“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, July 30, 2012

One More Time - Fireworks.

During a discussion of the procuring of the fireworks by getting bids by October 1 in order to get the best buy for the money, the topic came up about low level fireworks or the huge aerials that are lots more money. Ald. Radtke went to Hennepin this year to evaluate their fireworks in comparison to those of Peru. He thought they might not be as good because they did not have the aerials. I understand that Hennepin is near the river which runs right next to the city thus necessitating a lower level of fireworks.

The question was then asked that since people go to Water St. to watch the fireworks why do we need the expensive aerials. The answer was so that people who don't go to Water Street to see them, can see them from a location other than the festivities area. Was this something always in the planning or a reason to maintain the expense of the usual fireworks?. Everyone has to know that we have had so many disagreements, discussions etc about the fireworks and the location. This year we even had a special family area on Water Street. A no alcohol area on Water Street. And now we are told that you don't need to go to Water Street to see the fireworks, we will bring them to you.


Anonymous said...

Is there a possibility that the populace of Peru is wanting too much out of their fireworks display? After much discussion it appears that Water Street is the best location available, not only for visibility of a huge crowd but also for accessibility and the adaptability aspect that allows the segmentation of different groups.
Too feel there is a city obligation to make the fireworks visible to those who do not want to make the effort to ride a bus made available by the city to get personally to the fireworks is unreasonable.
If possible why doesn't the city inquire if the fireworks could be televised to homes along with televising city council meetings?
If there is a small expense it could be covered easily by the elimination of the high aerials.
In summary there should be no difficulty in setting a target date such as Oct 1, 2012 to have all firework bids received and a comparison of cost, quality and quantity and a contract signed by Oct 15,2012 for the fireworks date preferred for 2013.
I know that other details are involved but entirely too much time is being spent on incidentals such as fireworks and this time is being taken away from our representatives which should
be utilized for managing the city.
Somewhere it has to be determined that enough is enough and you will never satisfy everyone. Let this issue be put to bed by Oct 15, 2012 until next July 3, 2013 and move on to conducting everyday city business and solving new problems.

Peru Town Forum said...

Ald. Ankiewicz (committee member and chair) ad Ald. Radtke, a council member seemed to dominate the public property committee mtg. Neither one of them want an ordinance requiring the Recreation Commission to be guided by an ordinance that states they should go out for bids in August or September for the fireworks in the following year. The date in the ordinance would be October 1, all bids must be in, sealed bids.
This is so logical that it defies reason why any official in Peru would object to it.
The answer of Ald. Bob is that Ron Keleey has been doing this for years and we should not rock the boat and let things continue on as before. I see this as in March, he will go out for bids and the only company still available is the one that was holding that date open because they knew all along that they would get the contract.
What opens when Mr. Kelsey is no longer on the commission? Shouldn't we have a ordinance in place instead of crossing that bridge when we get to it.
I guarantee you that there is more to this than was is seen by the naked eye. Something, somewhere.

Sometimes I think we are in Bedrock along with Barney and Fred.

Peru Town Forum said...

"Ron Kelsey" correction

Anonymous said...

You're exactly right 10:32 but what you don't understand is that one of those in charge of this ordeal refuses to surrender. That individual wants things to stay "status quo" no matter what the results are. If you can come up with a logical reason for this behavior and protection of an appointed committee maybe the city could move forward and begin to address more serious issues.

Anonymous said...

No 11:49 I, 10:32, do understand and I understand that if a member of the city council makes a motion on the floor and the motion is seconded by another member that a vote of the council should rule. I also understand that the Mayor of the city should advise the council and votes upon a tie vote.
I also understand that all candidates will have to declare during December and that next April there will be a city election for one Mayor, four aldermen and whatever the present city treasurer is called.
The only reason that one individual can retain "status quo"
is that the majority of the city council wants it to and/or no one has made the motion and if made no one seconded it to force a vote.
If you believe a individuals behavior is incorrect why don't you question your aldermen and Mayor what they think of it and if they feel it is inappropriate what they intend to do about it. As for the Rec Com it is unbelievable that this issue has not been visited before this, 1957 is a long time ago and everything else has changed.

Cecil said...

Lois, you and some others are being too sarcastic. Just because you want one way doesn't mean that is the right way. The comment "bringing the fireworks to you" is way out of line. Even when the fireworks at Wash. Park people watched from the Jewel-Osco parking lot and other spots. As for the bidding, prices change, even for fireworks, so you may not be getting the best price many months before the display. Too many people are 'mouthing off' when they don't know a thing about the situation and probably have never attended the display, even you admitted that Lois.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that once again the ordinance pertaining to the recreation commission is causing so much controversy? Some aldermen don't care if any of the commission members make any meetings, some don't want the rec commission's decisions questioned, some don't want anything about this committee changed. They don't even want to allow for new members to join this committee. Does anyone have an answer to the why of this situation? It certainly has caused much controversy for quite some time and also some very disruptive and belligerent behavior from some of our aldermen.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Radtke appears to have become very wishy washy in his political stand. Being looked upon as a problem solver when running for office the present hope is he is suffering from business and management inexperience. As he has 66% of this term in office left, a total of 32 months he has opportunity of some business proficiency catching up to his education and technical background. Time will tell.

