“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mayor Scott Harl said he would like to see a set of parameters and guidelines for this, as well as the public comment section of meetings.

"Mayor Scott Harl said he would like to see a set of parameters and guidelines for this, as well as the public comment section of meetings." Taken from the N.T. report by Jeff Dankert.

Definition of Parameters. : limit, boundary —usually used in plural the parameters of science fiction.

Does this sound like Public Comment will be limited to only this or that?

There is so little public comment now because there is no public at most meetings, that I wonder what limits he can legally make beside time.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope the city attorney does a quick review of Binding PAC Opinions on the subject first before the officials waste a bunch of time arguing and trying to limit Public comments or recording. There are very few legal types of restrictions that have been allowed when challenged. City and village councils have been trying to limit public comments to certain time lengths and require citizen registrations and limits to distribution of recordings etc. They sometimes get away with it because most citizens do not challenge them, but the OMA is strong and pretty clear. The parameters and restrictions are always shot down, and it can put resolutions and ordinances at risk from future legal challenge if they were passed at meetings in violation of OMA.

Anonymous said...

The 1st rule is that you speak when you are spoken to. 2nd rule is that you speak when you are requested to speak. 3rd rule is that you wear makeup when on camera. 4th rule is that your request to speak at least one month prior to speaking, provided that a outline is approved. 5th rule is that if you expect the microphone to be on you provide the batteries. 6th rule is that you provide a translator for public comment section as the new cable video will be available in at least 3 other continents. 7th rule is that the public comment be under 30 sec. duration, provided you have acceptable makeup. 8th rule is that public comment will be acceptable on the 4th Friday of each month at 9pm, provided the camera crew union overtime wage scale is paid for by the commentor. 9th rule is that you be a American citizen who has passed the Constitution test, evidence must be provided. 10th rule is that you pass a breath test of under.30, less than 9 beers!
This shows that the Peru Mayor is finally done with the antics of those who are targeted.

Anonymous said...

To: Lois
From:Rodney Perez

We will be looking at a few options: Live Stream, Video Record-then post to the web-site, and Comcast televised.

We will have a Presentation Wednesday, August 8th.
At this point, the best Option consists of mounting a video recorder, then we would post each meeting on the web-site for viewing at anytime.("very cost effective")

Option2- Live Streaming, and Televising.
Comcast would also like to present their options. (details to follow)

Thank you,
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Great job Alderman Perez! Be sure to put this on the agenda as no one knows to what extremes may be taken to strike your presentation down.
This is the first major step towards the transparency that was promised to the public in the last Mayors election.
Many who are hard of hearing will now be able to turn their volume up, many who are confined will now be able to attend, and many who cannot attend for good reasons but want to will now be able to participate.
Thanking both you and Alderman Mayszak for hanging in there and representing the people to the best of your abilities during some strenuous time. Sherry and Rodney your intentions , whether they succeed or are roadblocked are respected and appreciated by many. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

5:37 Totally agree!

Linda said...

5:37 Well said. Totally agree. Sherry and Rodney you are our hope for the future. Keep up the good work. Thank you for working for the people and for being respectful while doing so.

Anonymous said...

5:37 this will be a slam dunk. I do not believe any person in any of the meetings will stand up and say they do not want this to occur. It would be a political death blow to them. And if for some reason this does not start, they will not have a full recording to combat the edited version that citizens will beggin to post , like the intersection video. They will not be able to say things were slanted in media or taken out of context. They would just have to sit and watch the edited version, played over and over on websites like this. That still might happen, but having the entire committee or council meeting available would give them something to counter the negative clips. I think many people might be shocked at some of the behaviors, but who knows. Now If they can just start taping the non official meetings so many on both sides seem to confirm are happening. But one show at a time.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be interesting to judge who can turn over a new leaf and rapidly don the face of a television personality. One of the aldermen's attitude toward the only alderwoman on the council if not changed will raise question about his capabilities of fair representation to all.

Anonymous said...

BANG! It will become quite obvious that many in the political arena will be 100% against this. WHY? The truth on how the cities polical arena is really run. Secret meetings, do they happen?? Have those video tapped also. All city department meetings videotaped. I'll bet my monthly social security check that some might be on pins and needles. Go for the gusto Rodney and
Sherry. Love technology, twitter, facebook, blogs, etc....

Anonymous said...

In agreement. Like going to trial and being on the stand. Attitudes do change. Not everybody is a fool.

Anonymous said...

9:51 I agree lets get an ordinance in place where all city meetings are recorded and posted for plubic review !

Anonymous said...

Guidelines? Are you kidding me? FREEDOM OF
SPEECH!! We do live in the United States of America. My question I'm pondering is why it took some council members so long to push for this videotaping of meetings?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Harl promised this of elected. But like everything else it was a lie!

Anonymous said...

Looks like freedom of speach , just went out the window !

Anonymous said...

Public comment says exactly what it means PUBLIC COMMENT. It entitles the individual a opportunity to express their opinion at a meeting.

Public comment is not a question and answer session and if a question and answer session is preferred it could be asked for in public comment.

With the televising of council meetings most office holders would rather have a question and answer posting on the agenda than have a public comment posting. This allows them to thoroughly explain why they took the position on a issue that they did . It also allows their constituents a opportunity to express fully their opinion to the administration and the council.

Recently a city official presented a proposed ordinance at a committee meeting and also presented it at the council meeting. There should be no reason that a private citizen cannot propose a ordinance to his representation to be acted upon by the entire council.

Until a couple of years ago the city council meetings were designated as a formal meeting on Mondays in which a vote could be taken and a informal meeting on Wednesdays in which issues were discussed but no votes could be taken. This was changed to all meetings to be considered as formal meetings because this eliminated the wait over until a Monday meeting to vote. This issue has never been revisited to determine which method has worked with most efficiency.

The original intention of the informal meeting was that the citizen was too have a lot more input than he was to have at a formal Monday night meeting.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from Vacation and thought i'd come on here to see what has happened in Peru over the past 2 weeks. All I can say is " IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! we get these council meetings recorded.
God Bless You Alderman Rodney Perez!!!!!!