybody know someone who is running against someone currently on city council? We can all sit here and complain all we want but if new people aren't elected then what are we going to do for the next 2+ years until the next election?

Peru Town Forum said...

Some possibilities but it is early and lets just make sure people are informed and keep encouraging your friends to take an interest in what is happening. Talk about what is taking place in Peru, check the blog occasionally and I will do my best to get information out.

Anonymous said...

I agree 4:52, this has become one joke after another. Lois: people are informed about what is taking place, it is all over this blog and the news tribune about how mismanaged our city politics has become. If you are aware of possible candidates then why not disclose that information? Don't conceal useful data like our current administration constantly does.

Anonymous said...

Of course the city officials don't want it's taxpayers to know what's really going on!!! I HAVE TOLD MANY PEOPLE ABOUT THIS WEBSITE. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE IS THERE NEEDS TO BE AN ARTICLE IN THE NEWS TRIBUNE AND AND ANOTHER ADVERTISMENT A FEW DAYS LATER WITH THE INFORMATION AND WEBSITE. A nice letter for the "open forum." also.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:36 PM

It would not be right or fair for me to say that anyone is interested in running for either alderman or mayor. When those people want the information out to the public, they will make that announcement.

Anonymous said...

Riordan for Peru 2013
The people's Mayor !!
(This is on his Facebook page today )

Anonymous said...

wow if you remmeber correctly harls campaign manager was all about the former mayor and meetings-what a joke, where is steve these days burying his head in embarrasment? hurry up election

Anonymous said...

Riordan 2013? More information Please!

Anonymous said...

Riordan 2013? Thats like letting the biggest nut in town run the nut house. He still lives at home with his mamma. That would tell me that he has a hard time taking care of himself. Now he wants to run a city? I dont like him but I would rather keep Harl!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which Riordan? I know there are alot and all great people! Is it the female Riordan? Joe was a great community servant.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:20 AM

Nothing wrong with living with your mother. She happens to be the widow of former police officer, Joe Riordan and does need some assistance in staying in her own home, I believe. She is very fortunate to have that help.

Anonymous said...

@5:20 , If you knew anything about what you were talking about you would know that his handicapped mom lives with him. And as for not being able to take care of himself he is a peru fireman. Actually if you knew what you were talking about also you would know that he was the first ever Peru Fire department firefighter of the year. Obviously you are one of the people he reported for illegal activities last year to the mayor and got nowhere except for a suspension. So ya, you wouldn't like him to become mayor because your cushy world won't be so cushy!

Anonymous said...

He was voted unanimously to become Firefighter of the year and did everything at that fire station on a volunteer basis along with his 2 brothers . Any event the Riordan's and their families were the first and last to leave always. True community members in my book. Now noone trims the bushes or cuts the grass or even uses the sign any more.

Anonymous said...

I think you will find way more people to defend Riordan than to bash him. He's always there to help others. Ill vote for him.

Anonymous said...

I was at the council meetings when he spoke. The council and mayor did nothing about his legitimate complaints. New mayor means new fire chief?

Anonymous said...

I don't know him personally but I will vote for anybody except harl !!

Anonymous said...

I think if he is elected you will see alot less waste .... including a new super of public works, electric super, and new (qualified ) building inspector. No more personal vehicles for the useless!

Anonymous said...

Wait, which one?

Anonymous said...

From what I can tell all he likes to do is stir the pot. Stope if I'm mistaken but isnt that the family homestead that he still lives in with his mom? Wouldn't that actually still make it her house? You wont see me voting for him. All he's ever done everywhere he's worked is cause trouble. With a personally comparable to a third grader, I'd have to say he's not perus answer.

city of Peru tax payer said...

you have to keep in mind of all the city vehicles that are driving around for personal us. Riordans a nice man... if he becomes mayor the city tax will go down. lets get the followers out of office... ok just saying but if the current police chief got fired or quit as a spring valley chief why did he come over here. because he is friends with the right people. he is trying to turn this city into spring valley. there is no reason for hi to be chief...

