This is a picture of the remaining structure of the Peru Power Plant which is undergoing demolition and how it actually looks today. This will be very near to the location determined by the city to be alcohol free during the July 3 celebration.
Ald. Perez who is on the Safety Committee and is also on the Peru Fire Dept. took some time to look into how safe this location is since it is close to the designated alcohol free zone to determine if there are any issues. For instance, will any increased vibration from the fireworks cause this wall to possibly move forward onto Water Street. His request at the council meeting was for the city to blockade the roadway in front of it, in case there would be some movement of the wall and some of the structure would fall onto the street and possibly injure someone. He had talked to the company on site and they do not plan to be back until after July 4 after they finish work on Friday.
This caused Mayor Harl to say they need to find a structural engineer to check out the safety. This was followed by a question to the Chamlin engineer about its safety and he responded by saying they had structural engineers at their company and the city would need to contact them.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to just admit to the dangers present and agree to barricade the road to the public? Now add additional engineering fees to the cost of the fireworks.
I talked to Fire Chief King and he doesn't like the like the looks and condition of this wall and the possibility of it moving from vibration and will talk to the people on site tomorrow to see if they can take the wall partially or completely down before the fireworks.
Thank you Ald Perez and Chief King for your concerns.
Had no one else on the council or the Mayor been looking into this problem, since this building has been undergoing demolition for months? Unbelievable.
I will breath a sigh of relief if we can get through this event unscathed.
HOW CAN FIRE CHIEF KING OR RODNEY PEREZ MAKE ANY ASSESSMENT ON ANY BUILDINGS STRUCTURE??????? Do they have any higher education than a H.S. Diploma? And now I read they're engineers. Come on now, what would they actually know, about as much as myself.
It seems if we don't get any rain, that fireworks should be cancelled. An engineering firm has expertise in structurally sound structures. Didnt know we have structure engineers on the Peru fire department. Wow, and interesting. Speaking of safety. I don't agree with anyone other than fireman riding in firetrucks, command vehicles due to insurance purposes. Even if it's a short trip from fire station to Maze lumber. Hope all have a safe holiday. Stay COOL.
8:39 AM
I am willing to take the word of a fireman on that topic, since they may have encountered unstable walls before when dealing with a fire and I assume have some training on that.
This is not new news, just a way to ruffle the 3rd of July celebration. Lets count the number of ways that Ald. Perez has attempted to end the celebration. Move the fireworks to another place, Baker Lake and Washington Park. End the sale of alcohol on Water Street. End the CSO involvement with the event. Scream that the bids were rigged. Scream that it costs too much money. But rememeber how he supported the tax increase. And how he stated 99% of the residents wanted a tax increase. Cry foul that the Rec.Board should not be in charge of the fireworks. Have a 50/50 raffle for fireworks. He is in charge of the tickets? And we all bet that sales won't be that good. He will prove his point and end the fireworks display. And we are now jumping up and down about the possibility that a building may cave in if the fireworks go off. The noise pollution will cause great earthquakes and the water street will crumble. I think he may have one more trick? The asian carp may be endangered by the low river flow and the sparks that fly from the fireworks may create problems with the species. Of course the homes near Baker Lake were completly safe according to another one of his many expert opinions.
9:54 AM
And maybe you could get a job on Comedy Central
Fireman I guess are engineers and jack of all trades. Maybe one who has a fire science safety bachelors degree
might have knowledge of structually sound structures. Never heard of a volunteer FD getting certified as engineers. They are making hypothesis. Leave it to the professionals not the fire chief or Rodney. What about the sparks from fireworks and all the boats in river. Safety issue?
PERU IS COMEDY CENTRAL! Actually the blogger isn't really out of line if you really think about it. Sorry Lois, these bloggers have some great points.
As dry as it has been and the weather predictions for the next several days is it going to be safe to set off fireworks?
Incidentally how many arrests have been made of people disturbing the peace who are setting off fireworks in the City of Peru. The last three nights have been ridiculous.
@10:15. In agreement! It's a way to plug a name/names to make persons look more important in their positions than they really are. Especially without the proper certifications to make an assessment. So true.
