This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Current 38th Street intersection plan 'pathetic' NT
How much longer does the city need to study the intersection of 38th Street and Venture Drive? The current solution is pathetic.
Now there are huge signs placed at First Federal trying to deter people from turning around on the property and not to u-turn. That is very unattractive and uninviting to patrons! Did anyone else notice the small green sign north of Target across from the entrance to Jalapenos? It points west and reads to U.S. 251. Why would the city make it difficult to shop this area? What do you plan to do on Black Friday? Is the city planning on keeping officers out there all day? That would be a wise use of payroll. Has the city looked into closing the road between the two banks and creating an entrance off 251 resembling the one by Olive Garden and Kohl’s? That would prompt people to use the south (36th Street) and west entrance/exits at the mall. Please don’t tell the citizens there isn’t money to drastically change this corner in some way. Peru has had 10-plus years to assess the situation, develop a plan, and allocate funds. Stop throwing good money after bad at these half-baked attempts to fix it. If the current idea was Chamlin and Associates best work, get a new firm! Denise Scolari, Peru
Lotus Beds Near Starved Rock
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Concerts for a Cause Considered Economic Development
Expenses in the amount of a little over $20,000 were billed to you, the taxpaying residents of Peru. It is being put into the category of a tourism expense and whatever money is generated by the hotel/motel tax and general sales tax is your payback. How they can determine whether the person who bought lunch at McDonalds and slept at the Holiday Inn went to listen to Kid Rock, I don't know.
More specifics will be posted as I put them together. What do you think of how the city is investing your tax dollars?
Not to belittle the fact that money was generated for a private La Salle school, but why am I paying for this?
Friday, August 24, 2012
Perhaps a Bright Spot in Our Downtown

I am hopeful that this purchase by an out of state real estate developer is a bright beginning for our forlorn business district in Peru. As he does his repairs and perhaps some upgrades, I hope we can keep the Design and Review Committee as far away as possible, so they don't mess up another business. Likewise with the Peru Downtown Redevelopment. Since neither committee has proved to me at least that they are able to do anything positive for downtown.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Why Are the Second Ward Aldermen Alone in This Endeavor
Post Council Meeting Thoughts
Aldermen Perez wants a vote scheduled for video taping the council and hiring and buying what is needed through Connecting Point. The mayor thinks we need to talk some more. I am not sure it has the votes to pass.
IML convention coming up in Chicago in October. It is supposed to be a learning experience for the aldermen and they bring their new found news back to Peru. They should be required to share that news with the city who paid for their jaunt to the big city. Last year we patiently waited for a summary of what they learned, and while they plan for this years new experience, we have not heard even one word from one alderman that attended last year about what was talked about at the conferences they attended.
Alderman Perez brought up the additional traffic surveys he had done with volunteers on 38th and Venture Drive and noted the continued same results of U Turns, Hobby Lobby turn arounds and in the bank lot also plus continued downturn in business sales. I heard about a semi truck who had difficulty navigating the intersection to go north. No comment from the mayor or council, except that Mayor Harl asked Super Bleck if the additional signs directing 251 traffic were in. Super Bleck said no that it takes longer to make special signs.
No further discussion on the intersection and the old power plant problem did not even surface.
Cable or Internet? Peru aldermen consider the best way share city council footage
Posted by wlpo on August 22, 2012
Cable and Internet are services you probably have in your home, but some people have chosen other providers for TV and some people don’t want anything to do with the Internet.
Peru City Officials are trying to figure out which is more popular- cable or Internet. They ask because Alderman Rodney Perez has been researching what it would take to record, broadcast or share the city council meetings.
Recording and posting meetings on the city’s website would cost an extra $91 a year for web hosting plus an estimated $2,400 to by a camera and software. That’s according to a quote from Connecting Point Computers.
Broadcasting the meetings on a public access channel provided through Comcast would be free but the city would probably have to spend at least $25,000 for cameras and equipment. That’s according to a quote by Comcast.
