“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mayor Harl Wants No More Surprises

Mayor Harl is having the city attorney draw up an ordinance regulating public comment. You will stand at the podium and give your name and address and you will have to have given your topic or question to the Mayor before the meeting written on something like a 3 x 5 card. Questions and/or comments on something newly discussed will not be allowed. In my opinion, he wants control and no surprise question or comments. Do you suppose this might have something to do with the possible telecasting of the meetings?

We will continue to welcome your questions and comments here on the blog and to seek answers from the city, mainly the aldermen and the city clerks office.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will execute on site or prosecute someone who starts to speak about something other than what they put on their card? Probably just have them escorted from the meeting for ignoring the rules. Should make good video to send to news outlets. You said you wanted more people to show up. Looks like Mr. Harl will be doing your work for you.

Maybe the attorney can get some ideas from Orwells 1984. Welcome to Oceania, folks.

Btw I don't think they can force people to fill out the card or stay on or off any topic, specifically Ordering them to avoid what they just heard. Time limits and not allowing expletives have been upheld, but not much else. Remember, just because they make a rule does not mean you cant fight. If there is anything an attorney and a sleepy electorate might decide is worth fighting for, it's free speech and the right of citizens to be heard. A perfect issue for his opposition this election year.

Brian Foster said...

I wonder what would happen if the council and citizens decided to hold their own meeting and not invite the Mayor - or let him come and not let him talk. I for one would love to have a Saturday morning meeting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Below this post is a link to a summary of free speech rights in public and non public forums. The City of Peru, like a vast majority of cities, has generally allowed public comment at their meetings, which gives the citizens all associated rights of protected free speech. The city can move to banish all public comment, which would be a drastic hallmark of this particular administration. However , if speech is allowed , restrictions can be carefully scrutinized.
Knowing the citizens have limited financial means, a first step would be petitioning the American Civil Liberties union for a list of Pro Bono attorneys in the Chicago area to assist in review and possible litigation. They are much more likely to become involved in general free speech protection than any specific local issues.


Peru Town Forum said...

At this point, it is a proposed ordinance, so the best thing to do IMO is to speak with your alderman and see if he approves of it. They have the option of voting not to approve this change, remember the proposed change to the mayors duties when Harl Wanted, the ability to perform marriage ceremonies. We can only hope this takes the same route. We are not the size of Peoria or Joliet and don't neet to conduct our meetinggs in the same manner. I have watched both the Evanston and Naperville city council mtgs online and they are both large cities. Their public comment is close to what the mayor wants but the comments tend to be social opinions from organized groups that go on and on and you find yourself saying I have heard all this before. It was just providing them with a platform to expound their views and had little to do with local problems or events.

Anonymous said...

7:49 I was on the council for twelve years and don't remember talking or deciding anything before a meeting, (other than committee meetings of which we had three members on committees not two that way the mayor couldn't push his agenda through committees). And as far as public speaking goes I don't think Mayor Baker ever stopped anyone that wanted to speak at a public meeting have thier say and I made most meetings, so I don't know which rumor mill you got that from but I think they and you are wrong. Joe witczak

Anonymous said...

Maybe an ordinance can be drawn up and executed by the
city attorney (who works for us taxpayers) eher the mayor us to leave the room for public comment! Imagine that! Harl wants full control if taxpayers comments because he's afraid of topics and issues that become public to taxpayers that have no idea of the games played. Also, I bet city department heads are scurrying at videotaping. THE ONLY REASON ANYBODY WOULD WANT SO MANY STIPULATIONS TO PUBLIC COMMENT AT COUNCIL MEETINGS IS BECAUSE MAYBE (figure why).

Anonymous said...

To Mr. or Mrs. CAPS: during the Baker era you could attend the informal meeting and take in all that was discussed and then have five days to talk to your alderman or any other alderman and point out what you may have not liked before they voted. Some people find something wrong with everything.

Anonymous said...

The best thing the council could do to get Harl re-elected is to place restrictions on public comment questions. That is when the Mayor is at his "best" and the constituents can see exactly how the City is/is not being operated. If the Mayor is un/ ill-informed the public should see him at his raw state for who, what, and how he operates. Say what you mean and mean what you say-not study a public comment topic to give the "correct" answer or answer the constituent "wants" to hear.


Anonymous said...