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Tom drives a company truck (the company that he works for). He also uses that company turck to respond to Peru Fire Calls when he is working. Does he reimburse his employer? Isn't that personal use?

Anonymous said...

For someone to comment in regards to a person being a "momma's boy,"'you are a very selfish person! You probably are one of tthe many fireman at the so call, "safety meeting," at the bar with the fire chief planning the next cookout or party. My opinion of you after reading your blog is that YOU WOULDN'T EVEN VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME TO TAKE CARE OF A PARENT IF NEEDED, YOU WOULD WANT A MONENTARY COMPENSATION! WHAT KIND OF VALOR DO YOU HAVE?

Anonymous said...

Back in 07-08 (for a couple months), our now appointed fire chief who back in 07-08 was a fireman and president of Liberty Fire Company lived 11/2 hours(approx.) from here(Peru), with his parents. Did he take a leave of absence from the fire department????? Did he follow SOP then??? Blogger 5:20, can you answer that? Maybe you can ask all the fireman who were on the department at that time if there is any valadity to that question.

Anonymous said...

11:41 very well said. I feel a new chapter in a book is about to take place with 5:20's blog.

Anonymous said...

Obviously from reading this, 11:41 you are either a riordan yourself or date the riordan that we are talking about. I would and have volunteered time to my parents. And they don't even pay my rent. Riordan for mayor! The biggest mistake Peru can make!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:20 + 11:01. It seems to be very apparent you are involved with Peru's Fire Department. You possibly could be a pro-bee. I hope so. Anybody who is or was a member 3+years ago would know the true facts. Also, what's your level of education? Please don't include mix-master 101.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Evidently the parents of the Riordan boys did a fantastic job in their rearing of them due to the facts of their integrity, volunteerism, honesty,, morals, etc.. To the blogger (11:01), at least taxpayers money isn't being used for living expenses of Mr.Riordan's handicapped mother. You should be commending him instead of criticizing him. You have no compassion and are selfish. This pertains to 5:20-s blog also.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 .... I could care less if Tom's boss lets him use a private truck for his personal use. That's private. I care about our Superintendents using my tax dollars for their personal use.

Anonymous said...

Its nice to see all the fireman at the station the same time all these negative posts are put on. Tax dollars well spent again Peru!

Do your jobs and quit blogging on the clock.

Anonymous said...

To 11:14, I can assure you 100% in no way shape or form I'm a relative of the Riordan Family. I'm no longer involved with the fire department and haven't been for a couple of years. Believe me, alot of these blogs are TRUE, not speculations. Regarding the absenteeism for a couple months in dec. 07-08 of the now fire chief. I believe that to be true. Check sign in sheets for calls during that period (unless another fireman signed him in), also, ask the honest fireman who will tell you the truth.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 ... so what! That a privately owned truck. There's a difference between that and a city superintendant stealing while using our tax dollars for gas. This by the way was reported to the mayor and he did nothing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:21 it may disappoint you to hear that I'm not in any affiliated with the peru fire dept. with a college education. Thanks for asking. Also I can't answer the questions about 07/08. I started following city politics when the city started going down hill.

Anonymous said...

Wow ... I guess there is no brotherhood in our city fire department. Didn't Harl, king, and president hocking tell all the fireman last fall that there was to be no blogging! Or are these guys that scared that the whistle blower might be their new Mayor?

Peru Town Forum said...

1:36 PM

considering how our fire department has been managed, it is my understanding that a resume was never needed but the choice was made within the department. At one time Liberty was involved but has since been dissolved.

Anonymous said...

I believe the question in regard to the certifications from the state for a city to be able to appoint a person Fire Marshall. Like fire chief's position being fire chief/fire Marshall.

Anonymous said...

So I guess if these few fireman are on here talking against him than he's probly not in their group and doesn't go to safety meetings .than he's got my vote!

Anonymous said...

Riordan ... a great family with dedication to the community. !

Anonymous said...

Ride by the fire station and see the two old ladies doing flowers while the fire man sits inside in the AC; great leadership!

