“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Peru Fire & Police Chiefs provide detailed reports

Peru officials provided a detailed report to the public at last nights council meeting. The public was provided insight into how "mutual aid" systems unfold to provide additional support for municipal police and fire departments during overwhelming emergency situations. We heared a lot of detail about what was and still is burning and why. We heard about the command structure and the decision making that is the responsibility of our department chiefs and officers. We heard about the tremendous effort in manpower and materials it takes to fight a fire like this. We heard about the efforts of other emergency services like PVAS and RED CROSS, as well as city of Peru employees and elected officials who have and will continue to contribute to the effort. Finally we heard about a grateful public who offered whatever aid and comfort they could in the form of food and encouragement to firefighters and others. There were no questions from the gallery when Chief King finished his presentation. Obviously there will always be more questions from the public about more specific aspects of the situation. In order for those questions to be addressed accurately and honestly I would encourage readers of this blog to take the time to ask someone who actually has the knowledge, understanding and insight to give you the answer. Call or e-mail your alderman or other elected officials and if they can't give you an answer immediately ask that they get back to you asap. Contact city department heads in the same manner. By all means continue the discussion on the blog. Continue asking legitimate questions if you have them. But don't expect accurate information from anonymous commentors who have an obvious personal or political bias. They remain anonymous for a reason.


Anonymous said...

I have a question that has been bothering me but I don't know who should or would have the answer. My question is "Why did we allow this recycling business to continue operating in our town and in the Westclox building if we knew it had the potential to create a huge disaster?" The fire chief and building inspector have repeatedly stated that they were aware of the fire potential in this business. Couldn't we close them down or get the EPA to regulate them?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:21 PM I would have a experienced and professional answer for you but for personal reasons I would rather remain anonymous. Remaining anonymous by the posting of the above blogger segregates us as those who you are not to expect accurate information from because this blogger ASSUMES our comments are made from a obvious personal or political bias.
It may be noted that the individual who is spewing out this vast amount of knowledge and truthisms forewarning all not to expect accurate information from anonymous commentors who have an obvious personal or political bias is the campaign manager for the present Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Great job firefighters and other community volunteers and businesses who worked during this crisis. Small town spirit is great when everyone pulls together to help out. Thank you All!!
Since all of these workers didn't get to celebrate much on News Years Eve and many days after, how about a big old "New Years Eve" party this summer (in nicer weather)to thank all of the volunteers!!

Steve said...

1:21 p.m. - That seems like a legitimate question to me. There are "potential" disasters at any number of industrial and commercial locations in any city due to on-site hazardous materials or non-hazardous materials that will become hazardous during combustion. So the real question that remains is, were all of these combustible materials stored and handled within the building stored and handled according to any and all existing codes and regulations. Assuming there are codes and regulations on some government level that address that issue it is a legitimate question to ask the Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer and or the Fire Chief / Fire Marshall.

Anonymous said...

Very very good question. Where are documented inspection sheets etc.. I'm sure many are thinking the same simple question. Maybe the alderman who are in charge of overseeing the fire-safety department can answer. Leaves us taxpayers to wonder who does business inspections of fire apparatus and extinguishers in our community. We as citizens in all the communities whose servicemen provided assistance might wonder. Good jib to everyone in keeping the fire from being worse than what is was.

Anonymous said...

Documentation of inspections would be nice to see! Wonderful question. Let's see all reports and documents pertaining to all Peru businesses being inspected for safety. Etc... I would thing that us SOP (standard operating procedures). I've heard department heads talk about SOP's, let's here and see their SOP's regarding this question and answer. And all other questions that people have asked. And I don't mean sugar coating it!!

Steve said...

To 4:31 p.m. - Thanks for proving my point.

Going forward please use the "SNL" appropriate term of "TRUTHINESS" instead of "truthisms".
It just reads better.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:21 Your questions are basically the same as most peoples. Good luck in getting answers as direct as your questions. Pretty evident that certain parties would prefer to keep answers such as you have asked in the gray matter.
When considering the health dangers created by allowing E&R International to conduct business in Peru, Illinois after being inspected by city government officials the question arises. Who is legally, morally and ethically responsible for the safety of the population? It has been historically the government and this is why laws are created.
My point of view is the same as 4:31's, it doesn't make any difference to me if going forward you would use the "SNL" appropriate term of "TRUTHINESS' instead of "truthisms" because it reads better. Neither word is in the dictionary.
The word TRUTH is in the dictionary and TRUTH is what people are looking for. Funny isn't it the more we change the more things stay the same!