So the city is going to create a set of guidelines for public comment. Sounds reasonable. So the city council, by recommendation of the mayor, will put some basic rules in place to help facilitate public comment as well as provide the council a little advance opportunity to prepare responses to comments and questions from the public. That also, sounds reasonable.
Doesn't appear the mayor or aldermen have any intention of limiting anybody's right to free speech at all. In fact, having a simple set of guidelines will provide all with an understanding of their right to participate in local government.
Hmmmmm. Yes, that's seems pretty reasonable.
But, unfortunately it will only seem reasonable to reasonable people.
Few of whom tend to ever comment on these blogs.

Anonymous said...


I think that you would be able to write a very general topic on the card and submit it right before the meeting. They will not have much time to formulate a response. Unfortunately, when asking questions, they can always choose not to answer. But sometimes that is an answer in itself. I think you can still talk about almost anything in the three minutes, restricting that would be a bad move legally and politically. Also during the three minutes you could ask for a Question and Answer session about a topic to immediately follow the public comment. The worst they can do is say No.

Anonymous said...

Why must one personally present a topic in public comment to be satisfied with government procedure when that same person could present their idea or question to their city representatives and these same councilmen could have it put on the agenda for discussion?
What does public comment mean to you? To me it means exactly what it says - public comment. In using your elected official , the councils peer, as a representative I believe you will get alot more done.

Anonymous said...

When is the picket at the intersection, what time and who is in charge. Is it a free speech or a intersection picket. I liked the one that got rid of the dog selling store at the mall.

H. Tom said...


Anonymous said...

Joe - In my opinion, I strongly disagree with your comment about "nothing being discussed before (or after) a meeting." I've been to the bar where "gatherings" took place. I've heard the bartenders laugh and joke when they discussed the political conversations that took place. Also, I personally sat in a council meeting where you voted exactly opposite of what you said you were going to do to the people waiting in the lobby before the meeting. Remember the cell towers in Washington Park? And last minute, you voted to allow the towers. And smiled after the vote!! Why did you smile when you looked at the group sitting there? Unfortunately, that was the day I lost respect for you and much of the "arms length" voting process. Please don't come off being righteous to me.

Anonymous said...


Let's wait and see these reasonable restrictions and guidelines. I believe many reasonable people would question the need and timing of this ordinance. From the meeting minutes and news coverage over the past year there has been very minimal questioning or commentary. With all the pressing issues, why is this rising to the top?
I would say that they are concerned that their questionable practices might be exposed to a wider audience than us un reasonable bloggers. Does that sound like a reasonable explanation for this new ordinance?

Anonymous said...

On the WLPO web site it states that a man discussed alley vacation from 10 years ago. And he went on for 10 minutes. That is one example of why the Mayor wants limitations to free speach. With the cable telecasts coming to city hall, I think it would be great comedy to have those crazy nuts on camera. We would have spaceship landings, typical conspiracies, dog acts, firework demostrations, clothing malfunctions, and much more. Lets go full blast and allow everything. Even hire that bouncer on the Jerry Springer show for security.

Anonymous said...

To Brian:
From: Rodney Perez

The 2nd Ward hosts an informal Forum every quarter.
Our next one is Sunday, August 26th@ 1:00
We usually get citizens from other wards in attendance expressing concerns.
This forum is not restricted to 2nd ward aldermen; as we encourage attendance from all aldermen, unfortunately Sunday's don't work out for everyone.
All citizens are encouraged to attend these 2nd. Ward forums and will share any out-of-ward concerns with your aldermen.

Thank you!
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

10:33 a.m. you represent a vast majority of reasonable and common sense people. I could not have said it any better.

For you people who are worried about freedom of speech it is very common that government bodies manage a public comment. Freedom of speech does not mean you can go to a public meeting and say what you want for as long as you want. Most public bodies including county, municupal and school boards have policies or procedures governing how public comment works at its meetings.

Anonymous said...

3:22 one 10 minute inappropriate comment Period and you are projecting the Jerry Springer show. Look at the minutes from month upon months. There is not a problem with excessive public commentary. There is a problem with OMA actions and I agree it is timed to deal with the broadcasts. But its because they don't want to get blindsided on camera, not out of fear of citizens going on about spaceships.
Why does this city equate dissent or even counter opinions as chaos? Is this Peru or Stepford? There may be a problem here but it is because there is not enough commentary and questions. That is about to change.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to understand the limitations being placed upon public comment, or are these not limitations but simply guidelines to prevent some of the meetings audience from becoming Phyllis Dillers'.
If you feel you are being unfairly saddled at public comment time enter your thoughts into the local newspapers "open forum".
I don't see why any restrictions on public comment is a issue. The real issue is the lack of interest expressed by the citizenship of Peru. Attendance at city meetings is nil. As many out of townees have expressed we have people in Peru who look for reasons to complain and they complain about everything.
Not everything which the city representation of Peru does can be wrong.

