This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Ultrasonic fog machine kills superbugs throughout hospital rooms in minutes
Of course I end up on a medical site. I found this so interesting as we have all heard of the horrors of what MRSA does. If this is not your thing, just consider it a great break through in healthcare. (if it does work)
Fourth of July Week in Peru.
July 3 is an ordinary work day for most people. Does anyone know what the schedule on Water Street is for the day as it was on the calendar as I posted above.
No pickleball this weekend, it looks like as the Ambassador is involved with the tennis tournaments at Washington Park or so I hear.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Safety Issues Need to Be Heeded for July 3 Fireworks

This is a picture of the remaining structure of the Peru Power Plant which is undergoing demolition and how it actually looks today. This will be very near to the location determined by the city to be alcohol free during the July 3 celebration.
Ald. Perez who is on the Safety Committee and is also on the Peru Fire Dept. took some time to look into how safe this location is since it is close to the designated alcohol free zone to determine if there are any issues. For instance, will any increased vibration from the fireworks cause this wall to possibly move forward onto Water Street. His request at the council meeting was for the city to blockade the roadway in front of it, in case there would be some movement of the wall and some of the structure would fall onto the street and possibly injure someone. He had talked to the company on site and they do not plan to be back until after July 4 after they finish work on Friday.
This caused Mayor Harl to say they need to find a structural engineer to check out the safety. This was followed by a question to the Chamlin engineer about its safety and he responded by saying they had structural engineers at their company and the city would need to contact them.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to just admit to the dangers present and agree to barricade the road to the public? Now add additional engineering fees to the cost of the fireworks.
I talked to Fire Chief King and he doesn't like the like the looks and condition of this wall and the possibility of it moving from vibration and will talk to the people on site tomorrow to see if they can take the wall partially or completely down before the fireworks.
Thank you Ald Perez and Chief King for your concerns.
Had no one else on the council or the Mayor been looking into this problem, since this building has been undergoing demolition for months? Unbelievable.
I will breath a sigh of relief if we can get through this event unscathed.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Peru Park Equipment Not Being Repaired
Here I am at the same park again and I am not even going to mention it by name. This park should be the pride of the city so please look at the broken equipment we give our children to play on. The first picture of the slide has a broken piece of railing, other pictures also show broken equipment. If you live nearby, go and check it out for yourself. The Recreation Commission has 50,000 plus 25,000 to spend and 20,000 will be spent for 20 minutes of entertainment next week. We have people visualizing new baseball fields, soccer fields and pickleball courts and you can see from the pictures that children are not included in the priorities.
The last picture is the sign at pickleball park, yes we found money for that. BTW tonight I was invited into one of those adjacent backyards and this is what I can now say "I Went, I Saw and I Heard". On days that pickleball is being played those backyards have become unusable. What a shame that the people who control this city have allowed this travesty to take place! It is now a private playground for friends and friends of officials.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
The San Francisco Fire Department’s Handmade Ladders | The Etsy Blog
Attention to all interested in the fire department.. Fascinating article and a must read for sure.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I Would Be Doing The Same Thing for You If The City Was Treating You This Way
What is happening at the 28 th Park is simply a symptom of the way this city is managed from the Mayor down to the committee level. They act first and think after the fact.
As you can see from the pictures the court was initially built too close to the residences which were there before the park. When a petition was circulated by the same Grabowski family to build a tennis court in the park, the petition stated it would be built in the NE corner. Without telling the people who signed this petition and agreeing to the placement of the tennis court, it was constructed in another location 20 feet from 2 residences. In fact when you are in some of the residence yards you can hear all that takes place on the courts and now it will be worse because you will get all the sound of loud and noisy pickleball. In fact you may get some pickleballs too, I picked one up out of the neighbors yard. Well maybe it is mine anyway, since our tax dollars paid for it. Hopefully they won't hit anyone resting in the back yard too hard.
The reason you are seeing a picture of the advertising bicycle is because several months ago, our city council spent several meetings discussing signs, how big should they be, where should they be allowed, who can put them up etc. I have the ordinance, I have read the ordinance and no where does it describe this moving sign on a bicycle advertising pickleball and then parking in several locations where it will be visible to people driving by. The ordinances than states that if the sign is not described in the ordinance it is not allowed.
