“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Peru Vision From About 1968 for the Landfill


Anonymous said...

To: Lois
From Rodney

This is Great!! haha...Leave it to Lois to dig it out.
Great Job!!

Per my last post; this may have been inquiry#3 so last weeks suggestion may have been like #900 from the 900th time an alderman has suggested it.
Shucks!!... I may be to late to add this to Monday's agenda;-)

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Good Post , Lois
However as I read and listen to the garbage subjects that Rodney and a few others discuss in the city council meetings , it reminds me to make sure I vote to get these folks out of the council and spend our money on someone that will make the city a better place to live.
Since the LAST ELECTION we have wasted so much money that we could HAVE HAD A NEW POOL BY NOW AND BEING USED IN THE HOT DAYS OF JULY/AUGUST.

Frankly, I am sick & tired as well as many other citizens of Peru that we can't wait for the elections to come soon enough.

The Mayor and the latest new aldermen/women need to go.
We don't need to raise taxes or foolishly continue to go in DEBT .
There are many cities today going BANKRUPT and the city of Peru MUST NOT BE ADDED TO THAT LIST.
Lets grow up and make the necessary changes we need to be a stable profitable city, as we once were just a short time ago.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:46 PM

Sorry to disagree with you but both aldermen in the second are to be commended for looking into city matters and caring about the citizens they represent. Both of my aldermen did just the opposite and tried to chew up their constituents and they don't seem to be able to show some respect to those who may have voted for them in the past. In fact now I have to go out of my ward when I have a concern. That is sad.
I personally heard Ald. Ankiewicz talk about a loan for a pool. I think you need to check out the aldermen you haven't mentioned because some of them are the ones who gladly spend our money.
I would be very happy to be represented by the current aldermen of the second ward. Did you already forget who was asking for facts regarding the grass expenditures wasted at the airport? Ald. Perez has started the ball rolling to get the fireworks cost down and the money for them someway beside tax payer dollars.
Please pay some unbiased attention as to who are the aldermen that are actually responsive to their residents and who is trying to cut expenditures.

Brian Foster said...

There is a public boat launch on this site with plenty of parking. There is also a grass covered field which looks like it is maintained - does the city cut the grass here? It is a nice area when it is not under water.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:46: who were you going to vote for? Nobody seems to care to run except for the incumbents

H, Tom said...

Another good idea gone from site . Wonder what ever happened to this lois ? Looked like a good thing . Maybe thats why it didn't happen .

Anonymous said...

From: Rodney Perez

The saying: "Agree to Dis-agree" is displayed in your post.

I so "agree" with you on most of your post,and sure appreciate your opinion. However I do believe the council as a whole agrees we need to be a stable city; for this to happen we all need to continue working together... taking ideas, and input from citizens then coming together to make things happen.
Please keep in mind-Discussions and ideas ( what you identify as Garbage) brought to the floor are ideas and input are from the citizens that have elected us. Of course not every idea someone brings to our attention is brought out..but it's discussed amongst the alderman and that individual to see if it's a possibility.
So...Garbage to you may be a treasure to someone else.
I, like other aldermen ran on a campaign pledge to work for the people. I tend to fill that pledge whether certain individuals "dis-agree" or not.
Please keep in mind... Most of these ideas ("garbage") brought to the floor are ideas brought forward once before. (refer to the 1968 landfill post, or the news trib article from 2011)

Thanks for the input, and please feel free to contact me anytime with your ideas and input. You never know they just may take off as tomorrow's headline as a new implementaion within our community:-)

Thank you,
Rodney Perez

Justin Loger said...

Now THAT is a vision. Too bad this dream has never became a reality.

Anonymous said...

Visions and dreams are wonderful ideas but they only work if we all work together. Our council right now cannot even support each other or work as a unit and they certainly do not appreciate public interference. Until we unite we will get no where and that is where we're headed.

Anonymous said...

Sure that was a nice vision in 1968, but today that's not a vision it's a drawing with some trees. If you want to impress the residents show us a methane plant converting the greenhouse gases into renewable energy powering the Marina or hotel.

That would be visionary and impressive!


Anonymous said...

As we hear from an alderman in this blog, I would remind him to go back and read the letter he had issued to all of us citizens for what he would do as alderman.

Oh, how soon they forget ???

Anonymous said...

To: 7:34
From Rodney Perez

Would you please let the readers of this blog know which alderman you are referring to?
In fact... I'm sure if you still have a copy of an aldermans campaign letter Lois would be happy to post it on here.

I can't speak for all aldermen, however, if it's a letter I wrote during a campaign, I would welcome it so readers could compare my promises to actions; of course that's my personal view.

Kristy: I agree! That would be impressive.

Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

7:34 PM
I don't have a clue what letter you are talking about that we should have received so please elaborate. I'm definitely interested.
Was it to all of Peru or was it just to that ward?

Linda said...

What ward are you referring to? Most, if not all politicians make promises while campaigning and never quite follow through on them. I do believe, if you're referring to Aldermen Perez, that he has kept his promises or is indeed trying to fulfill them.

Anonymous said...

The actions of some, not all, political representatives of Peru at recent city council meetings and special meetings are a embarrassment to the the citizens of Peru.
Those who carry on with immature actions of bullying, mocking and making jest of constituents when they are asking good questions which deserve sound answers should be discontinued and if not willingly discontinued sanctioned by the Mayor with the advice of the City Attorney.
Recent episodes of a few aldermen directly confronting Peru citizens and of one recently elected alderman threading to hire a lawyer of his own to take legal action against these citizens is nothing short of using the office to limit a citizens Bill of Rights. Is it a contradiction of alderman's justice to threaten one with hiring representation to defend oneself against the person you are elected to represent fairly and justly?
Sarcasm is not the tool which builds good government!