Anonymous said...

harl/hitler is there a difference?

Anonymous said...

Real nice 7:44. Hitler was responsible for killing 6 million innocent people. Harl is a person you apparently don't like. That is the difference. You don't have to like the mayor and you can much say what you want as "anonymous" but he is an American citizen who has put himself out there to serve in a thankless job where people like you can make ridiculous comments like that. Go ahead, but I'm guessing from the character of your comment you couldn't handle that kind of heat for five minutes. If I'm wrong, humor us all, grab a petition and run for office.

Lois is posting this type of trash from anonymous idiots really necessary? Please don't waste time with how Hitler started by suppressing free speech. This is not a free speech issue. There should be guidelines for addressing any public body. Period.

It is also ironic that so many of you who are screaming that they are trying to limit your speech at a meeting will A. Never attend a meeting and B. Never speak at one if you do.

Why? Because if you would you wouldn't be afraid to put your name on your posts. You can't address a public body and be "anonymous".

Signed, Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I was talking with a friend of mine who is a very close Friend of Mayor Scott Harl. This Public Comment Ordinance with limitations is due to the future video recordings that may come to fruition and Scott wants to prevent bad press and anything that will reach the public that may make him look as though he doesn't have the city under control. So this is due to the possibilities of live broadcasts and recordings of meetings. Hear No Evil, See No Evil!!!

Anonymous said...

What does speaking out get you?
Harl tells the council members they aren't allowed to respond anyway.
I've seen him tell them all that after something controversial is discussed .
So why bother. They all gonna do what Harl-O wants anyway.
I can't wait for a new "change" next spring!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:00 PM

Maybe I should not have put it on and I will leave since you did a good job of answering him.
I just came from a Recreation Commission meeting and it was more like dealing with a dictatorship and not a city board of people not elected but chosen by a series of current and past mayors.
This commission does not even know they were in violation of several meetings at which illegal votes were taken. They changed the structure and use of a park for someones whim for a new sport and then try to cover their backs with a lot of baloney. This mtg was attended by the mayor, city clerk, city treasurer and 2 aldermen. I came away depressed that this can really happen here in the little town of Peru which will continue to shrink unless something changes in the way it is managed. Too many chiefs on their own warpath.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lois it is 9:00 p.m. again here. That is really too bad and I hate to hear that. The solution to that is options in the voting booth and letting the voters decide! My whole issue (well besides the dumb Hitler comments) is that I do think the council shoot have guidelines for speakers at meetings.

Bottom line is you have to VOTE people!

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't bother me that Harl is blaming me for setting limitations on public comment. If his appointed attorney is upset because I call him out on an illegally wrote ordinance from 11 years ago that affects my property, I really don't care. You put them on the spot demanding they fix their mistake and they get all worked up and can't believe you spoke up. Then I get my council members to agree and other council members also think the city needs to fix this and nothing happens. The absent minded building inspector sits on his hands and tells me the city never kept records until 2005 on permit fees so he can't investigate it. But somehow I got copies of all the paperwork. So ya, so it takes a little longer than 3 minutes to refresh the councils memory from when I discussed this last year and they instructed me to get with my council members and the building inspector. And since Taylor did nothing but tried to fine me for illegally stacked twigs in my yard I went back to the council. My alderman did their job but of course they don't make $30 an hour with no inspector license like Taylor. And since I announced I might run for mayor Harl tried to make me look like a fool and only came across making himself look like an A** .

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to sign my name


Anonymous said...

Rodney Perez Must be election time... Let's see who can knock down who the furthest. If we all quit slamming one another and start focusing on getting things done.. we would be much better off as a country. Slamming one another only brings negativity and Haste. I have thick skin and can handle the worse of the worse criticisms and still walk tall. But IMO.... The infamous Rodney King said it best when he said..." Can't we all just get along?" lol ;-)

3 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Well said Tom.

Anonymous said...


