“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Looking Back to Last July

"The council also voted 7-1 to hire Timothy S. McAnarney for $24,000 for one year as the city’s state government lobbyist, with Alderman Rodney Perez voting “nay.”"

The above quote is from a News Trib article of July 16, 2013. For the full story google Peru Illinois Hires Lobbyist.

During the past year I have heard little of his accomplishments but that does not mean he has accomplished nothing. Are you aware of anything he may have done for the city and do you believe the city will rehire him?


Anonymous said...

I have heard nothing about what the lobbyist has done for Peru. It should be the mayor and council's duty to inform the public if this lobbyist is producing any results since it is their tax dollars being spent. Of course, the mayor and council like to keep the general public in the dark as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Channel 13 is back on. I wonder who coughed up the money that Comcast wanted to keep it on.

Anonymous said...

They talked about the lobbyist during the last closed session. :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:16 Do you believe that unfortunately it is this councils belief that they were elected to make all of your decisions without your input to represent you and what you truly desire. Next spring there will be a election of four aldermen in Peru, now is a good time to start your evaluation of their representation. Two weeks before election is not because all will be wearing a happy face with a agreeable personality and only than find time to listen to their constituents.
If you know of intelligent, worthy candidates please convince them to run for alderman. Once this is started it will snowball and continue into the next election.
The 1st and 3rd wards are in dire need of strong individuals with integrity and the ability to enter into the 21st century. Fly boy of the 4th ward never has had his compass properly adjusted to be on his own flight path. Of course you can only work with what you have been given and in Peru's case this is multiplied by 5.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:15 After over 100+ meetings there citizens is your first report of a closed session. The "Black Sheep" of the council made some very brave efforts but was censored with threats of a Peru Council gag order. The closest example of a Peru City Council closed session is the Vegas Rule 'What Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

Anonymous said...

Did Harl appoint the alderman too?

Anonymous said...

I hope Steve runs in the 3rd...that would be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

8:45 Steve who? Weberski lives in the 4th ward.

Anonymous said...

Why would they talk about the lobbyist in closed session? It's public knowledge that we have one and it's tax payer money that pays his way. What tax payers would like to know is what he has accomplished and done with our money. Why does that have to be discussed behind closed doors?

Anonymous said...

6:40 There is no such order as a gag rule. No votes are taken or allowed in closed sessions.

Anonymous said...

Straw polls or a show of hands can be done in closed session, just not a formal vote.

Anonymous said...

947 The services of a consultant is a contractual one. To renew or extend a contract you would need a vote. The only way for a valid vote is by roll-call at a meeting. Please de-value the one giving you this information or if they are correct, call the FBI, we have a violation.

Anonymous said...

Folks, the emoticon (little smiley face made with punctuation marks) after the 5:15 PM, May 29 comment indicate that it was in jest AKA a joke.

I was simply making a joke of the fact that we hired a lobbyist and nobody knows what he does and the council seems to have a lot of closed door session.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:33 AM You have asked some very good questions? Good enough that you should call your alderman with them. Please reply back with what you found out.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love comments such as call your alderman, call the fire chief, etc... As I read those comments I think the blogger would rather the questions not be asked on this forum because they don't want the public to be involved I. Knowing what's really happening. We know this blog is read by many people that questions have been directed to. So if they have time to read, then why don't they have time to blog the answers? Answers the questions publicly. Not in a manner of one on one. Right?

Anonymous said...

We have had several brilliant minds run for alderman. We need to first educate the electorate. No one who is smart wants to overshadowed by an idiotic electorate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:31 PM What are you using as your criteria to determine what a brilliant mind is? Observing the voting records of most incumbents and their lack of stewardship of their ward I'd judge them below average at best. If they represented their constituents as promised in their campaigns they would have no fear of being overshadowed by what you term as a idiotic electorate.
Recently one alderman had a prepared format in which he did not want to be interrupted when reading it over the phone to answer calls. This was on the very unpopular no bid contract.
What methods do you recommend to educate the electorate?

Anonymous said...

I would recommend we ask for disclosure on how much was spent for the advertising paid by alderman against referendum...who really paid for the over 8000 in advertising dollars spent to defeat it..(this is a verified number by the way)

Sure wasn't Waldorf or Ferrari...did mayor help with this or test...who stood to lose the most?

Anonymous said...

9:29. I won't name names but recently an individual who was defeated is a member of Mensa. That to me that is a brilliant mind.

Anonymous said...

What about the money behind the YES vote? Have you asked about that? It was never shared on here but it was asked many times. We were told that "it doesn't matter." So why would it matter who was against it? The fact is the yes effort was greater than the no and it still lost. The electorate is not stupid. The electorate doesn't trust what it doesn't know.

Also what is wrong with calling the fire chief or your alderman if you have a question? I will bet most of you who complain don't even know them. Just call and ask a question. That is what people do when they have questions and want answers. They go to a blog for gossip and entertainment.

No chance of this getting posted of course!

Anonymous said...

To 10:02 am, The money and work behind the YES camp was contributed by the core group of individuals who organized the campaign. That was made clear on this blog all along. The main motivation behind the effort was to promote and encourage quality leaders for Peru while providing an opportunity to remove the ineffective, unqualified and unmotivated aldermen currently on the council.
The money behind the NO campaign came solely from one single source. A former elected official who rallied other former "Yes-Men" to help prevent the possibility of "Reformers" making their way onto Peru's council. Seven of eight sitting aldermen also joined the NO group in order to protect their phony-baloney seats on the council. It's really quite simple and I remember it all very clearly. Now pay attention: The YES group wants to improve the likelihood of more competition and more candidates competing for aldermanic seats which is the American way. The NO group wants to save their asses and stay in power at any cost and make it as difficult as possible for any challengers to break through. That is the Peru way. The NO group also consists of the private business interests of Peru who benefit financially from the unethical policies and practices that have become business as usual in Peru politics. Hope this helps jog your memory. How soon you have forgotten!

Anonymous said...

8:20 Your back to blame and crying foul. Jog your memory. A few short years ago a group of loyal union donors, and determined individuals(many of the same at-large supporters) got together to get rid Mayor Baker. Those same people went through countless files, records, information to attempt to find something on the old group of officials. Nothing was found.
If anything was found to be inproper, we all know the FBI would have been in Peru much earlier than the recent rumors.
Maybe the voters of Peru made a determination not to trust the same group again. Right or wrong, the saying goes YOU tRICK ME once shame on you, you trick me twice shame on me.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:12 PM

Since many of us see Peru sliding downhill faster than a kid on a sled, many of us have chosen to watch instead. We don't believe Peru is in a state of improvement, we believe Peru is in decline.
I would tell you to take a ride around the city and see for yourself but I hate to put you in danger on many of our roads. Water mains are still breaking daily and the city is still attempting and sometimes succeeding to throw your hard worked for dollars out of the window. With the current group of electeds, it is what it is so find out what is taking place in other cities and go out and enjoy your summer.

Anonymous said...

to 12:12, What the hell is a union donor? For your information, nobody was tricked into anything. Mayor Baker and Clerk Judy Heuser needed to go and forunately a majority of Peru voters understood that reality and agreed. There was plenty if impropriety to go around in that administration, and that fact is well known by a substantial number of folks in Peru. Now, it's time for Harl, Bartley, Hylla, and most of the aldermen to go as well.
They have all had ample opportunity to bring integrity and reform, but have failed miserably. The current group is no better than the last.
With that said, we fire them all the next chance we get. If their replacements fail to bring reform by encouraging switching to Council/Manager form of government in Peru we will fire them too.
Get on board or get out of the way!

Anonymous said...

unions don't give. they only take.