I guess that all depends upon how well the city officials like you as the Bldg and Zoning Inspector Frank Taylor was called and asked and he said it was ok even though we have nothing in the ordinance that gives it the OK. Ditto from the Mayor. I don't think there will be any campaign contributions or workers from this neighborhood in 2013.
LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
A peek behind the scenes at the Peru Library. We don't often hear good things down at city hall and sometimes here on the blog about our library but we are so fortunate to have it and also nearby the LaSalle Public Library.
Expert: L-P's Aeolian organ of national importance (video) - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
It sounds like the residents of the La Salle Peru area have discovered a great treasure in their midst that unfortunately was not cared for as it should have been. I certainly would make a small donation in order to restore this organ and hopefully people from this area and beyond will step up to help restore it to its original glory and playable condition.
Compared to the figures I hear tossed about here in Peru, $450,000 sounds like a bargain.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Fire victim talks about blaze - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
In hopes of cooling the topic, this is the information most people had and it does not say that the man who was rescued was not breathing so those who have been bashing people who don't have the same PFD information that you have, please be informative and not insulting. Those associated with the PFD have more information than the average Joe or Jane in the area.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Princeton council looks at Darius Miller Park condition - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Nice to know that some local cities are looking to improve and beautify their parks. Evidently a porta potty nearby is kind of a smelly thing and to think that our city government just installed one in the 28th street park for the pickleball players. Peru must have a different idea of what makes for a beautiful park than Princeton does.
Peru Township leaders respond to high salaries - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Criticizing people because of their relationship with twp personnel solves no problems. Please leave Matt and Joe Jr and Sr out of the conversation. The problem is not who is in the employ of the township, it is the structure and how do we get rid of it. No more personnel negativity, I won't print it.
I'm Not From Peru
I do not live in the Peru area, but I am an avid pickleball player. I stumbled across this blog. I lot of valid points have been made. I would like to offer my thoughts.
1) The game of pickleball is loud. The commission members should have been made aware of that before they made the decision to allow the court to be installed where it is.
2) Pickleball is a fast growing sport, particularly among people over the age of 50. Many are former tennis players whose joints and stamina do not allow them to enjoy the game of tennis any longer. Pickleball is the perfect game for those people.
3) Cities all over the Midwest are using tennis courts for pickleball. Some are adding extra lines to the tennis court (with one pickleball court on each side of the current tennis net) and then using portable nets. Some are completing resurfacing and re-lining the courts to permanently make them pickleball courts.
4) They do make pickleball paddle "mufflers" that greatly reduce the sound. These fit over the paddles. Many communities are requiring players to use these during play after certain hours.
5) Cities should evaluate the use of each of its tennis facilities prior to choosing which one should be converted. Converting a tennis court is much more economical than building a new slab for pickleball.
6) I have not doubt that the game of pickleball will have an adequate number of players. The Villages in Florida has 108 pickleball courts and adds more each year. Of course, the population there is about 88,000 people and the majority of them are over 55 years of age. But many people move there for the golf or tennis, but end up loving pickleball.
7) If you google "CBS Morning Show Pickleball" you will find a 3 minute video on the history and the growing popularity of the game. It really is addictive. It's just too bad these courts were placed so close to residences.
10:32 PM, June 18, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Pickleball Noise Deafening in Arizona Communities | Woodall's Campground Management
How close is too close speaking of pickleball courts next to a residence that was there before the pickleball?
Gorging public tax dollars - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
We have all known for a very long time that Peru Township dollar for dollar spent is not worth it.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Public Property Meeting June 4, 2012 Minutes
Discussion was held about the possible ways to fund a swimming pool. One option is to put on a referendum for November to raise property taxes. Using figures from 2010, a person who owns a home worth $100,000 would pay an additional $37 per year for 10 years. Alderman Waldorf said that “people don’t want to pay more real estate taxes”. Nobody thought that a referendum would be approved.
Increasing sales tax was mentioned. The increase in sales tax for the roads will be reviewed in 5 years, but most likely will not go away, so raising the sales tax would not be a good idea.
Another idea was to use Hotel/Motel monies. We could use $100,000 per year for 20 years for a $2 million project. Mayor Harl cautioned that a referendum was passed that would raise everybody’s utility bills $5 per month if funding is approved for the pool. Mayszak will look into that ordinance to see if it should be changed or repealed. Harl also mentioned that the city might be looking into purchasing the King’s Inn or Howard Johnson properties to demolish them and make that a suitable place for a new business to build, and the Hotel/Motel monies could be used for that.
