“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sauk Valley Newspapers | Splash pad closer to reality with funding from state

Sauk Valley Newspapers | Splash pad closer to reality with funding from state


Anonymous said...

In reading the article it was pointed out that no tax dollars will be utilized for the project. It will be funded by the State and a private foundation. It was also pointed out that it will have very limited operational costs. It doesn't sound like that is Peru's plan.

Peru Town Forum said...

The Friends of the Peru Pool seem to have decided that they are not interested in any kind of splash pad and seem to be content with waiting whatever number of years it may take to accumulate the money needed to construct a pool.
It appears that the pool fund has just about enough money for a splash pad, you could begin the process this year and have ready for use next year.
Getting enough money for a swimming pool may be a decade or longer unless we are able to secure a grant or a large donation. And then remember expenditures will rise again because we will need to hire employees and provide maintenance.
Someone mentioned adding to the utility bill and I believe that would be a very controversial move and possibly would require a referendum....not sure on that.
Again this is all about living in a house you can afford and can afford to maintain.

Peru Town Forum said...

forgot to add that there is zero interest from the city

Anonymous said...

2:21, Where do you think the State gets money from, if not taxes?

Anonymous said...

True 4:45. People seem to forget that We are the State.

Anonymous said...

I may be mistaken but didn't the council vote to have a utility tax increase for the pool?