“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How does an ordinance become city law?

Well it appears that in Peru anybody can propose an ordinance and if you happen to have a 2 person committee and Peru has several, each person can send a proposal to the city atty with the way they want it to read. Remember the atty charges for everything he does. That is what happened here in Peru.

The Public Property Committee consists of Sherry Mayszak and Bob Ankiewicz. Two weeks ago Ald. Ankiewicz submitted a proposed ordinance to the city atty, the way he wished it to read and not in consultation with the other member. This ordinance was about changes to the Recreation Commission. He did not do this cooperatively with Ald. Mayszak and actually had it put on the agenda for both meetings tonight.

The hour long Public Property was attended by the Mayor and Dept. Heads and many aldermen. Ald. Mayszak presented her ideas and they were discussed and it was agreed to make changes to this proposed ordinance with input from the other aldermen attending who were Potthoff, Waldorf, Perez, Radtke and Lukosus.

Now we go into the city council meeting and this goes into the would you believe category. Ald. Ankiewicz tried to have his version of the ordinance voted on in spite of the fact that many changes were agreed upon just a hour before at the committee mtg. Ald. Mayszak spoke up and suggested it be tabled since so many changes had been put into the ordinance and Ald. Ankiewicz's answer was "we can make changes later". Fortunately Ald. Perez and Ald. Radtke also said they would like it tabled and the ordinance was put to rest for the night. I'm not sure what the mayor thought. Not one of our prouder moments, lets hurry with those video cams.


Anonymous said...

To: Lois
From: Rodney Perez

In regards to our discussion on Video Recording Council Meetings; There will be an introduction of live streaming our meetings during our August 8th meeting.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Seems like nothing has changed. Get rid of them all and start over- it can't go down hill much more.

Anonymous said...

I was there and I too cannot believe what one alderman tried to pull over their partner on their designated committee. And, then I learn that anyone from our council can submit an ordinance to our attorney. This does not make for co-operation and compromise among committee members but does indeed cost taxpayers more money. (both members of the same committee could submit their proposed ordinance to the city attorney which would cost us double the money) Then it's presented to full council where it could be revised again until all agree. This procedure, if we continue to handle it in this manner, could be quite costly.

Linda said...

This procedure, in my mind, doesn't make any sense. An alderman submits a revised ordinance to the city attorney. It is revised according to his desires and wishes. We pay the attorney to write up this ordinance and then, we bring in the alderman to discuss the changes? Wouldn't the common sense way to handle this situation be to bring out the old ordinance and discuss changes and alterations? Once these changes are agreed upon and voted on then give it to the attorney to write up? It would definitely make for a more co-operative situation.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know who is pulling the alderman at large strings , just go to the deli for the baker city meeting . Just have a cup of coffee and sit and listen to what goes on and youe never have to go to another city councile meeting !

Art said...

A citizen who does not represent the city in a official position cannot employ the city attorney as a "city attorney" and ring up the meter so that the city is liable for the billing. Anyone could propose a ordinance but it would be wise to discuss the ordinance with your alderman and channel your efforts through him to be presented at a council meeting.
An individual alderman has the right to present an ordinance on his own and as a city representative to get legal council from the city attorney. The city attorney has every right to bill the city for this service. I personally do not know of many who are volunteering professional services.
It appears that Alderman Ankiewicz did his homework and stepped out on his own. Whatever your feelings of Alderman Ankiewicz's actions, I give him credit for his initiative and thank him for the original idea and education of how to get the ball rolling. This is an important lesson for all of us to heed and copy, if you want to get the councils attention and accomplish more than just talk.

Anonymous said...

In my books that's trying to sneak something by everyone and getting your own way. He wasn't trying to get council attention he was trying to get what he wanted.

Cecil said...

11:40...Getting your own way is what aldermen/women are supposed to do, and if the whole council is against it, then fight it out. Look at that alderman in Chicago who is keeping a chicken restaurant out of his ward because he doesn't agree with their thinking. I'll betcha his ward residents sure would like a new place to eat.

