“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Peru approves levy ordinance and authorizes floodplain study - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru approves levy ordinance and authorizes floodplain study - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Increased taxation

Do you believe our city is wisely utilizing the money they are currently taking in. Are salaries inflated for some? Frivilous expenditures at Christmas? Aka known as decorate our city hall interior and for whom and at what cost?  As previously written about, how will fewer taxpaying citizens be able to fund the rising pension costs at the cost of reducing their own standard of living? I continue to hear about rising sales tax revenue, where is it being spent?

I know that in comparison to the suburbs and city of Chicago, our taxation is low but then so are most wages in the area for the average family and average retiree less.


Anonymous said...

The raise in taxes came from the library not the city.

Anonymous said...

How can it be that whenever the boss wants to buy a new piece of equipment, he asks, treasurer, how are we going to pay for that? Treasurer says "cash". So now we have to pay more property taxes? If things are so rosy that we can pay cash for whatever we buy, why do we need an increase in property taxes?

Anonymous said...

I agree 2:49. The way we've been spending money there surely can't be a shortage. Council has also been bragging about how much our sales tax receipts have been increasing regularly.

1:51 The raise in taxes did not come from the library. Read the article. We don't use library money to fund our pension programs, etc.

Anonymous said...

I am paying for a flood plan study to benefit Chamlin!

Anonymous said...

I disagree 5:39. It will raise the property values and increase tax collected for every house involved. This should have been done many years ago. But it was not that significant the last time people complained. Since then, Flood Insurance has increased to $2,000 a year for some people, and house values are dropping - at least $10K for what are considered modest homes today.

Anonymous said...

This flood plain baloney is all the fault of insurance companies so they can jerk wallets a little harder. Also, how about a little earthquake coverage and don't forget those tricky asteroids that are going to sneak up on us.

Anonymous said...

6:03 I received the flood plain letter from Chamlin to participate for a disclosed money amount when my property is not even in the flood plain!

Anonymous said...

6:26, the Insurance Companies want nothing to do with the National Flood Insurance Program. This is mandated and subsidized by the US Government. The insurance companies make very little. Since the taxpayers are tired of it also, they are raising the rates double digit percentages - and it does not pay unless the flood is above the front door.

Anonymous said...

Did you know Lois that residents in lasalle have signed up with Comcast to get electric at .059 kWh....what is Peru .119

I thought Peru was suppose to be cheaper we are getting screwed.

Anonymous said...


insurance companies stopped providing flood insurance years ago. the federal government is your flood insurer.

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate some background about flood insurance. When did flood insurance originate and was it mandatory if the home was in a flood zone? Where buyers and home builders told that they would have to buy flood insurance when in a flood plain?
The reason I inquire about legal aspects and information flow is that a person should perform necessary research on their own and everyone knows that costs from insurance companies go up not down. Buying a home is a business and as a business you stand alone whether it is a success or failure. Chances are that owners got a much better deal on the being it is in a flood plain.
If a home was in a flood plain and than taken off the list and later does flood we will pay when costs of repairs are added in and averaged out.

Anonymous said...

11:30 - Go to FloodSmart.gov and read about it.

The basic issue is that the "floodplain" issue on 13th Street was resolved many years ago when the area was developed. The City spent millions of dollars on storm water runoff improvements. But, even the flooding in the early 1970's never rose to the levels that would activate a Federal Flood Insurance policy.

Anyway, after Katrina, other hurricanes on the east cost, Mississippi Flooding year after year, Illinois River Flooding year after year, the National Flood Insurance Program is going broke.

13th Street is in an area that has never been adequately mapped by FEMA - the agency responsible for determining flood risk. As such it is designated as a Zone A without established elevations. The risk defaults to extremely high since it is unknown. From an insurance point of view, the risk is currently the same on 13th Street as it is next to the river in Marseilles. Even though there has never been a flood since records have been kept. At first, the insurance cost a few hundred dollars a year and was no big deal. It has continued to increase. They are adjusting the rate over time by double digit percentages. So what started as $400 a year in 2007 for me, is now $2,000 a year less than a decade later. You can't really shop it around either. There are only a couple of providers working with the government to administer the program. Flash forward to now, the City never followed through with FEMA to correctly identify the risk - that is what the project is today. Oh... and you don't have to live directly in the floodplain to be effected. Properties adjacent are will also be required to have the policy. So when they try to sell the property or get another mortgage, they will find out.