Anonymous said...

Evidently Alderman Prrez didn't follow orders to blogging. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU WHEN HARL, FIRE CHIEF JEFF KING AND EARL HOCKING (president liberty fire company, chief kings landlord at one time, and Elle's companion), tell fellow fireman to not blog (if true). What the heck almighty is and had been going on? Silence doesn't make issues go away. These problems and issues would absolutely not be to the magnitude that the were and some still are if competent. responsible , honest, etc.... Department heads DID THEIR JOBS IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER. IT'S SO SO TRUE......

Anonymous said...

Riordan for Mayor good deal, maybe Witczak will run for alderman again atleast he tried to speak up even when he wasn't alderman anymore.

Peru Town Forum said...


An apology is due, those lovely ladies weeding the flower bed at the PFD are volunteering their services...Alderman Mayszak and her Mom. The Alderman has done this in several of our parks and is quite the horticulturist and good at it too. Flowers under her care grow and bloom and are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wasnt a smash to them. It was directed at the lazy fireman inside watching TV. Why couldn't they do it? I appreciate them for doing it.

Anonymous said...

King for Mayor
Hocking for Clerk

Peru Town Forum said...

3:45 PM

I'm sure they would accept your apology. I do know if they were not volunteering, those inside would not be doing the gardening.

Anonymous said...

Lois 3:49 Apparently our horticulturist does not do flower planting and weeding? What exactly does he do besides daycations? And, why are we constantly paying for plants when we have our own greenhouse?

Anonymous said...

Nice! 3:46. You made me laugh. Seriously, doesn't it make sense that when things really started going up in smoke (no pun intended) at PFD , the president of liberty (Earl Hocking), and fire chief (Jeff King), were backing each other. Add Mayor Harl to the mix. Now, that was a good piece of cake. There has to be icing on the cake and that ingredient would be the rest of the brothers (fireman). Why do you think so many of the fireman who had been on departments for many years have resigned, retired,etc...? It's because of MISMANGEMENT AND COVER-UPS!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You ladies for your volunteerism at the fire department beautifying Peru, the leader of the Illinois Valley. How sad and ironic is it that Alderman Sherry is doing that when full-timers sit around station a majority of time for their shift. What does this tell us taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

I apologize Sherry and sherry's mom!
Great job! !

Anonymous said...

Jeez, these few disgruntled fireman going after on of their own. No wonder they have high turnaround and such poor morale.

Anonymous said...

Riordan for mayor. Sounds good. I almost feel bad for the guy. Considering what sounded good three years ago was "Harl for mayor." My how are opinions have changed in the past three years. All people want to do now is blog and bad mouth the mayor. Good luck Mr. Riordan. I think you will need it.

Anonymous said...

HE/SHE WHO IS IN COMMAND OF ANY DEPARTMENTS SHOULD LEAD BY EXAMPLE IN ORDER TO RECEIVE POSITION RESULTS. It seems that the person in charge hasn't. These blogs are not the only place where issues are talked about, its has been and still is being talked about on the city streets. How sad is that!

Anonymous said...

@4:25 ... When the crap starting hitting the fan Hocking baled! He couldn't even take the fire department. His zero percent attendance will be sadly missed. Also thanks Earl for unionizing our full-time guys with the help of Harl.

Anonymous said...

@5:13 ... poor morale and poor morals!

Sherry Mayszak said...

OUCH! "Old ladies"?? I just turned 50 last month, so I guess I do qualify for that title! My mom and I like to plant flowers and plants. You should see her yard! My yard is not very big, so I offered to plant some flowers at the Fire Station. We planted flowers last Sunday and today. Bill Krolak was there Sunday and offered to get some guys together to help if I could give him a few days notice. My schedule is pretty full, so planning too far ahead is difficult, so I just got my mom to help. Don't beat up on the fireman in the AC, most guys don't care one bit about flowers! Next project is at the airport!

Anonymous said...