Anonymous said...

And as usual Harl sat there and did and said nothing! !

Anonymous said...

Then what is the purpose of a committee? Why don't they just all act individually? Look out, the legal fees will skyrocket if each alderman can have an ordinance writtten without any input from their committee or another council member.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Bob is the most senior on the council. and that committee. He is older, wiser, and obviously knows how to take care of business. His years as a city father, Navy Recruiter, and Business owner gives him that upper hand, and right to roll over anyone that gets in his way when he is trying to take care of city business. The city can not afford to have these freshmen aldermen in office holding things up and costing the tax payers more money. It was obviosly the freshman aldermen that held this process up. You people need to learn that the only things that will ever get done within Peru is when Aldermen such as Bob and Dave work to get it done. The rest should just save their breath and join them because you will never beat them.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:06 PM

Excuse me while I go in the other room and laugh. Time is marching on and some aldermen are not on the train. I don't think that Ald. A. can find the cheese either.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 506p OMG! make me puke! you sir or mam need your head examined! you are a few fries short of a happy meal if that is what you really believe!

Peru Town Forum said...

I've talked to people in our government and people outside of it who question the workability of this intersection. Instead of counting the cars that go into different businesses to turn around, maybe they should be counting the people who actually follow their plan down to Wenzel Rd and up 251.
If you believe that NT article, than I bet you believe the moon is made of swiss cheese.

Anonymous said...

Wait and see what all the businesses say and my guess 1 year from now if that long, this was a huge mistake on Peru's part. As far as the one who wants to puke, go and talk to some managers in business up there. You might be in for a rude awakening!

Anonymous said...

5:06. LOL Are you crazy? Alderman Potthoff is most senior. Funny how the freshman alderman got the ordinance tabled instead of Alderman Bob shoving it down everybody's throat. So the one who is wasting taxpayer's money is in fact Ankiewicz because he jumped the gun and got an ordinance written that he knew would have to be changed. Made him look real bad. Time for him to go.

Anonymous said...

7:30 Just wait and see. Mark my word, Bob will prevail. Believe it when i tell you he expected it. all part of politics. the freshmen just think they got one up.

Peru Town Forum said...

I have been watching this event play out for months, through meetings and reading minutes. This will not earn the alderman any points and definitely will hurt his profile. It is also very well known that Bob is not doing this without outside advice. Remember this is Peru.

Anonymous said...

To anyone concerned with the paying of Alderman Ankiewicz's ordinance. Where have you been for the past number of years. At some council meetings there are four or five ordinances created. How many ordinances have been made up so far in the year 2012 and at what cost per ordinance?
Seriously you cannot break wind in Peru without having a ordinance created.

Anonymous said...

Stated in the agenda for the council meeting of July 25, 2012 is:

Motion to authorize a $250.00 donation to the Bureau County Sheriff's Department for equipment upgrades and use of the Mobile Command Vehicle.

Would someone have a explanation for this donation. I do not understand how one tax supported body can donate money to another tax supported body. Donations such as this raise my taxes and lower Bureau County taxpayers taxes. This and many other similar situations are not what our taxes are intended for.

This being a election year items of this nature should be observed closely. To simply transfer money from one government to another government does not appear to be ethical or legal. And to use the excuse this is the way it has always been done does not make it any better!

Business Sense said...

Usually an attorney is paid a retainer. That fee generally covers the routine or recurring matters that the attorney/client must deal with in the given contract period, such as the review and revision of city ordinances. If the City does not have this arrangement set up, and are paying a fee for each item the attorney must work on, this shows another massive failure in City leadership.
Going along with what Art said, its great that the Alderman came up with a draft ordinance, otherwise they could probably throw ideas back and forth all night, and come out of it without a document to work from. The problem comes in trying to pass the draft ordinance, and not the finished product. An alderman, of all people, should know making the changes before an ordinance is passed is much easier than amending an existing ordinance.