BTW - the coverage is only required if you have a federally insured mortgage.

Anonymous said...

Good News! It looks like we have a Pizza Choice now. But Booby V. let something slip. “That’s always the goal; to increase the number of retail businesses in Peru,” Vickrey said.

So the facts are on the table. Peru is not trying to attract good jobs to the area.

Anonymous said...

11:30. You obviously have a computer since you posted that comment. Go to "Google" and search for "Flood Insurance." FEMA has a web page with more information than you will be able to digest.

Anonymous said...

The Fish-Wrapper obviously did as they were instructed by presenting the "REAL ESTATE TAX INCREASE" approved by Peru's council as "discreetly" and softly as possible. They reported it without even referring to it as what it is, a REAL ESTATE TAX INCREASE! Oglesby raises their water and sewer rates and it's front page news with a bi-line describing EXACTLY what it is. Peru raises it's REAL ESTATE TAXES by almost 5% and the Daily Disappointment masks the story with a distraction about a frickin floodplain study. The cowardly mayor and aldermen hurried through the issue as quickly as possible avoiding any opportunity for real discussion or explanation other than Potthoff as the usual spokesperson blaming the increase on public safety pensions. No questions or discussion of the particulars from any of them. They just glossed over it before the citizens have a chance to realize what just happened. None of the aldermen asked how many cops and firemen or their survivors are currently collecting a pension? How many cops are on the payroll at present who will be collecting a pension and how soon? What are the projections for solvency going forward? Should we continue hiring more cops and continue over-staffing our police department adding to the pension obligation? NO DISCUSSION of anything other than pension obligations are the reason so taxes are going up. How about the most important questions of all that go unanswered? Why don't we just have the Treasurer "WRITE A CHECK" to bring the pension funding up to speed? Why not work with the money we have coming in from sales tax and electric department revenues? I'll tell you why. They are spending that money as fast as it comes in and it is earmarked for salaries, new buildings, equipment, engineering, and various sweetheart contracts designed to keep them in office. Write a damn check for the pension payments Harl. COWARDS, each and every one of them, COWARDS. They all just tiptoed sneakily by the "Third Rail" (aka raising REAL ESTATE TAXES) of Peru's corrupt political system and the local newspaper provides them with an assist in the form of a distraction story and not a single followup interview with any of the phony elected officials after the meeting. The whole system in this area of a totally indifferent and unethical press coupled with dishonest and corrupt elected officials is so insulting and rigged against the honest people of Peru it's just sickening.
Also, I see they are now going to hire yet another employee for the Peru Corporate Office at 4th & Fulton. A "Bookkeeper" is now going to be hired. So, basically we will have an assistant for Justin Miller, the CPA/Finance Officer who apparently can't be bothered to perform actual bookkeeping duties. Am I wrong being of the opinion that a CPA does bookkeeping? No? Not in Peru government? How soon after they hire this bookkeeper will the bookkeeper have need for an assistant bookkeeper? These people are totally out of control. Drunk with power and spending money like drunken sailors. I'll bet the total payroll running through 4th & Fulton alone has to be approaching $1,000,000 annually. They have to be running out of office space in there. Oh Lord, when will the Messiah come to Peru government to deliver us from this hell on earth that Harl has thrust upon us.

Anonymous said...

I took a drive to the Peru airport last night to check out the light displays. Unfortunately about 6 of them weren't working. If this is the Wreck Board's pathetic attempt to try to outdo LaSalle, they are failing miserably.

Anonymous said...

If you read thru the current disbursements you will find mention of 2 other, I believe, new hirees (Strack and Jake Ficek) listed under the administration department. Does anyone know who or what that is about? Is one Mr. Vickrey's helper (remember that was one opening mentioned a while back).

Anonymous said...

A 70 year old man was attacked by a transient from Minnesota this morning. Praying that the elderly gentleman is alright.
The Chief of Police reported this and referred to the business as a coffee house which it never has been. In fact if this business had to exist off of its coffee profits it could not even pay for the water and sewer bill. The Chief knows better than all others what he referred to is no more than a long term gambling hall.