It looks to me that if rodney was such a good saftey person where was he for the last year when the asbestos was blowing out and around the left open windows when the first company failed to complete the job you never heard anything from him then but maybe that wouldn't have gotten his name in the paper and probably wasn't close enough to the fire works date to try and mess them up. Because to me this sounds like another polital ploy of his to try and screw over the fire works celebration. If he is so concerned about the percussion of the fireworks that are about a quarter mile away from the building. You would think he should have been concerned obout 60,000 and 80,000 pound trucks that go buy there less than 8 feet from the front of the building about 100 or more times a day that shake the ground or the million plus pound trains that go by several times a day that are less than 25 ft away in the rear or 40 or 50 feet away in the front of building if it was such a pressing safety concern as he acts like it is why didn't he say anything about barracading it closed then if he thinks that there is that much risk then the road should have been closed months ago until the job was done for the safety of everyone that goes over water street. He did NOT do that so in my opinion, either he is not a very good safety officer or (this is as I have said earlier) it's another rodney perez policial ploy to get his name in the news, either he is inept safety officer or he's a phoney either way it's not very good.
11:16 AM
It sounds like you believe you have an axe to grind and some very personal issues on your mind.
The issues you are concerned with should have and should be the concern of people higher up in the chain of political offices in Peru. We have department heads and a mayor that need to be concerned with your issues and that is maybe where you should have gone.
If you have driven down on Water Street lately and observed the entire area with the exception of a few businesses, you might wonder what city in its right mind would invite thousands of people to come and party there.
Personally unless you plan on remaining in the alcohol zone at the west end of Water Street and hope for no more water main breaks, you might want to consider staying away from the "demolition zone", but of course that is only my opinion.
Steve Colbert of Comedy Central has made some rather funny but sadly true comments. The whole ordeal has tired most of Peru residents! Rodney, get back to driving ambulances.
By the looks of this photo it doesn't take anything more than common sense to see it's a hazard to have there during a time of thousands of people walking past it. I would imagine firemen are trained in building stability or they would not know when a building is safe to enter. I also know firemen are trained in building rescues when they crash down. I personally would trust a fireman if they told me this wall isn't safe. I think these same people criticizing these firemen are Un educated of what firemen are trAined in. They would also be the first ones pointing fingers and blaming these two if something did happen.
Thanks for posting that photo. I won't be taking my family down there. Looks like a war zone.
11::33 AM
We as residents of the city need to be constantly watching because the minute you decide that you are tired of hearing of what goes on down at city hall, you will find that changes have been made, money has been spent and now you don't like it because this time it will effect you personally. Be very thankful that there are people who will constantly be bringing to your attention things that are not right and could ultimately cause you great problems. Be thankful for Ald. Perez and just a couple of others who are bringing issues up that are important in the eyes of many even though evidently 11:22 AM not yours.
I must say that I believe that are some people in city government that would like a lot of what happens to stay unnoticed and perhaps you are one of them but I hope not.
11:37 AM
Thank you for your comment, you are absolutely right on it all.
Maybe Rodney got a safety award for miles that be has driven. He nor fire chief are not engineers. My 15 year old could look at a building and "not like the looks of it". People opening their months on something that they don't have a clue about.
I see aldermen perez stirred the pot again with individuals perhaps from the other regime. My husband and I were riding our bikes past there on Monday and stopped to look. We both commented that this part of the building would have to be taken down for the fourth celebration. I'm surprised if the city would not force this issue more. I praise alderman perez for watching out for the safety of famlies and children that will be there. If he doesn't watch out for us who was going to be sure this was safe for us. If something fell on my kids even a brick. I would be at city hall screaming. Or perhaps suit whoever was responsible for not securing that area.
Thank you Alderman Perez and Peru Fire Chief King.
Mrs. L
The wall that has been described has been in that position for about a month. It had more height and was much larger for the last month. Now the naysayer fireworks group has been yelling wolf and stay off of water street during the fireworks. Despite the few hopeful naysayer fireworks groupies the area will be packed and the bars will be filled and the picinics will be plenty. Many will enjoy the firworks and the many family get togethers along the LaSalle-Peru riverfront.