Anonymous said...

@9:13 I would imagine if another county is allowing out of towners use it they would expect some kind of gas and maintenance fee. (donation) I'm actually surprised the county of Bureau allows a LaSalle county service use it. I'd tell Peru to buy there own.

Peru is so out of touch. Things will always be as they were. Baker or not. Everyone thought Harl was going to put Baker in the Deli out of business. It's been 3 years and Harl,Steve and the PACk have realized the Deli is still running strong while the back kitchen BAKERy is still open for business. Freshmen beware because the outcome of the 2013 election will have you begging to eat at the Deli. Hopefully Harl and his freshmen followers are ready for the September surprise.

Anonymous said...

at 5:06 - go freshman girl, go freshman girl, go freshman girl!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:54 PM
It is about a revision of an existing ordinance and it had just been gone through at the 1 hour committee meeting before the council meeting And it was a committee meeting attended by the entire council and mayor. In my opinion it was an underhanded maneuver to thwart the changes that absolutely needed to be done to the outmoded present ordinance. If you have been following the blog, you know all about the problems associated with the fireworks bidding process and this was an attempt to correct that issue and Ald. Ankiewicz did not want to do it and that is the big question of why.

Anonymous said...

So Lois is saying that Rod is the one that caused all of this. and for what? because the end result will be the same. Just written in stone. That's all and nothing more but More fees on the tax payers because Perez couldnt shut up!
Point Proven!

Peru Town Forum said...

10:27 PM
That is not what Lois is saying. Instead I am saying Thank You Alderman Perez for trying to right something that has been done wrong for a number of years and that everyone ignored. Maybe because it was always said that Peru had so much money, they could do what they wanted and didn't worry how much the fireworks cost us. Times have changed and we are no longer the affluent community. Instead fireworks will be put out for bid and cost us the taxpayers LESS.

Anonymous said...

the donation to and out side county is because the cso party is always in that county ! wake up people !!!!

Anonymous said...

9:45 You are so right!

5:06 What are you smoking?? This city is out of money because we didn't have enough freshman watching out for our dollar over the last 20 plus years. Don't slap a "military honor" on him either! In my opinion, his behavior is not representative of any honorable officer. What exactly are his honors and awards throughout his career? When and where did he serve actively? As for running a good business, please, please, please show me proof that his business makes money and is nothing more than a hobby to keep him busy and place for his buds to hang and make plans for our city behind closed doors. I think he is a disgrace to those with true humble military honor with his "holier than thou" attitude toward others. At times, I was embarrassed for him at those council meetings. Bring on the video taping any day so everyone can see what I am talking about. I have absolutely no respect for him.

Anonymous said...

10:48 I am quite sure Bob has earned his honors in both the Military, City Council, Business Owner and many service clubs. Last week Bob was serving food at the Veterans Home and making sure our local Veterans had a proper Military grave burial. Most of us give Bob the proper respect that he has earned. Your lack of respect for a business that has been on operation for 30 years makes us wonder if you actually understand that a small town business takes alot of time and sacrifice. I doubt you would put in 60-80 hours a week in collecting public aid? Or if you would run for City Council and then put in another night a week for the benefit of the City. He is a threat for you with the support he has for the city. He won't bend to your special interest group. He won't give in to the antics of the few self-centered city residents or a free spending self interest council member.

Anonymous said...

11:38 You haven't a clue as to what you're talking about. Come to meetings and get informed before you make judgements. People who toot their own horns don't deserve praise or recognition. It's those who serve silently that should get the applause.

Anonymous said...

10:58 you sound like Steve or one of the loafers on the council or a spouse of the loafer. Feel sorry for your deep resentment.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:38 AM
Not sure what cave you are living in but I assure you the community knows that the brains and the brawn behind the success of the Ankiewicz Deli is and always has been Mrs Kathy Ankiewicz.