Anonymous said...

Do we or police know if this 'transient from Minnesota' is a gang member or not? Do we have gangs in the area? We've had someone knocking on doors thru the neighborhoods in the past and this could be a test to see if homeowners react. There should be no secrets, we should be informed so we can take necessary precautions.

Anonymous said...

On the agenda for Peru Public Schools is the Tax Levy. That will probably go up by about 5% also. Get used to it fellow Peruvians. The shoe is falling.

Anonymous said...

1138 no

Anonymous said...


Peru Town Forum said...

Where there are drugs, I would think that there is some gang infiltration. Not wise to think this is the Peru many grew up in as we now have major highways going right by our city from every direction and we are close to major cities. I would bet the majority do lock their doors at all times and even when they are in their yard and away from the sight of your doors.

Anonymous said...

I don't answer the door and I always have a pistol close at hand.

Peru Town Forum said...

I just received my copy of th Peru Pride magazine and I have 2 questions.

What was the cost to publish and mail to each household?

Why do you feel it necessary to put out the same information that is already available online?

This looks like a political pre election production. First you tell residents your tax levy is being raised (we need money) and then you send this bit of nothing that will be in everyones waste basket by evening. This is really a governent in Peru that is out of touch with the people.

Anonymous said...

Lois - I'll look when I get home, but it would be interesting to see who printed the "magazine". A little bit of butter perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Lets look at some recent issues.

We have a homeless man living in our park. Might not be a bad man, but he has underlying issues related to substance abuse or physiological.

We have this recent issue which sounds like a strong arm robbery in the morning hours at a local business.

We have had a rash of armed robberies throughout the county.

Not to long ago, PPD shot a person robbing a pharmacy that is located within sight of the police station.

About 1.5% of the total population of LaSalle County IL has a concealed carry permit. When you remove the children from the population numbers, this percentage increases to just about 2%. This is a very good start. This tells me that at least one other person has a gun when I go shopping in Peru. But we need to increase these numbers. If you are capable - physically, emotionally, and legally - I urge you to get trained and carry a gun. Peru is easy pickings for any criminal off the highway looking for a quick buck.

Anonymous said...

Just went through the magazine. It is wonderful and I think your negative comments tell mire about you than anything. Nothing will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

the mailing today from the city was great work. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

lois why do you say the peru government is out of touch? i found the mailing to be very nice. i don't see the harm in a periodic newsletter like this. maybe, just maybe, you should think about whether you are the one who is out of touch. you have to admit there are different points of view. The people who share your point of view don't seem to be winning many elections lately.

Peru Town Forum said...

Didn't the city of Peru just increase their tax levy on real estate in Peru?

Aren't they planning on a very expensive and new construction of a Public Works bldg.?

The brochures are lovely and if you like them I have no problem with that. Why not have them available for pickup at city hall? Was it necessary to mail to each house and you may not believe it but most people will discard. It is nice to have if you want to impress someone with your location or if you plan on distributing them to new business prospects, fine.
I am speaking for myself only and I would like this town to be a bit more conservative with their taxpayer money that evidently they don't have enough of. The brochures are nice but they are not a priority. Sometimes I think the people that manage this city are out of touch with many parts of town and people who live in Peru.
This is like the beautifully decorated City Hall that very few people will see this Holiday Season. I have to live on a budget and I expect this city to do the same.

Anonymous said...

the magazine is a marketing tool. Its purpose is to convince people or businesses to come to Peru. Another possibility is to give it to people when they move in. Point is, not much use to an existing resident.

It is a thick swipe of butter for the bread of some local printer so they can bolster their end of year numbers.

Anonymous said...

I agree the mailing was nice. As a family who moved here several ago from a nearby city years ago I say good for the city to keep there residents informed. Lois you are entitled to your opinion but I can tell you most everyone I know does not share your opinion on Peru. We have the lowest city tax rate in this entire region our utility taxes combined are the lowest we have the best schools and our town is doing more work on roads and sewers than anyone else. I for one have Peru Pride.