Peru Town Forum said...

Not sure he has 32 months left and he will no longer be serving the First Ward after the election in April as he will then be in the Second Ward. I believe the city has received conflicting views as to what position he can or will hold after the election.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:39 PM

Cecil, I think you should have added your last name, since you have a personal interest.
I may not go to the fireworks but I can comment on how this city spends its money and whether I believe it is for a good reason. I also believe that I can comment on a proposed ordinance and whether I believe it is in the best interests of this city. And you can do that also. Nothing is status quo in a city and as times change and finances change, sometimes we need to look at ordinances and see whether they are continuing to serve the residents of the city, that is a majority of them and never for the best interests of any elected official or unelected volunteer for the city.

Anonymous said...

Is the fireworks a serious problem? No! Change for the sake of change is not a solution. Was there a petition or vote for change of the rec. committee? Is this all about 1 alderman having a special interest in who gets the fireworks bid? Did the 3 interested parties that went to the council committee meeting attend a Rec. Board meeting and voice their displeasure? The rec. board always welcomes new ideas and suggestions. We just wonder why you won't stop by? Oh...Forgot to let you know the newspaper usually doesn't cover the rec. meetings, its just us and your ideas.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:42 PM
"Is the fireworks a serious problem?"
My reply is "is anything the Rec Commission does serious?" This discussion is not for the Rec Com to decide it is for the City Council to make decisions about the ordinance that gives or does not give the Rec Com authority to take on and carry out certain responsibilities and about the structure of the Commission. Your questions lead me to believe that you believe the Rec Commission does not welcome more control and oversight by the City Council. Please remember you are appointed by the Mayor and do not run for election and not voted in by the residents. Keeping that in mind the public will go to the council for issues and not to you.

Cecil said...

Lois, I think you are being smart now. You go by Lois so I can go by Cecil. If you must know, I live in Peru so go to the phone book and see how many Cecils are printed there. Do a little sleuthing. Better yet...make all bloggers use their names and I will also. I said it before this blog is full of know-nothings and chicken sh#ts.

Peru Town Forum said...

Thank you for your opinion Cecil

Anonymous said...

And 25% of the Alderman are appointed by the Mayor. Does this make their role with the city less important. The rec. commission takes their job as serious as anyone elected to office. To say that the work is less important is misguided and uninformed. Volunteerism is the backbone of a great city. Why knock the work of the group of the recreation board? And all because of somebody who wants the fireworks bid. Go to the rec. meetings, your find a good group of residents who have the cities best interest.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:37 PM
How many of the members have passed the test regarding the Open Meetings Act? You do realize that a meeting you had in January and again in April had illegal votes taken regarding pickleball? You voted on something that was not on the agenda which is a violation. Go to the city web site and check it out yourself.

Anonymous said...

One more time has turned into the longest running comedy! Give it a rest.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:22 PM

Everyone is tired of it but we just want it done in the most economical and open manner possible. It was on the agenda for the Public Property Committee and most of the meeting was spent in discussion of....you guessed it......the fireworks and the ordinance to go along with it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:22 Your comment "One more time has turned into the longest running comedy! Give it a rest." is the attitude which is going to be the cause of Peru government to end up in a court battle.
With mature decision making and understanding by the Rec Group and intervention of the council and Mayor the city and 28th street neighborhood would not have been the topic of many upcoming closed sessions.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it astounding how the vocabulary of a individual is such a true indicator of their intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at Cecil's comment about this blog being full of know nothings and chicken shits. And exactly what do you call yourself Cecil when you are on the blog? Think I've seen you a few times in the past. Allow me to let you on a little secret.... sssshhhh....big brother is watching and knows who we all are anyway. Oh. and p.s. - Retaliation is alive and well and thriving in this town.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it astounding how the vocabulary of AN individual is such a true indicator of HIS or HER intelligence.

Anonymous said...

A court battle over fireworks? Someone must be desperate to get that bid. 5:17 election time must be around the corner, your making threats to those who support the democratic decisions made by a committee of citizens in the recreation board? Please go to the rec commission and discuss your thoughts. I suppose its way to much to ask for your attendance at the rec. meetings. I know your very busy and have these unbearable obligations. Like all those who serve on the board. Many of those committee members serve our community in many other aspects. Many of those same members have lived and loved Peru for many years. The antics of the few won't discourage the good of this committee.

Peru Town Forum said...

The court battle won't be about fireworks.

Anonymous said...

No, but there will be fireworks there!

Anonymous said...

FORGET THE JULY 4th FIREWORKS!!! DONATE MONIES THAT WOULD BE SPENT ON THEM TO THE POOL FUND!!!!!!!! I've gone every year to the fireworks and it wouldn't bother me one bit if Peru didn't
have them. I'll skip to a surrounding town to see some!