“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 11, 2013

IVAC, MCS, Director of Economic Development and Now We Need a Capital Lobbyist in Springfield

The city council last evening approved payment of $14,413 to Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce.
We also pay monthly to MCS $1,000 per month.
We also pay for the expenses generated by our volunteer economic director, Bob Vickery which consists of things like mileage, literature, phone expenses.

I don't know that any of the surrounding cities have a lobbyist in Springfield or not but I did find that the city of Naperville does have them. The comparison between Naperville and Peru is huge and not only in size. Perhaps we no longer no need the position of mayor.


Anonymous said...

From what I've learned and read a lobbyist's starting salary could well be $60,000. Why do we seem to have the money for things the mayor wants but not for a swimming pool or a splash pad. And why is Springfield of such importance to our mayor? He should take a more hands on position within the city of Peru and witness all the waste that occurs on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

more fiction about a salary of $60,000.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:35 PM
No smoking mirrors, please. I have done research and that is a salary I also encountered for a lobbyist. Evidently someone else has also found that to be a going price.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea of governments hiring "lobbyists." When you get down to it, we have at least three lobbyists representing Peru in Springfield. They are Frank Mautino, Sue Rezin, and by the looks of things, Scott Harl.

Anonymous said...

Lois, your research has been flawed. What makes you think this new theory about $60,000 is accurate? Kinda like the concerts lost money. Put some additional sources on your blog, the current sources fictionalize nearly every story.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:35 I don't understand if you think that a estimate of $60,000/year is too high or too low for a lobbyist.
I personally believe that that is a low ball figure for a full time lobbyist. The average pay for city employees is approximately $55,000 to $60,000 plus fringe benefits. The SPW is paid $90,000+/year and has Fridays off. The part time-full time assistant building inspector is paid $30.00/hour in a position he is not qualified for. There is a sizable number of city employees making over $75,000/yr., the earning amount by law that the city is to publish a individual list plus benefits costs but has never done.
To employ a lobbyist in a town of 10,000 makes about as much sense as having a full time horticulurist. Anything beyond IVAC is a waste of money. Don, Ross and Dick filled the needs of any further development without any outsiders and travelled to Japan and brought back jobs when Westclox closed down. Mayor Harl had best develop something for someone to promote before adding more administrative costs. A simple solution to the Mayors wants and needs is the question,"Mayor which do you think comes first the horse or the cart"?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lois, respectfully, its smoke AND mirrors. Its a sign of a magician trick. Another point, what ever happened to starting a PAC?!?!?!

Peru Town Forum said...

5:32 PM

It was suggested by someone that a PAC was a good idea. I never gave any indication that I was interested or a part of one. Anyone is free to start one if they are so inclined.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:02 PM

More likely it is time for facts to be foia'd and those who make the money making claims come out with the figures and if they are correct, end of story. Money seems to have legs in this administration moving from one account to another, so my guess the truth will never be known. There is money for what they want and none for that which they are not interested in funding.

Peru Town Forum said...

Found where Naperville hied someone last year for only 35,000 after previously paying 60,000 the year before.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Harl is this a want or a need? Didn't you just use that analogy with the swimming pool? If I want a new car but need a new roof, I need to choose the roof. Not sure if those were your exact words, but you get the message.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:12 Pm
When it is Mayor Harl's want, it is a different story because he controls the people who control the purse strings.

Anonymous said...

I was embarrassed by what was in the newspaper tonight regarding the thank you's. Did anyone else get the feeling that the news trib also thought it was a little over the top with the way it was reported?

Anonymous said...

The city council is comprised of 8 aldermen who each have a vote. The total accumulation of the vote is the determining factor of whether a vote succeeds or fails.
The Mayor only votes in a tie vote.
Meaning the end result is up to you the CITIZEN. Inform your two ward aldermen and all others you come into contact with about your political ideas so that they know how their constituents feel. Remember that the Mayor is a influence but only a influence if you as a citizen partake in your government. End result is to vote aldermen out of office who do not represent the people. The present Mayor spent more than two years learning how powerless he could be without the backing of the council.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:23 PM

Yes I was embarrassed to think that the adults we elected to take care of the serious business of running this city acted like a bunch of teenagers who thought they had just put something over on their teachers or parents. It also says that the children might have been encouraged either by each other or by other elected officials. Do you suppose this video will be available soon? or never? Is it any wonder this city is in the shape it is?

John Galt said...