Permanent Airplane Display at IVRA
Mayszak stated she would like to see if it would be possible to get a retired military
aircraft to put on permanent display at IV Regional Airport. All were in favor of that.
Mayszak got a mailing address from Congressman Adam Kinzinger’s office for where to
write to ask for an airplane and will write a letter.
Unfinished Business
Recreation Commission Ordinance Mayszak suggested extending term to 7 years and announcing an opening every January in order to give other people a chance to be on the Commission. Others said we should leave it alone, that the Recreation Commission does a great job and they are getting beat up. Another suggestion was to increase the number of people that can be on since 3 letters of interest were received when Barb Pyszka retired. No decision was made. Veteran’s Park Parking was a problem when LP was playing there recently. People were reported to be parking on graves in the cemetery. We need to look into expanding parking there. The question came up of which is a higher priority – a swimming pool or a new parking lot. Airport Concert A letter was received by Chuck Studer, Airport Manager, from Robert Hahn, Airspace Specialist from IDOT, Division of Aeronautics stating that the FAA has completed their study of Event Approval for Concert and has imposed no objections to the proposal, subject to the following conditions:
1. All temporary structures that exceed the 14-CFR Part 77 obstruction standard are marked and lighted with flags and red lights in accordance with FAA AC 70/7460-1K, Obstruction Marking and Lighting, Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 12. 2. Light fixtures shall deflect downward so as not to create visual disruption for pilots conducting operations at VYS.
3. There must not be any proposed event activities within the 300’ of NDB facility and 500’ within the AWOS facility.
4. Note that this review is only from an aeronautical utilization standpoint. Overall approval for this non-aeronautical event must be obtained separately through coordination with the Illinois Division of Aeronautics and/or the FAA to ensure compliance with the airport sponsor’s grant assurances.
Ankiewicz reviewed the expenses the City has incurred as a result of this concert. Total amount so far is $18,689. Ankiewicz wants to get this amount from Noonan. Mayszak suggested the City make a small donation. Mayszak asked to bring it to the council for a vote.
Construction Projects
Funding for two construction projects at the airport has been approved. One is the circuit
separation and the other is the apron replacement. The circuit separation is extremely
important as it is a major safety issue. The lights keep going out and pilots are
complaining because they have to land in the dark. The cost to the City for the first
project will be $12,316 and the second project will be $20,000.
Mike Perry stated that IDOT sent a letter stating that Governor Quinn announced the
Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Program. IDOT is offering Illinois airports an
opportunity to participate in the State-Local Airport Improvement Program of which up
to $7.5 million has been designated for Fiscal Year 2013. Project requests are due by
June 30, 2012. Three projects were suggested: repainting the lines on the runways,
repaving the parking lot, and possibly repaving Ed Urban Drive which is in very bad
Miscellaneous Terry Happ contacted Chief Bernabei about River Dock Road which goes between Go Dan and Flint Hills. Mertel Gravel, Flint Hills and Consolidated Grain use that road to get to their businesses. They would like to put a fence across the road to keep trespassers out. It was suggested to give those businesses the road but keep easement rights. That way the City would not have to maintain that road. Chief Bernabei will contact Mr. Happ with that suggestion.
Precision Motors in LaSalle has asked about buying the fence around the swimming pool once it is demolished. Bleck will ask Jim Zeman from Fence Specialties what the fence is worth. Mary Sadowski, widow of Frank Sadowski who was a former alderman has asked that Frank get a plaque and have it hang in City Hall. He served for over 20 years, so he is eligible for a plaque. It will be made and Mary will pay for it. Irwin Hagemann will have a bench with a plaque on it put at Baker Lake. Bleck will make sure the family knows that the City is not responsible for vandalism or perpetual care of the bench.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
In Retirement Communities, Some Residents Sour on Pickleball -
This was already an issue 2 years ago
Friday, June 15, 2012
I Love the Flower Baskets in Peru's Downtown
Also thanks to the Butterfly Landing and others in the old Sears bldg., your outdoor decorations are great.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Peru pool fundraising regroups - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Your thoughts about a new pool, it appears that even though a splash pad could be in our city by next summer, it appears that we are not willing to wait for the big pool. Borrowing money was something Ald. Ankiewicz did mention at a pool meeting. I know this is the have to have generation. But somehow funding has to be available without goig for loan and the city does have other priorities.
