“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Tidbits from Last Evenings Council Meeting

The actual meeting was delayed for about 20 minutes as the Mayor immediately called for a closed session.

It appears according the the N.T. that the most important topic on the councils plate was seeking a grant from the state called Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program and it is all about bicycle trails within the city and possibly linking into the already in place Kaskaskia Alliance Trail.

A detailed explanation of roads and neighborhoods to be included is available in the News Tribune.

The city is also seeking a grant to extend Wenzel Road to the Plank Rd.

Also in the plan is a 3 million dollar bridge over Route 251 at Rte 251.

I did attend the meeting prior to the council meeting about the possible annexation of properties to the west of Peru.  Atty Brandt was present as council to the owners of the Tou Rest Motel which is evidently having some issues with sewage and would benefit by hooking onto the city sewer system. At this time it would not include property along Terminal Road as there is no city sewer in place there as there evidently is along Route 6.
Further discussions will be held.


Anonymous said...

A bike path across the 251 bridge would be great!!

Peru Town Forum said...

As if this aging community would benefit from this grant more than anything else. Is this another diversion from reality or a real need for our city?

Anonymous said...

There isn't just old aging people in this community as every year the school population is growing. This is a great idea

Peru Town Forum said...

8:00 PM

I just used available demographics of age percentage. Perhaps someone associated with the school could give us more up to date info.

Peru Town Forum said...

Why would this be a great idea?

Anonymous said...

I am so disappointed that there's no discussion on city of Peru hiring #4 on the list of fireman... Home rule stands for Do whatever you want and supersede state laws i.e. Mayor Harl I don't know about you but if I pick up the phone and dial 911 I don't want the fourth best candidate to answer the call that's why the law was put into place. But we all know few months back King has given the blog earful.

Anonymous said...

Our streets are hardly wide enough for cars and they want to have bikes compete with the cars. The bikers don't obey the rules of the road now and you'll be seeing them in the morgue.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:05 PM

Can you tell us where you saw a list of candidates for the position. I was personally not aware that anything was made public.

Anonymous said...

The State of Illinois is broke. The last thing I want is local politicians brokering deals with a bankrupt state. Grants are tax money - one way or another we, the taxpayer, will foot the bill. This is not a necessary function of government.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't #4 fireman who was chosen to be hired as full time fireman live with chief king hears 5+years ago???true??? Favoritism is what happened here. Was position In at least local paper? Again, is this how fire department is run? From 09 to present there has been so much controversy with department. Why is this????? Who can answer?

Anonymous said...

Yes fire chief king did give a earful on this blog months ago. No questions from bloggers have been answered either as to where all the money that has been donated to liberty fire company(a fundraising organization for Peru fire department) as to the spending of it. Why not? How about a ledger on spending? HOW ABOUT SOME TRANSPARENCY? What's that saying? Where there's smoke there's fire! How fitting is that?

Anonymous said...

A bike path would be nice across 251. However, there is really nothing interesting on the other side of 251. Bike path along waterstreet? Really! Fix waterstreet first!

Anonymous said...

There was no ad in paper for the fire chief position when Harl made the appointment either a few years back as I recall. Is the city a equal opportunity employer?

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July. Let's remember all our servicemen and servicewomen. Let our thoughts and prayers be with the families and the community of Prescott Arizona where 19 firemen lost their lives serving their community fighting the wild fires. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Against bike paths? Against pickleball in a public park. Against grants? Against fireworks on water street? Bike paths allow exercise, socialization and safety for all. You may be aware that many bikes users are adults. Its a great method of transportation.

Anonymous said...

10:14 and at least bikes will not create the nuisance and the noise made by pickleball.

Anonymous said...

How many application did the city get for the position for full time fire engineer? Was city involved in hiring process? Were the two alderman that on on the fire/safety board involved in this hiring process? Or did fire chief make decision? Why does the PFD have such a low number of fireman per population of Peru as compared to other communities? Noticed when pictures of departments were in paper.

Anonymous said...

Bike paths are nice. But, who is going to maintain them when needed? Who is going to pay for repairs eventually when needed. Looking towards perus future and finances needs to be taken into considerations. Wants vs. needs vs. costs in the future. The city roads aren't fixed now.

Anonymous said...

The list is required to be posted for public viewing on order of hiring from test scores. However like everything else, Peru will do whatever it wants.
The list should be posted in the fire department just like in the police department.

Anonymous said...

The list is required to be posted for public viewing on order of hiring from test scores. However like everything else, Peru will do whatever it wants.
The list should be posted in the fire department just like in the police department.

Anonymous said...

Liberty hires the fireman anyway!!
The HR department has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

The recent hiring of a "lower scoring" applicant for the position of Full-Time Fireman/Engineer in Peru is just another in a long line of political hirings that disgrace this city.
Shame on the Police & Fire Commission for allowing politics and favoritism to dominate the hiring process they are supposed to protect. I expect that sort of unethical behavior from most of our current elected officials, but I had hoped that Commission would rise to the occasion and do the honest and moral thing. Imagine how the hiring scoring applicants feel when they find out they have been screwed by political hacks. Peru is by far the most corrupt small town anywhere around.
Every aspect of Peru government is rotten from the inside out.
When need a strong mayor to come in with a "Scortched Earth" policy and just clean house. Fire everybody you can possibly fire and work to elect all new aldermen. What a disgrace this city is.