Con men, swindlers and cheaters pay bribes. Sophisticates hire lobbyists because lobbyists get better, more lasting results while only rarely landing in the slammer. We know intuitively that bribery and lobbying are related, and there are reams of academic papers that try to draw the line between legitimate issue advocacy and corruption. The only way to remove lobbyists and their corruptive influence is for companies and interest groups to voluntarily disarm and work on building a public consensus in support of their causes or to elect and appoint people who are entirely incorruptible.

Anonymous said...

Thank You's are a nice way to show appreciation. What is so heroic about being a parking attendant? My 13 yearold grandson can do that. How embarrassing is that newspaper article is regarding a city council meeting. No figures on what this concert cost the city. Also found it interesting about those who went to Florida to look at a fire truck from reading a blog. Expenses for this?

Anonymous said...

This coming Monday night Peru City Council meeting Mayor Harl has expressed that he will have the individual on hand to be introduced to the council that he wants to appoint lobbyist.
Has anyone given any thought as to who he has chosen. Anyone who has followed Harls promises of change knows well that the man does not think outside the box. It will be surprising if the council doesn't already know the person who he is going to introduce. One person who comes to mind is presently the Director of Econmic Development a position which is presently running on empty. Steve of Steves Bakery as all good bakers did not run out of dough but he did run out of town.

Anonymous said...

If approved by city council Monday Tim McAnarney will be our lobbyist in Springfield at a salary of $24,000. Sean Mikos will be our Public Works City Engineer at a salary of $87,000.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:24 Thank you inner circle. Didn't think it would be so easy to smoke someone out of your little box. Isn't $87K with the current rate of inflation what the present SPW started at. When comparing this mans title to the SPW (engineer) it shows how overpaid Bleck has been and Bleck never gained job experience sitting at home with his city truck in his driveway half to three quarters of the working day.
Mr. Mikos 1st management decision should be obtaining a time clock for the city. That is whether the troops like it or not Mr. Mayor.
As for Peru hiring a lobbyist - whether the pay is $24,000 or $240,000 - what is the need besides Mr. Mayors want. Upon hiring a lobbyist this Mayor will have increased city administrative salaries from $14,400 to over $62,000/yr. with the least amount of development Peru has had for decades. Not knowing what to charge the ABInsp. Frank $30.00/hour to or deciding whether he is as negative force as believed to be by many, Lets put him in the wink wink account and hope he just disappears from city hall.

Anonymous said...

8:20 My information posted 6:45 was taken directly from the city website.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.33 My information was taken from truth, fact, neighbors of the present SPW, words of the Mayor and above all citizens of Peru, Illinois (commonly known as Wink Il.) Now please reply with the standard saying that all who have never did a thing for this town except take what you can get "I love Peru", if all of you love it so much why are you letting it become what it is? This town lacks volunteers to do anything and it has a attendance of only 2 or 3, sometimes 4 or 5 at council meetings. The only attendance at a meeting is elected officals, the towns hired hands and those who are doing business with the city.
If anyone has one good idea to improve Peru, please express it before it is a branch of Dalzell.

Anonymous said...

I think you're wrong 1:21. This town has volunteers and I firmly believe would have more if those who are in power would support them. People in this town are afraid to speak up against the powers that sit before them. They know that even though the mayor claims he is for honesty and transparency he doesn't want to be bothered with the average citizen. Take a survey and I think you would be surprised at how many citizens see that our parks and our town are disintegrating before their eyes. They see and witness on a daily basis their hard earned tax dollar being wasted. I've heard thru the grapevine that some of the parks in our town are being cut 2 or 3 times a week. No supervision, no leadership. We're out of control.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:41 This town has very few unpaid volunteers. A person cannot be considered a volunteer for what they see. They must do something about the problem.
I have been reading the blog since its start and it is the same repetitive complaints year after year which is leaving me with the feeling that not enough citizens are taking interest in their community and are not standing up to the people who are making decisions they feel are incorrect.
Politicians thrive on people who become active only when it directly affects them. Recent flooded basements were addressed only because people united together for action. You are in the local era of "United we stand together we fall". It is ashame that this is the only slogan understood at city hall but if you live in Peru it is what you are goverened under.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of all the flower beds, hanging baskets and planters in Peru and see if anybody cares. If they do, they will complain. Nobody seems to care that Peru no longer has an outdoor swimming pool or even a splash pad. Watch Peru go to pot even more, since Ald Perez can only do so much on his own. Then maybe the 35% will change their mind come next election, and we can get a mayor who cares about how our city looks and what recreational activities there are for kids and families. LaSalle and Peru are the leaders of the valley now and Peru is left eating their dust.