Anonymous said...

Several months ago in the news tribune there was a an article regarding a 2 person committee and that the peru's fire chief and peru's police chief were the two persons who were going to split the monies set aside for that committee. Does anyone know of what type of committee that was? And how much money they would be splitting?? It was was a bold headline that wasn't on the front page on tribune. ??????thanks!

Peru Town Forum said...

It was all about ESDA which was losing volunteers and I don't believe there was any longer someone to head the agency. The Safety Committee appointed Chief Bernabei and Fire Chief King to share leadership and share the salary of 3200 per year and to train volunteers.

Steve said...

To 12:11 - How about you at least wait until the ash cools before you start crying cover-up and conspiracy.
How about we give the State Fire Marshall, IEPA and whoever else a chance to complete their investigations and file their reports before you begin pointing fingers and demanding your "pound of flesh".
I'm all for getting to the "truthiness" of the matter.
So, you've got one of those dictionary things, huh?

Anonymous said...

4:06 PM I don't understand your meaning of there was no longer someone to head the agency. Did the previous Commander of ESDA quit or was he replaced by Ch. King and Ch.Bernabei? How extensive was the search for a new Commander before the present two were appointed?
Now that the safety committee has brought ESDA into the Fire and Police Dept's instead of leaving it as a separate entity on its own what provisions are being made for a report on Westclox and a meeting of organizations involved? Will the ESDA LaSalle County Chairman
now have to take the position of leadership in Peru ESDA to get a unbiased report and evaluation of the performance of ESDA? You made a comment that there was a share of 3200 per year this sounds similar to the last administrations methods of city clerk and treasurer position. As 12:11 stated the more things change the more things stay the same!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a through answer to Anon 1:21.

Peru Town Forum said...

I am also searching for the answer. One city official said it was zoned for the purpose for which it was being used and we could not change that. I do not agree.

Anonymous said...

I hope the union picketors did not inhale all those fumes while they were picketing in front of a local business.

Anonymous said...

To Steve @ 4:14

Perhaps some are syndical because WE DID give the EPA, the Attorney General's Office, and IDPH a chance to rectify this situation...not to mention the City attorney. Now with this catastrophe you request the citizens and first responders be be "patient" while an investigation pursues? Seems like a day late an a dollar short.

This is exactly what is wrong in this Country, people can no longer sit and wait for action from "leaders".

Kristy Mrowicki-proud American demanding answers from those we elect
(and yes I DO have documents to back-up my claims)

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:21 You mention two of the three parties that toured the facility. Depending upon who was the past owners of Westclox and who are present owners could a conflict of interest be involved?

Anonymous said...

The conflict that STILL exists from the last administration and this administration is the City Attorney-yes he was involved with the previous owners Peru Development Land Trust. Is it a conflict well I would certainly say yes but I have not been to law school yet to learn all the " tricks of his trade". Was an Phase I Environmental Study performed on the building prior to being sold?

Was OSHA at the building? Did the EPA inspect the entire building? What were the results of air sampling at the high school? For days following the fire it looked like it was "snowing" small particles-who is telling the citizens what those particles were? Asbestos? Plastics? Did/will the EPA go through the building with a geiger counter because of the radium dials shipped to the factor when in production many years ago?



Anonymous said...

Historically were is the location of Luminous Dial and radium dials activity in the present Wesclox Building? Was this activity conducted in a sealed off area of three rooms and are these same three rooms still sealed off with no one allowed to enter as of this day? Was Luminous Dial process at one time conducted at the Masonic Building next to the Mirror Building?
The newspaper stated that the City Attorney, Fire Chief, and the Assistant Building Inspector toured the Westclox facility on a formal city inspection? What was the result of this inspection? Is there a written report made available to the citizens of Peru? Who were the previous owners and the present owners of Westclox? Is it true that the building sold for approximately $98,000 in the mid 80's and $889,000in 2006.
I have difficulty in believing that a city official stated that city zoning cannot be changed when a zoning variances is presently being processed on 6th street by the former Westclox office building and are in process all the time.
I sincerely hope that this city official has no connection to public safety.

Anonymous said...