Anonymous said...

lois the tax rate in Peru is extremely low. Please become informed before you get on your high horse. the library and pension mandates from the state required the increase which was literally a few dollars.

You seem to pick an choose where the cuts should be to suit yourself and your agenda. now that you will become an elected republican we look forward to how you and your fellow R's will solve all the problems.

Anonymous said...

For any of you people who see the city's gaudy and over-the-top glossy mailing as "wonderful" or "informative", I am compelled to inform you.
The publication you praise is nothing more than politcal propaganda designed to promote the mayor and aldermen. It is shameful self-promotion paid for with taxpayer funds designed to appeal specifacally to Peru residents who are unaware and uninformed of the true motivations and character of the people who are running the city of Peru. It is unnecessary, costly, and blatantly self-serving. Anybody who sees this scam as "wonderful" is fully indoctrinated to a level that will be very satisfying to the city officials who devised the scheme to produce it. I repeat, it is a waste of taxpayer dollars for the express purpose of promoting Peru's elected officials in order influence the Peru electorate. There will certainly be many voters who will be fooled by this publication. But there will also be just as many intelligent voters who will see it for what it really is. They will be insulted by it, as I am, and disgusted by the fact that Harl and his henchmen have so arrogantly wasted our tax dollars on their own personal campaign brochure. Open your eyes people.

Anonymous said...

First to 8:11 you are so full of s--t I can't even begin to think just how jaded you must be. You talk about issues you hear about at the tavern,
The city did not raise your Restate Taxes the increase was from the Library tax levy. which is the highest in the area. Those increases are mandated by law. So if you are angry take it up with them.

As for the police and Fire pensions the City Council has been talking about that for months, and it is also in the audit and 10 year plan that was available at the meetings. OH that's right you don't show up to meetings!!!

The bookkeeper position is to fill a position of someone leaving.

Now to you Lois, I would direct your attention to the audit and 10 year plan the city is being very conservative in the their spending look how much money is being put aside for cash reserves and "rainy day" millions.
I asked the ASM why not just announce the brochures are here at City hall come get one for free.
He said it is like the calendars, they are at City hall for free not everyone will take the time to stop and pick one up, so we just mailed them out. Good job Mr. ASM

Anonymous said...

9:23. Government, by its very nature, is out of touch. That is the problem. This mailing was not developed for the citizens. It was developed as a tool for Bobby V. to pass out to prospective businesses. The "government officials" saw an opportunity to buy several thousand additional copies from their friend "Mr. Printer" and help butter his bread.

They had a legitimate need and they increased the cost 10 times just because they wanted to spend some money. At the same time, they give the people the impressing that they are "doing something." But, the only thing they are doing is spending money.

If this magazine truly had the intention to inform the public about things Peru is doing, they would discuss the plans for the new Super Structure up at Area 51. Purpose, costs, etc... They would talk about plans for the 911 center, plans for new fire trucks and police cars, what they are doing for fireworks this year, what all that construction is about at the airport, etc.

Nope. This was a Bread Buttering exercise. Pure and simple.

Anonymous said...

Lois, at 2:57............

The mailing must be done because most people in Peru don't have computers. According to the newspaper much of our taxes go to the library. The library has about 20 computers that residents can go on-line to get information. You have a choice pay the taxes for on-line information at the library or pay your taxes for the mailed piece. Either way we residents pay. I also never have to buy or rent a movie because the library has all the movies and I'm from LaSalle.....thank the Peru taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I looked thru the magazine and saw no mention of who printed them.

I also wonder about the placement of the schools in the magazine. Shouldn't LP High School be placed first instead of St. Bede? Think about it. LP is a public school, St. Bede is private. Anybody in the world can go to St. Bede if they can afford it. Shouldn't our priority be the public schools that educate our local children? Instead LP and the Peru Public Schools were listed last. If nothing else, the schools should have been listed alphabetically.

Otherwise I think the magazine was well done. It's informative for people who don't follow what is going on in Peru. But I have to agree with Lois about spending tax dollars for an unnecessary publication that arrived on Wednesday, two days after the council unanimously voted to raise our real estate taxes. It doesn't make fiscal sense. I can't believe Potthoff voted to raise our property taxes. I thought he was the only frugal one.

