“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Peru honors emergency crews - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru honors emergency crews - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL


Peru Town Forum said...

I was not present for the awards but the council chambers were filled to the walls, so others will surely wish to commend the recipients.

Anonymous said...

It's their job. Interesting how comments by the public at council meetings are cut short, but to recognize a select few get as much time as needed. Happy to see that Fire Chief King made it back from another vacation on Sunday so that HE and the department could be recognized.. How many times was "I" said? Remember the FD get paid very well! It's not a volunteer department.

Anonymous said...

Amazing the fireman were at council meeting to receive praise on short notice. But. They need SEVERAL DAYS notice to volunteer to plant flowers. was there a safety meeting at an establishment after council meeting?

peru taxpayer said...

I am sure there was a "safety meeting". I remember an article in the paper and picture of another fire where Gary Eccles and a neighbor were using a neighbors ladder to help an old woman out of a window of a house fire. I dont remember going to a city council meeting for him. They were doing their job, what we as taxpayers pay them to do. They chose to do that just like a teacher chose to teach kids to graduate to the next level. But teachers dont get an award in front of the city council. Where was the rest of the department at? Not many guys there to support their fire dept. brothers

Anonymous said...

4:02 Its a nice way to get votes and nice to see the recognition that those safety employees deserve. If you risk your life you really should get a medal.

Anonymous said...

I remember G.E. and that incident and I agree with your blog. Mayor Harl wanted to give recognition in the publics eye because of all the negativity with the fire dept., because he needs to start looking good for the upcoming election because he APPOINTED THE FIRE CHIEF and wanted to show a positive thing. I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt in house fire. Good job to all who assisted. However, was manpower low on day of fire? Why is fire chief going up a ladder? I thought his main job is to command/assess the situation and give commands to fireman in what to do and where go. Glad Fire chief King was back from his 5 day vacation. He wouldn't want to miss the meeting for his medal!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't going up a ladder where a person is waiting to be rescued part of training and the firemans job? Who paid for medals??? Did the receipents have to buy them?? Good PR Mayor Harl. Also, glad the cat got rescued and was given oxygen. Nice article, let's move on and
fix Peru government.

Anonymous said...

Oh give me a break! These guys get out of bed at all hours of the night and as you can see risk their lives and as for the fireman for sure get paid per call do you people get that? I dont really think you can say that the thirty something or what ever dollars it is is "getting paid very well" you people are just really not ever happy unless you are unhappy. If it "pays so well" why isnt there a line of all you whining crybaby people standing at the door to make the money? It seems that is what the driving force is is money to you people are you really serious....who paid for the medals....you really need some help if that is an actual question. Fireman have been given medals for lifesaving measures for many many many years both in small towns as well as in big city departments. I honest to god think it would kill some of you people to say something nice and or positive and that is the flesh rot of this city, you think you are helping but in fact are causing things to become worse, instead of sitting behind your key board and breading misery get out there and do something to make it better, volunteer, work for 30 bucks to go on a call at 3am and get up and go to your regular job etc. at the very least if you dont have something constructive to add then dont! That is as I see it the main reason no one from the city except the few attention seeking alderpersons respond to anything on this blog because it is now a laughing stock not a place for constructive suggestions from citizens working for a common goal to make peru better. It has turned into nothing more than an online coffee clutch of "mother hens" telling "mother goose" stories most of which are 1/2 investigated and or 1/2 truths to push their own agenda.
ruffled feathers!!!
P.S. Last week you all went to bat for a "volunteer" fireman did you not? Oh I get it this just isnt "your chosen one" see...you are not better than Harl, you accuse King of being his boy well what was the fireman last week that got a page long post on here to "tell his story?"
I am by far a Harl supporter but it slays me to see you dragging a young and upcoming fireman's valor through the dirt!
Lois, You want to post the comment....Post it, You don't want to post it dont but I think you should really take what I have pointed out to heart, You are no longer effective if the only thing you do and or allow to be done is "dogging" everyone, this was a positive thing all the way around and nothing more than a "bitch" session has ensued because it involved a department that you have been dogging for too long...you want them to do something good and for the city and when they do its still not good enough the page is filled with complaints twisting something very positive *a life saved into crying

Peru Town Forum said...