Anonymous said...

This is 3:14. I meant LaSalle and Ottawa are leaders of the valley, not Peru.

Anonymous said...

While Peru city officials were occupied with fireworks and concerts LaSalle annexed the property north of Wenzel Road. LaSalle has TIF signs posted at the Marquette intersection and up and down Chartres Street.
I understand that the owner of this property approached Peru but present Peru officials showed a lack of interest so he talked to the present LaSalle officials and they jumped at the opportunity.
Would anyone from Peru reply to why more consideration was not given to this valuable piece of land. Peru is landlocked.
Where is the poor advise that Peru is practicing coming from? Hope that this is not as major a blunder as it appears.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:11 PM

Peru previously had an agreement with the owner which expired after 20 years and the city didn't seem interested in developing a new agreement and at this point it was understood
that if they didn't work it out, he would go with LaSalle and that is what happened.

Airport Rd/Chartres St is a patchwork of La Salle businesses and some Peru homes plus Baker Lake Park. Looks like LaSalle took in a big catch on this one.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Alderman Perez this weekend. He said he will be voting against hiring a Lobbyist at this time.
He had some very good common sense reasons.
I asked if any other officials were against this and he said he couldn't speak for any others.
I guess we will see after tonight's meeting.

Anonymous said...

This property also includes north of Wenzel Road. Peru will now be on the south side of Wenzel and LaSalle on the north side.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though our parks are being well taken care of as far as cutting the grass. Rumors have it that some of them are being cut 3 or 4 times a week. However, when the grass was growing out of control at the beginning of the season where were the grass cutters then? (and no, they were not in school) If it would have been taken care of back then we wouldn't have the hay fields that exist today.

Anonymous said...

8:45 that's coming from the same guy who said that 99% wanted a tax increase!

Anonymous said...

The test of whether you need to hire a lobbyist is simple. IF YOU NEED TO HIRE A LOBBYIST YOU DON'T NEED ONE.
LaSalle in its annexation of the Gerald Cleer property and placing it in a TIF has done more for its cities development than all the lobbyists in the state can do for Peru.
The present Mayor of Peru must realize that that is what he is the Mayor of Peru and stay within his boudaries and manage Peru. If he wants to be in some other capacity leave his present position before he destroys Peru. What is his explanation of not showing interest in the Cleer property?

Anonymous said...

The neighbors at 28 th street park have watched the mowing crews cut the grass there 3 times a week.

Anonymous said...

The trees at Washington park finally got the weeds trimmed around the base of each tree. The city must have a weed wacker after all!

Anonymous said...

7:28 Speaking of cutting grass has anyone else seen how terrible Baker Lake looks in certain areas? It's been scalped and turned into a hay field.

Anonymous said...

No they didn't weedeat Washington park they put mulch over the weeds. No supervision.

Anonymous said...

Anon &:28, 9:56 and 8:09 What is your opinions on holding the SPW to give break in time to his replacement?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone called the Park Board about low grass in the Parks? Is there new Park Board members that care about our parks?

Linda said...

I am a new member of the Park Board and am very much aware of how low the grass is being cut and how often it is being cut. I have brought it to the attention of my alderman and to the public property committee because citizens have approached me with their concerns regarding these issues.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Linda. Glad to hear that a peerson with you interest and drive has joined the Park Board. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Linda, who are the other members of the park board?

Anonymous said...

Linda, if you have brought it to the attention of these individuals, what was their response?

Anonymous said...

9:56 They have weed wackers, but you must remember that central states tourney will be here soon, so it has to be in tip top shape. The weed wackers cannot be used while the city teams are playing.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the city has to do normal maintenance and game field preparation in Peru. Travel from this area and it is the responsibilty of the league to do weed wacking, lining the field for games etc.
In Peru who mans the concession stands and what is the annual profit from them? This should be a big money maker.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:59 PM
Linda is on vacation this week.

Anonymous said...

Lois weeks over, welcome back Linda. Being that you are one of the newbies on the Rec. Bd. and only have weeks of service how did you swing a vacation already?

Linda said...

6:05 I guess I've got some pull. Yes, I am one of the 2 newbies on the board and yes I have spoken to several people with regards to the grass cutting situation. Sorry to say but thus far I have not received what I consider satisfactory results and am therefore still pursuing the issue along another road. Will report results, if any, when my new approach is completed.