This picture was taken several weeks ago and then the bike went home and now it is back again, but is parked totally on the street.
Just beyond this bicycle in the 28th street park are numerous pieces of playground equipment for children to play on and children being children it would seem that this is definitely a safety issue as a child would not be seen darting out into traffic, being blocked from view by the sign.
Evidently one of the neighbors called the police not once but several times and explained this to the Peru Police Department explaining that the ordinance did not allow this to be there, parking was to be allowed only in a parallel parking position and not horizontal as this bike is. The police department thought it was a matter of interpretation and said the sign did NOT have to move. I thought that everything in this town revolved around safety.
Stop signs are frequently put up in what the PPD calls unprotected intersections for safety reasons so why would they allow this to remain in the road as a pedestrian hazard.
In fact I remember a discussion with again the First Ward aldermen about a stop sign that was put in a 14th and Pine by the request of one resident. This was not a high traffic area and in fact one of the very few accidents to occur there was AFTER the stop sign was put in. The sign was put in for safety.
Sec. 110-406. - Parking of bicycle.permanent link to this piece of content
No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the roadway against the curb or upon the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb in such a manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. Sec. 110-402. - Safe operation of bicycles.
There are no sidewalks in this subdivision, residents must walk upon the roadway.
Where does it say parallel in the ordinance you posted?
1:58 PM
I would interpret against the curb as the whole bicycle against the curb and not the front tire. If this is not what it means than the entire ordinance is useless. In other words, park it like you would park a car.
With the cities interpretation, one could take somelike a mini cooper and park it in a horizontal manner.
No I think Mini Coopers would be covered under the parking of vehicles on city streets not bicycles.
2:34 PM
and your interpretation is?
People of Peru - the ordinance states, and I quote "afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic". Now I ask you in all sincerity - "is that vehicle parked legally according to that ordinance"? Not taking sides on this issue and ignoring its' content, and for the safety of our children be honest and answer that question with your heart and with our children in mind.
These are the issues that should be taken care of by the city, not Lois. But thank you Lois for keeping us informed, and taking the heat. And I do not mean the outside temperature.
My interpretation is that if you were really doing this for the safety of our children that would be one thing. It is quite obvious by the heading "this use to be a nice sign free neighborhood" that the issue isn't safety...it's a "Pickleball" sign. That sign and bike is no bigger, in fact smaller, than let's say an SUV that may park there. If that was my bike and I received a ticket for parking it there I would be glad to take the picture you've posted on the blog, along with a copy of the ordinance that states "parked against the curb" to court. Do you complain that motorcycles park almost the same way, with their back wheel backed up against the curb? Let's just be honest and answer the question with your hearts.....you're angry about pickleball. And you probably shouldn't leave children unattended that are small enough to run out into traffic.
3:26 PM
I get the distinct impression that this is coming from the Department and I will not go there. I only hope that you are personally affected by something similar only that you are not in a position to control the results. This is not my neighborhood but I have said it before and I say it again that does not matter but what does matter is the way this is being handled by Peru and it may very well come back to bite the city in a surprising way.
Also when I see motorcycles parked near to my home, they are parked like a car and not horizontally.
I don't care what information is on the sign, you can't see through it. It's dangerous. I don't understand why it must be parked in the road. Does anyone have a bike rack to donate to poor Peru?
what department are you referring to?? I'm a blog reader and I really don't see a problem with this bike being parked like this. It occurred to me that the complaint was not so much the safetyof children as it was pickleball in general. Like I said let's be honest about why you want the bike removed. If you can tell me that this bike is more of an obstruction than vehicles parked in the same place, I'll eat my words. I don't have a horse in this race...just playing devil's advocate.
I never mentioned the game, you did.
What game are you referring to? Pickleball?? It's written all over the sign.......
Most people do not park vehicles next to a park unless they are visiting said park. This bike, along with the huge sign, are left there all day while the owner goes to work. Does the motorcycle you refer to have a large sign on it?
My post was about a misplaced sign regardless of what it is promoting and that was my point and I repeat, others have brought it up but I did not. Reread the original post.
You folks are missing my point. I don't live there and am really just a casual observer of this blog. I read post after post after post complaining about pickleball. I honestly do not see a problem with this bike. I think tempers are up because the tennis courts were changed to pickleball and that is why this bike annoys you so much. If I parked my big Expedition in the same place every day and car pooled to work with someone else I don't think there would be this uproar. Just my opinion after reading NUMEROUS disparaging comments about pickleball, Grabowski, and Peru.
