“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

We Ask Once Again

Again and again the question seems to be coming up prior to votes being taken at our city council meetings. Aldermen speak up and say "but we just got the information tonight, can we table until next week". Now I don't believe for one minute that Aldermen Mayszak and Perez are the only ones who are not getting the proper information to make an intelligent and informed decision.
Lets go back to last week and the vote on MCS advertising for the city of Peru. I believe it was Ald. Perez who asked that the vote be postponed as he had not had enough time to read through the information. At that meeting Ald. Mayzak voted that they should go with a shorter plan assuming it would cost less and that would also prevent us from entering into a long term contract with a company just starting on this type of work even though they have been in business for a long time. Tonight Ald. Mayszak took some time to explain how she was again not given all the information on MCS and because of that, she based her vote on what she currently had been given and found out later it was not complete.
Ald. Potthoff and Radtke from the Finance Committee did have all the information because they were the ones who had chosen this company and had discussed it at their committee meetings. The remainder of the aldermen did not and based their vote only on what was presented that night and the little bit information they were given. With that information you might say that the remaining 4 aldermen either were talked to by the Finance Com or were given information the others did not get or they just blindly followed Ald. Potthoff and Radtke assuming it was not necessary for them to know any more, because the Finance Committee had already approved it. So just go with the flow.
Ald. Perez pointed out that La Salle which was given the same presentation tabled it for 2 weeks so the all the aldermen could check into the information.

I have to relate this one incident because Alderman Waldorf is ALWAYS frowning at us if we in the audience say something to each other during the meeting and tonight I found out that the reason he lets us know about it is because we are women who do question what is going on with the council.. He was reminded tonight that a number of gentlemen at the meeting were quite talkative during the mtg and he doesn't seem disturbed by that at all and his answer was a big laugh. It was an in your face laugh at that. Somehow Ald. Waldorf the people of Peru are going to have the last laugh on you and many of them will be women.


Linda said...

I thought his reaction last night was inappropriate and disrespectful as a representative of the city of Peru. It's his prerogative to like or dislike us but it is also his responsibility to act appropriately especially in council chambers.

Peru Town Forum said...

The Mayor has not learned how to show simple courtesy to those who don't always agree with him. His conversational skills are nil. As a representative of this city, when people respectfully disagree with him or something he does, he should with respect to the office he holds reply to their comments or questions with a "Thank You for your opinion or comment" at the very least, in my opinion. It is embarrassing to hear his only comment which is always, "anyone else" and totally ignore the individual who spoke. This applies to residents and aldermen alike when he does not like what he has just heard or maybe he is so sure that no matter what he does he will be re elected.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that once again the adage "Haste makes waste" does not apply to our dear Peru Professional Politicians (PPP). Eventually they have to be embarrassed that a city which has the largest amount of retail sales tax in LaSalle County, a retail sales tax which is larger than Ottawa which is twice its size in population and Streator which is one third larger than Peru in population is $40,000,000 in debt without any reserve funds. Where has all of this disappeared to.
Admitting Peru presently may have a better track record of its finances than in the past but its spending has not decreased and most likely has increased.
Recently a third separate party was taken on board to promote Peru. The first IVAC, paid $13,200 per year to promote Peru has a long standing relationship with the city. The second party, Mr. Robert Vickery, volunteered himself free of charge to Mayor Harl and since his gracious offer the promotional expense account of the city has been increased to $34,000.00 per year. The third party, MCS, hired for the promotion of TIF areas which most thought were declared TIF areas for a promotion aspect within itself will cost the city another $1,000.00 per month and was voted in with less knowledge than a child breaking open his piggy bank at Christmas. The Mayor had his normal expression of "I think the more we publicize Peru the better".
Along with the 36 month contract has come a 30 day elimination of the contact if the city becomes dissatisfied. Could anyone state in all of the contracts with Peru one instance where this 30 day clause has ever been enforced?
What grading bar has been utilized to determine why Peru needs the additional expense of a second as well as a third promotional representative. What has the second done or not done that we need a third. With the cost of putting on the third should the city officials have acquired knowledge of hiring a full time economic marketing professional for Peru? Why did Peru force thru in one night which LaSalle has taken a two week time span to simply read and than how much time to study, compare and discuss before they act? Is Peru's representation which two members did not have any information before them and one member asked for a extension of time and the possiblbility that other members were not throughly informed of MCS that much smarter than LaSalle's representation which has asked for more time to study before they vote in representation of their city? Maybe some of Peru's representation has
self serving motivations!
In conclusion the next time the town is taken for a ride why not put the horse in front of the cart and consider a experienced city manager and let him determine how to and how much promoting Peru is in need of and the areas where money should be spent.
The total expenses for three promotion methods, a horticulturist, and a assistant building inspector in a city in which one new home has been started all year would pay for a highly seasoned city manager.