When will people understand that this is not the place to get credible answers? It is a blog where anonymous people gossip and even share opinions once in a while. Anonymous 1:21, if you want answers, go ask someone who can provide them, not someone who runs a blog. Are you going to take their word for it?

Our leaders are not always perfect. They make mistakes, but the vast majority have the concern of the residents 100 percent in mind the entire time. Why else would they put up with the punishment that most of you could not take for five minutes? YOU may disagree personally and you are welcome to that opinion whenever you want.

Personally I am thankful the fire department and emergency services ran so well. I'm glad that we had the water necessary to fight an unprecedented fire. Despite all rumors on here to the contrary, what really matters is how well these departments function in a crisis. I'm pretty sure in NYC there are issues, concerns and even corruption here and there, but on 9/11 they sure functioned well, didn't they? Same here. Thank God.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:27 AM

I want you to know that there are many times I will FOIA information for this blog and make sure I get the right information or I will go to the source directly.
Many people share opinions but that is what they are only opinions kind of like writing into the newspaper open form.
All anon comments are taken with a grain of salt and most people reading this are aware of that but many times people are sharing information that the elected officials are not even aware of. Most residents will not contact city officials for fear of being ridiculed or ignored and they ask answers here.
Yes the emergency departments did an excellent job putting this fire out with assistance from many other volunteer agencies but there are still many unanswered questions about the why of the elements that allowed a fire to reach the proportions that it did.

Anonymous said...

I am 1:21 and why do you think I can't get credible answers on this blog? What's stopping those who have the answers from posting them here? 2 aldermen have posted comments and answers previously on this site. Why can't other government officials do the same? I've tried seeking answers to other questions using the face to face method. Often haven't gotten any better results and was made to feel as though I was out of line and bothering them.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:27 AM

I forgot to mention that since you are another "anon", I will also take your comment with a grain of salt, you have no more credibility than anyone else writing in under anon. Makes sense doesn't it?

Steve said...

To 9:27 a.m. and Lois @ 10:11 a.m. - I think you both make make very good points. The very nature of blogging allows for a tremendous amount of information that requires the individual reader to sort out fact from fiction. That's not an easy thing for some folks to do and that's what the "Rumor-Mongers" are counting on.
The most frustrating aspect of this blog comes in the form of those few individuals who so terribly abuse this forum by knowingly posting nonsense and mis-information. These are people who want to contaminate the conversation for everybody because they lack something in their person and their personality.
Fortunately their comments are fairly easy for most to identify, long on conspiracy theories and accusations, short on reality and never offering a constructive thought or idea.

Anonymous said...

10:59 Your descriptions of "Rumor-Mongers and those few individuals who so terribly abuse this form by knowingly posting nonsense and misinformation goes back to previous times when someone made a career of making fun of a Peru alderman of 24 years of servitude. Do you remember those derogatory comments such as "Good Old Back Slappin Jack".
Surprisingly 10:59 what goes around comes around.

Steve said...

11:55 a.m. - What's coming around? Whatever I've ever said about about Jack O'Beirne still stands. I don't judge public officials based on the length of their "servitude". Elected officials should be judged on the impact they have had on the community they serve and the effort and integrity they have exhibited while in office. My criticism of Jack O'Beirne is more than warranted based on his inept performance as the longtime chairman of the Water & Sewer Committee and his failure to initiate pro-active programs and employee training to properly maintain and improve the city's water and wastewater infrastructure. O'Beirne is also responsible for leading our public works department to become far too "dependent" on outside contractors to do the work that should be done "in-house" by city employees. I know what Jack did and I know what Jack did not do as an alderman and I've never even mentioned the worst of it.
So get it right next time, it's not Back Slappin Jack, it's "Back Peddlin Jack" which is in reference to O'Beirnes disgraceful exhibition of disrespect for the electoral process by declining to take the office of Treasurer after being elected in 2009. Good ol' Jack was looking forward to riding out a term or two on the city payroll at Treasurer without putting in any time and effort if Don had been re-elected. It takes a certain individual mind-set to run for an elected office you have no intention of honoring, don't you think?
If you condone that kind of behavior by elected officials then you have been a part of the problem in Peru all along.
I remind you, you brought this subject up and you should think real hard before you decide to continue this particular dialogue because you really "Don't know Jack ----".

Anonymous said...