While the aldermen and mayor consider the price they’re also wondering which would reach more people- cable or Internet. The conversation will likely continue when they meet next Monday night.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Government of Peru Please Read and Become Aware
8/21/2012 5:47:00 AM Princeton commissioner proposes two readings of ordinances | ||
PRINCETON - Based on his belief that many local residents distrust their city council, Princeton Commissioner Joel Quiram suggested the council take a step to create more opennes.
Quiram said he's heard many residents' concerns about past decisions made by the council "There is without question an element of frustration shared by many that's guided by mistrust," Quiram said. "We need a system that addresses and works to resolve the frustration. We need to gain the trust. We can do this by ensuring that residents have the opportunity to be heard prior to any vote finalizing an ordinance." To accomplish this, Quiram proposed requiring two readings of each ordinance at separate council meetings prior to finalization. The council would still vote after the first reading, he said, then the ordinance and the results of the vote would be posted in City Hall and the city's website and published in the newspaper so residents would have a chance to voice their opinion before the next council meeting two weeks later, at which time the ordinance would be read a second time and a final vote would be taken. At that point, commissioners could take residents' feedback into account and possibly change their votes or revise the ordinance, he said. On rare occasions, an ordinance might have to be read twice in the same meeting, such as for an emergency ordinance to purchase equipment that is needed immediately, Quiram said. A procedure could be established to set aside the rules to make both readings during the same session. City manager Jeff Clawson used to work in Aledo, Ill. where they've followed this process for decades. "I didn't see much input from the public for any of that, but it's the process that was in place, so everyone knew they always had that opportunity," Clawson said. Clawson also told the council that the state of Iowa requires three readings of every city ordinance. |
Police search for man accused of holding up Eureka Savings Bank in Peru
Posted by wlpo on August 21, 2012
The search is on for a man thought to have held up the Eureka Savings Bank near the Peru Mall. The hold up alarm sounded at about 3:14pm Tuesday. A man described as black wearing a pair of shorts implied he had a weapon but didn’t show one.
Minutes later police had stopped what they think was get away car near Fourth and Hennepin Streets in La Salle. A white man was driving and reportedly told police he dropped off the man near the Daniel’s Motel on St. Vincent’s Avenue.
The man police think held up the bank was last seen near the La Salle Veteran’s Home and possible went into the Grant Street housing. An envelope, syringes and T-shirt are among the items police think he as dropped. You’ll hear more as it’s made available.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Are You Free at 4:30 PM Township Meeting
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Your Numbers Don't Add Up
Excerpt from:http://www.angelfire.com/id/clare/News.htm
Proof of the portability of the equipment was shown by Jim Grabowski himself, when he made a video to advertise pickleball
With that in mind why did the Recreation Commission quickly and I must say illegally (vote on the go ahead without placement on the agenda) not once but twice. Why did the Recreation Commission headed by President Bryan Hartman and Secretary Janice Grabowski quickly give the go ahead to Jim Grabowski, the husband of Janice Grabowski to change the tennis court to a pickleball court.And the city said nothing. And yes other members gave the go ahead also but other than Janice and Jim, I don't know that they were aware of the implications it would cause. Since the Grabowskis live close to that park, in the name of good citizenship, why did they not talk to the people who would be more seriously impacted by this decision. Doing that they would have shown that they wanted this to be done with all options on the table and maintaining the community of the neighborhood.
Now the people who are a part of the problem, don't live in the neighborhood and some don't even live in the city. The mayors answer to that was we welcome people from all cities to Peru.
The size of the court is 120 ft x 36 ft and it is located only 20 feet from 3 residences. Number one mistake by the city sometime in the 1990s.
Sound travels 1130 feet per second. In one millisecond, sounds travels 1 foot and that means in 20 milliseconds, the sound is in their yards and homes. And now the mayor has told the residents "You don't have the numbers", meaning there were only 7 people asking for changes at the recent Recreation Commission meeting on 8/13. He also said that my husband and I did count because we don't live next to it and if he had that would have been 9 people. I would like to ask the Mayor "how many homes can you put in the length of one city block"? Perhaps he had a cut off number of 7. Mayor how many homes are in your city block?