Anonymous said...

As a person who knows Dave Waldorf, it is wrong to imply that somehow sexism plays into this. Frankly a lot of people think some audience members are annoying. You may not think so and I am not saying Dave or anyone else should be disrespectful but your implication that it is a male/female thing is just wrong. Stay focused on the big issues and don't try to read too much into things like that, as it is way to personal and absolutely incorrect if you know the man who is a father to two young girls.

Lois your point about the Mayor (sexism left out, thank you) is VERY valid. This is not a strength of his, that is for sure.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:19 PM

I like Dave Waldorf personally and know that he is a good family man but he does handle himself unprofessionally in situations at the council meetings. I wish you could have heard his laugh last night when a friend approached him to remind him of the chatter coming from the males attending the meeting and why was that different than the occasional comment we might make to someone sitting next to us. In my opinion, Dave does not want to hear any comment from some because he does not handle criticism well and sometimes it is not even criticism but a comment he does not agree with it. I was not even the one last night who asked him about the others talking but I did hear and see it. Dave owes several of the people apologies for his behavior past and present. Being an alderman involves learning to keep your behavior consistent and honest and treat residents respectfully and he did not.

Anonymous said...

Its always sexism when somebody disagrees with your direction. Its quite alarming that in the year 2012 your still claiming sexism! I guess its the only way to discredit individuals that have a different opinion than yourself. Sad but obvious. Mr. Waldorf is a hard working small town business man that cares for his family and Peru. You also have been very critical of Mayor Harl, should all of them kiss your ring and thank you for the personal insults. I doubt that those who complain about getting respect is a result of their gender.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:37 PM

If you were there and heard the incident that you obviously don't know the history and if you were not there, then bluntly you don't know what took place. Proper behavior of public officials is just something I expect in public. This was not the first time and it has been ignored for a long time and only talked about in private. Why should improper behavior by a public official be swept under the rug when it happens over and over again. They want to be public officials then show some respect to the residents.
I have not criticized Ald. Waldorf for anything beside his attitude at council meetings. This does not involve his role as husband, father or businessman, it is simply that he chooses to be rude in a public venue. Does he not know that he was? He does a great song and dance routine too.

Linda said...

This situation is not about opinions or disagreeing with someone. Neither is it a means of discrediting anyone. It is simply a fact that there is a lack of respect displayed many times in council chambers whether it involve spectators or the council men themselves. And 2:37 I don't doubt that Mr. Waldorf is a hard working individual who cares about his family and Peru. We all fall into that category be you man or woman.

Anonymous said...

IT SEEMS THAT SOME PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. Maybe the City of Peru could be the host, and classes would be held at
City Hall. Of course, classes to be held on non-council meeting nights, to accomodate those who need and should attend. Some people have gotten too big for their britches so to speak. You attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Such an old saying, but very true.

Anonymous said...

Pickleball players should take those classes.

Anonymous said...

4:18 hey get Your bees and britches out of your honey and drop the old sayings and say what the H you mean. I can't stand posts where I am unsure what side they are on or who they are yelling at lol.