9:03 PM

I don't know you but thank you for expressing your feelings.
Like I said I chose to not take up a seat in the council chambers when it was crowded with family and friends of those getting the awards.
My one question was I wanted to know who organized the event? I have been going to council meetings for many years and seen many awards given but never have I seen that many firemen in their dress blues at one event.. People question whether the event last night equaled the reason for it and they do have the right for someone to explain it to them as most certainly they were not at the council chambers and only know what happened by what the news trib. published. And that is basically what is wrong in this community it is a total lack of communication and trust between everyone, whether they sit in the Mayors chair or the Council chairs, in the fire department or even the police department. Honesty and trust have been eroded by lack of communication.

Anonymous said...

Come on, do you really think these guys are doing the volunteer work because they want to only help people? There might be one or two, but the guys I know live for this. They can't wait for a call to get into there childhood dream of riding in the firetruck. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are these types who love this stuff otherwise I would have to take part.
Many of these guys put the firestation first and their family second. Just look at the number of fireman when there is a little fender-bender down town. You would think there was a 50 car pile up. They love this stuff and are expected to climb that ladder like a job...otherwise stay home.

Anonymous said...

I believe Rodney organized the event.....and 9:03pm AMEN!!! To slam 2 firemen that risked their lives to save another is childish, insensitive, and plain rude. That person they pulled out of that house was NOT BREATHING!!! One of those firemen went up that ladder without his air tank and mask and you ask why they should be commended...why don't you ask that guys family why! You people make me ill....and Lois, I am very disappointed in you....you choose to not attend the meeting to make room for friends and family of those awarded? Somehow I find that hard to believe....

Peru Town Forum said...

9:48 PM

It doesn't matter if you believe me or not the people I was with know. The hallway was crowded with people waiting to enter the council chambers and they certainly had more of a right to occupy a chair than I did. I don't tell lies on this blog or elsewhere.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:48 PM

You would not believe how many times friends and I have talked about this situation. Why does the fire dept continually come back into the blog? I don't bring it up but some people manage to include it in topics that are not about PFD. It never used to be that way but something has changed there and I don't know what it is or why it is. There are definite personality conflicts that happen in every job situation so why is it causing so much uproar. How many times have I said that they need someone to mediate the disputes and solve the issues that keep cropping up or this will go on forever.

Anonymous said...

Great job ladies and gentlemen! Its just a few bad apples trying to spoil the great work that you do.

Anonymous said...

Lois I thought that you don't bring up the topic of the firefighters into the blogs? Well if I do recall you were the first one commenting on this situation asking who attended and how the event went, am I wrong?

Peru Town Forum said...

11:56 AM

I had not planned on introducing the subject but someone wrote the blog asking about the ceremony and I put the article on with respect to them and said I was not present but others who were could commend the recipients. I was concerned about the PFD detractors but I did place on the blog with the best intentions and hoped that family and friends would blog with honor and others would respect them. Sometimes we do things with the best of intentions while others will look for the worst in what you say.
I get the feeling that is what you are doing, looking for a gotcha moment.

H. Tom said...

9 :30 pm june 19 2012 ! if you feel so stromgly then sign your name not AN0NYMOUS ! or are you afarid someone might know you ?

Anonymous said...

Good job to all those who assisted and performed their duties of their job. I'm a wife of a FF, in Peru. I'm reading and blogging which my husband doesn't know nor would he approve. Please don't try and manipulate Lois (whom I don't know personally) for her always trying to put BOTH SIDES of issues. She does a wonderful Job! Lois, I hope you post this. We taxpayers who care about our city would like you to know we appreciate you and all your work. Also, I'm 100% truthful in the fact that I'm a ff's wife. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

@9:03&9:25/. Since this blog forum has been in existence I and many others who are taxpayers and law abiding citizens find it to be very informative. Anybody who reads these blogs on a regular basic would know that positive things are said in regards to certain departments. If department heads , council members, mayor, chiefs, committee members , etc. Would answer bloggers questions of taxpayers truthfully, then there might not be so much negativity. But, evidently they don't come on here to answer. Some say they don't even read these blogs. So, if they don't read these blogs that should tell we taxpayers they don't care what we think. I highly doubt they DON'T read blogs. Lastly, alot of the times people don't want to know the truth. What adult is going to blog something that they wouldn't be able to back up with facts or other people as witnesses? I sure wouldn't . @9;03&9:25/. Do you regularly read blogs or just this titled one that you blogged on? Maybe you have answers to all the questions of us taxpayers. I would be willing to bet you are on a city department. Good job to all persons who assisted in the house fire. Stay Safe