Steve: What's changed? Isn't our public works department still "dependent" on outside contractors to do the work that should be done "in-house" by city employees?

Anonymous said...

Steve, please don't tell us you have stepped up your Jack attack again? Your strategy of bashing Jack is old and worn out, don't you think? Lets not smokescreen the fact that most of Peru residents will tire of your blame game strategy. There are people that have helped build a strong community and those who have been attempting to destroy a strong history with rumors and derogatory statements. We all know where Jack stands in the fact that he represented Peru for 24 years and was part of the strong history. We also identify where you are in the process.

Anonymous said...

Steve did you sign you name stating that you have no political bais or personal agenda. You must be drinking to much water or cool aid at city hall. Please tell us the real meaning of the word Truth!

Anonymous said...

Name calling is childish and shows a lack of intelligence. Ald. O'Bierne served the city well and I like many others wish he was still in office. Also would like to wish him the best.

Steve said...

10:13 - Yes, absolutely. Resistance by certain aldermen against progressive ideas including in-house operations has always been an obstacle.
That's nothing new.
"No hill too high to climb though".

Anonymous said...

Steve, Alderman Jack O'Beirne, was a political representative for twenty four of the best years in the history of Peru. Although Alderrman Jack was not the sole reason of this he was big a part of it as Mayor Don Baker was for forty four years. A simple Thank You and a pat on the back would be nice well earned gestures for sixty eight years of public service. Thank You Don and Jack.

Anonymous said...

Steve, your progressive agenda of "inhouse everything" is in the same mentality that has been determined to fail everywhere. Why create more payroll and more jobs on the City payroll when you can do it better and cheaper in the private sector? Higher taxes and long term perks are the results of "in house" ideas, unless of course you are looking for that ideal city job. Progressive ideas are completely ooposite of what you have been selling. But then again you term yourself progressive and you become flavor of the day. Stick to the old slogan...Time For a Change. And about your thank you note? Jack and Don earned the respect and were a big part of Peru's historical growth. What have you done for us lately?

Peru Town Forum said...

2:21 PM

There are some things you can do "in house" cheaper than in the private sector. And we all can say loudly and clearly ENGINEERING.
Even the present engineering consultants agrees with that.
Many things can be done in house cheaper than in the private sector but the point is that the in house person has to be actually working and we have some problems with that here in Peru. And the sad part of that is that those people are not being told to get busy or you are gone and we all know that no one in the private sector would hire them.

Anonymous said...

Steve: Why are you always blaming the aldermen? They are not responsible for the day to day operations of the city. Which aldermen are the obstacles now?

Anonymous said...

4:01 PM January 09, 2012 This all started in 2008 and was made possible in 2009 and here it is 2012. If a idea is not carried through and it only remains a idea but yet it is known that it would be "cheaper" if it was enacted is this idea a loss on the bottom line or does it float in Limbo with the junk pile of BEST ideas.
Why haven't the young, aggressive City Council members reinstated the ideas of a City Engineer and a qualified independent Public Works Director with a new job analysis and evaluation?
Since the electricians have unionized what has the Human Resource position been doing? What are a lot of the city positions doing?
It is time to have a professional outside source come to Peru and evaluate present manpower structure and add and delete where needed and set up a salary/hourly wage guideline. Peru needs a city manager.

Anonymous said...

Lois, good points. Its all in how you manage your resources. Many hide behind the shield of collective bargaining and many hide behind the political protection policy. That would be you help me and then I help you political policy. Its all in the management of the city and only one person has the ability to change the culture and thats the person in charge. Its not inhouse or private, its how you manage them.

Steve said...

To 4:21 p.m. - No, you're wrong. When the aldermen decide that they are going to influence the choice of who is selected to head a department they are then responsible for the day to day operations, as is the mayor.
The majority of aldermen who were in place when Harl took office opposed any independent "outside" candidates for Public Works Superintendant. Specifically, Mertel/Ankiewicz/O'Beirne/Potthoff/Ferrari/
These aldermen wanted no outside influence. No change, no reform, nobody they could not control. The operating strategy agreed upon by the opposition aldermen was to oppose any and all appointments and initiatives by the new Mayor. They made it clear they would only accept promoting a current employee to the position of Superintendent of Public Works.
Now pay attention to this part. The mayor "always" has the authority to "appoint" whomever he chooses. The aldermen can vote against a mayor's appointment but that appointment will still stand.
Harl chose to do what the majority of aldermen wanted him to do. That's political compromise. Currently, there is an obstructionist effort by select aldermen to prevent hiring a Contract Engineer and make no mistake about it, the obstruction strategy will continue to play out, albeit a little less effective with every passing day.
Fortunately, it looses strength with every passing day.

