“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Look Back at 2010 Debt Clock.

This debt clock was posted on March 4, 2010 with the information obtained from the city by the concerned individual. A good friend located it in the archives of this blog, March 4, 2010. A post was written on March 8, 2010 also.


Anonymous said...

Mayor Bakers Legacy confirmed by Lucy Frasco, Wilcoxen and Associates

Source: 2009 12 16 Council Meeting to review April 30th, 2009 Audit with Lucy Frasco from Wilcoxson CPA firm. Lucy informed city council “The final General Fund balance shows only a $100,00 surplus.”
2009 Audit was displayed on screen in front of Council. Lucy Frasco confirmed Unfunded Pension Liability is a General Liability of the City. Liability stated publicly was unfunded liability of $8,794,025.

Audit shows 28 Million debt, add the recently discussed Plank Road Bond Debt, Peru is about $40,000,000 in debt and liability. No City officials disagreed.
Peru Citizen

Anonymous said...

Please Peru Citizens...............
Remember the past administration of Donald Baker and the financial condition he left the City of Peru.

It is all documented and verified by the Wilcoxen and Associates.

This is NOT debatable but a simply fact.

Anonymous said...

Ok 8:18 and 8:26 but are we better off now after four years of the current mayor? If not we as citizens need to consider one of the other two candidates! Right now mine choice will be Mike Hart. He has shown an interest in being informed by attending committee and council meetings and hopefully is running for the right reason....to represent the people of Peru and getting this spending under control.

Anonymous said...

What is the debt today? That's the issue.

Anonymous said...

There you go with a surplus of
$100K (in the black)it is nowhere close to the $42M at the end of Bakers term as the band of ladies were constantly quoting.

But looks at where we are presently in debt? WOW for Harl, good job , right folks.
Are you all happy to be paying off this debt till you are dead and then leave it to your kids to pay off and then probably THEIR KIDS. (the next two to three generations)

Anonymous said...

The bond debt is now 38 million a 10 million dollar increase in 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Good job Lois you sure picked a winner with harl hope you did a better job with this pick. but I think you're wrong I'm voting for baker at least we had lower property taxes and sales taxes then not to mention two pools

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:40 Yes, many picked a winner with Harl. I do not remember what the vote tally was in the last election and how many made the same mistake, including myself.
That mistake was made four years ago and both Lois and myself own up to it. you have made your choice and Lois has made hers and I am going to wait to make mine after the debates. You can bet I am not going to make my decision on appearences or personalities but on substance.
Please give us credit for admitting to our mistakes. Do you agree with me that the colored political ads in the paper remind you of the Sunday cartoons. To campaign using using out of town people and their positions dressed in suits at a convention or in a Washington D.C. executives office in a blue collar town is political suicide and should have been recognized immediately by a blue collar Mayor. Well I guess thats my problem I knew him when he was blue collar not after he became Mayor and CHANGE took place.

Peru Town Forum said...

Those type of photo ops you have referred to never have and never will impress me. What would make me think highly of a mayor would be honesty at all times and treating all people with respect whether you agree with them or not.

Anonymous said...


We all know that you term disrespect as someone who does not agree with your opinion. Your elected representatives in the 1st ward are two of the nicest people along with Mayor Harl. Why play the honesty and mistreatment card? If you disagree call out that issue, why place a label of dishonesty and disrespect?

Peru Town Forum said...

Not sure what planet you are living on to ask me that question.

Peru Town Forum said...

In addition, I am always respectful to those who treat me with respect and to those who don't I treat them as they treat me. Now you can answer your own question.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52 Scott, Tony and Mike may be three of the nicest people especially in comparision to Mayor Harl, Alderman Ferrari and Alderman Radtke. During a city council meeting they become the poster children of Jekyle and Hyde. All three are arrogant and insulting politicians too bad they cannot carry their social personalities over to their political life. Than the rest of us would respect and like them also.

Anonymous said...

3:06. Would'nt it be interesting to give a test with question regarding issues with the city and with
City departments to all the alderman and see what theor answers would be in an essay form???! See how up and up they are with the departments in which they are on the committee for that department. Some, I'm sure are probably clueless. My opinion! Have to laugh.

Anonymous said...

They are certainly different than the people who campaigned. It makes me sad to see nice turn to ugly when it comes to politics. They have turned their backs on the ones that helped them get elected and for that they will not get my vote in April.

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM, March 22, 2013
Let me try a simple example to discredit your assumption that a $100,000 surplus at the end of Don Bakers term was a accomplishment.

Assume your family has $10,000 in savings and your monthly bills are $50,000.

Those monthly bills of $50,000 include the debt payments of your home, cars, credit card debt.

You add up your debt and it comes to $2,800,000.00

Do you really believe you are a good manager of your finances?

Ex Mayor Baker did NOt leave office with a good balance sheet.

Wilcoxen & Associates said as much at that meeting.

Voters need to understand at the end of the day.....................
"It's All About The Money"

Anonymous said...

They will not get my vote in April either nor will they ever get my vote again. Harl is presently running a poor third, Radtke is completely out of his mind running against Sherry Mayszak and if you vote for Becky and not for Ferrari this MAY give him a hint on how smarta** comments to long term council attendees is accepted by Ladies and Gentlemen. It will also indicate to a future opponent how easily he is to unseat.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:18 PM

Regarding the bonded debt from the Plank Road project, this was taken on shortly after the election and had been pursued prior to the election by Mayor Baker and Council members. The minutes are no longer online for the discussions which took place in the Finance Meetings so I cannot verify. The Council wished to pursue but I don't think the Mayor was in favor of the additional bonding. Can anyone add to this or correct?

