This is a listing of the donations to build the BB gun range in the basement of city hall and associated expenditures.
It is well known that city employees provided the labor to make it happen. To be fair we should also know how many man hours were utilized and cost per hour unless they volunteered on their own time. Special projects are not taxpayer related costs
Why is the King's Inn and the Cemetery listed at the bottom left corner of page 3? What do they have to do with the BB gun club?
Why is the Police Enforcement Fund expenses of $2746.67 charged to the club expenses? What is the Police Enforcement Fund?
I thought we had accountants that knew what they are doing to run the city books ? The attached are NOT financial statements fully diluted.
What is presented here is not a full accounting of the financial status of this BB club expense to the city .
Where is the COMPLETE fnancial statement , if presented we definitely would see that there are more costs to the city then is showing up in the attached missing documents!
Still here,we are seeing the BOOKS COOKED/SLIGHTED.
Looks like a big swindle sheet. Classic bunco. How many of the "donations" came from businesses that "need something" from the City or the Mayor?
This report is hilarious!! Monkeys on board or what?? I want to see the invoices that add up to $13,000 plus. I bet this whole fiasco will be shoved under the rug like everything else in this town.
"Treasurer Hyla and I have reviewed the budget and determined that there are no cuts that can be made... wer're cut to the bone."
Mayor Scott J. Harl when asked if the additional sales tax was absolutely necessary.
Yes, shoved under the rug and wherever else like it has been for the last 48 years. Nothing has changed.
5:25 Apparently the bone has grown because just recently it appears that we have all kinds of cash laying around to pay for purchases (as per Mr. Hylla).
People of Peru: Take a good look at the invoices regarding this club. Did the workers have a goofer running back and forth to Ace and Maze lumber, sometimes twice in the same day? Why wasn't the job planned and the material purchased all at once? I understand that sometime you may have to run to get nails or something but as often as listed in these invoices? Come on citizens of Peru! Study these invoices and question why?
I am curious about campaign donations and if campaign funds can be used for any type of "club".
GEEZE. One is to think that a house was being built for all the trips to purchase materials and supplies. Evidently whoever was the foreman for this job wasn't oeganized.
4:50 Sometimes 5 times in one day. Something smells rotten in Denmark me thinks.
Maybe sometimes certain Peru employees have things billed to the city but ACCIDENTALY get used for personal use!! Oh Golley Gee!! Wonder who that is now & (in the past)!!
If a city vehicle was used for all these trips to the store to purchase supplies and equipment I failed to see that expense such as gas, wear and tear on vehicle. Do I need glasses? Or did I fail to see it?
See Harl donated to BB club 5 Benny's ($500). Does anybody know if he donated to the friends of Peru pool?? If so, how much? Wondering.
did the mayor donate to the horseshoe club or the pickleball club? Inquiring minds want to know!
FYI: For the month of Dec. 56 trips were made to purchase materials for this project (31 to Maze and 25 to Ace). For the month of Jan. 73 trips were made to purchase materials for this project (45 to Ace and 28 to Maze). I don't know about anyone else but this seems to have been the most unorganized project ever and if done by city workers it makes one wonder. And why would "ice melt" have to be purchased twice on the same day? Isn't this an inside project?
I just wanted to inform whoever the blogger is who has chosen to bash the city carpenter not to worry as he will be retiring in a few short years. To those of you who do not know him he's the man who had a double hernia repair and was back to work in two weeks, and during that time his mother passed away so several of those ten days were bereavement pay! He also pulled a muscle in his lower back at work last year and took vacation time off not sick days! You know how the old saying goes, "You don't know what you got until its gone." Let's see the city get another carpenter of his caliber with that dedication!
8:28 PM
We have a city carpenter???
Lois: Seriously? I call him a carpenter because he is the one who builds and rebuilds everything in the city from park shelters, bathrooms, lift station housing, park benches, the new city park garage open your eyes and take a look around, have you been downstairs in the city hall to look at the BB Gun Range! What do you call a man who does this? I call him a carpenter who works very hard!!!!
9:01 PM
Yes seriously, I have never heard anyone thank him for his work within the confines of city hall or even mention what he can repair. I wanted to go downstairs but I hurt my knee and steps are something I have been avoiding when possible.
The city has been very hush hush about the new room in the basement when it comes to city workers so no one would know this unless they were a part of the construction.Like most jobs if you are doing a good or excellent job no one knows because that is what they expect but the person who does little gets noticed even though it might be bad press.
