“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Water on Water Street

You might say when are cleaning up Water Street in preparation for the big event.


Anonymous said...

Apparently they couldn't find the leak? Or is this another leak that occurred after the first leak was repaired?

Anonymous said...

We finally have a pool and just intime for th 4th.

Peru Town Forum said...

On June 26 the water main break was found, the street dug up and the main fixed and the excavation was filled back in.
And then the water main broke again a short distance from the first break and that is the water in the photos. SPW said they had some issues with a valve and a gas line also. The second break was repaired today June 27.

Will there be any more breaks?

Anonymous said...

I assume you are making a funny when you ask if there will be more breaks. Ask the SPW how many we have on a daily and weekly basis. If you can find him. And if he bothers to track them. Ask the clerk how much water is unaccounted for in a month.

Anonymous said...

ACCOUNTABLE is taboo in Peru. There is no use for this dirty word in our local government.
Peru politicians do not worry about things until they waste all of what they have. Peru had a swimming pool that lost how many gallons of water per day and probably did not even know where the water was disappearing to and they still wanted the pool to remain open. For kicks and giggles why doesn't everyone send a comment or two to the blog on what they recommend that should be accounted for and presently is not.

Anonymous said...

This break occurred where the road buckles on Water Street near the old Red Door. The City is aware of the instability of the road and has the documentation from core samples showing the area is "fill".

Lack of monitoring no different from the additional cost (over the quote) of I believe $35,000 when replacing the main in front of the plant being demolished. Nobody was monitoring the shift in the road and well again costing us taxpayers in the end!