Anonymous said...

11:51 I just read your post and had to chuckle about the Mayor's comment about how the more Peru gets publicized the better. He literally has NO idea the type of publicity that is coming. All press may be good press if you are a movie star, but not a city and governing body.

As he says, the more we publicize Peru the better...

I could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

2:27 Totally disagree with your statement that sexism does not exist in this city.

Anonymous said...

Ald Potthoff and Radtke on this committee, decideing to hire McS.
I think Pothoff should have recused himself, from voteing, because a board member of the Ymca is the owner of the company. Really! And Potthoff is the CEO of the Y.

Anonymous said...

11:07. Agreed. Potthoff should not have been the one to bring this to the council. CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1107 I think the only thing that guy thinks about helping business and city finances. What about the residents of Peru. Do we need another computer store or another grocery store? Spend the money on road repairs or a pool. Keep those pushy capitalist out of Peru's government.

Anonymous said...

Just a few days before MCS was contracted to the city for promotional purposes, there was a major producer of retail sales taxes in the North end of Peru which was turned down by the Mayor and building inspector with regard to an expansion for green energy. It is possible that Mayor Harl did not even return the store managers phone calls.
This expansion was to be financed by state grants with no cost to the city. Peru was one of thirty eight sites chosen by the State of Illinois and needless to say, the only location to refuse the way of the future. Immediately upon this offer being refused by Peru another division in a much bigger city accepted.
The following Monday Peru entered into a contract with its third promotion channel at a $1,000.00 more per month and the Mayor stated that "The more that Peru is promoted the better off we are".
Mayor Harl, what is your goal for promoting Peru? PROGRESS or to go backwards into the 1800's. Again you would think an explanation from the mayor or his office would be forthcoming. After all we were promised an open information administration.

Justin Loger said...

11:07. A board member of a company is not necessarily an owner of the company, unless he/she is also a shareholder

Anonymous said...

Board members hire/fire CEO's. Potthoff definitely had a conflict of interest in BRINGING MCS to the table.

Justin Loger said...

I see a lot of you bring up great points/perspectives, unfortunately it's after a vote has been taken. It's a shame I don't see more new faces at the council meetings.

Anonymous said...

The trouble with a small town is that everybody has a conflict of one form or another when it comes to contracting local business. That is why we need to push to change Peru's governement to a Managerial form and hire a City Manager from as far away as possible. Crony Capitalism is a way of life in the Illinois Valley. Signing a 36 month contract with a marketing firm based in a very small market (i.e. they can't possibly attract the best talent) that is expanding into a business sector in which they have no experience is, to say the least, risky. However, in the world of Illinois Valley Crony Capitalism, actions like this are normal. That is the reason, above all others, that this area will continue to be a backwater and have very little economic and political impact on the County or the State. Peru, LaSalle, Oglesby, and Spring Valley - with their collective poplulation and economic power - should be much more impactful on the County and the State. But this will never happen if we allow short sighted cronyism to be the way of life.

Anonymous said...


Even Alderpersons seem unable to review proposed ordinance prior to meetings and citizen comment is regulated, controlled to the point it can have no relevance. What exactly can anyone do when the decisions are clearly made outside the council meetings, no citizen or advocacy groups sue the city for violation of OMA, and the government pushes ordinance through in single meetings with no debate?

Other than sitting there making a few quiet comments to get a few dirty looks thrown your way, I don't see the point.

Justin Loger said...

I see you said "no citizen or advocacy groups." Maybe that's what this blog/town needs is an actual group presence, something like a Political Action Committee. Has anyone tried to organize one of those? If you don't fund for or against a candidate, and strictly try to be a large group with a large block of voters then maybe you would have more of an influence. I see this blog and how much of an outreach it has (14000+/-) hits a month, but without any sort of real organization its not really much of an influence. Now if it was organized, and lets say Lois was a voice for 200 registered voters at a council meeting, then you may be surprised by what could get accomplished. I'm not trying to belittle Lois' efforts, but it is a point worth noting. For this upcoming election, for example, an alderman needs a minimum of 46 votes to be on the ballot. Just imagine if your "political group" had enough people in a single ward to put someone on a ballot. Organization can go a long ways, it is something that should seriously be looked into.

