“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Blooming gardens: Ottawa Club volunteers assist in beautifying city - MyWebTimes.com

Blooming gardens: Ottawa Club volunteers assist in beautifying city - MyWebTimes.com

People are taking pride in the community.


Peru Town Forum said...

This is a great story and a great turn around for the city of Ottawa. Many of us remember when Ottawa began to slide downhill but the right people became involved and the article tells the rest of the story. You can feel it when you are in the downtown, it is so alive.
Many of us that live in Peru are saddened to see our what has happened to our town and personally hope that we can get officials in the city that truly care about helping it come back to life.
I am sure we all envy how beautiful Ottawa has become but also realize that we as a city can do better.
Mondays council agenda doesn't give me hope yet as I don't believe a lobbyist in Springfield is what we need.

Anonymous said...

give that 24 grand to the pool fund

Anonymous said...

Peru recently had a small goup of volunteers planting flowers. How many are involved in this group. Ottawa has huge numbers of volunteers and it is a ongoing thing with their Mayor at the forefront as a hands on participant along with financial backing. It is also a beautiful city which recently received a $750,000 grant from the state to increase its beautification program. The grant money is going where people are active and show interest.

John Galt said...

Who owns the trees? The disastrous state of the environment in what was formerly the Soviet Union illustrates the truism that a resource theoretically "owned" by everyone is valued by no one. Ecological awareness is a fine thing, but without strong private-property rights no one can afford to care enough to conserve. The only effective way to save the Earth or even beatify a City is to give everyone economic incentives to save their little bit of it.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:11 AM

I was one of a few volunteers who did some work in the beautification of Peru, more like an attempt at it as it is an immense project.
The planters and hanging baskets are still being watered by Ald. Perez as far as I know, as the city did not offer help.
After the planters were done, we waited for a Thank You from the mayor and aldermen.
NEVER HAPPENED, the most the mayor could say was, the planters look nice. I am sure that the volunteers feel good about what was done and hope the residents of the city do also and it is not too late to step forward and offer your help as this must remain an ongoing project, it must take root for this city to become a city of people who care.
The Cops4Cancer Parade yesterday was a wonderful example of what people working together can do and we all thank all those volunteers.
Let's continue to take an interest in our city, and if the officials continue to keep their hands off attitude. Always remember there is always another election and hopefully this will encourage more people to take an interest in running for alderman or woman. It is your city.

Anonymous said...

why would aldermen volunteer for the concert for a cause and not volunteer to help improve the city and how it looks.

Anonymous said...

Good question 10:09. Don't have the answer but I do know that your question speaks the truth.

Anonymous said...

That answer is easy ... the mayor backs the concert, that's why they volunteer. Harl loves his free wings and nuggets along with his pizza, and that's why he backs the concert with taxpayers money !

Anonymous said...

I drove into the cemetary today at the just north of Calhoun Street. What is the story with that tree? It appears to have just been planted - it has cables holding it up. But, it is all brown and the leaves are drooping. Is this tree dead? If so, why don't they remove it and plant a new one?

Anonymous said...

Usually when I volunteer I don't expect a thank you, it's just doing the right thing.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:57 PM

When some who are doing nothing to make the city better are thanked and those who made an effort to work for the betterment of the city get none, it says a whole lot about the administration in power. To make a huge public display about something like that concert is pretty distasteful and surely shows a definite lack of class.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:25 pM
I would assume that they are not being cared for properly but I heard that trees at the airport are not looking too good either.

Anonymous said...

3:57. I agree that those that volunteer shouldn't expect a thank you. So why did everybody thank those involved in helping with the concert, but the gardening volunteers didn't get any praise.

Anonymous said...

In sociology it is called the caste system. The city officials thanked each other at a council meeting and the group of only citizens who were unpaid gardening volunteers were frowned upon by leadership of the other. One group considers themselves much too high to thank the the unpaid volunteers (simple peasants who donate their time for no financial pay upsetting the scale).