Peru Town Forum said...

Our city atty does nothing, makes no comments unless asked. This last week when I was mocked by Ald. Waldorf and berated by Ald. Ferrari was enough for both the Mayor and Atty as major representatives of Peru to remind them that their obnoxious behavior was not appropriate behavior for an elected representative, a public servant. Instead it was 2 aldermen Perez and Potthoff who reminded them.
Maybe the mayor, atty and other council members were enjoying the outburst but should have been apologizing.

Anonymous said...

Okay now that the concert is over can we see a copy of the bill submitted from the city departments ( police, fire, public works, electrical, and Esda ) ? Would like to see what this cost the tax payers as compared to what she is going to pay us back.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if the entire South side of the River and landfill were purchased by a manufacturer such as BMW? The corporation did it in South Carolina with Palmetto landfill and we need visionaries in Peru who are not afraid to seek out businesses looking to invest in Peru and our workforce. The landfill is a "potential" goldmine to the right industry and our community and State.


Anonymous said...

8:41 I agree with you. Sarcasm is not a way to build a sound government or communication network between citizens and their representatives but, that is indeed what we have. As far as our city lawyer is concerned I have heard that he and his family play pickleball frequently so I doubt that he would speak up on that subject.

Anonymous said...


I am not certain but I believe the landfill might fall into a frequent flood plain category that might eliminate many such Industrial uses. There may be ways to re engineer around that so do not think I am just saying it would be impossible. It is just a consideration. The flooding does seem to cause issues on the north side fairly often.
The land definitely does have some potential with the right vision.

Anonymous said...

Who is the ducky looking little dude wearing a front and back billed cap at the tennis court on 28th?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:41 P.M.
Also agree with you. Sincerely believe that the actions of some of the people sitting in the chairs of council membership is justification to televise meetings. With the elections less than nine months off would it be possible to implement televised meetings on a trail basis for six (6) months starting in November. Six (6) months would carry thru April and all debates could be televised also.
Peru has the agreement with Comcast to allow televising city functions. November, being the start of winter is a great month to start televised meetings in a election year and it would be a step forward for transparency.

Anonymous said...

3:27 That's the ambassador.

Anonymous said...

From: Rodney Perez

Thank you for expressing your interest, and suggestions.

Televising is a great option to research. In addition to televised meetings; the option of Live streaming the meetings is an avenue currently being researched. Many residents have switched from cable to dish, so offering our citizens the opportunity to pull it up on their computer is another great tool of transparency.

You can currently log into Princeton, and Peoria cities web page and link over to their meetings. If you miss it live you can also archive previous meetings.

Thank you,
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:13
Wow! No wonder the neighbors are upset. How would you like the idea of The Ambassador being a invited guest of the city in your own backyard?
Thought it was bad enough that a small number of aldermen are trying to force taxation without representation on these poor folks. Before another incident of this stupidity occurs in Peru or this one is allowed to increase these aldermen should study in earnest the history of our country and the leadership and people who build it. When they get to the Boston Tea Party slow down and read it at least twice.

Anonymous said...

What? No comments, criticism or complaints regarding the KidRock concert?

H, Tom said...


Anonymous said...

@ Tom- Give Rod time he'll eventually Gitr done probably sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

I believe under the OMA Section 2.05 any citizen may record such meetings using audio or visual recording equipment. Actually I think it may have occurred many times already. With services like you tube, I would think such things would be easily shared. Not an expert opinion by any means but check it out yourself by reading the OMA.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:35 not a titled blog for Kid Rock, but since you brought it up I'll blog. I didn't attend concert this year as in the previous years concerts. Many of my friends and family members did attend. They said Kid Rock was great with his performance. An issue that was talked about was that people were doing one hitters (smoking pot) and security personal walked right next to this activity while happening and it was ignored. Also, alot of fights!!!! IT WILL BE INTERESTING WHAT THIS CONCERT ACTUALLY COST TAXPAYERS. Let's have a titled blog about this concert and read what others say. Thank You blogger for bringing up the subject!

Anonymous said...

WOW! DIDNT I READ SOMEWHERE THAT THESE CONCERTS ARE PROMOTED AS FAMILY EVENTS? Did peru's fire department use fire truck spotlights as security/crowd control like last year? What was costs for that department and police department? Who paid those expenses?

Anonymous said...

1:08 How could there have been a lot of fights? I thought the police chief said it went off with no incidents at all.

Anonymous said...

Pure common sense is: how could there not be any? 10,000 concert goers and alcohol involved for several hours. Go to chucky cheese with 50 kids there and observe. No alcohol drinking by those 50 kids. And 9 times out of 10 they fight over a loose ball. Been there at least 40 times. 10,000 people in one area that's being discussed.

Anonymous said...

An anonymous survey or ask about 100 attendees and they will tell you about the concert.

Anonymous said...

3:13. Did you go to the concert? If not I'm sure you know several people who went if you live in the L-P area. Ask them and have them ask others and they ask others and we will have some answers. I've learned there is always a
flip side to every coin. Ten thousand + people at concert where alcohol was flowing. That tells me something. Unless we live in a perfect city.

Anonymous said...

6::21 Read the headlines each year after your fireworks celebration days and see which event is reported to be safer and more of a money generating revenue for Peru.
Fireworks generates zero axcept for a handful of change from sales tax from bars. costs to your city with security, city workers and fireworks 35,000.00 in the RED Lous Kid Rock Concert Every Hotel and Restaurant and gas stations were full cost= say- 20,000 tops revenue= BIG REVENUE compared. Common sense should tell your city hall to forget the 4th celebration and have concerts instead.