I think it is obvious that the objection is to the message not the signage. What would be your view if the sign said Vote with the PAC? Come to think of it, the City itself is posting signs that block the view of traffic all over town.
My personal view is that there should be absolutely no signage allowed in residential areas. That would include this bike - It is obviously designed as a sign not a mode of transportation.
Mayor, alderman, police department why don't you quit playing games with this ordinance? is there something in this for you? Either step forward and give a legtimate reason for not taking action in regards to kthis bycycle or immediately enforce the law. The whole town knows that all of you are reactive rather than proactive and this experience over pickle ball proves it. There is no doubt to anyone but yourselves that this is a safety hazard. Quit hiding behind that sign and get off your asses and do your damn job! To those that I have insulted by my language please forgive me but this whole incident is totally uncalled for and a example of lousy government. A city government which is representing a few rather than the whole.
Anon 6:17 About time.
Thank you 6:17. No one and I mean no one other than the ambassador using economic developers bike would be able to get away with this nonsense. Like 6:17 said...do your damn job!
5:12 If you are just a casual observer, why do you read post after post?
Change wont come unless we vote in different people. Very simple. So unless we all come together and agree on that then we will all find ourselves back at this blog, complaining about the lousy local govt
I am sure you wont post this but as an avid reader I have to express my feelings.
1. You will not be happy with Peru until it is run YOUR way.
So I look forward to seeing your name on the next ballot as a mayoral candidate.
2. If you are so worried about parking and ordinances why dont you look in the mirror. Clean up your own piece of Peru. I drive 7th street everyday and look at the same old suburban that hasnt moved in years and a building that is falling apart.
Clean up your own piece of this city, stop whinning about everybody else and you may get my vote.
Because I am NOT going to vote for Rodney.
Anybody but Rodney! Even LOIS!
Bob, the vehicle you refer to is moved frequently, you just don't notice a move. Painting will be done when it cools down and everybody is healthy.
Out of curiosity, if that bike was parked on West street by the park promoting baseball games, would it be removed?
If the city is to allow this type of advertising of information, we do need an ordinance as to location, duration, size and information whether it is a city function or a private venture funded by the city.
We have ordinances for garage sales, political signs etc and this should also be controlled by ordinance.
I am personally sick and tired of hearing that only "2 people" are complaining about pickle ball. And yes, I am one of those supposed complainers. Let's start at the beginning.
This whole fiasco came about because of not "2" but "1" individual. He had a vision, an idea. He brought it to the rec commission and they jumped on the idea. He was given permission to buy the necessary equipment and a month later (if you read the rec meeting minutes) you were introduced to the word "pickle ball".
At this time it was stated it would be played on 28th street park's basketball court using portable nets. No problem! We all know that what actually happened is that a tennis court was eliminated and 4 noisy, irritating, permanent pickle ball courts were added to our backyards.
Were we asked how often the tennis court was used? NO! Did they try this new game on a temporary basis and then canvas surrounding homes for any problems? NO! Instead they permanently eliminated a much used tennis court and permanently established 4 pickle balls courts which they say they are giving "1" person 3 years to see if it takes off.
Let's not forget all this commotion and all this controversy was created by 1 person and could have been avoided if communication and co-operation had been implemented by those involved.
Unless you have this situation in your backyard you cannot sincerely and honestly understand.
Why does each situation need a specific ordinance? Isn't their anyone who can generalize to cover most incidents which occur on a subject? Most of these ordinances appear to be a money making scheme for the city attorney to have a clerk compile.
10:17 AM
I know that everything you stated is true but unless it is in black and white and is applied equally according to ordinance, you have commissions and the city council treating residents differently and sometimes unfairly as I guess memories are short or sometimes bias enters the picture.
Anon 8:29 Why don't you bring that bike to Washington Park and park it on West Street with the same positioning as it has been on 28th st. When you come back to get it bring along a basket to pick up all the little pieces of metal.
10:04 AM
Linda you are right and if anyone is in doubt, go to the city web site and read every Recreation Commission minutes since January and you will see how this developed without ever being brought to the full city council. This ordinance needs to be changed with regard to the Recreation Commission powers but on the contrary Alderman Ankiewicz wishes to give them more to control and as of now the city attorney is writing up something to satisfy this alderman who sometimes oversees this commission to his satisfaction and not for the benefit of the residents.