If some of you people talk to the right person you will find out mr. Riordan isn't by the book like he claims to be. I'm sure of some one digs deep enough or talk to the right person they will find out he's corrupt to.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Witczak for alderman . We need people that will defend our taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the airport...
Why is the IBEW (Electicians Union) picketing at the entrance?
I though Harl was going to make sure that all workers on city projects were UNION contractors?



Anonymous said...

louis at 2:13
when king got hired the firefighters did not vote and the cities citizens did not vote. The mayor appointed him because he is a "FOLLOWER" here is a list of other "FOLLOWERS" : RA, JK, EH, TH... that is all that I can remember.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a middle-aged guy that lives with his mom and has no leadership experience as the next Mayor. After all that includes about 30% of the Illinois Valley. Last time Peru picked the guy with the biggest truck to be the leader. And we already have a part-time firefighter as the Mayor's right hand. Hows all that working? Anybody who complains and puts fellow firefighters under the truck should be ashamed of themselves. Peru deserves better!

Anonymous said...

Bring back firing squads for those who run away from the duties of public safety.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great thing that Sherry and her mom are doing, but don't we have a full time horticulturist and a green house we already pay for. With that said we should not have to count on volunteers for that stuff like flowers. It's kind of like still hiring the pool summer help and still no pool, does that mean that they do as much as the hoticulturist does, or like getting a new truck for fire dept. that nobody uses but the mayor to joy ride, I guess that's the change he said he would bring in Peru, I wish Don Baker was twenty years younger maybe then he would run, maybe he could mentor younger person, but anyway you cut it Harl has to go.

Anonymous said...

Can we place Sherry Masyzak as the horticulturist and have the current one take her place as Alderwomen? Reorganization works.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Earl Hocking a pilot? Isn't Alderman Lukosus a pilot? Hmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

Riordan is the man!

Anonymous said...

Didn't a fireman used to do the flowers on his own? Hmmm wonder who that was? Maybe we should get rid of the full-time waste in the department (R.A. & D.L. ) than wed have more volunteerism and morale will go up!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he shares a home with his handicapped mom! !
Get over it Rick! !

Anonymous said...

@Sherry- You stated FF Krolak offered to help you? He must have planned on your answer. Where was FF Krolak and his crew of followers that he claimed would have helped you when the parade last year had no fire truck, or where was he, and his so called followers during the last 2 years for community events? The Riordans and Perez were, and are the only FFs I have ever seen at public events. Chief King did round up a few to attend the Christmas parade due to the uproar from the no show at the Halloween parade. City of Peru just had the largest educational event put on by Alderman/ Firefighter Perez could anyone vouch for how many Peru FFighters were at that event? There were more LaSalle firefighters there than Peru. There were more PVAS people there than Peru Firefighters. Sherry- If FF Krolak made that statement or offer he was telling stories. Tom Riordan would make a Great Mayor just for the fact he would Rid Corruption and Fire all worthless superintendents.
Riordan For MAYOR!!!!

Anonymous said...

LasVegas fireman says,
You guys really have issues! I came across this blog by mistake and can't stop reading it. Some funny but most is sad. Seems like you have no city leadership!

Anonymous said...

How was Krolak gonna offer other fireman to help you sherry? Was there a steak and shrimp cookout involved after? That's the only way they do anything is around food and alcohol !

Anonymous said...

BINGO 12:41. You figured us out. Now if we could only get our leaders to realize they're not doing their jobs. A concerned citizen!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say the reason that Riordon and Perez do parades and public events is simply because they want to be in the public eye. A true fireman need not parade himself around to make you think he's your hero! A true hero needs no thanks or credit given to him.

Anonymous said...

FF TH lives in the duplex adjoing Fire Chief Kings in sycamore lakes. Hasnt live in Peru very long. Remember FF TH was one of the fireman that went to board meeting when stuff was happening. One of chief kings bf's. As a matter of fact westclocks fire, when it started Chief king was on his 3rd or 4th day of another one of his vacations in Nashville. THEN 2-3 WEEKS LATER CHIEF KING WAS VACATIONING AGAIN IN LAS VEGAS. FIREFIGHTER TH WAS WITH KING AND TWO OTHER PEOPLE FROM PERU. Vacations are a mans best friend. Wish I could have two a year, let alone Two in a month. And King said how hard it is to make 18 ff's happy at once. No kidding Chief King when you yourself show favoritism. Oh, so true. Maybe the blog from Las Vegas firefighter met chief king in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Sherry is definitely the best looking alderwan.. Shes hot!!!