Anonymous said...

To 8:17 AM, You are guzzling far too much of that Holiday Kool-Aid your pals at City Hall are serving you. Potthoff clearly stated the REAL ESTATE TAX increase was due to Police and Firmen pensions. You need to pay attention. The bookkeeping should be done by the CPA. Do you disagree with that too. As for your "unusual" admiration for the ASM, it sounds as if you would leap from the Rt. 251 bridge if the ASM told you to. Very creepy.

Anonymous said...

10:34 You have to be kidding me, You believe it is true because the paper said Potthoff said it. get real. What he said was the police and fire pensions are funded by the real state taxes and the 4.9% increase came from the library tax levy.

And the CPA is not paid to do that work, and the ASM all I did was ask a question not creepy at all.

Anonymous said...

7:26. It's a bit higher now. Since when is the fact that taxation being low and excuse tor raise it. I hear the same silly argument from people about gas tax. They try to argue the lower price of gas is reason to raise the tax. Hogwash! We need to fight tooth and nail to keep the property tax in Peru low. Right now it is raining by 5%. What will happen next year? I got a dollar that says it will go up another 5% and on and on and on....

Anonymous said...

Police, Fire, and Municipal pensions need to be turned into a 401K style system. Be done with it already.

Anonymous said...

If you went to the meeting you would have seen Potthoff very effectively question and grill the library on the tax rate. It was my understanding that the council has no legal right to limit the majority of the library tax levy, but they cut out the portion that was additional taxes requested by the library. The library will only receive the legally obligated portion of the tax. Many associated with the library were very irritated with the cold hearted Potthoff.

Anonymous said...

It is time to change the law that the library is using to gouge the citizens. Do you think State Representative Andy Skoog will help? The other option is that the City put a ballot initiative in place to either make a Library District or disband the library. Let the majority speak.

I for one see no use in Peru for that facility. Maybe another town with different people. But not Peru. It is just not needed and we have the LaSalle Library so close that can be used for those folks that desire such a place to hang out in.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break 11:42 AM. The library gets way too much money as it is. I'm glad Potthoff grilled the library people. Why on earth do they need that much money? Do they ever show an accounting for the money spent?

Anonymous said...

This is unusual! There are actually a few intelligent comments today. It's not just the usual crowd obviously.

The city of Peru has a property tax ONLY for the required pension obligations and for the library, which they reduced to the minimum required. No other town around has it this low.

Also no one said they are raising taxes just because they are low. If you know ANYTHING about the Peru City Council, it is that they are pretty much unanimous in keeping the tax levy as low as possible. And that they do. The lowest municipal tax rate around hands down.

I look forward to getting crucified with the naysayers who insist all they want to do it raise taxes and spend money. Not true and no evidence to support it.

I'm one of many that are thankful to be in Peru. I think we need to be more transparent and we need other improvements, but high taxes are not the problem here folks.

Anonymous said...

We should have a special "home rule" sales tax to pay for the library and the pensions.

Anonymous said...

Possibly the council try's to maintain the tax levy as low as possible.This commendable but you must also realize that for the 1st time that I can remember it has been raised. This is showing a lack of being fiscally irresponsible in areas that past administrative and councils did not have. It must be remembered that everyone who buys in Peru is paying for Parkridge elementary and our street improvements. These are another two reason that our taxes should not be raised but should be lowered when you consider we own our own very profitable electric plant and our large retail shopping area.

Anonymous said...

The cheerleaders are out in force defending the REAL ESTATE TAX increase. They are also claiming Peru's city council is not wasting money on excessive salaries and bloated payrolls with far too many employees in almost every department. They are on damage control and they are commenting to limit the impact of the REAL ESTATE TAX increase approved by the Peru Council. IF Peru's phony mayor and aldermen can "write a check" for multi-million dollar infrastructure projects why not write that check to abate taxes for pensions and the library and NOT RAISE MY REAL ESTATE TAXES?

Anonymous said...

I'm almost certain that our property tax has been increased by some percentage every year - at least in recent memory.

anyway, at some point in time, the increase in costs will cross the curve of increased sales tax revenue. what happens then?

Anonymous said...