Lois: Your last comment is very confusing, I can't figure out if you are saying he does excellent work or does little? Personally I don't think you bloggers have a clue how hard city workers work. I know their work force has been cut in half over the past four years and you people still go out and only look for things to complain about. It is quite sad and unfortunate that you rarely take time to write a blog to commend them when they do perform a fine job, such as the beautiful BB Gun Club that was just built! It is not that hard to give a compliment and it might just make you feel good, if only just for a moment!
nothing that the city workers have done is questionable. What is questionable is the incomplete financial report to account for the total cost of the BB Gun Club.
9:25 PM
Why would I compliment something I have not seen and personally I am not interested in a BB gun club and it is great that you are, enjoy. Too many things are suspect right now about the organization of the club. It is true we do need drug awareness but in my opinion this does not involve enough of the teen population and probably is not getting to those who really the warnings and help. Need I say more? Tell me how much drug enforcement money is spent in the school system teaching our young people to avoid drugs and alcohol?
What I find absolutely amazing is the amount of people who comment on this blog who I can only imagine never leave their house to see what is actually happening in Peru. How many of you volunteer? For anything? I am a volunteer for many different organizations in the City of Peru. I do not get paid, nor expect it. I do it to make a difference. Try it sometime instead of sitting back in your chair judging everyone for everything when you really do not have a clue! Getting involved with your mind and body makes a difference. Not posting demeaning comments on a website meant to defame and hurt people. Where is God in your lives? Do onto others, not do to others. Bless you all. I hope the best for all of you. Lois, if you want to see the new BB gun club room, there is an elevator in city hall. You do not have to use the stairs. I am posting this anonymously as to not feel the backlash from those clearly doing the devil's work!
9:01 We have a new city park garage that somebody built? When did this happen and where is it?
8:28 First of all no one was bashing the city carpenter. Second I wasn't even aware we had one and third, his medical issues have nothing to do with the extreme number of trips needed to various locations for supplies. Twice in the same day for ice melt on an indoor job?
Lois: my dad just called to ask if I saw anything on here about a city employee recently being fired for theft of city equip. Relating to this BB gun fiasco. I guess the word going around the corner coffee shop is ramping up.
Anyone heard this?
Heard it don't know any details.
Cannot be related to BB gun fiasco. There was no financial charges of six employees being in the city building for eight hours a day for three weeks anywhere on the books. now would the BB Gun Club member who so wrongly confronted Alderman Mayszak boy up and apoligize. Alderman Mayszak performs her position with proficiency and has challenged many unethical situations which have taken place in Peru. Sometimes a inquiry places her on top of the wrong peoples toes but you gotta do what you gotta do. I cnnnot believe how far she has come in political knowledge since the missing items at the swimming pool. Peru cannot afford to lose her and this must be remembered in the coming election.
Mayszak (X)
Radtke ( )
What's the city going to do without a horticulturist ? Will the city post this position?
5:28 PM
Why did we have one in the first place?
Where's he going? What happened? Is this BB gun related?
I think lois needs to start a new topic on the discussion about the current situation of the city and its ex-horticulturist. More turmoil under Bleck and Harls watch!
Bleck needs to quit!! Beyond pathetic!! If Harl had a set, he would fire him!!
Not created by Bleck and Harl, but definiately not managed (aka, "conveniently overlooked" by Bleck and Harl.) This crap was created by the K's family tree that was approved by the 2 Don's over the years. One big happy Cesspool of pissing away tax payer money. The K family must have done really well over the years compliments of the taxpayer. Please don't bring that mess back again.
just putting this together and believe its a Peru policy issue along with the "forgetful" enployee. Could and probably goes back 40 years or more.
Does anyone besides me find it strange that one of the invoice entries with regards to this BB gun budget is dated 2/10/1900? It can't even be considered a type because it is so far off. Come on citizens of Peru open your eyes and ask questions before this next election.
The invoice from 1900 I think was signed by Maud!!
10:10. A set of what? Pickelball sticks or a set of horseshoes, or a set of wedding bands? Several department heads should be ousted! Vote!!!! Hart for Mayor.
For 2 quarters you can get 2 jumbo gumballs from the vending machine at the convenient store.be careful not to chock or swallow them hard. Also sometimes you will find those colorful rainbow colored bouncy balls. My kids love those. Buy, buy. Buy, tax revenue comes to the City by supporting the ball machines.
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