Respect is something that is earned and Kathy has always had my respect.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with that Lois. Mrs. Ankiewicz is the reason that place survives - and only her.

Anonymous said...

If you feel the need and have the proper credentials to judge Ald. A please judge him on his public life as a Alderman not his private life which is none of your or my business.
If someone has the vocation to participate in politics this Judge Roy Beam attitude would make them reconsider.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Ankeiwitcz continues to win elections over the past years due to his hard work and passion for the city. Everyone knows how the real work got done in the city over the past 45 years, Yes it's no secret-the deli. and so what! it got the job done and no one got hurt along the way. the past 3 years has beeen the biggest mess this city has ever seen. September Surprise is around the corner. Freshmen aldermen i suggest you get on, or stay on the other side of the Harl path while you still can or you will be doomed.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you Lois. Kathy is the only one I see in the building. From what Bob said, he sits there and scratches lotto tickets. He said it himself when he won the big lotto ticket. And we all know about his coffee breaks with his friends.
Agree with 11:55 too. Charity is not charity unless you get nothing in return but the privilege to serve. Bob likes to pat his own back and tell us all about it. He really likes to talk himself up these days. Wonder why? I also believe he shows public disrespect for those in authority. That behavior does not come from any military training that I am aware of. The chain of command is final whether you like it or not. Is it true that he didn't even invite the mayor of Peru (but invited other alderman and former officials) to the memorial ceremonies on Water Street in years past? Slight oversight or a challenge to those in authority? And what service organizations does he belong to again? CSO? Another thorn in Peru's side? Respect is earned and he has not earned mine or others that are fed up with his attitude. Remember, he reports to us, the taxpayer right?? Bring on the video taping of council meetings. True colors will shine!!! Maybe everyone will see how far his chair will really rock back! I laugh every time he gets his cocky attitude and leans his chair back. One of these days, that damn chair is going to go down and we are going to see nothing but legs in the air! LOL!

Peru Town Forum said...

4:21 PM

I believe that he was almost defeated by a new comer last election and wonder of all wonders it was a woman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Almost" similar to "if" is the vocabulary of a loser. Yes the newcomer was a woman and wonder of all wonders it was a man who defeated her.
Some day you will have to get over this gender kick and realize that both were candidates and people should vote for whom they feel is the most qualified candidate - as most of us do.
Alderman A. has served for approximately 16 years . I doubt if the individual who he defeated will even run again. Rather than wasting time ridiculing incumbents utilize it recruiting better candidates and promoting them.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:50 PM
IMHO, he does not respect women. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Peru Town Forum said...

you are right about recruiting candidates and promoting them. People are now very aware of most of the personalities at city hall and now it is time to give them information on possible new candidates. Still pretty early for them to be putting themselves in the public arena.

Anonymous said...

How close was the election between Ald A and his opponent?

Peru Town Forum said...

I will try and relocate that information but I do remember that people were surprised that a new comer to politics by the name of Kimberly Paul ran as well as she did. Unfortunately she now has taken another position with IVCC.

Anonymous said...

Let's throw another log on the fire. I have to wonder how many times Ald A voted different than Baker. Wonder if A ever stood on his own two feet any made a decision on his own free will or voted as he was told. It's so easy to sit in a chair for 16 years and do as your told. I will admit that A is a fun person, but that doesn't mean he is the best man for the job. Popularity got Arnold in California as govn and look what happen to that state. Hmm. Kind of like Peru.

Anonymous said...

9:17 Lois
Alderman Bob A. Is a Recruiter that's what he's been doing as a Navyman and Politician for the past 60 years. He knows how to lie to the people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:11 Since Mayor Baker was Mayor of Peru for the entire number of years that Ald. A. has been in office besides the last three under Mayor Harl Ald. A. has only had the opportunity to vote differently than Mayor Baker in the situation of a city council tie vote. In this case Ald. A would vote before the Mayors tie breaking vote which raises the question how many times Mayor Baker had to vote in the 12 years Ald A was in office during his administration. Being that the city council votes before the Mayor and the Mayor vote only in the case of a tie breaker Ald A. Has never had the opp0rtunity to vote different than Mayor Baker. Mayor Baker though had the opportunity to vote the same as or differently than Ald. A. Government 101 is not a log on the fire but just a little twig.