Anonymous said...

Ok Steve. I paid attention and I understand what you stated and I agree with most of it however, you yourself stated that the mayor can appoint and he has failed to do so. In my opinion, his knowing that certain departments and or individuals are not performing up to par and his negligence in doing anything about it is failure in my books. I think it is apparent that currently the mayor has enough of the vote that he has already cast the deciding vote on several issues. You say he chose to do what the aldermen wanted him to do - shouldn't he be more concerned with what the citizens of Peru want?

Anonymous said...

Steve, still bitter about the Mayor not hiring you for the Super Job? Has he convinced you that political compromise was the reason you were not hired? If you review the votes and the discussion in the minutes, which are available to everyone. You will notice that your outside influence theory was not accurate. Mayor Harl made the appointment and the according to the minutes a number of Alderman were in favor of that so called outside independant candidate. I am sure that Mayor Harl wants to keep your faith and would most probably place blame on his lack of Congress action. Conspiracy appointments are a reach. Actually, Harl looks to had made a good appointment with Mr.Bleck, and thank god we had the Aldermen political pressure to appoint him. Other appoinments include the same library board.........and well.....that's it. Oh and two new aldermen. You mentioned operating strategy and initiatives, and no change and no reform. Your right on that direction.

Peru Town Forum said...


"Harl chose to do what the majority of aldermen wanted him to do"
Once he caved to those obstructionist alderman the die was cast and continues to this day.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:48 AM

I certainly don't know what rock you have been hiding under but you are not aware of how poorly the public works department is run. Have you looked around Peru lately? Most streets look like pig styes.
Get out and take a walk. We walked to the Peru City Hall and looked at the continuing collection of trash on our city streets. Let's see we saw the usual smashed vodka bottles, cigarette packing, many different kinds of plastic bottles, fast food containers and sometimes we even see articles of clothing. We have people who are being paid to ride around in a truck and do nothing. Why not give them some plastic bags to fill and throw into the box of their truck and dispose of it properly. We will never change the trash habits of our locals but the city bears some responsibility for keeping the city clean.
Unfortunately we even move the street sweeper to the back of the garage for the entire October to April months and don't use it.

Anonymous said...

Steve your comment is very well stated and very true. Mayor Harl made all decisions and efforts possible to include the city council of 2009. The council never accepted the present Mayor and showed evidence of anger because he now held the office of Mayor rather than the Mayor he defeated in the election resulting in a one sided chaotic never give in nor compromise stand by the council. The council therefore had in reality put the betterment of the city on hold and utilized council seats to satisfy their own ambitions.
This situation lasted for two years and through the changing of four aldermen the city and Mayor are now in a fresh position to start implementing the platform expressed in the campaign of 2009.
Yes, there are going to be some hurt feelings and some dissatisfaction that would never have been created if Mayor Harl would have made his own appointments two years ago but in justification to him as Mayor he deserved to make his own appointments in 2009 and now he deserves to even more in 2012.
It is his office and if he believes he can make a better Peru by making HIS own new appointments he has to make them. If he determines to stand pat at a status quo with a new council the present city positions will be considered his own appointments.
Steve once again I want to reemphasize that everything you have said in your comment of 8:52 is correct and true. I would also emphasize that Mayor Harl has always had the authority to appoint whomever he chooses and that appointment will stand. He tried to compromise with the old council and it did not work. The Peru Wall of 2009 has been torn down and now steps must be taken to move Peru in a 110% positive direction.
Isn't it nice to see some fresh,new, young faces on the council with positive attitudes and great ideas.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:21 You mentioned that the Mayor deserves to make his own appointments. And you mentioned if stands pat his appointments are good appointments. The Republic has spoken. And the Steve hero worship is a bit much for anybody to grasp. I really thought that the city was operated for the residents of Peru. What do we deserve? Reemphasize that Peru is still by law a democracy. Sorry to dissapoint you, its not a political game like you would hope.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1121 good start higher taxes, higher fees. Thanks for the fresh new ideas. And I can't imagine that this is the fresh new direction Peru is moving. I sense that the word Believe is replacing Change. Is Change something like a promise that nobody really Believes in. Positive attitudes won't win me over, how about doing the job. Your bud Steve is pulling your chain and laughing about how easy you BELIEVE. Reemphasize, pulling your chain.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:29 Yes it was mentioned that the Mayor deserves to make his own appointments, but it was not mentioned that if he stands pat his appointments are good appointments. Rather it was stated that it is his office and if he believes he can make a better Peru by making HIS own new appointments he has to make them. If he determines to stand pat at a status quo with a new council the present city positions will be considered his own appointments.
You emphasize that Peru is still by law a democracy and not a political game like hoped, nowhere the comments of 11:21 was anything of Peru being a democracy or not being a democracy mentioned. Maybe you have also mistakenly entered the wrong Anon time and meant to address someone else with your answer.
Anon 2:16 After reading your comment I get the feeling that you strive to live on the negative, losing side of things rather than having a positive, winning approach. To both 1:29 and 2:16 I am sure Steve is laughing as much as I am when you each mention hero worship and pulling of chains.