This reminds of the commercial on TV where the young lady has a computer not working right and she says to her Dad, "let's go out and buy a new one" I actually grit my teeth every time that comes on air.
Yes I have been to meetings and heard the comments about 5 years being too long. Are you willing to pass this expense on to your children and grandchildren so people can have a pool right now? People ask me, didn't you take out a mortgage on your house? Yes we borrowed money to build our house but the economy was good and we were able to make the payments and we did not use other people money.
Actually I think this article has overblown the Friends for the Peru Pool intentions.
Dalzell board unanimous: 'no' to concert venue - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
The Dalzell Board recognizes that they are elected by the people and they respect them with their decisions. Perhaps we could send our council there for some training. I speak with recent decisions regarding both the concert and the pickleball fiasco here in Peru.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
City ordinances are laws of municipality. Who enforces those laws?"
Streator may tighten belt on code enforcement
Share 06/12/2012, 7:14 pm Comment on this story | Print this story | Email this story Jerrilyn Zavada,, 815-673-6371
Streator councilmen hope to beef up parking and code enforcement by police officers.
At Tuesday's Committee of the Whole meeting, city manager Paul Nicholson looked to the city council for direction in enforcing parking violations throughout the city.
"What we need to have is to get back to fundamental basic policy direction. We have these ordinances on books; are we going to enforce them?"Nicholson said. "We're looking to the entire aspect of parking on streets of how we appear as a community. From my perspective as your city manager, I'm looking for the council to reaffirm policy."
Council members agreed that if a policy is on the books, it should be enforced.
"If we've got it on books, I'm not sure why we're not taking action," councilman Ed Brozak said.
"The fire department is going out and writing violations because policemen have refused to do it," councilman Willy Williamson said. "There are 16 to 18 citations that the fire department has given to the police department, and they haven't decided what to do with it. They haven't been directed from top down to do it. The fire department is doing exactly what it said it's going to do. City ordinances are laws of municipality. Who enforces those laws?"
Mayor Jimmie Lansford praised the fire department for having "more eyes out there" and noted they are taking their job seriously because they have written the city up for code violations. The fire department said the violations were for weeds at the city pool property and weeds at the Knoedler building on Iowa Avenue.
"The next step coming out of this is to meet face-to-face with department leadership and then begin implementation," Nicholson said.
In related discussion, the city is securing agreements with businesses with private parking, such as Walgreens and Walmart so police can make arrests for late night loitering and other violations.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Village of Dalzell Meeting Tonight Concerts for a Cause
The request was denied mostly because she had no clear plan for the concert plus there were safety concerns.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Is A Mission Statement Important For Municipalities
The City of Peru's mission is to provide top-quality, fiscally responsible municipal services in a manner that promotes the high standards of our City. (Peru Mission Statement)
Is this a new fad for a city to have a Mission Statement, many communities do not. I could not find one for LaSalle, Ottawa or Spring Valley although some of those have Mission Statements from their Police and Fire Departments.
I found cities that have a Vision Statement and a Mission Statement. I started thinking about whether this was just a cluster of words put together to make someone look responsible. I have never heard anyone in the city say that they have a mission.
Since the city will be redesigning their web site soon. Would you like to see something different and would you like to have input into the statement?.
We at this time do not offer much information on our police or fire departments. I just checked with Ottawa and both of those departments are easily located from the city web site. Both have extensive amounts of information about their employees and units within the dept. Plus statistics of crime for the last several years in Ottawa. La Salle is also very informative about their Police and Fire departments
Would you like to see Peru do something similar to this when they redesign their websites. Maybe we could learn how to be more effective and also more informative to the public by establishing a more comprehensive city web site so that we don't have to search the internet to find our fire department and the police department does not have a separate web site.
If you know of a city that has a great web site, please share with us. Let's offer some constructive information to the city about what you would like to see there.
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Thursday, June 07, 2012
LaMoille celebrates 10 years of Buffalo Days - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Looking for some place to go this weekend. If you have been there, let us know.
