“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, December 12, 2015

lpcitylights.com | LaSalle Peru City Lights Tour

lpcitylights.com | LaSalle Peru City Lights Tour

When you click on download map, it will bring up a larger and more informative pdf page.


Anonymous said...

yes... and we have a man that has been living in the Park near the Westclox for the past several months. Why does the city allow this? Why don't they get him some help or run him off. If he refuses the help of Pads or cant follow their rules, he should be moved off to the tow path to join the rest of the Hobos in the camp down there.

Anonymous said...

Never judge another until you have walked a mile in his shoes

Anonymous said...

nobody is judging him. he can live outside if he wants to. just not in a city park. he can go down to the river with the other hobos.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:16 PM
What do you care if this man lives in a city park. If he has been checked by the police. If he has been checked and is happy in the park leave him alone and let him enjoy himself. Probably a better neighbor than some of you old busy bodies who always got your nose in somebody elses personal affairs.

Anonymous said...

7:15, the park closes at night. nine times out of ten, hobos psychological or substance abuse problem. this is what happens when you shut down the mental institutions and prevent forced hospitalization.

We don't need our parks turning into hobo camps. The next thing you know, the Democrats will be registering them to vote!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit 1:16pm that your way of thinking is becoming the way of libtards everywhere. Based on your analogy this guy can pretty much take over a city park as long he is not bothering anybody. The issue deals with the intended use of said park so I am recommending that he move to Baker Lake where he would have much more space and people to look at throughout his day. Better yet maybe some of the Syrian refugees should come to Peru and enjoy the beautiful parks as well and spend all their daytime hours utilizing the faculties. Since it's winter it probably wouldn't bother too many folks but spring will arrive and then he and the Syrians can enjoy watching and interacting with the local citizens to include our children........better yet maybe your home?

Anonymous said...

I'm 1:16, I said no such thing. I basically said he can live outside if he wants to. Just not in the city park. He can go down to the canal and join the hobo camp down there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:44 AM
In reading your comment I can only feel sorry for you. Many on hallucinogen have hallucinations and never tell others. This is a problem in which someone should see their Doctor and also go to another for a second opinion. When reading that the United States of America is the melting pot of the world do you immediately think of a good dish of stew or maybe corned beef and cabbage?

Anonymous said...

During the depression and other economic hard times some of the smartest and most educated men in the country were hobos, went from door to do door asking for food, rode the rails from town to town looking for any type of work.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the Peru city council discussed the homeless situation at last night's council meeting. And some people say the blog is not making changes. I do believe it is!

Anonymous said...

It did not come from five people talking on the blog. It came well before that. People have been talking about this person and park lately and had inquired. Sorry. Blogs don't make changes. People do.

Anonymous said...

9:33 I agree with you. The aldermen say they don't read the blog but it isn't coincidence that lately many of the topics brought to attention here eventually make there way to council meetings and discussions. I too believe the blog is at least being recognized. Thank you Lois for all your time and effort giving us a place to voice our opinions.

Anonymous said...

Don't flatter yourself 9:33 the Mayor was asked about the homeless person by the press. All this blog is for hearsay a rumors. here's one for you. Lois I saw your name as one of the new precinct committee chair for the Republicans.
Is that true or a rumor???????

Anonymous said...

To 9:33 AM, If Peru's elected "geniuses" wish to have a short, informal discussion about homelessness that's fine. However, all Peru's citizens need to be aware that their elected officials are incapable and unqualified to even consider formal or informal action on any social issue of any kind. The incomptetence of Peru's mayor and 90% of the aldermen make it laughable that these nit-wits could [possibly possess the knowledge, experience, or compassion necessary to deal with any important social issue. Those rubber-stamp phonies should remember their obvious limitations and stick with what they know. That is, announcing the dates for leaf-vacuuming, warning residents not to blow grass in the street, and helping to ensure that Peru's insider businesses and contractors continue to collect Peru tax dollars on a regular and consistent basis. I can't even fathom Peru's knucklehaeds attemting to speak intelligently or address an important social issue like homelessness. It's just so far beyond the capabilities of the dim-witted, shallow and ignorant elected officials we have here in Peru. LOL!

Anonymous said...

11:14, during the depression, unemployed people where encouraged to leave the area they where in to seek employment. Today, the government discourages unemployed people to stay put and live on the dole. This is largely a Democrat thing. They don't want their voting base to leave - so they keep them captive with little or no opportunity, but plenty of "assistance."

As far as the perpetually homeless go - there is no reason for this other than personal choice. Unfortunately, their ability to make a wise choice is often impaired through mental disabilities or substance abuse. This is where our system needs to take over. They should be brought before a judge and adjudicated incompetent to manage their own affairs and placed in an institution. If they are judged to be competent and choose to live in the street or the woods, then so be it. But, that does not mean they should be allowed to live in a park - which has set hours of operation and use restrictions.

In other words, we need more institutions.

Anonymous said...

Institutions! Hell half of LaSalle-Peru would be justifiably committed for starters and they still wouldn't have all of them. Whoever wrote in probably wants to fill up L-P High School to build that $95,000,000 dream. Where are they going to get the money?

Anonymous said...

To 11:38 As I sit here and read your rant about the Mayor answering a question about a homeless person all you can do is spew derogatory statements.
Saying things like and I quote your post: " I can't even fathom Peru's knucklehaeds attemting to speak intelligently or address an important social issue like homelessness. It's just so far beyond the capabilities of the dim-witted, shallow and ignorant elected officials we have here in Peru. LOL!
I don't see the humor in being name calling.

I would have to think you are a very angry person and I would hope if you are around or have any contact with the youth of our area you don't act like a complete idiot, because you would not be a role model for any child.

Anonymous said...

Come on people,cheer up. We haven't had any sink holes yet.

Anonymous said...

6:12, yes we have. Never did get resolution on it. It is just north of the old brewery on "brewery hill."

Anonymous said...

I respect Mayor Scott J. Harl for his interest in inquiries of the homeless whether one person or a group. There are many reasons for a person to be homeless such as mental scars from defence of the country, the economy or some just plain old bad luck.I am sure a sociologist could render myself and the Mayor many more reasons.
Also I am sure that both myself and the Mayor have interest because of safety and health issues.
This is a situation which all of us should be thankful for concern, solutions and the city's willingness to act upon the solutions.

Anonymous said...

Almost all veterans are well adjusted and productive members of society. Whey do the liberals try to paint a picture that veterans are mentally defective and dangerous? The percentage of homeless veterans is no higher than that of the general society.

Anonymous said...

You lost me at "I Respect Mayor Scott J. Harl..." Everything after that was negated by the opening statement.

Anonymous said...

I've heard and read many compliments with regards to La Salle's Rotary Park display. What I'd like to hear is what people think of Peru's Airport display and if you've seen it.

Anonymous said...

I've seen it and consider it be be very nice for a initial year. Peru has so much going on and happening all at once that to start up this game of spear chucking between the two cities is foolish. Why should someone answer that LaSalle's surrounds a swing set and Peru's is on a airport. The two cities should be doing the best they can working together. I cannot understand why Peru and LaSalle governments do not have a monthly meeting instead of being foes of one another. We are living in a age old identity problem which is costing all a fortune in taxes.