“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Peru Pages: Harl War Chest Tops $23,000 – City Employee Second Largest Contributor

Peru Pages: Harl War Chest Tops $23,000 – City Employee Second Largest Contributor


Anonymous said...

Is a war chest ethical for the Mayor of Peru to raise before all candidates for the position are determined? Having the power to allow or disallow private business' and citizens certain favors should the mayors office be allowed raise a war chest?
Being that the Mayor has proven that the incumbent can raise a war chest equivalent to and above the average yearly income of the area in much less time than a full four year term can he justify this when the opposition will only be able to raise his/her campaign funds from the time they declare that they are running for the office a time frame of four months.
What is to happen to this war chest if the incumbent loses the election. Normally the incumbent gets to keep it.
The idea of a incumbent Mayor in the City of Peru to raise a war chest does not appear to be a step in the right direction for Peru but a strangle hold upon those who wish to oppose him in all upcoming elections.
In fairness to all I believe this war chest should be divided equally among all mayor candidates in the next election, a maximum amount should be determined by the city council which is to be spent for each candidates campaign and what is left over should be donated to a good city cause such as the swimming pool fund. Peru is not Washington, Chicago, Aurora, Rockford, Peoria or Dixon nor do we want to be!

Anonymous said...

To make a donation to the Harl Campaign go to the township office where the campaign manager holds a public office. Nothing wrong with raising campaign cash and its legal to donate if you are a employee or contractor of the City of Peru. Its in your best interest.

Anonymous said...


Jesse James said...

You don't need a gun to hold up Peru.

Anonymous said...

Jesse this is not that type of hold up. It is more the arm twisting kind of hold up in which the Mayor kind of reminds people of what he has done for them, what he can do for them and what he will do to them.

Unknown said...

His biggest campaign contributor must be the aluminum manufacturer the city buys all their stop signs from.

Anonymous said...

what a joke, mayor harl would be better off taking his war chest and going on a nice long vacation-if he were ever to get voted in again we might as well fold up the city of peru-sad sad sad