Mrs L. As a parent of two young kids I don't expect everybody else to tell me what's safe on Water Street. The area is blocked off and a demolition zone! Its not a playground. The railroad area is not safe to sit or nap on while you are watching fireworks. The river is not safe to swim in while you are waiting for the fireworks. And unless your 21 you should stay out of the bars with your kids. I also want to remind you that people will get stupid and it may not the best place to be with little kids. But you as the parent must make those hard choices what to expose your kids to. Don't blame the police. fire, or the Republic to make those hard choices that parents are responsible for. Just some helpful advice. Don't take the family vacation to the Westclox area either, its not safe!
Safety issues: How about our parks, Unpainted benches,
Could cause splinters, slides left unattended to as far
As maintenance that may cause cuts? Kids hopping in fire trucks at maze lumber during the PFD's picnic on July 3rd's, . Water street is a crap hole. Poor management for that building to be not totally gone many months ago. And now it's a big issue in the state it is in. I agree with the Ann. Blogger about engineers, like it or not. Kinda
Like a CNA trying to act as if they are a RN.
1:56 PM
To each his own and make your own decisions but just be aware. We are not crying wolf and plan on using some good common sense and stay away from possible danger. Notice I said possible.
I generally don't have an issue with adults putting themselves in harms way if they choose to, but I do have a problem with it when children are also involved and adults knowingly put them in possible harms way. There is something to be said about erring on the side of caution.
Lois, Thanks for the common sense.
To City of Peru: About time someone stepped up as a concerned official and questioned the safety of that building. I expect officials whether they have knowledge or not about engineering of a building to take every precaution for the safety of the people passing by. The looks of this photo gives a reason to raise eyebrows.
Kudos to the alderman for speaking up and making them look further into this for us.
So who is everyone going to vote for coming this next election??
LaSalle IS fast becoming "LEADER OF THE VALLEY", and it's sure not hard to understand why. Wait until there is a big problem and you might as well let Peru float down the river. SUCH A BUNCH OF KID'S!! Everyone on the city council, including mayor should not be able to be elected unless they run or have successfully run a business of their own. Use some common sense on such trivial things.
Go Getm Perez!!!!
Why does any one city have to be the "leader of the valley"? Why can't the area be the leader of the valley? Too many stuck on the old train of thought.
From: Rodney Perez
Before I post the most recent findings regarding the power plant I’d like to educate a few of the bloggers in regards to the training and duties of a firefighter, along with the responsibilities of an alderman that serves on the public health and safety committee.
First and foremost there have been many citizens concerned about the stability and safety of the wall; along with the demolished debris and open access to that site. It’s clear to me from these posts, that the one’s posting are unfamiliar with the responsibilities of an alderman’s responsibility. First- The power plant is part of the “second ward” which Alderman Perez, and Alderman Mayszak are responsible for. Second- The two alderman whom serve on the “Public Health and Safety Committee are Alderman Perez, and Alderman Ferrari.
The only concerns brought to my attention by the citizens and my constituents in regards to the power plant demolition are the wall, and open site area.
Most officials figured the wall would have been removed by the time of the celebration.
This past Wednesday I began voicing concerns, and asking questions of the EPA and site construction manager about the progress of removing that wall. I was told it would not be removed by the time of the celebration.
At that point, there had been no structural engineer asked to give a stability survey of that wall, if in-fact the wall was staying.
Due to the fact “I’m not” a “structural engineer” nor is any other city official; we should “not” assume the wall is structurally sound enough to allow thousands of people to pass by, or gather around. I advised the council Wednesday evening of my findings while meeting with the on-site personnel earlier that day. This would have been the last council meeting to make any last minute suggestions and recommendations to secure that area before the celebration.
My recommendation was to secure a safe zone, around the collapse zone of that wall. As I stated “I’m not an engineer.” However, as a certified firefighter we are trained and certified in “Building Construction” and “Structural Collapse.”
This training is required by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) part of this training; we read and identify signs of unstable structures. See code NFPA 5000:
The NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code provides minimum design regulations to safeguard life and limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the permitting, design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures within the jurisdiction and certain equipment specifically regulated herein.
Lastly: I would have made the same recommendation without this certified training. I simply posted to educate those that question certifications, and for those that need a clear understanding of an alderman’s responsibility, which serving on a particular committee expands our jurisdiction and concerns. I look for problems to fix.If a citizen comes to me with one I’ll go above and beyond to try and resolve it.
From: Rodney Perez
Mayor Harl made the request for a structural engineer to inspect the stability of that wall.