The Other Side of the Story of Tom Riordan
I reported the Superintendent of Electric Dept for the City of Peru several times in the past 4 months for illegally using the city owned vehicle for his personal use and using it when he is not working . Back in February or so the day after Jewel announced it was closing due to slow sales I saw “ The Super” in LaSalle shopping at a supermarket while on the clock and in the city vehicle . I reported this to the City Clerks office and they told me he was allowed to use the truck as he wishes . I said this is wasting taxpayer money . She said the mayor allows his Department heads to use their vehicles as they wish . I left a voice mail for the mayor about my disgust and it was never returned . Over the next few months I watched “the Super” waste our tax dollars all day long and reported and took pictures . I spoke with several council members about the waste of our tax dollars and was told almost the same exact thing by each of them , “ the mayor said that he appoints the department heads and he is in charge of them and no council member is going to tell them what to do , so drop it and mind your own business “ . Even after I took pictures and put them on a disk of “the super” using the city truck to pull a privately owned trailer and haul stuff away with the city truck on the clock from his dads house , the mayor did nothing and said nothing .
I thought our system of government was run by the council and the mayor ? Why do we elect council members if they are constantly told they have no say in anything . Our mayor is not a King ! I expect to talk to my council members with my problems and they can help me and get things solved . Not having a voice is not the proper way to have a government . Why should we attend council meetings or ask questions when we get nothing solved or answered .
I’ve been trying to get my alley vacated for 11 years now . It was supposed to be done back in 2001 but they only vacated a small portion of it because the city attorney and building inspector didn’t read the petition right and did it illegally and now refuse to fix their mistake without someone paying the almighty dollar . The funny part is the guy that did the petition never paid any fees . But now the rest of us are suppose to pay . The building Inspector said he doesn’t know if he paid fees because and I quote “ we (peru) never kept records of fees paid until 2005 so I have no idea how much he paid if he paid anything .)” What a joke !
So Saturday the 19th of May at 8:25 am I witnessed “the super” using the city truck again loading broken sheets of drywall or plywood in the back and I called the police and filed a report for him stealing from the city . I was told by the police that he has permission to use the vehicle as he wishes and the mayor said that was okay . I said I as a taxpayer don’t agree and wish to have a report made . He said okay he will make a report . I came back a short time later and he was gone . The mayor got a call while he was in his office about what was going on . He called “the Super” and asked what he was doing and the mayor was told he was picking up rags that he was donating to the city . I don’t know how old the rags were but the must’ve been pretty old because they were shaped like plywood chunks and stiff as a board.
So at the council meeting I was going to mention this to the council in the public comment section but “the super” was absent so I didn’t discuss it without him there . And apparently they were ready for me to speak but I didn’t .
So low and behold who makes a surprise visit to my house the very next day (5/22/12) But the building inspector under direction of our beloved mayor , snooping around looking for violations . I received a business card with some chicken scratch on it that said I have 10 days to remove my illegally stacked twigs and rocks behind my fence . 1st off the twigs were stacked there by my neighbor “the super’s” dad , and 2nd the rocks are for whenever the alley is vacated for my landscaping . I was told it was” illegally stored building materials “. The building inspector never noticed the “illegally stored building Materials” kept behind the super’s dads garage or the other neighbor with the 3 foot tall grass or the stacks of building materials there .
I told the inspector that I wasn’t going to be bullied by the mayor or him . That was when he said those orders came from the mayor . What a town we live in that you get bullied and singled out because you stand up against corruption . My father was a police officer in this town for almost 30 years and wouldn’t stand for the corruption and fought it whenever he could and im the same way .
If the mayor cant stand up and discipline his department heads or control them than he does not deserve to be in that spot . These superintendents and building inspector don’t deserve city vehicle to use as they wish . Money is tight . They need to drive there own vehicle to work and then use a city vehicle . They are NOT emergency responders and DO NOT come out on call outs or to emergency scenes . This is a waste of taxpayers money and needs to be stopped . A Council members needs to bring this up for discussion and stand up to the mayor . Save our money !
Oh and a little retaliation is because I announced I will run for Mayor of Peru that Saturday. This “Change” we were promised just isn’t working . We need this stuff fixed !
Recreation Commission Has More Clout Than Council and Mayor
Jim, thanks for bringing the pickleball idea to the Park Commission. I am so glad that the commission had the resolve to move forward with your idea. I believe this truly will be a hit. I can’t wait to see people playing on there own at 28th st. park. Bryan
Lois Said
FYI Bryan, many residents have been playing tennis all these past weeks but that doesn't seem to matter to you,does it? It is what you, Jim and the rest of the commission want, isn't it? Governance by a few for a few should be your motto.
