“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Peru pool backer pitches ideas to city - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru pool backer pitches ideas to city - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL


Anonymous said...

Great ideas. Just think how many people would be using the pool in this weather. It's embarrassing and a shame that Peru doesn't have a pool for the people when it is so hot.

Anonymous said...

Peru does have a pool - the YMCA. It is available year round.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the YMCA does have a pool but it costs alot of money to be a member.

Peru Town Forum said...

I checked into the Princeton Park District which is part of a city about the size of Peru and near us . It seems that we want a pool because the Y is too expensive and I checked the Princeton prices for admission to their public pool and I believe that Peru would also have to charge something similar.

Daily Admission
Adult (18 & over) 4.00
Sr. Citizen (60+ yrs) 3.50
Youth (6-18) 3.50
Child (5 & under) free
Spectator/non-swimmer 2.00
After 3 PM (Mon-Sun) 2.00
w/paying adult (max 2, $3.50 each additional)
Specials $2 Tuesdays
$2 after 3 PM

I assume we would charge close to those prices, can someone tell me if that is less than our Y?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Y does have a pool,but you aren't able to do a lot of the activities that were the most fun as I remember then as a kid in Peru. You can't do a cannonball or a flip from the diving board. You can't see who can make the highest splash or do bellyflops learning to dive. You can't warm up by sitting in the sun.