Maybe we should ask the Recreation Commission to provide a Salsa Dancing Pavilion? Don't ask me to explain, just ask a few people about town.
Recreation Minutes for July 2012
Guests in attendance were Alderman Bob Ankiewicz, Simon Kampwerth Jr., representing Peru Little League Softball, and Peru Citizens Tony Ajster, Colette Ciszewski, Jill Bernal, and Linda Dzierzynski.
Simon addressed the Commission first stating that the scoreboard at Sunset died. Current dimensions of that scoreboard are 8X12 Feet. Also, that it would be ideal to replace the scoreboard (4X10 feet currently) at McKinley Park. Simon has begun researching cost with a company called Nevco, which is an Illinois manufacturer of scoreboards. The range to replace the two scoreboards is a total of $7000-$11,000. This does not include the cost of wireless controls, approximately $350 per unit. Simon stated that his organization, the Peru Little League Softball Org, would be willing to pay 50% of the cost to replace the McKinley scoreboard and 1/3 of the cost to replace Sunset’s scoreboard. Simon asked our Commission to contact the other organizations (ASA teams) and to see what type of financial support they are willing to contribute to the project. Ideally, the installation should be in April 2013 for next season’s play. Bryan stated that he would contact the other teams and schedule a meeting to which Simon would be invited. Bob Ankiewicz stated that the City could perhaps assist with erecting and hooking up the new scoreboards. Simon stated that the ASA teams do not play at McKinley, but that they do use Sunset. Simon also stated that the lights are an issue at Sunset Field. He requested that the light switch be placed outside and available for the teams to turn on. Bryan will discuss with Jim Potthoff (Peru Electric Dept.) placing a strong and secure metal box at the sight for team access. Lastly, Simon stated that the Challenger Division (mentally disabled baseball team), who play at Veteran’s Park on Wednesday and Sunday were having difficulty getting to the field at Veteran’s Park due to a chain being placed over the entrance. Lynda stated that she knew who to contact and would get it taken care of. A discussion then ensued regarding vehicles driving in Veteran’s Park and parking illegally in the Park. Bob Ankiewicz stated that this is a safety problem and will discuss with the Chief of Police posting a sign to disallow this.
Jill Bernal next addressed the Commission with her concerns over the Pickleball Courts being placed at 28th Street Park. Jill stating that the court was 20 feet from her and Linda’s homes. Jill said that the sound of Pickleball to her (and Linda Dzierzynski agreed) was a “nuisance” and that potentially having 16 people at the sight playing with four balls was “troublesome”. A discussion followed with some solutions to be explored. Ray offered to check with US Tennis Construction Co. on sound deafening screens. Jill and Linda said they would not like to see money spent on this project unless it truly deafened the ball sound. Mr. Ajster spoke next stating that he had a friend who lived on 30th Street, north of 28th Street Park, and when he sat outside on his front deck to read his book that the Pickleball sound was loud. Bryan stated that the Recreation Commission’s Budget would not allow the Commission to put in a new court, regardless of the location.
Reports: A motion to accept the amended minutes from the 06/12/12 meeting was moved by Ray and passed unanimously. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was moved by Ron and passed unanimously.
Communications – Bryan read a communication from Sherry Mayszak announcing that a Fun Day to benefit Friends of the Peru Pool will be held Saturday, 7/21/12 at Centennial Park from 11:00-2:00 pm. The fundraising committee is looking for volunteers to assist with the activities
and booths. Anyone available to assist should contact Sherry. Next, Secretary, Janice Grabowski, read a letter written by our Commission, asking that the Mayor and City Council begin a discussion on adding a parking lot at Veteran’s Park to eliminate patrons from parking on Plank Road and in the Peru City Cemetary. Bob Ankiewicz took receipt of the letter and said that he would deliver it personally to the Mayor and City Council members.