Anonymous said... Bryan Hartman: I read your comment on "positiveinperu" the pickle ball website and I'm shocked that the president of the rec commission would make such a statement. (The statement where you told Jim that you can't wait to witness pickleball players playing on their own at 28th street park.) It's too bad you didn't come and watch all the tennis players playing on their own through the years. Then, you could tell them personally that you're closing their court. It's a shame that adults cannot reach an intelligent compromise that would benefit all. You do realize and know that both sports could be active in this park without a great deal of effort! 10:08 AM, June 07, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Public Property Minutes May 30 2012
Present: Bob Ankiewicz, Sherry Mayszak, Scott Harl, Gary Bleck, Mike Perry, Jim Lukosus, Gary Hylla, Dave Potthoff, Marsha Perez, Justin Loger, Lois Carroll and Linda Dzierzynski
Meeting called to order by Alderman Ankiewicz at 6:15 p.m.
Alderman Ankiewicz made a motion that the minutes of May 16, 2012 be received and
placed on file. Alderman Mayszak seconded the motion; motion carried.
Unfinished Business
Recreation Commission Ordinance
Ordinance #1374 “An Ordinance Establishing a Playground and Recreation Board in the
City of Peru, Illinois” was passed and adopted on May 10, 1957.
In the ordinance it states that the Board will consist of 5 members and each member shall serve 5 years or until their successors are appointed and have qualified, except that the members of the first Board appointed shall be appointed for such terms that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter.
The Board shall be vested with the control and management of all existing parks, playgrounds and recreation centers, and shall direct the equipment, maintenance and conduct thereof, and shall make suitable rules and regulations for proper and orderly direction and management of the same.
The Board shall have the authority to conduct programs in playgrounds and recreation centers and in buildings located thereon, and may employ such supervisors, playground leaders and other employees as they deem proper, and shall have the power to furnish and control such equipment and supplies as they deem proper.
Ankiewicz suggested adding “Board shall have authority to plan and execute community celebrations within the City of Peru as part of their duties and authority".
Discussion followed about the original number of members. There are currently 7 members on the Board. Mayszak was told by Recreation Commission President Bryan Hartman that at some point, they were granted permission to have 7 members. We will need to research to see if the ordinance has been amended since 1957.
Discussion followed about the term of 5 years and that not currently being followed. The term is 5 years “or until their successors are appointed and have qualified”, so the ordinance is being followed as written. Suggestions were made to have a request made yearly for interested individuals to be on the Board because a citizen may want to be on the board but unless somebody resigns, there is never an opening. This year when Barb Pyszka retired, 3 letters of intent were received, proving that if there had been other openings, there were other citizens who would have been interested.
Mayszak will contact Board President Bryan Hartman to see if he has a list of dates when each Board member got onto the Board.
Ordinance #1067 – “An Ordinance Creating the Office of Superintendent of Parks” was approved on April 30, 1937.
Section 4 of this ordinance states “the duties of the Officer shall be to have general supervision and charge of all parks now in the City of Peru, Illinois, to see that all of said parks are properly kept up and maintained, to have supervision of all employees who are working in said parks, and in general to do and perform all work necessary to keep said premises in shape, and to follow the orders of the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Peru, Illinois, in and about keeping up said parks.
Section 5 states “that in addition to the foregoing duties said Officer shall have police powers of the same kind as are conferred upon Patrolmen……………” It was discussed and noted that there is nobody that fits this ordinance and this ordinance should be abolished.
Pickleball – Discussion followed about changing the tennis courts at 28th Street Park to 4 Pickleball courts. The Recreation Commission wants to introduce Pickleball to the area and after much thought, decided 28th Street Park tennis court would be the best location. They would have to take away the tennis court lines and paint it with Pickleball lines. Several neighbors of 28th Street Park are not in favor of this as they see that the tennis court is being used for tennis. Mayszak went to check out 28th Street Park again. There are 2 full sized basketball courts and she thought one of those basketball courts could be used for Pickleball instead of taking away the tennis court. This way there would be a tennis court, a Pickleball court and a basketball court. The only issue would be the fence around what would be the new Pickleball court. Mayszak suggested using the pool fence once the pool is demolished.
Brownfield Grant – Mayor Harl explained that this grant only applies to city owned property. The grant provides funding for a recipient to compile a listing of sites that could possibly be a brownfield. A brownfield is real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. The site is contaminated by a controlled substance, contaminated by petroleum or a petroleum product or minescarred land. Harl said the only property he could think of that would qualify is the building on 6th and Peoria. The committee will ask Heidi to proceed with filling out a grant request for this property.