Anonymous said...

1:55 He or she also doesn't need paid for everytime they drive the truck with their kids aboard in parades either

Anonymous said...

@1:55, fireman, you are a perfect example of the majority of peru's firefighters with your ridiculous, childish, selfish remarks. A true hero is one who VOLUNTEERS their time and efforts WITHOUT PAYMENT OF MONEY. 1:55, your conscience must be getting to you because you are jealous of Perez and Riordan. We taxpayers know who puts efforts of volunteerism into our city. And you are not one of them!!!!!! Your Chief should be teaching you to encourage your fellow brothers not condemn them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!'A firefighter should have learned that in their very first class!!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:55 ... so for the past 10-15 years the Riordan boys and Perez have volunteered for everything under the sun because they knew they were gonna get into politics? So why did one Riordan leave? Cuz I heard R.A. harassed and kept trying to get him in trouble untill he couldn't take it any more because of high blood pressure and left the state. According to you that's probly not the reason though.

Anonymous said...

Retired Peru Firefighter says

The Riordan boys and Perez were the only ones on that department ( Eccles also ) that ever give us retired guys that put our time in any acknowledgment out in the public. Everyone else is a phony and has ruined that department!

Anonymous said...

Thank You to all those who volunteer in the city and for the city and for our children . Before someone blogs about Rodney's picture today in the news tribune (at LP) on page A6, I can assure you that the photo department just used that great picture, and Rodney didn't call the NT to tell them to put it in paper as a PR stunt. And to anyone who has a problem with it maybe should volunteer themselves.

Anonymous said...

Illinois Valley Fireman says

You Peru guys are something else. One of your brothers in fire wants to better his community and himself and you can' t support him. If you don't want to support him fine, just keep your mouths shut! You 5 or 6 guys again him will not decide the outcome of the election. If you're even registered to vote. The Riordan family is triple the size of your department! If you can't say anything nice ,shut up! I graduated fire academy with Tom and Rodney both. They were 2 of the best, most educated guys there. If I lived in Peru they both would have my vote. Any multi agency event the Riordan and Perez are usually the only ones from Peru there. Pat was one of the few guys that knows how to run every piece of equipment you guys had. He trained Tom and now I'm always glad to see Tom arrive on any mutual aid call. Tom works with other departments on his own assisting them when they need help. With no need for a thank-you or payment. He just does it because he wants to make a difference. You guys are tearing your department apart and have been for years now! ! Let the guys be ! You don't have to vote for them if you don't want to but keep your nasty remarks to yourself. You need some serious restructuring or counseling over there.
Good luck Tom!

Anonymous said...

High blood pressure and left the state? And the only ones worth their weight is PereZ/Riordan? You got to be pulling strings or maybe sniffed too much Westclox fumes. The comedy show continues with the ring leaders.

Anonymous said...

Lois, did you see the article meant for the open forum. Its a shame the NT is so tight with the city. Could you post that on here for all to see , Even the council members? We all know they read this. It does name names but it would give a better understanding to why we need someone like Riordan in office and just how useless our current mayor is.

Anonymous said...

You are correct about Gary Eccles. He is a good person and was a very good Fire Chief. There was not favoritism and he was a great teacher and listener. He didn't play one person against another. Gary didn't party and drink regularly with fireman in order to obtain votes. Gary didn't
get his wallet out and buy drinks to obtain votes either. By all accounts Gary wasn't perfect, but as a fire chief he was mature enough and took that position seriously. Gary ALWAYS WAS AVAILABLE and at special events without payment. Garys qualifications for the fire chiefs position speaks for themselves. GARY ECCLES SHOULD BE GIVEN AN AWARD FROM THE CITY FOR HIS YEARS OF SERVICE as a fire chief and firefighter. It would be nice if Baker was the person to award it to Gary, due to the fact Baker was mayor when Gary served as fire chief.