Anonymous said...

11:15. I think 8:11 means did Ald. A ever vote with his own head instead of what Baker told him to vote while discussing everything before the council meeting, in the deli. Everybody knows aldermen vote before mayor.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:17 Your generalization of a Navy recruiter is very upsetting. Most military personnel, past and present have a vast amount of respect for recruiters of any branch of the military. This specific group of men and women have turned a lot of young adults around and put them on the road to success. Most ex military people feel that our country lost one of its greatest contributors to youth in the repeal of the draft.
My final comment to you is strap it on, grow up and become aware that freedom is not free. Thanks Bob for serving with the rest of us that have and thanks to those who appreciate it and allowed us the honor to do so.

Anonymous said...

3:53 Excuse me but my nephew was recruited by Bob in 1981 He made promises were unkept. I heard this from others over the years Bob served as a recruiter. He told young men and women things to get them to sign. Finding later not to be true. He lied to many!!!! Not all recruiters are bad influences, however he was, and is.

Cecil said...

What a sad joke some of these last bloggers are. Calling people liars can have repercussions. And you can tell they know nothing about the military. Recruits are placed where they are needed and sometimes get their wishes. I wish I could have had my way when I was in. Comments being made are ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

The comments made about Ald. Ankiewicz are ridiculous and embarrassing. And to use his wife Kathy in the blog shows how low some of you will go to create Ald. Bob as villian in Peru. Both Ald. Bob and Kathy are wonderful people and have worked very hard for their city. To ridicule Ald. Ankiewicz for his dissagreement with the direction of Mayor Harl is typical of a recent campaign. Some of you fear that Ald. Ankiewicz will replace Harl in 2013

Anonymous said...

Bragging and boasting about one military person is in my opinion disgusting. All our soldiers have sacrificed in some way for our freedom but they are not seeking pats on the back like you're giving Ald. A. In my opinion each and every military person deserves our thanks and appreciation even though they don't seek it publicly like some. Ald. A's military life has no direct influence, nor does it make him a better politician than anyone else. We all thank him for his military duty but now let's concentrate on how he is doing with his political career and how he interacts with citizens.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:37 AM

Bob's wife Kathy has received all praise and compliments for the pleasant and hard working lady that she had always been. I hope she is not offended but she is married to someone who is in political office and being in that position, he is open to criticism as all politicians are.
Is that the September Surprise from Ald. A.? Interesting idea.

We are not ridiculing Ald. A. for any disagreement with the Mayor. Our beef and that of many others is things he does on his own and his behavior towards others he works with and towards people who happen to disagree with him on some of his agendas and the lack of attention to whether a meeting is legal or not even when present.

I would like comment that I have been informed that all our elected representatives in IL on any level must pass a test about the Open Meetings Act and I think that would apply to all citizen committee members also. I wonder what the rate of passage is?

Anonymous said...

2:26 Because you think does not mean you know. Why, are you doing the exact same thing with anothers comments as you accuse Mayor Baker and Ald. A of doing? Don't say you aren't because you are and proof of it is in your comment.
If you are so politically intelligent why don't you get off the personality kick and discuss major issues which are confronting the city. I know Ald. A is confronting these issues.

Anonymous said...

10:51 You're absolutely right when you say Ald. A is confronting issues. The problem seems to be the manner in which he is confronting them. Also, many issues and problems that exist are a direct result of failing to revise outdated ordinances and jumping into fields and territories that should have been thoroughly discussed by one and all (not just a handful of people). It's like putting the cart before the horse and now the horse is trying to catch up and running into many obstacles along the way.