Chamlin & Associates had their engineer on site today inspecting that structure.
The engineer provided full photo’s of the interior wall and supporting beams, along with a full and “certified stamped” report of his findings.
Lois, I reviewed the report and photos. According to these photos- the interior part of that wall appears to be structurally sound. The wall is attached to support beams and supported by the second floor framing and concrete.
The engineer stated he feels “the wall is structurally stable and should not present a safety hazard during Peru’s upcoming Fourth of July celebration for persons on Water Street.”
The construction company will be placing an 80 foot steel fence along the whole front of that site to keep people away from that property.
In addition: Chief King attended a meeting with the engineer and site supervisors.
If anyone has other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me 24/7
815-245-7566 cell
Thank you,
Rodney Perez
I do have copies of the inside structure that were taken today by the engineer.
The opposit side of the wall that we see from the above photo.."appears to be flawless".It's also clear according to the photo's that the wall is secured to the beams and second floor, concrete foundation.
The loosened bricks that were on the wall have been removed.
Thank you,
Rodney Perez
Thank you Rodney for your very thorough response. I drove past the building last night and I, as a non-engineer would still believe that the entire site looks dangerous and I wouldn't want the responsibility or worry of an accident to many people at the fireworks display hanging over my head. Thank you for being pro-active and thinking about public safety in advance of a tragedy; a managerial skill we have not seen in many years.
Thank you Rodney for taking both your position as a representative of your constituents of the 2nd ward and for your position regarding all citizens of Peru on the Safety committee seriously and with an open mind. Many more decisions and problems would be solved if all worked in that manner.
@RODNEY- Thanks for setting the record straight and your concern for the safety of others. My personal opinion-- you waisted your time explaining anything to the negative bloggers. It's clear those bloggers just have a personal vendetta against you for changing the status quo of city representatives that don't do anything for the city but cash their checks. Have you ever thought these negative comments are anonymous fellow councilmen of yours?
Keep stirring the pot!
Hey Rodney, we were putting up a fence prior to your coming down to visit the site. Much to do about nothing. The fire chief had that taken care of along time ago. Will you be paying the bill for the extensive engineering costs associated with the fact that fences were already in place?
Will you be checking IDs at the celebration? Is that a jurisdiction of the Police and Safety committee?
9:40 You sound like you could be a member of our government in some capacity. It's a shame and a disgrace that those who represent us cannot even get along with each other. You're main goal should be the citizens you represent. Not your fellow aldermen.
Rodney I still say if you were so concerned about the stability of this building, where were you a month ago when the rest of the building was coming down because i still believe that if you truely are just concerned about the safety of the public you should have been screaming to close that area off back then, thats why I'm waiting for your next ploy to screw the fireworks celibration over. It sure seems like thats more what your about then safety, first you screamed no drinking with kids around the firewoks then a week later you served beer at a concert that was targeted for kids, then you lied and said everyone around baker lake said it was ok to have fireworks up there,then you didn't like the rec boards biding process, now this last minute try, I'm not very smart but I sure can see what your about I just hope Im not the only one
10:30 AM
Your posting is a perfect example of people either politically involved or somehow connected to the decision making process in this city and your comment and similar ones on the blog indicate that some people involved in the Peru community don't want anyone to change anything and don't want anyone to even offer or suggest anything other than the status quo.
I personally not only find it disgusting but find it offensive to everyone in this city who has attempted to be proactive in ways that might bring our city out of the dark hole that it remains in.
If you are not personally considered a favorite of those who make decision or those who have been elected and to the last I want to add unfortunately. The animosity toward new ideas sticks out like a sore thumb and until those members are unelected we will not be able to change for the better and the giggles and medieval mentality will continue. Some of the goings on behind the scenes would turn anyones stomach.
The great wall has been blown out of proportion by another headline sinking politician. Like others have said the Fire Chief and Mayor have been taking precautions for months.
Lois, what are these behind the scenes happenings?
11:29 AM
I talked to the fire chief and he was concerned and gave no indication that he had previously been involved in any discussion about the bldg. Previous precautions were??
Also I do believe that Ald. Perez and Chief King have good communications and both serve on the same safety committee and both attended the mtg that night that the possibility of closing the road was brought up.