Anonymous said...

ANON 3:25 Your description of why one Reardon left "Cuz I heard R.A. harassed and kept trying to get him in trouble until he couldn't take it any more because of high blood pressure and left the state" is a classic example of bullying.
What better proof of mismanagement and problems could be cited in a organization than your comment.
What you have heard should be expressed to the Mayor of Peru and the Fireman's Representation for investigation and justification if proven true. First cure the problem internally, if this does not work take it to the city level and if the level will not face up to the problem take it out of the city's hands. With accusations such as this one wonders if Reardon will have to run for Mayor against Harl he might have to fill in the remainder of his present term the way things are going.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the fireman for their services. Here is what happened about 10 years ago at the fire department. Jeff King moved to Peru and got voted in on the fire department by the fireman. Things were good(Eccles was chief). Over the years RA and DL (full-time firefighters, and volunteer firefighters (p.o.c.) became close to jeff king. The three would talk about Eccles. Eventually most fellow firefighters jumped on board. Overtime Eccles got voted out for chiefs position. King got in, because he partied, etc... with most of them, King moved to Peru from a small town. Had been on that small department for several years. There was some controversary over his rank in his hometown as a fireman. RA and DL need to retire from the city so we can get some youth on department.. And that department might run a little smoother. DL, I use to respect you, but what a shame. RA. I'll please the fifth.1995-2008 were great years for Peru's fire department. Thank you to all the retired fireman. You were the ones that built that fire department to what it was .

Anonymous said...

Agree with retired firefighter. And there are other firefighters that didn't retire from department, but turned their gear in that also agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Many of us trained fireman left because of R.A. and D.L. . Fireman shouldn't be 2faced backstabbers. Get rid of the old guys and you'll get rid of the poor morale! I miss it but couldn't handle the BS anymore!

Anonymous said...

Princeton fireman
Tom graduated from our 1 st Academy to become a state certified firefighter. He was an outstanding student helping others along the way. Fire departments are a family and need to stick together. You fellow fireman that don't agree with what he's doing need to keep it to yourselves. This is not how the public wants to view their saviors in times of need. Get it together and stay safe above all !

Anonymous said...

@5:09 these facts were read from a letter Riordan wrote and addressed to the council , more than once. It was even in the NT several times that he spoke at the council meetings. The mayor did or said nothing. He even told the council members in front of the public that they were not allowed to talk about this to anyone including Riordan.
hows that for a mayor.
ignore it and maybe it will go away.

Anonymous said...

So sorry that you had to be drawn into this blog. Thank you much for taking care of our horticulture needs of the City. I saw you working in Washington park last year and appreciate your efforts. On a similiar note, I want to know who is in charge of our current paid horticulturist that is clearly not doing his job since the day he was hired by his family friend. It is my understanding that we still continue to buy plants and vegetation at public retailers vs growing in the greenhouse the city bought and paid quite a bit of money for. This insanity has got to stop. I have asked those in authority to address this issue and everyone seems to look aside. I was up at Veterans park last summer and saw the disaster up there. Unacceptable and disrespectful. This city is falling apart day by day. I was told that Change was going to happen and hoped that Change meant for the better. I seriously think we are going backwards. Time to clean house and run a tight ship. The waste has got to go.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sherry and Rodney for all you two do!
You Two are the only ones in the council that use your voice and don't follow the heard!

Anonymous said...

There were many blogs prior to seeing the ladies volunteering at the FD that has to do with that department. So, Sherry and her mother have nothing to do with how that dept. Is run. Was FF TF ever suspended when he pushed or punched another FF upstairs at FD? (if true). Isn't Chief King the godfather to FF TF child? Imagine that if TF wasnt reprimanded for that incident. FAVORITISM AT IT'S FINEST! BY THE CHIEF.

Anonymous said...