What is upsetting to me is the timing of the move to bringing order to the Imaginary lengthy and raucous public comment periods, and people like you who try to sugar coat this. There have not been many meetings with extensive or unruly public comment in Peru, and while many public bodies have simple practical rules on time and limiting swear words and fighting words, a very very few attempt to limit what can be discussed. Yes it does occur, but you are leaving out the part that when legally challenged they are very difficult to uphold. The part that is most disturbing is an attempt to ask for excessive personal information and excessive detail about what will be discussed and or asked? You might be able to state the matters must be ordinance or City actions within the last year, to limit old business, but what else can you limit without treading all over the open forum rules. The fact is - you can't. So the only reason for knowing before hand is to prep for the cameras, and refusing to allow commentary on the topics discussed at that meeting WILL NOT STAND. citizens asking for some clarification or stating an opinion on matters discussed before them is the heart and soul of public commentary. The only reason for not allowing it is because the council or Mayor might look ill prepared or just plain bad. Can you imagine someone standing and stating on camera, it looks as though the current ordinance just voted upon was unknown to several of the alderman and that the decision was reached by a quorum outside of this forum. Can you see that being broadcast while it is fresh and current, within 60 days of the OMA limits, being broadcast to professionals and attorneys who might wake up and say, hey that does not seem right. It only takes one to say I have had enough of this crap.

You guys can do what you want but you have to follow the rules and not do business as usual. It only takes one.

Anonymous said...

@3:22 I was at the meeting and the reason it went 10 plus minutes is because the Mayor and attorney kept ignoring his questions and giving him the run around and wound up making themselves look guilty. If the attorney would come alert and .......he would know what's going on.

Peru Town Forum said...

There is definitely something behind the intention of establishing rules for public comment. It is already announced that the time limit is 3 minutes. Generally there are about 4 or 5 people attending the meeting and the mayor knows each of us by name and our comments are usually questions for clarification. This is a lot of smoking mirrors, we are not Joliet or Peoria where the mayor does not know each and every individual, this is Peru and Mayor Harl calls us by name if and when we raise our hand to speak. Please make some sense out of this silliness.

Anonymous said...

Once again. What is the issue here?
Will anyone be denied the opportunity to speak? Answer: No
Will anyone be denied the opportunity to ask a question?
Answer: No
Will anyone have their Constitutionally guaranteed
1st Amendment rights denied in any way?
Answer: Hell No!
Knock off the phony drama folks and grow up.
I swear some of you
people would attempt to "argue" Christ off the cross if you had a chance.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:18 AM

One of Mayor Harl's campaign promises was to televise council meetings because he wanted government transparency, an open and honest government.
3 years later, it appears that now he would like some strings attached to this promise. In fact he is not keeping his promise as this was brought up and brought along this far by Ald. Perez. Our mayor would prefer, I believe, you not remember that he ever mentioned those words of open government.
Promises made and promises broken.

Anonymous said...

Tom Riordon for Mayor/ Perez for Co-Mayor. Last one out of Peru please turn off the lights.

Anonymous said...

8:18 oooohhhh. Angry? Get your head out of the sand. You must have friends in high places. Therefore, no worries.

Anonymous said...

You have not seen anything but the sugar coated News Tribune commentary, er I mean report. Let's wait and see what the proposed rules are before you share your vast constitutional knowledge on whether free speech will be prevented or inhibited. You say stop the drama, but none of you ever present one tangible court ruling supporting restrictions in Illinois beyond time limit and standard obscene or fighting words ( there are a very few, so get on the web). It is not drama when Free Speech is attacked in any way.
This argument is always being presented here " You guys just complain about everything. Stop and everything will be ok." You cant just keep ignoring this pattern of trying to close off decision making and suppress counter arguments.
Maybe the proposed ordinance will be completely acceptable and a reasonable procedural modification. I am happy to wait and see before saying it is no big deal or it is a major big deal. But based on the history of public comments there is arguably no NEED for this ordinance, and it's timing before video feeds is the elephant in room. The fact the "reporters" at the local paper do not even bring this stuff up and ask hard questions is alarming.

Anonymous said...

It is just very interesting that the mayor wants this ordinance now! He probably should have waited until a few televised meetings took place, that way he would have had the option of making a decision based on how the meeting went. Having the ordinance in place before he even knows if this will be an issue makes him look bad.

Anonymous said...