Janice announced that the Illinois Valley Tennis Boosters (IVTB) had donated six center net straps to the Recreation Commission for use on the Peru courts as a thank you for allowing them to use the courts for the 4th of July IVCH Tennis Classic. Also, the IVTB praised the City/Rec Commission on the court resurfacing project and the color selection.
New Business: A new Corporate Authorization Resolution and Signature Card were signed by Bryan Hartman- President, Janice Grabowski-Secretary, and Raymond Zborowski-Board Members. Tom Atkinson at Citizens First National Bank requested the form to reflect new officers.
Larry Weide updated the Commission on the soccer fields at Baker Lake. The grass seed didn’t take due to the extreme heat and lack of water, but will be playable for this fall season. The Illinois Valley Youth Soccer League (IVYSL) will reseed and fertilize all fields mid- October of this year. Larry stated that the IVYSL will pay for one port-a-potty at Baker Lake near the fields for the months of August, September and October. He requested that the Commission consider a second unit for Baker Lake as he feels the number of players and guests warrants it. Tom Stuart made a motion for the Peru Rec Commission to pay for one unit, seconded by Ray and passed unanimously. Larry will coordinate the rental with Steve Michelini, low bidder.
Old Business: Lynda updated the Commission on the Movie in the Park and 4th of July family fun area. The Movie in the Park had 75 attendees. It was discussed and decided that next year we will schedule it on a Friday night with a rain date of Saturday. Hopefully, this will encourage greater attendance.
Also, the Family Fun Area was not heavily attended. Lynda felt people just did not want to walk down Water Street that distance and that the heat could have been a factor. Discussion followed with suggestions for one big Boucy next year and definitely a clown. We also discussed having Rental Pro’s deliver and remove the Boucy next year and having Rec employees assist with the Fun Area. Lastly, the Commission selected the Playground equipment for purchase for Nickeloid Park. It is a 6 Play Event item at a cost of $8609.00. The colors selected are yellow, orange and blue. Lynda will coordinate the purchase with the City Clerk’s office after the Rec Commission’s matching funds become available. American Nickeloid donated $4000 earmarked for a piece of playground equipment for Nickeloid Park and the Recreation Commission is paying the remainder.
Meeting closed at 8:17pm. Next meeting will be held on August 14, 2012 at 6:30pm at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Janice Grabowski, Secretary
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mayor Harl Wants No More Surprises
We will continue to welcome your questions and comments here on the blog and to seek answers from the city, mainly the aldermen and the city clerks office.
To Eliminate the Left Turn Decision Making Process
I happened upon this web site http://www.wheels.ca/feature/left-turn-lights-a-sign-of-the-nanny-state/ It is from Canada but then many of the common sense articles about city road planning seems to come from there. Anyway in the article which was more about using stoplights than about stop signs or road manipulation. Anyway I took this paragraph and this is pretty much the feeling I have.
Now, I’m all for safety, but when you prohibit drivers from performing a routine, basic, fundamental driving maneuver (left turn) there will be a backlash. The dedicated turn lights infuriated drivers who now couldn’t proceed when through traffic had the green and it was perfectly safe to turn.
If you have not looked into statistics of accidents at that location, if safety is your main concern, maybe you need to have IDOT change or check into the Detectors located on 251.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Venture and 38th Public Works Tomorrow 8/13
Friday, August 10, 2012
July 9 Public Works Mtg Venture Road Discussion
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dave Waldorf, Alderman Jim Lukosus
OTHER PERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Harl, Gary Bleck, Chris Perra (TEST), Amanda Glover (TEST), Don Kowalczyk (TEST), Mike Perry (Chamlin & Assoc.), Mike Richetta (Chamlin and Assoc.), Police Chief Bernabei, Don Bixby (Chamlin and Assoc.)
The minutes for the June 4, 2012 committee meeting were approved.