To Alderman Perez' defense. Fact is we were originally instructed to place snow fence in front of the power plant. GB told us last week Rodney complained it was not secure enough. That was when the contractor said they will place a chained fence like we placed at the pool.
Speaking on behalf of my fellow co workers, Rodney has looks out for our safety. Since he was elected we went to him for the trench box. We got it! along with a few other tools we needed to make our job more safe. Things we have requested for years and ignored! Perez is the only official that will stop and talk asking how we are. That means allot to us. I read these postings claiming Rodney doesn't care about safety and I have to laugh because it's so obvious the ones posting are most likely officials that are hateful of his positive influence. Perhaps jealousy?
City Employee on lunch break.
11:42 AM
Thank you
I agree city worker. The 11:29 blogger proves that . It would kill these bloggers to give Rod any credit. 11:29 made a total ASS-Umption. Rod must be a threat?
Glad you blogged that info.
Yes, thank you 11:42 for your honesty. A snow fence? Were they kidding? And they thought that would be safe? Wish we could get to the bottom of all that is going on in this city and all that is being neglected and the amount of tax payers money being abused.
The City of St.Charles has cancelled the fireworks because of the dry weather. The display is on the St.Charles riverfront. Concerns are about the dry hills and area surrounding the display. Has safety been considered in Peru? Or are we just focused on a fence?
Just to follow up where Rodney left off. We were only looking out for the safety of the citezens who are going to be attending the fireworks. I never stated that I was any kind of engineer nor would I. But I have had alot of training in building construction and building collaspe.I was just concerned for the safety of our citizens. There was no politics involved here as so many believe by reading some of the comments. Alderman Perez and myself are concerned about everyones safety and thats it.I do believe after going down there yesterday and meeting with everyone involved and having the recommendations of the engineer that will will have a very safe event. And as always my door is always open for anyone to come in and discuss anything concerning the fire dept. Thank you Chief KIng
The last trench box was scrapped and the proceeds were used for the steak and beer bash for the city employees. Hopefully this one will be used.
City employee on breaktime.
Good job Rodney!
Funny 1:54 signing as " City Employee on break"
I understand you admire my blog post but did you really have to use my sign off name to try an dis-credit my maturity? Not sure what city your from obviously not from Peru! So Sorry, didn't work!
"City Employee that was on lunch"
Would like to Thank Peru Fire Chief Jeff King and Alderman Rodney Perez from the Peru Fire Department and City for doing something to better that mess on waterstreet. It's an embarrassment to our city. Thank you for not allowing the city keep that hazard the way it was a few days ago.
Diane J.
What certificates do you chief king have building construction and building collapse? Do you also have ANY DEGREE IN FIRE SCIENCE? This has been asked numerous times! What credentials do you have to have title of fire Marshall???
1:57 PM
You might give the Chief a call and ask him or else call the Mayor of Peru, either could give you the correct information.
Dont you people in Peru have anything better to be doing other than bashing your town & the people who run it. If you dont like how it is being run then you go & get yourself elected. I hope your perfect at it too....Also it ise to be everyone waited to read the paper to read about the circus going on in Spring Valley at there council meetings. Now everyone comes here, Peru has dropped to a new low. So much for being the " Leadet of the Illinois Valley"
I wouldn't give the Mayor of Peru credit for being able to give the correct time of day.
Anonymous 1:57 I would welcome your phone call or even better yet stop by and see me at the fire station and I would be more than happy to show you all of my certificates, training, experiance or what ever else you think I dont have,or you can continue to be a shadow and slander me. Im sure you have read all my posts, as I do sign my name. My door is always open. I welcome anyone.
Chief Jeff King
He has to ask Taylor what time it is and all he gets is "what"
From reading these blogs in my opinion there has not been any slander, just questions of some taxpayers. Don't we have a right to know? I hope feathers are not being ruffled. What would be the problem with answering questions on a town forum blog so that all can read?
It seems by Fire Chief Kings Blog that he likes SECRET MEETINGS . AS HE STATES ABOVE IN HIS BLOG HIS DOOR IS OPEN. Why does he have a problem with answering questions on this blog? On another blog didn't he make a sarcastic remark that no one is going to tell him what to do and he will do as be sees fit? Absolutely no slander was intended.
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