“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Peru pool fundraising regroups - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru pool fundraising regroups - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Your thoughts about a new pool, it appears that even though a splash pad could be in our city by next summer, it appears that we are not willing to wait for the big pool.  Borrowing money was something Ald. Ankiewicz did mention at a pool meeting. I know this is the have to have generation. But somehow funding has to be available without goig for loan and the city does have other priorities.

This reminds of the commercial on TV where the young lady has a computer not working right and she says to her Dad, "let's go out and buy a new one" I actually grit my teeth every time that comes on air.

Yes I have been to meetings and heard the comments about 5 years being too long. Are you willing to pass this expense on to your children and grandchildren so people can have a pool right now? People ask me, didn't you take out a mortgage on your house? Yes we borrowed money to build our house but the economy was good and we were able to make the payments and we did not use other people money.

Actually I think this article has overblown the Friends for the Peru Pool intentions.


Peru Town Forum said...

Left out of this NT article, is the fact that Morris kept their old bath house, so the 1.7 million was only for the pool. We need a pool and a bath house.

Anonymous said...

Could it be left out that Chamlin also designed Morris' pool? Come on there is ALWAYS more to a story in Peru Lois just wait for it- I am sure another saga will begin.


Anonymous said...

I think that they should add a line item on the city bill to add a couple bucks each month as a donation but also let you opt out of it if you can't afford it or do not wish to donate. It would add up reasonably quick compared to what they have raised so far.

Don't know if they could do it legally or not though

Anonymous said...

I remember a former alderman proposed that same idea and our great mayor said no way but he was old guard, now that you guys just thought of it and the former alderman is dead it will be a good idea I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

@2:23pm I posted the 11:33pm comment and honestly never knew that it was previously suggested nor have I ever had a problem with any alderman.
Sorry if I misunderstood your comment as sarcasm if it wasn't but I wasn't trying to start anything with anyone and it was simply something I thought about while reading the article in the paper. I'm more than willing to give credit where credit is due since I might have remembered reading it in the paper when it was mentioned. If people would name names around here instead of just "former alderman" it would make life easier since I suck at names and I obviously don't know who you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

All you hear about is the pool and the concert. Entering Peru from LaSalle on shooting park road, one doesn't need a sign telling you are in Peru. The road tells you. Go a little farther, and see the mess west of Burger King. Leader of the valley. DUH

Brian Foster said...

I've been out of the country for a few weeks. I'm happy to see the priorities in Peru have not changed. Apparently most people think that we are immune to the troubles in Europe. Well folks, we are not. Unless school districts, municipalities, counties, states, and the nation get their respective houses in orders, we as citizens will be facing taxation at an unbelievable level. Take Ireland for example. Due to bad government planning and free spending, Irish citizens are now paying oppressive taxes. They pay 20% on the first 42,000 Euros (about $53,000) – anything above that is taxed at 41%. They do not get an exemption for children – rather they get an allowance directly from the government every month. This has been drastically cut. It is now about 150 Euros a month. So, if you make $100,000 per year, you give the government about $31,000 right off the top – no loop holes. In addition, they pay a VAT (Value Added Tax) on everything they purchase. It is sort of like a sales tax, except the tax is charged each time the product changes hands – for example, when the shop owner purchase it – he pays the VAT. When he sells it to you, you pay another VAT. Currently, the standard VAT rate in Ireland is 23% - That is Twenty Three Percent – not Two Point Three! The reduced rate is 13.5%. I don’t know the difference between the two – I think it has something to do with the type of products purchased. They also have road taxes and vice taxes. This austerity is for one thing and one thing only – to pay off their debt. They are not adding government services with these taxes. Think of this before you demand that Peru takes out a loan to build a swimming pool.