Steve said...

To 9:48 a.m. - If you have been reading this blog since its inception you should be aware that from the beginning I was an advocate of appointing an (outsider) candidate for SPW. I was in favor of an individual from well outside the IV community with 10 yrs. public works management experience, Class A Water and Class 1 Wastewater licence which is typical of most top level public works managers.
Imagine how bitter you would be if I had accepted the job.

Steve said...

To Lois - I understand exactly the point you make about Harl "caving" to the obstructionist aldermen. Whether you call it "caving" or "compromise" it was the tone of things early on. No doubt about that.
I strongly disagree with you that a die was cast that continues to this day. I think a harsh and valuable lesson was learned by the Mayor. The political reality that no good deed goes unpunished by those who are determined to stab you in the back.
That was one issue among many. You win some, you lose some, and along the way you learn a lot about the elected officials who represent you. Sometimes you are encouraged and sometimes disgusted.
If you could ask even the most determined obstructionists in Peru, whether they be aldermen, bloggers or city employees if they believe "the die was cast" they would certainly disagree.
In fact, I suspect they are well aware that their grasp around the throat of Peru grows weaker with every passing day. In fact, regardless the outcome of mayoral race come 2013, there will be at least two, possibly three newly elected aldermen. The clock is ticking on the old guard and they know it.

Steve said...

To 11:21 a.m. - Thank you for your insightful comment. It's obvious you've been paying attention for quite a while.
Funny how a thoughtful comment will draw the ire of the resident "attack dogs".
As you pointed out, it is great to see new faces on the city council and it will only get better post 2013.
I think I can hear a faint cry in the distance for what would certainly be the final nail in the coffin of Peru's "old guard"............
Term Limits anyone?

Anonymous said...

Steve: I disagree with your statement that the "OLD GUARD" still has a hold on Peru. We currently have enough new minds and ideas on our council that we have already witnessed the mayor having to break ties. The problem I have, and I think others have, is the knowledge that we still have wasteful spending and lack of true leadership in certain aspects of our government and city. It is our tax dollar being wasted. Do we have to wait until 2013 before we can start taking control of the reins and running the city for the betterment of the entire population (not just the aldermen)?

Anonymous said...