Does Peru have a horticulturist position slotted in the union structure? First, If it does the position should be open to bid by seniority and qualifications.
Second ally and more important it should be eliminated as it is nothing more than a hiding spot for a under qualified employee and a city of 10,000 does not need a $55,000+ a year horticulturist. This is still Peru, Illinois not Fort Knox, Kentucky. People in charge wake up your drawing way to many watts for our hydro plant capacity.

Anonymous said...

Clean out all the dead weight in your town!
Wasn't that Harls campaign promise?
You Peru voters need to wake up and smell what Harl isn't cooking (doing) .
Good thing he's not in my town.
We have our own problems.
Good luck whoever runs against Harl.

Anonymous said...

There is always the possibility that Harl will not run again for reelection and will donate his war chest to the swimming pool fund.

Anonymous said...

What 715?! Sherry doesnt say ANYTHING at the council meetings

Sherry Mayszak said...

2:51 Please let me speak now. I spent a few hours this afternoon with some of the firemen as they escorted the LP baseball team home after their game today. I rode with Rodney and Marsha and Mike Radtke. It's Rodney and Marsha's wedding anniversary and they were supposed to leave town at 3:30 today. The ended up leaving around 5:00. We went up to the airport to line up to wait for the team at 3:00. We didn't start moving until after 4:00. We all sat there for over an hour in the sun, and I never heard one person complain. These guys do not get paid for their time for this kind of thing. Plus some of them had been up early fighting a fire - a fire that almost claimed a life, but thanks to our brave guys, the guy's life was saved. I was really proud to be in their company. I heard two of the other firefighters say it looked like they would be missing their golf game. They gave up their golf game to do the parade. Mayor & Mrs. Harl were there. They went to the game and then came back to Peru and waited with the rest of us. About the flowers, every firefighter than knows I was planting flowers at the station has offered to help me. They are going to be watering them. Like all men, some times you just have to show them that little stuff like that is important. And the flowers are little stuff in comparison to what their real jobs are, and I'm glad I could help them out in some small way.

Anonymous said...

Yes, alderwoman Mayszak we all agree that our firefighters are brave men and deserve our thanks. But, let's also remember that they volunteered for this job and are obviously doing it because they want to. I would also hope that those who volunteered for the parade to honor our fine young men did so without looking for recognition or a pat on the back. As far as the flower incident goes I believe most people are upset, not because you planted them, but because we have a person on our payroll who is supposed to be performing that duty. As far as your standing in the hot sun for an hour to honor our local baseball team - thank you. I'd also like to point out to you that many citizens sat in the hot sun yesterday for 4 hours at a car show to support our CSO. Many of them were out-of-towners. They did it because it's what they do and what they like. Not because they wanted thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ok, sherri, what about your opinion on 28th street tennis courts?!

Anonymous said...

Alderman Mayszak: Isn't that city property? And don't we have a horticulturist that we pay handsomely? And doesn't he have summer helpers under him? And don't they earn a salary? Where are they planting all the flowers that were grown in the city owned greenhouse? Why is there a big pile of mulch on the Veteran's Park parking lot? And why is there another big pile around a tree by Airport road at Baker Lake?

Anonymous said...

There are fire departments that have women employed as fire fighters, so if Peru had one or two, would they be treated just the same as men? I do know that women have tried to become poc's but their resumes were not considered because they are women. Would they be expected to be gardeners?

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Rodney and Marsha !!

Anonymous said...

Planting flowers and going in parades? It doesn't offset raising my taxes and wasting tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

All in all Sherry I don't care what you say on this blog speak up at the meeting thats when it means something, not on this stupid blog.

Anonymous said...

Sherry, The FD wants you on their side, since
so many issues have come to light. Of course the
FD is going toe the line when a political figure is there!! A ride in a parade doesn't overshadow all the issues at
fd. Sherry, DON'T BE FOOLED.

Anonymous said...

Appointed vs Elected. Two different schools of thought.

Anonymous said...