Shooting Range – SPW Bleck reported that the road work is almost done. They are waiting for the water to evaporate so they can install drain tiles. The water is almost gone. There will be two 15 x 60 pads constructed and a shed for the shooters to keep out of bad weather. This will all be paid for with confiscated drug monies. Billboards – All 2 x 16 advertising billboards have been rented. On North Peoria Street, Debo has the south side and Maze Nail has the north side. On the West end of Peru, Maze Lumber has the west side and Connecting Point has the east side. On the Bottom Road, Water Street Pub has the upper sign, and Vlastnik’s has the lower sign. So far, Water Street Pub and Debo’s have paid. Their rental dates are May 18, 2012 to May 18, 2013. We will establish rental dates for the other companies once their signs are up. Airport
Concert Excerpted from an email from Al Mlacnik from IDOT Division of Aeronautics – “Rob Hahn (from the FAA) informed me (Al Mlacnik) this morning that the airspace/safety review of FAA Form 7460 submittal is still currently under review at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Comments will be forthcoming as soon as we receive them from FAA. The Division review is limited to grant assurance compliance. Sponsors (City of Peru) are required to self certify compliance by virtue of the Application process. Neither the Division nor FAA will issue a formal approval for these non-aeronautical special events. The ultimate responsibility for operational safety at the airport belongs to the Sponsor.
Bleck called Hertz (farm management) and was told $200 an acre rent for the land around the airport because the city controls what farmers can plant there because of height restrictions. Because of that restriction, land rents for less. The police department, fire department and ambulance service all bill Merry Noonan separately for their services.
Another organization has asked for approval to use the airport for a fundraiser. The committee will look into the details of this event. Frontage Roads – Mayor Harl said that the police would like to rename the 3 Frontage Roads for easier identification when they get a call. The three roads are the road in front of Coronet Dodge, the road in front of Szott’s, and Dalzell Road to Plank Road. Mayszak asked about how the businesses would be affected with having to change letterhead, etc. because of an address change. Harl said they could give each road a secondary name for easier identification, but keep the frontage road address and their mailing address. The committee will ask Chief Bernabei to look into renaming these roads.
Shooting Park Road – Mike Mrowicki has purchased the Bernal property on Shooting Park Road. The city needs to look into putting in tiling for draining because standing water is still a problem in that location.
City Owned Real Estate – Justin Loger asked if random parcels of city owned real estate are being sold. He said small parcels of city owned real estate could be sold to homeowners next to the city owned parcel and get the real estate taxes from those parcels of land off the city’s books. Ankiewicz said this is being looked into. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Celebrate La Salle ready to go for a third year « AM1220 WLPO News
Just in case you are looking for something to do this weekend. Some closeby activities
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
To Our Mayor and Committee Aldermen Re: Open Meetings
I expect our government to be honest and truthful in the manner in which they conduct the peoples business in the city of Peru. That must be very hard considering the fact that 2 committee meetings were held today, Monday June 4, 2012, without 48 hours notice and a posted agenda via the internet. The mayor said that they posted the announcement at the city hall and that is all they had to do.
Mayor, please read the Open Meetings Act
A public body that has a website that the full-time staff of the public body maintains shall also post on its website the agenda of any regular meetings of the governing body of that public body. Any agenda of a regular meeting that is posted on a public body's website shall remain posted on the website until the regular meeting is concluded. The requirement of a regular meeting agenda shall not preclude the consideration of items not specifically set forth in the agenda. (5 ILCS 120/2.02)(from Ch. 102 par.42.02)
The meetings were the Water and Sewer meeting at 10 AM and the Public Property Meeting which also means Recreation Commission oversight before the regular City Council meeting.
Do you suppose they did not want the people whom they serve to observe the actions of this city?
Peru pool fundraising to be revived - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
June 05, 2012
6/5/2012 2:00:00 AM
Peru pool fundraising to be revived
Peru’s outdoor pool in Washington Park sits empty for a third straight summer after it the city decided not to open it because of dilapidation. The Friends for Peru Pool Committee started raising funds for a new pool but has now dissolved due to what committee chairwoman Pam Paden said is a lack of city support. NewsTribune photo/Amanda Whitlock
+ click to enlarge
Peru’s outdoor pool in Washington Park sits empty for a third straight summer after it the city decided not to open it because of dilapidation. The Friends for Peru Pool Committee started raising funds for a new pool but has now dissolved due to what committee chairwoman Pam Paden said is a lack of city support.