Anonymous said...

Did you mean prior to the election of Mayor Harl?

This project had been in the works before Mayor Harl was elected.
Do you agree?

Peru Town Forum said...

7:33 PM

Definitely, it was in the works before Harl was elected.

Anonymous said...

Much has happened since last fall and much is till to happen in the lst few days before the elections but in the grand tradition of Peru politics the self appointed Blog Ambassador of Spotting has not arisen leaving many in question if he /she has survived or possibly still in hibernation. If anyone hears the familiar slapping of sticks respond in similar manner.

Anonymous said...

My error, stand corrected the correct and full title is
"Blog Ambassador of Deer Spotting"
which is a life long self appointed title. This is presently the most respected title in Peru and should be honored as such.

Anonymous said...

The ambassador of Deer Spotting is alive and well. Humor has its place and unfortunately, the ambassador Of DS is dismayed by ex Mayor Baker choosing arrogance and self interest to almost guarantee the race to Harl.
His decision not to throw full support behind another challenger will cause the lemmings to allow this dangerous poser to continue his Union politics and favoritism to rule the next four years.
I fear a single debate will do little to sway the voters, but will bang my sticks loudly if there is sweeping change in Peru. This race is not about photo ops and pools.
A of DS

Peru Town Forum said...

10:07 AM

Please remain positive Ambassador of DS, last election, I do believe it made a big impact and I do encourage all to listen to WLPO on Tuesday and go to the Library on April 7 where you can actually see them walk in and speak. Last election Baker was late and O'Beirne and Ferrari were very nervous constantly going out to check and see if he was coming or having problems.

Anonymous said...

Lois I heard last election it was standing room only at the Library. I can only imagine with more candidates this year there will be more be in attendance. DO you know how the library is going to accommodate this? Who decided the location? I hope those people that do attend take the time to video record the debate starting from when they get out of the car for those people that are unable to attend or the possibility of people being denied due to the amount of people.

Anonymous said...

To 6:07,
I am really concerned about your financial comments and the others in town that DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TO READ A BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCIAL PROFIT LOSS STATEMENTS.

This is really scary. People trying to make an issue of finance without the very basic understanding of accounting principles and how businesses are run. I am sure glad NOT to vote for more of the current same
(Scott H.+ Mike H.+ Jim G.) to run the city of Peru.

If anyone would put the above 3 candidates names in a hat and pull out a name they are ALL THE SAME,trouble for Peru.

Anonymous said...


I am positive, but numbers are hard to dispute. Ex Mayors Baker will be a legacy of debt, and now this time a final blow to Peru, daring votes in a battle he cannot win.
Do not believe that because I poke fun at Harl, I am not very close to him. Many in that building are close to him and fear for Peru.
Unless Baker concedes now and throws his support behind another candidate, this will be his most damaging legacy. And Harl is counting on it.
The other races are more competitive, but even there Lukosus faces a split challenge.
Divide is what the Harl admin does best.

A of DS

Anonymous said...

I still wonder about the BB gun expense account posted below and formulated by our city treasurer. There is not only 1 purchase but 2 that are dated 1900. Now this is not a typo. Also, if you look closely you will see that the person who was the gopher purchased salt pellets twice on the same day. Now, apparently the pellets were not for the indoor project because if you look at the bottom of the report you will notice that those amounts have been subtracted from the BB gun invoice. This makes me wonder, did someone purchase this for themselves (on city time) and reimburse the city? Questions, questions, questions. We want answers (and the truth). Why would anyone run a project in the manner this one was? Too much time wasted running back and forth for building materials and tools.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:29 AM

Most mayors and elected officials are not CPAs and I don't expect them to be and that is why we have a city Treasurer and now I believe he is a Budget Director. A mayor must bring to the city LEADERSHIP but not a financial expert. Peru is fortunate to have Ald. Mayszak with her financial knowledge on board as an alderman. Give me a mayor and council members who have good common sense, leadership skills and maintain an honest and open government, I don't need any more than that.

Anonymous said...

I think Scott Harl is scared of his record ; Do you hear him bragging , no Just trust me and re-elect me. What a phoney!

Why is Harl calling the other candidates to drop out? Does he have something to fear ?
With his record, I think so !

Anonymous said...


Do you know what time the debate will be on WLPO on Tuesday? I hope they record it and put it on their website for those who work and can't listen to the radio.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:29 PM

It will be at 6:05 PM March 26 on WLPO.

Anonymous said...

11:21 AM, March 23, 2013
Sorry but Ald Mayszak does NOT have any financial expertise to share with the City of Peru.

She also has NEVER shared any financial expertise in any of the City council meetings that I am aware of.

Let's not make stuff up for your chosen canditate!

Peru Town Forum said...

8:49 PM
And may I ask in your estimation who are the aldermen with the most financial knowledge beside Ald. Potthoff?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hylla: I would still like an explanation for the 2 (two) entries in your BB gun summary dated 1900. It's not a coincidence that both are dated 1900 and I will not accept it's "a typo" as an explanation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mr. Hylla I want to know also. Did you do that intentionally to see if any aldermen would notice. If they did they at least you know they looked at your report carefully.

Anonymous said...

Also, still waiting to know if Operation Promise received their money donation from fire department. Lois, is there anyway you can find this out? Notices that this question has been asked a couple of times and nobody has answered. Not even Alderman Perez, which is disappointing. Don't you find that strange Lois that Alderman Perez hasn't answered the question. wonder if he doesn't want to stir up anything.