And, citizens of Peru, let's not forget the half a per cent sales tax increase for Parkview School and the other half a per cent sales tax increase for our infrastructure improvements. "THEY WILL NEVER GO AWAY" as was promised when they were put into effect.

Anonymous said...

7:26, the part about to many employees is wrong, the PW cut back to a bear minimum back in 2010, the Electric cut back also, now the PPD is another animal, way to big for a town of 10000, also will agree, administration is out of control.

Anonymous said...

7:26 why is someone a cheerleader? I made two of the earlier comments and I have nothing to do with city hall and the last thing I am is a cheerleader. I just prefer the truth to loud windbags who repeat the same comments with no basis in fact.

How many new positions are there? How much has the payroll increased? Are you sure? Because I see some of you idiots on here talking about added positions when almost every time it is to replace an existing position. Too funny.

11:49 you are 2/3 right. But why is the police department too big? Based on what? Other towns of 10,000? You think it should only be based on population? So we should have the same sized police department as LaSalle? What about our countless businesses that make up about half of our town? Does that count? The point is there is no incentive to have one more employee that one is needed. Stop listening to people who just make up lies about spending. Show me real dollars of overspending. Actual increases or decreases over time. But they can't or won't. That requires thought.

Our police department is excellent and unless you have something to quantify a number, it's all just talk.

Anonymous said...

The Baby Boomers are disappearing faster than they can be replaced. Pretty soon all those nice retirement villas will be turned into Section 8 Housing. Then we will need the larger police force.

Anonymous said...

1:15, where do come up with this stuff, can't sleep at night, not much going on in your life so boredom sets in, what is it?

Anonymous said...

just stating the facts as they are 1:09. In twenty years, "Liberty Village" will be Cabrinie Green.

Anonymous said...

4:27 PM, So every comment anybody else posts is "just talk". But what you post is factual and accurate? If you want someone to "show you numbers" you should hold yourself the the same standard. Show us "numbers" that illustrate why the PPD is not overstaffed for a city of 10,000. Don't be a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

actually PPD is understaffed based on national average of 2.5 officers for every 1000 residents. LasAlle and Oglesby actually have higher staffing ratio. Whe you add the hug north end they are way understaffed.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Towne in 2016! Keep local police in the city to enforce local law! No more revenue searching on the Interstate!

Anonymous said...

to 12:07 pm, OMG! WOW. PPD is understaffed? There are so many cops on the Peru payroll and so many unnecessary squad cars on the streets and at the cop shop they are banging into each other, literally. Uh Oh, now the Nit-Wit mayor and aldermen are already sneaking around conducting more closed sessions planning a fancy new "public safety facility" located somewhere up in the northern territory of Peru. We will soon here how desperately we need this new $10,000,000 monument to arrogance and waste. The best part will come when they decide in secret who they will name the unnecessary monstrosity after. Can't wait for this "secret" to break sometime next year. I can hear the phony fat man now, "Mr. Treasurer how will we pay for this state of the art public safety facility?" Well your honor, we will write a check of course. Then the phony and thirsty aldermen will proceed to happily slap each other on the back as they proceed to their after meeting watering hole to proclaim to one another just how wonderful and important they are. Aaaargh, sorry I just threw up on the keyboard. Gotta go.

Anonymous said...

940 you got busted dont you hate the truth

Anonymous said...

9:40 people like you disgust me. Just personal ugly insults. I feel sorry for you.

How about some facts? 12:07 gave an honest verifiable fact. Why don't you back it up with something real? Instead of your hatred and vile?

How about the fact that the city of LaSalle's property taxes are ten times ours in Peru. The new public works building is NOT a secret and HAS been discussed openly. It has been on the front page of the newspaper.

Again how much is our police force overstaffed? Give us a number. Without the sick comments.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... lets see, since Boss Harl is doing the naming, I suppose it will be the Barack H. Obama Center for the Restriction of Civil Liberties. Or, maybe the Michale Madigan Public Waste Complex. Or, perhaps the Blago Bld. and Public Corruption Headquarters.

Anonymous said...