Steve, and tell us about your management experience and how you would have made a better SPW. I know for sure you made alot of promises to those employees you were suppose to supervise. And your indication that Mayor Harl offered you the job. Its that called Believe. We all agree that the clock is ticking and your influence is wavering. Time to put your attack dog to rest and agree with Lois the die has been cast and its tough to understand that the platform plan has failed. Thanks for all those thoughtful comments, I am sure Don, Jack and many others will agree with your insightful thoughts. Its always best to fictionally point out others when your own Team is striking out!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:46 I agree with Steve that the "Old Guard" still has a hold on Peru. I also agree with you as I believe Steve and Lois will. The "Old Guard" lost a tremendous amount of its hold in the election of 2009 when a new leader was elected. With the change of faces, through appointments and the election of 2011, came a flow of new energy and independent thinking in the Peru City Council further eating into the "Old Guard's" hold. Combining the first two factors along with Mayor Harls nourishment of the newer faces of the city council a heck of a bite has been taken out of the pre 2009 Peru Old Guard.
I do not think that anyone, including Mayor Harl, would disagree with your statement that there is knowledge that we still have wasteful spending and lack of true leadership in certain aspects of our government and city.
No! We do not have to wait until until 2013 to take control of the reins and run the city for the betterment of the entire population. To wait would only delay improvement for another year and a half. You can start immediately by expressing your opinion in the blog as you already have so exceptionally done. You can attend city council meetings if you have the time. You can talk to others and inform them of who you feel is working for the betterment of Peru. You can call, e-mail or see those government officials who you feel are coming up with good ideas and thoughts for Peru and let them know you appreciate them . If you have the time volunteer to help your alderman and Mayor when they could use a extra hand or some feedback.
To wait is exactly what the "OLD GUARD" wants and is existing on. To immediately act is the means of obtaining the PERU we all want. I sincerely wish that you will inform the blog and city officials of the wasteful spending and lack of leadership which you have mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Lois this comment is the 53rd under the listed subject. The subject before this one has 52 comments. Not that it was your original intention this blog has become a force. Congratulations on a job well done!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely 1:50. Lois's blog shows those who read it that there are others who feel some aspects of our government (on a local level) need fixing. It also shows that citizens feel more comfortable expressing their concerns here rather than going to the representative they should be approaching. It's just too bad we can't get more of our council members to participate and give us answers to the many questions we ask.

Anonymous said...

Here is a question for anybody to answer. Nobody from the gallery spoke after fire chief king gave his presentation as noted above. Did
Chief king mention that asst. Fire chief Duncan was the ONLY one who knew about his 5 day vacation over new years? Many of the volunteer
Firemen were wondering where there chief was in the first hours of the westclock fire. It's rumored that it wasn't until
After 2 a. m. ( not shortly after midnight. As quoted by king in paper) that chief king called Duncan. Question, isn't it SOP (standard operating procedures) that the fire chief would have signed the books that be was vacationing? Don't the firemen themselves have to sign book if they are out of town for a period of time? They use to by SOP so in case a call came in the commander in chief would have some idea as to how many he may have show up at the call. How can any well run department expect SOP's to be followed when the ONE in charge doesnt follow the SOP's?? Anyway, thanks to LASALLE's fire chief Andy for his help in commanding this historical fire along with peru' asst. Fire chief Jim Duncan in the first 20 hours of fire which kept the fire to a minimum. Also thanks to all departments who assisted. Alderman Perez would be able to answer all these question.

Anonymous said...

Good questions 10:22 but I doubt that any fireman would answer them for fear that their jobs might be in jeopardy. Unless someone steps forward and admits that what you say is true we will never know the honest truth. Maybe a fireman could at least answer the question as to whether or not that is standard operating procedure. It does seem logical. I surely hope you have some substantial proof or reasoning for bringing up these questions.

Anonymous said...

a quick question....does anyone believe, really believe that the fire would have been put out a moment sooner if Chief King was there from the start? A tragedy that was handled to perfection. That's all! Move on...thanks!

Anonymous said...

SOP's!! Is what the point is. Why should anyone be upset with the questions taxpayers are asking? Sounds almost as if the person
who has a problem with it might actually know more about it and is a part in the silence. Alot of these blogs are in regards to issues with the F. D. that have been spewing for years and the
Westclock fire has made them com to light. Why do we even have council members and department heads? When we
get no answers to our questions. Maybe, they ate
discussed in close session. My opinion!

Anonymous said...

Actually, if my memory serves me correct. After mutual aid was called out the night of the westclock fire, over the scanner, I heard someone ask the question, do we have a staging officer? Several seconds later, someone answered, NEGATIVE.". Isn't it SOP that when mutual aid is called to any fire that immediately there should be a staging officer in place? Asst. Fire
Chief Duncan, you did an excellent job ! Along with LaSalle fire
Chief Andy Bacidore and all departments involved.

Anonymous said...

People!! Who cares who was there ... Who was in charge... Or was fricken SOP's were not followed ... A big fire like this there is stuff that is going to go wrong ... Lets just be grateful that no more than one person involved in this tragic event was hurt!! King is a human too.. He can go on vacations just like anyone else and also like someone has said before, if King was here from the beginning ... The fire would have still been going ! Instead of picking te little things apart, we should be grateful that nothing went terribly wrong !