And because this Recreation Commission submits incomplete and vague agendas, the public is not aware of what they are undertaking. But I must add that the Mayor is in frequent attendance and may know but believes he has no control over them. If you read the minutes, please note who is in attendance and who is not.
Lois the city council and committee meetings have a agenda in black and white and the city has ordinances in black and white but this is not a guarantee that residents are treated equally and/or fairly. In fact state their name, occupation and family ties and most of the time you know how they will be treated without knowing them. If you doubt this start associating city employment with the woes woes list of Peru. Wasn't 38% of the city employment related to three people of political involvement? The summer help program has forever been a outstanding example of nepotism.
Nepotism is rampant in this city and would probably rank among the worst in the state. But agendas are not always complete, check the Recreation Commission agendas and then you will see things that I consider wrong and perhaps more than that.
I think that the point here is that there are different rules for different people. If there were a bike with signage parked in the same manner except the sign were listing complaints about pickleball, it would be removed immediately. This sign is allowed to be there because of who put it up and what it says. All city ordinances should be applied equally and fairly to everyone.
I'd suggest that someone put up a similar sign opposing pickleball and see what happens. Of course, you must be willing to risk confiscation of your bicycle and a fine.
It sounds to me as though lack of communication, openness and honesty by an appointed committee has created this mess.
What difference is it if the Mayor attends Rec (WRECK) Comm meetings or does not attend them. He is not doing anything about citizen complaints. The answer is simple, if you represent the minority rather than the majority you wouldn't be re-elected.
If you keep one person happy and two angry out of every 1500 votes you lose 1,000 to 500.
Anon 10:49 In Peru it has become more of a problem in what I don't see than what I see.
I see a lot of people on here talking very lowly about the City of Peru government. My question is: what are you going to do about it?
Anon 6:13 My intentions are to vote for the most qualified candidate for every position that is open to vote for. If I believe that the qualifications of the candidates are similar I'll vote for the person not in office rather than the incumbent.
Many of the officials representing Peru are politicians who are in it for their own self gain rather than the good of the town.
There is a group under the title of PAC who are going to grade the incumbents on the job they have done. This will be interesting and if done without bias should be the introduction of a good guideline to work off of.
Before the cart is put in front of the horse why don't people express what they feel they will be looking for in candidates that they want to represent them. In this election I will not look for the most personal of candidates but I will look for the most know- legible.
The "PAC" only supports the secret Harl Agenda.
7:00 AM
PAC no longer exists.
Wasn't the PAC the group that backed the mayor? I'm not so sure that worked out as well as anticipated. It definitely did not turn out as promised. This pickle ball fiasco is an example of what happens when no one takes charge or has the best interest of the majority in mind.
Anon 9:20 We currently have some very knowledgeable people on the city council right now. The problem I see is that they aren't very friendly or professional towards citizens.
I agree 12:38. Some are not even professional towards their own peers that sit on the council with them.
Yes we have some knowledgeable people on the city council and we have some very unknowledgeable people on the city coucil. Presently the knowlege lacking is in city government , finance and the ability of jugement.
to Bob.. you sound like a well educated individual, so I suggest you call me on the phone to discuss your issues...number is in the phone book. You don't know what we do 24 hours per day at least I hope you have more important things to do. We are well aware of ordinances. While you are prowling around, there are some true illegal parkings in the area, you might want to check them out. You see I see them everyday too. Sounds like you have more time than I do.
I am still seeking the answer to what should be a simple question yet no one seems able to give me an answer. Does the REC COMMISSION have total control over our parks and the ability to say who can and cannot reserve public courts? (The very courts that your tax dollar paid for?) The ambassador has the pickle ball court reserved for 3 days (2 hours each day) until next year. Can any other citizen do this?
Headline in Ottawa Times : "80 signatures gets disc golf" (in Streator) NewsTrib: no mention of pickleball until it's a fait accompli. Could pickleball be to Harl what snow was to Mike Bilandic in Chicago ?
Presently residents of Peru do not exhibit enough political interest to vote Mayor Harl out of office, also they do not show enough interest to vote council men out of office either.