Appointed or Elected. There hasn't been one original thought or sign of leadership by any Peru politician in the last three years except Alderman Dave Potthoff.
City Administrators, Alderman, Department Heads, committee and Board members step forward, show some guts and start to make decisions, intelligent or unintelligent on your own. Your killing Peru.

Anonymous said...

As you see, I will not hide behind anonymous… I am Mrs.“D.L.“ and proud of it and even prouder of him. For more than 35 years he has dedicated himself to serving the Illinois Valley as a Volunteer/ P.O.C. / Full time firefighter. He has done this with the utmost concern for the safety of the citizens of this community, his fellow fire fighters all across the Illinois Valley, and his brothers on the Peru Fire Department both past and present. “D.L.” has always been there for any and all firefighters who have come to him for direction, help, advice, or to just let off steam. He has been nothing but trustworthy, honest and supportive of his fellow firefighters. It really saddens me to see people attacking him for remaining dedicated to his position as a Firefighter/ Engineer. Someone has posted on this blog that D.L. “is a 2faced backstabber”. ( 7:33 PM, June 07, 2012 : 5:31 PM, June 07, 2012 )
This person apparently doesn’t know my husband AT ALL. He is the fairest, most honest straight shooter you could ever have the opportunity to call a friend. All I can say to you is we haven’t moved or changed our phone number in almost 30 years… you have something you want to ask him, call or stop by… but don’t “anonymously” attack a man for remaining dedicated to something he’s been doing for this community for so long. “D.L.” has not been in this position this long just for a paycheck. I can’t tell you how many HUNDREDS of parades and community events “D.L.” and myself have attended and helped out at over the years. It has been a life of community service that we both are proud of, and we’re happy to have inspired younger members of this community to be involved in as well.

Only you know why you are choosing to attack “D.L.” anonymously in this public forum. I look forward to hearing from you IN PERSON to hear your reasons for these statements SOON .

Anonymous said...

5:21 Are you joking? What about all the original thoughts and signs of leadership coming from Alderman Perez?

Peru Town Forum said...

Mrs D. L.

Thank you so much for writing into the blog to express your very intense feelings. When the problems began to surface at the PFD, I was amazed because as a private citizen I had no idea of the problems that has started to be brought out. Thank you and your husband for your continued community support and I sincerely hope that someone can began a mediation process to heal the entire PFD.

Anonymous said...

@ Mrs. D.L, I read your blog and than re-read a blog from another firefighters wife. She blogged something in regards to D.L. Wow, the wives of the fire department don't see eye to eye either. Understandably wives want to stick up for their husbands. Have you FF wife lived next door to Alderman Sherry for 30 years? Enjoyed your blog.

Anonymous said...

9:48PM 5:21 Said original thought or sign of leadership not psychotic or attention grabbing

Anonymous said...

To 8:20 Princeton Fireman. Could you tell us bloggers what qualifications A State Certified Firefighter has to have? In order to be state certified. Also, do you know if the title "fire Marshall" can be appointed to a
Fireman/ fire chief by a mayor in that town. What certifications are needed for "fire Marshall?". Not state fire Marshall . We people who ask these questions don't get answers from ANYBODY! Thank You. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

The peru fire chief is appointed by the mayor as city fire marshal. As for qualifications, there are none, just like fire chief.

Anonymous said...

GIVING SOMEONE THE TITLE, FIRE MARSHALL. How is that legal? Without certifications. One would think fire Marshall would have some kind of degree. Sound like a security guard dressed up to look like a police officer. Security guards don't have to have any qualifications in many instances.

Anonymous said...

FIRE CHIEF JEFF KING ON ANOTHER VACATION. Heard he left Wednesday June 13 and will be back Sunday June 17. This is how many so far this year?? Taxpayers money at work for a paid position with the city. Who's covering for him this time.

Anonymous said...

Yea, fire chief/fire Marshall gets paid a salary for that position. And gets another monthly check for each fire calls he's at each month. Wow and interesting. He's laughing all the way to the bank. WWYD(what would you do?) wish I were he and still have a job and get paid.no wonder that department has PROBLEMS. No management so to speak.