Harl-O has sealed his fate for not getting reelected. First ordained minister then him and Merry in cahoots and now limiting public comment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A little bird told me Alderman Rod recently sold his motorcycle and a truck to add funds to his campaign war chest against Harl. This should be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Tom, well said. You should change the "might run for mayor" to "definitely running for mayor". You have my vote

Anonymous said...

1:14 You can't be serious?

Anonymous said...

We will see someone run against Harl that won't need to sell their motorcycle for campaign funds.


Anonymous said...

I hope more people do run for office. I think there is still quite a bit of housekeeping to do and obviously people are getting nervous because ordinance creation has begun!!

Anonymous said...

From: Rodney Perez

No need to sweat the small stuff!

That darn little bird going around starting rumors; most likely to try and ruffle feathers between me and the mayor. I have recently sold my 10 MPG. truck in trade for a 26 MPG four door... that was the reason for the sale, so, it sure wasn't a campaign fundraising sale, and.. i'm sure not planning on taking out a petition for mayor. However, "if" I choose to pull a petition for anything.. it would be within the Peru Township Board. I'm loving my position as a second ward alderman with still a long to-do list ahead of me before my term is up.

Hope this clears the "mayor campaign rumor."

Thanks and have a Great Day:-)

Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Hey Peru, Rodney sold his big bad 10 mpg truck for a much smaller 26 mpg vehicle because it maneuvers better and gets better gas mileage for all the U-Turns and waiting time (save on gas) up at DQ with the cluster ---- of an intersection. Hope you purchased the new vehicle in Peru so Peru gets the tax revenue so that Mayor Harl can purchase another sign with his name on it in his hope he gets re-elected.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Surprising to read well over a hundred comments submitted to the blog in reference to 38th street Venture Drive and public comment at council meetings..
If all of the people who submitted these comments would take as much active interest in Peru government as they should be doing instead of complaining when something, anything is done Peru would be the envy of ALL towns of similar size.
In the past and presently today Peru has a citizenship which is inactive and lethargic waiting for city officials to do it for them and than condemning the same for doing such.
If you believe the above statements are incorrect come to a committee or city council meeting and count the attendance. When, if ever, was the last time you attended a city meeting? Can you remember when you last spoke to the Mayor or your alderman?
Re-engineering the 38th street Venture Drive area should have been done years ago and when finally started should have been completed. As for a ordinance on public comment it should not hinder anyone's ability to express their ideas on the topics the council has discussed.
In a town of 10,000 which has not had public comment from more than ten different citizens in the last year public comment has become a agenda for a few to hopefully vent rather than add substance to the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Your commentary confuses me. You seem to be scolding the many people who are beginning to actively participate by sharing opinions and ideas in these forums because of , well I can't really understand why? Because you feel that it is wrong to care about something because you have not cared in the past the manner and style you deem appropriate?
The description you provide of a few tireless activists venting and a sleepy inactive majority could be applied to almost any electorate. Most groups of voters are slow to recognize when the majority in power is favoring friends or operating in a non transparent manner. As long as nothing is happening in their own backyard, they tend to stay complacent and trust the powers that be.
But these few who stubbornly and in my opinion bravely resist and expose problems so the rest of us can begin to take action and care should not be condemned. I am sure sometimes they get frightened standing out in public in an area with a rich history of violent retribution , they get tired and discouraged when they see that same lack of participation that you describe. But they are doing it anyway and to me that is courage.
I have examined this issue and come to a different conclusion than you. That is the heart of democracy, differing opinions being openly debated and discussed with mutual respect. I may not care as much about the issues of pickle ball, fireworks, mall intersections, but I begin to care about some patterns of decision making in government , and I would not care if the people who say are only venting had not worked so tirelessly to expose it.
In many areas, news organizations serve that function. But that does not seem to be the case here. So citizens are forced to pick up some slack. The issue of the intersection to me seems to have been handled very poorly and quite possibly in violation of the OMA. Perhaps you don't care about that. The issue of the city controlling the public commentary portion of meetings seems strangely timed and unnecessary, especially with so few public comments as you stated in your comment. To me, and I believe many who will review it, it does seem to be restricting free speech in a public forum coinciding with public videotaping and distribution. I am glad that social media is making me aware of these issues and also glad that you can come here and freely and anonymously comment. Such commentary is not welcome at the council meetings.

Anonymous said...