The council runs the town and at best the Mayor chooses the direction in which it is to be run. With better co-operation and stronger backing many things would have been done differently by the Mayor.
Sadly many who have complained about the status of Peru are becoming buffoons. Selfishness and stagnation are the two outstanding characteristics of a few of Peru's aldermen and they are stopping all progress.
The Mayor had a lot of backing when he was elected and IF he had kept his promises this would be a totally different situation. I say this in spite of the fact that yes he had opposition from most of the council but at that time he had the people with him That was time he should have gone back to the people with his town meetings and told us the problems instead of taking steps backward and now it seems at times he is trying to placate those same members. He had several intelligent reasonable council members at that time who might have turned and become his friend if they knew the Mayor and the people stood together. The Mayor turned on the people who elected him is what happened.
Participation in the community and local politics is the most important keystone in our larger political system. However this blog makes a mockery of itself by devoting so much energy into defaming Pickleball and generally taking potshots at local officials without a real understanding of the issues, political science, or the role of journalism. Be the change you want to see in the world, rather than just blog about it.
"Pickleball" in Peru only needed 1 signature - the ambassadors. The residents whose homes are adjacent to and those whose homes surround the park were not involved in this decision. Unlike those who are near to, but not adjacent to Baker Lake who were canvassed (twice) when fire works were just being discussed.
Grande Apesta
From your blog, I do believe you don't live in the city of Peru and are not aware of local politics, and how certain things are deeply entrenched in this city that keep us from making progress toward community.
11:00 Nobody is defaming pickleball. Just unhappy with the way it came into existence and how it is still being handled as of today.
Grande Apesta Peru Town Forum is is the most active participant in the community and local politics. The handling or rather the mishandling of the pickle ball issue is a outstanding example of government mismanagement. The sport of pickle ball is not the problem but the methods which have been utilized to introduce pickle ball to Peru are. As Penn State has taken down the statue Peru officials should remove the nets and go to a private residence pick up the equipment and lock it up in a government facility to be used for public use at a later date and a better location.
Retaliatory pot shots would not be taken at a few specific local officials if they would practice a respectful attitude toward their constituents.
The creators of this blog and the other two bogs which have participated in Peru politics have been and are supported by individuals who make it a practice of being participants in city politics and who express themselves intelligently. They in most instances have a better understanding of the issues than those voting on the issues. Their expression is a form of political science and journalism.
Blogging is one of the big changes you are seeing in the world and by doing so you become part of that change.
Thank you Lois, Kristy, Brian and Linda for expressing the peoples side of issues.
Lois, Gran de Ape sta has tainting of The Amb ass a doe, or possibly a out of town pickle. The only good pickle is on a hamburger.
No doubt that "sunlight is the best disinfectant." Blogs have the opportunity to be a very effective "disinfectant." However credibility is quickly lost with ad hominem attacks that often stray from the facts. The people have levers at their disposal to affect change.
Would like to extend a personal "Thanks" to mayor Harl. Today the bike with the pickleball sign is still parked on the street but at least it is parked legally (according to ordinance). It took several calls to several different people but the mayor responded immediately. Thank you again mayor.
It's not enough that we have to put up with the "ping, ping" of the pickle ball now we have to see older men with no shirts on. This is disgusting. This is a neighborhood park designed for children to play in not for topless old men. Fed up!
Yes, the man boobs are disgusting. There should be sign that says"no shirt, no shoes, no pickleball"
Good idea Suze. Speaking of signs, the one on the court fence is hanging by a thread. Would someone from the ambassador's club or the rec commission please fix it before it litters the park. After all they're in total charge of the parks - RIGHT?
Sports of adult participation call for a gentlemanly and ladylike appearance. It is unfortunate that a group of weekend bench jockeys have to make fools of themselves inside a public park equipped with children's playground equipment and surrounded by private homes.
How has pickle ball benefited the city? It has satisfied only a few and disrupted many. Neighbors do not want it and those few who do want it have utilized pickle ball to slap them in the face. Presently some immature boys with man boobs are using equipment bought with taxpayers money to exercise their outdated bodies.
It is time for them to climb onto the Economic Directors bicycle and ride it into the sunset.
There is a game sweeping the nation and played by all ages. Its participants, multi millions in force are calling it tennis. Good Riddance pickle ball Welcome tennis.
Would the Rec Board buy tennis racquets , balls (personal equipment) for tennis.
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