Anonymous said...

8:54 you poor pathetic soul, you have not reached into the twilight zone with the comment about the hiring process. Congradulations to the new hire! 854 you need help and your reaching out, maybe a new prescription is in order. I guess its easy to throw out your beer bottle approach to anything good. Put your name and your facts on your comments before you drag in individuals reputations.

Anonymous said...

Liberty didn't want another full time fireman that refused to join and support their organization. So they hired a current member. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

854 do you creep around corners in the firehouse? More bs

Anonymous said...

8:54. WHO ACTUALLY INTERVIEWED AND HIRED THIS PERSON FOR POSITION? From the paper it read as if the current fire chief did. ????! Does anybody know the answer?

Anonymous said...

11:39 your comment should read plain and stupid instead of plain and simple. Liberty was not involved in the hiring process. Please quit hiding in the corners of the firehouse. Your getting bad information from hiding in corners.

Anonymous said...

Who is smarter then a fifth grader? Same old thing another day. Is favoritism part of the hiring process? When this fireman who was hired for position and he went to assist with Hurricane Katrina. It was mentioned that he received a hefty salary to go there. How much was paid? Is there a record of payment. True? Received a humanitarian award. I always understood humanitarian awards were given for volunteering(no pay). Curious taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

2:45 since u seem to have inside information why don't you use your name and set record straight. People are not stupid 2:45. If walls could talk, how would that be.

Anonymous said...

Liberty doesn't want all their secrets out that's why they hired "their" boy from the #4 spot. I guess #4 is good enough for the city of peru!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't any of the Einsteins on the city council or the mayor inquirer about a lease option for the new $700,000 fire truck several months ago when fire chief requested to purchase one? Wouldn't this have defrayed the cost from the city a bit? Also, if Liberty Fire Company would have donated money from donations given to them from taxpayers, Costs would have been much less. Curious due to the fact that LaSalle make purchases on lease options. Is Peru too good to look at saving the city and taxpayers money? Does city council and head of committees ask important questions? The article in today's paper alasalles fire department made me blog this. To blog ambassador: this should be discussed on this blog site.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying if the person(#4) would have possibly spilled the beans of FD/Liberty Fire If he weren't hired. 7:48? Who is #4 protecting possibly and why? Who actually interviewed and hired #4? Please spill the beans 7:48 and inform all interested parties.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the new Fire Truck. I have found out that a sizable group of Peru "officials" went on a little junket to Florida to the location of the truck manufacturer.
When I heard who traveled at my expense I could not fricken believe it. Here is at least a partial list of those who went to Florida for 4 or 5 days.
Chief King, Treasurer Hylla, Clerk Bartley, and get this, the flunkey assistant chief was allowed to tag along also.
Anybody else know about this phony balony trip to look at a fire truck 800 miles from Peru.
Lois, you should request all costs and expenses from this trip.

Anonymous said...

9:09 it wouldn't surprise me if they used a trip to Florida as a excuse to have fun and tell their wives/girlfriends it was official business. If they each paid their own way that's one thing. But, not a necessary trip on taxpayers money. Fire truck companies have sales representatives that come to you. THIS NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO AS TO EXPENSES AND WHO PAID. Was trip over the daytona 500 weekend? I do know that King went to daytona 500 races a couple years ago. This really should have a topic of it's own. Did Liberty pay-who ask for donations? Who is in charge of bookkeeping at city? Did they go?

Anonymous said...

If the fire chief and assistant fire chief were in Florida at the same time, then, WHO WAS IN CHARGE AT THE FIRE STATION? 9:09 a.m. I find this shocking. Fully in agreement that this needs to be looked into. Were they on a guys trip and happened to be by the e-one manufacturing facility in Ocala Florida? And happened to go see plant.

Anonymous said...

Why would a couple of those guys have anything to do with looking at fire trucks? When did they go on trip 9:09?

Anonymous said...

Bartley and Hylla looking at fire trucks. How interesting. Sounds like a vacation, did wives or girlfriends go? Did city pay all expenses? Is this kinda like the convention deals?

Anonymous said...

So a fire truck manufacturing company is going to pay all expenses for four people to come to their facility? I find that truly hard to believe. I'm very aware of how businesses work. A simple solution to this issue would be for our Mayor or the our Fire Chief to speak up. And if e-one did cover all expenses, show us the information. Because wink wink accounts are out there. Does Peru have slush fund account? A slush fund is a account or piggy bank where money is put and there isn't necessary any accounting or paperwork on that money.

Anonymous said...

The fire chief states on a blog once that his door is always opened. The fire house has a phone. My suggestion to anyone is to stop in or call and then come back on this blog and blog what you asked and the answers you got. And don't forget to request copies of expenses and who paid, the city. E-one, Liberty fire Company, or themselves. A one on one meeting would be best.