9:59 p.m. - Good for you! You are 100% correct in your description of those who do nothing but bitch about each and every issue.
And Lois - The mayor has stated in open meeting more than a few times during the past three years of his support of televising meetings with very little support from the majority of aldermen. Don't you remember how rude the old guard (Dave/Bob/Dave) were to the female rep from Comcast.
Did you forget how they used the 32cent fee which would be placed on all Comcast customer bills as an excuse for not allowing it to happen. They define the fee as a tax in order to run away from it.
The majority of aldermen don't want it and will not support it. They are the ones who have to approve it. Just like everything else.
Do you really think that Tony Ferrari, Dave Waldorf and Bob Ankiewicz want a larger audience of viewers to have the ability to record and create a video libray of their bloopers, gaffs and frequent insults to women made available for distribution on YouTube and elsewhere?
They are weak, ineffective, and generally poor aldermen, but they aren't totally stupid.

Anonymous said...

Mayor doesn't return phonecalls. Bleck doesn't return phonecalls.
Still don't think I've received an answer from the clerk on an email I sent a year ago. Jobs were threatened in the past, not sure if intimidation still occurs. Inspectors show up at your door unexpectedly. When you go to the council meeting, you can watch the alderman roll their eyes and rock in their chairs and laugh when they don't want to give the time or respect to listen to someone in the audience. Hence, the new ordinance. I have sat in those meetings. Some of the alderman are very ill-prepared. There is nothing a citizen can do but vote for change. Don't get all holier than thou on us bloggers. Your quote "shouldn't hinder" cracks me up. You might have powerful friends.

Anonymous said...

6:11 absolutely very true. Have to be very careful.

Anonymous said...

Rodney, The Peru Township pays more and your about ready for a change. You got Peru in good shape and its time to get that township in order. Good Luck, we know you will win.

Anonymous said...

Lois, We are concerned about your state of mind. You mention you were depressed. And you mentioned that Peru has a dictatorship going with the last few Mayors. Its makes us believe we are living in Sudan, Nigeria or Saudi Arabia. Is it that bad that the recreation board put up a pickleball court in a park? Or the Mayor put new stripes on a roadway? Talk to your city representatives and Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I think the Sudan, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia are open dictatorships. They don't pretend to be democracies. I think that might be the part that is depressing her. Bums me a little too but I'll get over it. When you get depressed, you just need to find the right person to talk to about it. Even with your genuine concern, I am guessing you would not be the right person. Luckily, there are others.

Peru Town Forum said...

Perhaps saddened might be a better word. Perhaps I have come to know just a bit more than the average resident about how this city does not function, about who isn't in control and how the people who live here don't matter. I have worked in 3 political campaigns in the last 7 years with the hopes of making this a better city for the people who live here. That the people who represent us might actually represent the city instead of their own self interests and to keep the promises they made.

Peru Town Forum said...

And then I went to a Recreation Commission meeting whose arrogance knows no bounds and I have people who will attest to that. Evidently they are the most powerful committee in the city of Peru. All others come back to the council with their information so the whole council can hear what is going on because much of what they do affects the community as a whole. Other committees deal with specifics and if important they do come back to the council. Some of the council see this but others who remain ill informed about things other than their committee assignments do not.I guess that self interest has become the motto. I will be more specific as I review the audio of the Recreation meeting.

Anonymous said...

Lois, 0 for 3 isn't that bad. I remember the time I worked on the Nixon campaign and that group of thugs that got caught stealing paper clips at the Watergate Hotel. I was sad for days. Then we got involved selling tickets for the Gov. Ryan campaign, thats how I thought you got a CDL license. That was also sad when George went to the slammer. And I thought it was good for my business to give some of my time and cash(paper bags full) to this young lad named Rod Blagovitch. Then I hear he had some problems with putting the squeeze on contractors for campaign money. I was sad to hear of that. I guess we just pick the wrong crowd to run with. Maybe we should analyze who we support and why? Have you ever heard of anybody say...I promise and keep a promise?

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:36,
Thank you for your educated, unbiased, and informed response. If we had a council filled with likeminded individuals such as yourself, much more would get accomplished and it would be done in a civil manner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is Harry Reid on that committee? It sounds like the Taliban has taken over Peru. Don't tell me were having more pickleball in Peru! There power has no bounds! Next they will be putting up playground equipement for kids in the park, is there no stopping this group?

Anonymous said...