Mike Perry told the committee that the paperwork for the 12th/13th St. Watermain loop
and the Grant Street watermain project has been sent to the EPA. He has also changed
the paperwork to indicate that Mr. Bleck is now the Superintendent of Public Works.
Mike Richetta said that the Non-MFT work was approximately 95% complete and the
MFT road work still has approximately 7 days of paving left and then they will stripe. It
is projected to come in $20,000 - $30,000 under budget.
A map was passed out showing the homes on Westclox Avenue that have had sewer back
up issues as well as the location of the sewer main and the ravine. A drawing showing
the homeowner vulnerability was also passed out and presented by Don Bixby of
Chamlin and Associates. Chris Perra asked if the sewer was combined in this area and it
is. Mike Perry told the committee that by mid-August the new culverts will be put in
downstream as part of the IKE Grant project, which should minimize flooding in theis
area. Chairman Waldorf asked what Chamlin & Associates recommends. Putting in
sump pumps and closing off floor drains will help to reduce homeowner vulnerability.
Mayor Harl asked if flappers would work and how much they would cost. Chris Perra
said that in order for flappers to work they need to be maintained. Mike Perry suggested
that plumbers be contacted to get a price estimate. Mike Richetta said that when the City
of Ottawa had a similar problem that the City contributed some money to help with the
installation of backflow preventors. Mayor Harl said that the City is years away from
fixing the main sewer line. Alderman Lukosus said that the City should have a meeting
with the homeowners to discuss the proposed solution. Gary Bleck said that he would
contact some plumbers to get estimates to install flappers and/or backflow preventors.
Mayor Harl said that the cost estimates should be collected first then the City can decide
how much it is willing to contribute. He asked that one homeowner be contacted for
access to their basement so a plumber can get a good idea of what the project will entail.
Police Chief Bernabei was asked to join the conversation about how to eliminate the traffic issues at 38th Street and Venture Dr. It was suggested that the left turn be eliminated on the west bound lane which would ultimately require a three way stop at 38th & Peoria Streets. It was suggested that Venture road become a one way street to create a loop-type situation. Police Chief Bernabei said that all the businesses on Venture Road would require signage as to the no left turn and that there are a lot of driveways on that road. It was also suggested that maybe Venture Road be allowed to be two way up until Steak & Shake and then become one way. Mike Richetta suggested adding another turn lane. Everyone agreed that the lights on Route 251 were very long and contributed to the traffic jam. Mayor Harl said that he plans on meeting with IDOT the next day to discuss the situation. Mayor Harl also said that eliminating the left turn on 38th Street would not give easy access to the two banks located on the south side of the street. He planned on talking with one of the banks to get their thoughts on it. Mike Perry suggested that the City’s plan be put together before a discussion took place with IDOT.
Mike Perry said that he is receiving proposals from contractors for the 15th & Putnam
Street Inlets. This will also include inlets at Church and Main Streets. He plans to have
this ready for the next meeting. Mike Richetta said that inlets will help in these areas but
that curbs are also needed.
Chairman Waldorf said that at the Wednesday night council meeting that they would be
going into a closed session to discuss the combined sewer separation in areas 4 & 6.
Mike Perry said that he has received the contracts back from the contractor for the North
Area work. A preconstruction meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held on July 19th
and work is scheduled to begin in August.
Mike Perry said that he received revised plans for the IFiber project. He is still in the
process of reviewing them.
Mike Perry told the committee that he is making progress on the five year capital plan.
He hopes to have a draft for the next committee meeting. He is trying to schedule
projects so that all the road, water main, sewer main, etc. is done at the same time instead
of having the projects completed separately.
Mike Richetta said that resurfacing the 1st ward alley by the Zukowski property would
create more problems. He said that the alley currently slopes into two driveways and that
the only way to properly fix it is to eliminate the bricks. When asked, Gary Bleck said
that the City has never plowed snow there. Mike Richetta said that according to the tax
map, the alley is off the right of way and may not even be the City’s. Mike Perry said
that he would talk to Alderman Radtke at Wednesday night’s meeting. Chairman
Waldorf asked if the alley could be vacated.