We should consider the number of laws that need to be enforced. If we reduce those laws, we will need less police. I'd start with Marijuana - remove all legal restrictions on the growing and usage of this plant. Selling would simply require the same license a cigarette dealer needs. No taxation on the plant, so no tax laws to enforce. That would greatly reduce the number of cops, judges, and prosecutors necessary.

Anonymous said...

9:40 Wait to begin the conspiracy until the 1st of the year. Its Christmas! Do you really think that the new public works building will be named? And do you think that it will be $10,000,000? And why such problems you have with the police and police cars? Have you gone past the current public works building? Wow, if it was owned by private owners you would want it to be torn down. If Peru didn't have police cars or police, what would you complain about?

Your post point out a great deal of anger toward the Mayor and Alderman. Are they all that bad? Is it wrong that they are not taking out loans to build the much needed facility? Is it wrong that they have drinks after a meeting? Please enjoy the holidays and don't get caught up in the conspiracy. It's not healthy to have so much angst.

Anonymous said...

11:21 When was the last marijuana bust? Cops don't spend time tracking down hooch. You had two robberies in the last week, both of them are in the slammer. Is there anything else that you want to legalize and not tax? What laws should we throw out? What constitutional rights should we abolish? Please enlighten us with your thoughts.

Anonymous said...


If 9:40 got busted, it wasn’t in Peru. Check the paper, no arrests, unless someone employee at Wally World is sitting on a shop lifter, waiting for the cops. To many “buddies” in that town.

Anonymous said...

big pot bust on I-80 over the weekend. nothing but pot, and money of course. money that is now being used to look for more pot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:26 AM Yes I have gone by the Public Works Building and I see no reason for it to be torn down. I believe it is more than sufficient for its intended use.
Upon being checked by the EPA for contamination and health safety conditions are their assurances that the present yard, building area and across the street will meet government codes which allow foods, beverages, plates, eating utensils etc. to be stored and sold. Everything to do with the trucking industry has been spilled on it including what was hauled 80 years ago. Wasn't radium used in the clock plant and hauled in these trucks and stored on this property? Years ago antifreeze, gas oil etc. was thrown out in the lot and spilled in the building and docks. If Dollar General does build there I am not buying anything for fear of cancer and other health issues.

Anonymous said...

To 11:26 AM, The post from 9:40 AM is referring to a new "public safety" building currently in the secret planning stages. NOT the public works building that was already secretly planned and is already under construction and well into the bid-rigging process.
Please pay attention before you start making excuses for the excesses of your pals in Peru city government. C'mon man!

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM, I'm sorry but you are incorrect about the secrecy and eventual unveiling of plans to build a new public works building. You conveniently forget that the project was NEVER discussed openly and the public was NEVER allowed in on the secret until "AFTER" the plans were finalized and a formal vote of approval was scheduled. You can't claim the process was open because it was "eventually" reported in the newspaper. Your comment is sickeningly inaccurate. Why would you lie?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally 9:46. It was kept under lock and key until it was a done deal and then we, the citizens of Peru, were let in on the secret.

Anonymous said...

9:46-10:52AM What do both of you attend to do besides complain? Complain, Complain and Complain more. The building will be finished and you will still be complaining. If you know there is a questionable wrongdoing taking place and you fail to do anything besides complaining you become part of the problem and are deserving of the blame.

Anonymous said...

That's a good one 1:26 am. So it's because of those two bloggers that secret back-room planning is perpetuated on the people of Peru by their phony elected officials. Shame on those two bloggers for planning a secret public works building. Of course you realize that if nobody complains the secrets are never revealed. That is precisely the way the phony power brokers in Peru would like it. I guess that's the way you would like it too 1:26 AM. If they don't tell you to stop cheerleading you should not tell them to stop complaining. That's only fair, right?

Anonymous said...

Nobody's complaining 1:26. Only pointing out the truth. What do we "intend" to do? The answer is NOTHING! What can a citizen do after the fact other than bring it to the attention of others.

Anonymous said...

Well, part of the problem is the "elected officials" don't really get involved with these projects until the real power decides what needs to be done. The way it works - certain non-elected people that have no official connection to the city get together and decide what they need to be done to drive revenue for the year. After they figure out how to spend the tax money, they get their elected stooges together to enact their plan. Been happening that way in Peru and in Illinois since the 1830's.