Secret audio tapes. Now were getting to the real juicy stuff at these meetings. Did you have to get a pigeon to wear one of those wire taps? That turncoat. I bet he/she gets one of those plea bargins. How much diamond dry was purchased this year? How many scoreboard lights had to be replaced? We want to hear that tape and find out these insider dealings. Some compare the leader of this group to John Gotti, the teflon Don. I hope he doesn't find out about someone on the crew wiretapping. My advice is to lose that tape before Gotti finds out. Trouble brewing in Peru.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that the township of Peru is now worried that Rodney Perez may pull a petition out?

Peru Town Forum said...

3:27 PM
I hope they are not buying more playground equipment as they haven't been able to take care of what already exists in our park. Go and read the recreation minutes from February and read the list of things that needed to be done and hasn't been. The tennis court got turned into a pickleball court but in the same park, the playground equipment is in deplorable condition but that was not taken care of for the children. In the meantime adults come from all the surrounding towns and seem to be creating more than normal pickleball noise for the residents annoyance. Yes the Recreation Commission can be very proud of their accomplishments for their friends. Don't remind them of this or they will just consider you a complainer.

Anonymous said...

I think Rod needs to shake up all forms of Peru's Government. I'm not sure he could legally hold both seats anyway? Rod~~ have you researched that? Can an alderman hold a TWP seat? Now I see things getting very interesting. COULD THE CURRENT TWP HiDE THEIR SHANNANAGANS FROM PEREZ?

Brian Foster said...

8:55 - Ask Bob Vickery. I think he has the record for the most government positions held by one person at the same time.

Anonymous said...

so can we speak at the council meetings or not ?

Anonymous said...

8:55 He would never figure it out. Last one out turn off the lights.

Anonymous said...

Lois, give them more money and all of the items will get done. Release the tapes! We want transparency in the recreation area. Who has been wearing the wire?

Peru Town Forum said...

10:00 AM

Perfectly legal to have a tape recorder at a committee meeting, we have done it before on occasion. OMA makes all of that OK.

Anonymous said...

Traffic study support group will be meeting on Saturday morning at the intersection. The nice thing about this support group is that you don't need a Doctor referral to attend. Lunch at DQ after the group session. No wire tapping allowed. Is this a public meeting on the agenda? Check the open meetings act, all the elected officials may be attending.

Anonymous said...

Brian, didn't Peru City want to give Bob a raise?

Anonymous said...

Thank You and great point! I'm to old to run for office and we need more energy and strong blood in both city hall and the township. I sure wish more young people would take that on. It would take more than Rod in the TWP to make any changes, there needs to be term limits but are there enough good people interested. After reading all of this that is going on in the Peru Township it needs to be completely overthrown by non greedy people. We need change in administration and not by politicians that are easily presueded by the old way mentality. With businesses closing and a shrinking economy the city needs to change its way of thinking. I truly believe the city of Peru needs to hire a city manager that does not have ties to Peru, but yet has a small town and open mentality.
Rod Perez for Township Board 2013
Attn: Rod. This election is just a crows fly away so go do it.

By--- 8:55

Anonymous said...

Rodney is perfect for the Township. They will have him taking minutes and driving the truck by the 1st meeting. By the 2nd meeting, he will be passing raises for everybody. Will they be doing a fireworks celebration? If not they will be soon.

Anonymous said...

What time is the traffic study. Should I bring a calgulator?

Anonymous said...

I believe there is a question with the compatibility of Mr. Vickery holding elected office of Peru Township and LaSalle County Board Member. I believe a consideration for determination for Complaint in Quo Warranto could be filed with the LaSalle County State's Attorney and if Towne fails to act it is automatically forwarded to the Attorney General's office.


Anonymous said...

forget the twnship is anyone running against harl?!!

Peru Town Forum said...

someone will be running in the twp., have not heard anything specific about the Mayor's race.

Anonymous said...

September Surprise is right around the corner for the entire Government of Peru. From city officials, to township. Shake Rattle and let's Rolll!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to dig up the names but is the Hocking on the Township board related to E. Hocking that was president of Liberty and used to hoard cash upstairs of the fire department. And now R. Ankiewcz is the president of Liberty. Funny how everything in Peru goes by what your last name is.

Anonymous said...

Is the police detective Hocking in Peru related to either one on Liberty or the one on the Township?

Anonymous said...

It also works out good that the Realtor/township phony is the realtor hired to sell the property on 9th & grant owned by the electrical superintendent. Crooks take care of their own.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:28 PM Funny isn't it that this was a huge topic of discussion in the last Mayor election.