Chris Perry gave the committee members copy of the response to the IEPA letter
involving the bypass at CSO 4 & 4A. Due to changes in the rules, the IEPA is required
to create a written CCA stating that the problem was remedied immediately, have the
City sign it stating that the information is correct and then the case will be closed. Mayor
Harl asked if there is still a smell issue in that area. Gary Bleck said that he has not had
any complaints recently and that when he stopped to smell he smelled nothing.
Chris Perra told the committee that the sewer by Maze Nails will eventually need to be
lined or replaced. It has been brought up before and Chamlin’s got estimates for both
lining and replacing. Mayor Harl asked where the rocks were coming from. Chris Perra
said that the bottom of the sewer in areas was missing therefore allowing rocks to enter
the sewer.
Don Kowalczyk told the committee that he had the media sucked out of the softener and
took pictures that he has submitted to contractors to get an estimate to have the media
replaced. He has received two quotes so far and is waiting for a third.
Don Kowalczyk also told the committee that is he waiting for one more quote to have the
ground storage tank repainted. He said that the water treatment plant meter was installed
recently. He also said that with the flow being low this week that he plans on borrowing
the City’s pump so he can install the raw water meter at the wastewater plant.
Chris Perra said that there has been no problem keeping up with the water demand this
summer. The water plant was even able to be shut down for electric department to be
under their peak demand days. Mayor Harl asked if there would be enough water once
Eakas’ expansion goes online. Chris said that the additional water demand would not be
an issue but that an additional softener, additional high service pumps, etc. should be
worked into the long term plan.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Always Read the Fine Print
Tonight Alderman Perez and Alderman Mayszak protested that they didn't feel they could vote on the proposed ordinances read by Attorney Schwiekert because they did not have any of the information to study before hand. In other words this city is so inefficient, that we do NOT give our aldermen the necessary information to make informed decisions before they vote. This seems to occur frequently at Peru City Council Meetings and it is frequently brought up by one or more aldermen that they do not know anything about the proposed ordinance so how could they vote on it with information not given to them.
Every alderman is not on every committee, so please show them some consideration and give them the information. This is such a no brainer that I can't believe it keeps happening meeting after meeting. It is so easy to miss one word when listening to a proposed ordinance, that we should never expect our aldermen to make decisions on the spot.
It is bad enough that the city will NOT allow any citizen to read a proposed ordinance until 5 days after it has been passed by the council but they don't even want the people representing us to know either it seems.
Thank you Aldermen Mayszak and Perez for standing your ground and standing up for common sense and actually for the people in Peru.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Intersection at 38 th and Venture Will Be Discussed by Popular Demand
This change was not discussed or approved by the full council before it was changed. So yes... We will need to revisit this!
This evening me and alderman Sherry Mayszak we met with several managers of businesses located on Venture Drive; these managers have voiced the same concerns that many of you have brought forward. Thanks again for all of your input, we will be sharing your concerns with the rest of the council. Again..Your input matters and we encourage our citizens to attend all city meetings. For dates and times please log onto the city web-page, or my Rodney Perez 2nd Ward Alderman FB page for updates. Thank you!
These excerpts came from FB and the Alderman approved me using them here on the blog. Evidently the 2 aldermen from the 2nd ward wee not advised ahead of time, that changes were in the works.
If you have a FB page go to the City of Peru (not Peru city) and read the 417 comments written.
I had difficulty accessing the agenda for tomorrow because it was written up in doc. form and not the standard PDF which is so easy as we all have Adobe Reader but not everyone has Works or Word and that includes me. Jennifer Nagle of WLPO came to my rescue with a copy. I think there is more to be discussed that is not on the agenda than what is printed on there.