The Friends for Peru Pool Committee has dissolved but interest is building to reform it and kick-start fundraising.
The citizen group formed in late 2010 and raised nearly $100,000 for a new outdoor pool since the city closed the old pool in Washington Park in the spring of 2010. Pam Paden, the group’s chairwoman, submitted a letter to the mayor and aldermen before they met Monday night saying the group dissolved primarily because of “the lack of support from city leadership.”
“We can no longer in good conscience ask the taxpaying people of our community to continue to donate their hard-earned money toward a project that hasn’t come to fruition despite repeated requests of our City’s leadership,” Paden wrote. “We were fortunate to have had the involvement of a few city leaders, however, it just wasn’t enough to propel this initiative to the level of importance that the committee felt it should have.” Paden did not attend the meeting. Alderman Tony Ferrari raised the issue for discussion, saying he disagreed with Paden’s letter and announcement of dissolution. He recommended the council’s public property and accounts and finance committees meet with the mayor and interested citizens to keep it going.
Gina Martin and Debbie Noonan of Peru attended the council meeting and said that Paden’s announcement did not reflect their intent, and they are interested in seeing the committee reunite. Meetings were infrequent and unproductive, they said. “We sat stagnant all winter,” Noonan said.
Alderwoman Sherry Mayszak said the committee needs restructuring. It had planned a Family Fun Day for July 1, as it did last year to raise money for a pool, but this is now cancelled. However, there will be a car show July 1 in Washington Park to raise funds for a pool.
Mayszak called a meeting for 5 p.m. Thursday at city hall for anyone interested in raising funds for a pool.
The pool group raised $95,565, deposited into a fund managed by the city, Paden told the NewsTribune.
“The funds that we have raised will remain intact and under the direction of the Peru City Treasurer with the intention of allocating them to an aquatic recreation project in the event Peru’s leadership deems it a community priority,” she said. The city learned last year it did not qualify for a $2.5 million state pool grant. Previous plans showed a new pool would cost about $3 million. In 2010, prior to the pool season, the city hired Williams Aquatics of Carol Stream for $15,000 to study the old pool. In a letter to the city the company said: “The Peru Municipal Pool is severely compromised and in a state of structural failure. Due to the age and fragile existing condition of the pool, construction activities may damage the pool.”
After the consultant’s report, after years of leaks and after hearing from insurance and legal advisors, the city chose to keep the pool closed. Paden told the News Tribune that the city has focused on what it sees as more important property repairs.
“I think the city feels the streets are imperative, and that’s fair enough,” Paden said. “At the same time I think there’s more to a community than just the roads.” “We were fortunate to have had the involvement of a few city leaders, however, it just wasn’t enough to propel this initiative to the level of importance that the committee felt it should have,” Paden wrote in her letter to the council. The city is planning this summer to demolish the old pool and pool house, which is across from the public library and northwest of Washington School. On May 2 the council tabled a motion to authorize seeking bids for demolition.
Jeff Dankert can be reached at (815) 220-6977 or pool fundraising to be revived - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
More days, more fun, Celebrate La Salle - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Congratulations La Salle, up the good work!
Why Do The Aldermen and Mayor Seem to Ignore 28th Street Park?
A few of us have tried to get their attention with absolutely no success, so I am going to assume they are trying not to offend the members of the Recreation Commission and that is more important than you and maybe even your vote next year. Why the relationship is so cozy is beyond me. Why the commission means more to them than the tennis players is also beyond me.
They Mayor seemed enthusiastic about the TIF agreements with local school districts, but not about our parks and the tennis courts you enjoy. Not one of them seems to be able to generate any enthusiasm, they act like we are asking them to donate a pint of blood.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Aledo Rhubarb Fest
Wish I could have seen this earlier as it sounds like a really fun festival. Why is it that the smallest towns can produce the best summer fun? I say that because I was told by an alderman that it is so hard to find volunteers in Peru. We do July 3 which isn't much fun for a lot of people in Peru, could we add another event and could we get enough volunteers? I really think it is more about finding people who know how to organize and get it done but it does bring in the tourist dollars.