Watch to see the changes that come out of the meeting regarding the Recreation Commission as Ald. Ankiewicz was not pleased with some of it and I hope he included everything that needs to be changed when he gave it to our city atty to make into an ordinance. I am not too trusting these days, of the activity taking place among the "good ole boys network"
Monday, August 06, 2012
Sunday, August 05, 2012
When Will Peru Have This Event?
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Maud Powell Arts Celebration
Saturday, Aug 18 from 9:00 AM til 12:00 PM there will be student performances and an art show at Peru Municipal Building, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Drum Circle in Municipal Building, 1:30 PM LP Marching Band will perform at Peru Public Library, 2-4 PM, "The Instrument Experience" at Peru Public Library, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM free outdoor concert and Art Show at the Peru Municipal Building.
Sounds like a fun filled day of music with lots of music from our LP High School Band and our local Peru Municipal Band.
Friday, August 03, 2012
Amendment to OMA Requires Posting of IMRF Employee Compensation
The Ottawa Web Times posted articles both on August 2 and August 3 with listings of LaSalle County towns, particularly Marseilles, Ottawa, Peru, LaSalle and Streator.
Since I live in Peru and many of you do also, this is what the Ottawa Times had to say about the law and Peru.
"Of particular concern is a similar situation in Peru, where Mayor Scott J. Harl said the city initially posted names and compensation to its website, but after review with the attorney general's office, decided it was best to post the point of contact for anyone wishing to obtain salary compensation information. The initial reaction is to question the decision process that resulted in making information less available. Beyond that, Harl was unable to specify where on the city's website the point of contact information was posted and The Times was unable to find it. Harl said the point of contact is City Clerk Dave Bartley at 815-223-0061. Bartley has not been available this week to provide the information."
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Kid Rock Comes Through for Trinity Catholic
Tom Collins Staff Writer
The recent Kid Rock concert wasn’t a sellout, but the fundraiser drew a large enough audience to cover expenses and still help Trinity Catholic Academy in La Salle. Concert promoter Merry Noonan confirmed Wednesday the school will get 36 new computers — seven more than promised — purchased with proceeds from the July 13 show. “We covered our costs and we were able to donate,” Noonan said. “It would have been much better if it hadn’t stormed for two hours, but Kid Rock put on a great show.” Noonan acknowledged she was hoping for a stronger gate but that a surprise thunderstorm (the forecast called for just 10 percent chance of rain) effectively halted day-of-show ticket sales for two critical hours.
The sudden storm also kept the Dirty Guv’nahs, the scheduled opening act, from taking the stage. Noonan emphasized that the Dirty Guv’nahs weren’t a no-show; the decision to waive the opening act was Kid Rock’s and was dictated by weather. “And it didn’t just rain, it poured,” Noonan said. “I was a little nervous headed into the show, but it turned out really nice.”
Rain shouldn’t have come as a total surprise, as the concert was held on Friday the 13th. The deluge provided much-needed relief from drought.
“The farmers have thanked me,” Noonan observed wryly. “It’s just a big joke around town.”
Trinity school officials were advised Tuesday the donation would be fulfilled. Connecting Point Computer Centers will supply the hardware before the fall semester begins.
Elyssa Albers, a seventh-grade teacher and the school’s technology coordinator, said she and her peers were delighted with the donation. Though Trinity initially requested 18 desktop and nine laptop computers, Noonan increased the donation to 27 desktops. Each classroom now will have three desktop computers plus a laptop. “What we had in our classrooms were 2000 Dells, and we weren’t able to show videos or use Microsoft products,” Albers said. “We had two computers that completely crashed.
“This was definitely a need we weren’t going to be able to supply with our own funds.”
Noonan said fulfilling the donation to Trinity would not have been possible were it not for event sponsors Chamlin and Associates, Archer Daniels Midland, JP Chevrolet, Midland States Bank and La Salle County Broadcasting Corp., which includes radio stations AM 1220 WLPO, 99.3 WAJK and 96.5 the Wolf.