Justin Loger said...

Another point I would like to make that revolves around an organization: The position for mayor, for this election, only requires 185 signatures to be on the ballot. That is something to take note of, especially if an organization or group is to be formed.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your reply. I believe a PAC organization would be much more effective. If Lois would be amenable to it, she might use the reach of this blog to publicize an organizational email address for interested participants to contact, with those replying giving her full disclosure of their name and positions on various hot button topics on the blog. I am not saying a litmus test, as not everyone will think exactly alike, but I would think a block of voters would need to agree on a majority of these issues to be effective and simplify the preparation of briefs and position statements that could be read at council meetings and submitted to the News Tribune.

It would become a solid mailing list for presenting petitions, alternate candidates, and form letters prepared so citizens could send to the CAG , politicians, etc. I believe many want to take some action even more than posting blog opinions, they simply do not know how to do it.

I think its a great idea. If the petition at the Dairy queen had required email addresses for follow up, it would be a great base.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... full circle. "Run with the PAC."
The only PAC that matters is the PAC that feeds the L-P-O Crony Machine. If you want to get elected, just promise the union local that you will drive up wages, promis some local dirt movers that you will dig a bunch of holes and lay a bunch of black top, promis some local real estate friends that you will inflate prices with unnecessary asethetic requirements on commercial new construction, promis a pizza lady a free venue for "charity" concerts, refuse to enforce the law concerning safe buildings when it could hurt one of your friends, and keep the denizens otherwise occuppied with meaningless non-issues like fireworks and pickle ball. All the while lining your own pocket with the residuals of your office.

Anonymous said...

2:11 Great. You can sit back and examine the cleverness of your comment about how silly a PAC is, re reading it over and over imagining the incredible pain it is causing the targets of your clever diatribe OR you can actually think about what Justin said and voice support for actually organizing and fighting. People, this CAN happen and positive change CAN occur. If you THINK that the city is beyond repair then it probably is, but not because of anything the Mayor is doing. It is because he has convinced you nothing CAN change. And you are spouting his garbage and negativity out to everyone.

Sitting around typing in anonymous capital letters saying how awful everything is only goes so far. Take action. Take your town back!

Voting is NOT enough. Organizing and informing, challenging and fighting back is the only way.

Anonymous said...

2:11 Pickleball is a non issue only if it isn't in your own back yard. I know for a fact that it has the highest chance of success in court of any City action complained about on these blogs, and there are several very good lawsuits that could be brought forth.

Anonymous said...

There are only 24 hours in a day. If you spend your time fighting non-issues like pickle ball, how much time do you have to fight the corruption that is taking over our city? Give up the stupid fight on pickle ball and start fighting against the Harl Machine.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:10 PM

Pickleball is a very visible example of the lack of leadership in this city. Committees allowed to do what they want without oversight by the council or maybe the council really does not care because they don't want to interfere in each others ward problem.Whatever the cause it is a something that is showing not only Peru but many cities that we just don't seem to be doing a good job in taking care of any problems.

Anonymous said...

Unless pickleball is in your backyard you cannot comment on the irritation and disturbance that this activity creates. And, unless you know the complete history of how this game went from its' intended introduction to its' present permanent status - DO NOT FORM AN OPINION OR TAKE SIDES. And, if you want to know the true history of what goes on in this park why not ask those who view during all waking hours/7 days a week? Do you also know that the mayor has not voiced a comment or an opinion on this topic once. Do you also know that he sat in a meeting where his own council men were attacked and did nothing? Lois is absolutely right. This town lacks leadership.

Anonymous said...

Pickleball is an issue that many people can relate to. It features illegal committee actions, insiders and cronies, inattention by the representatives, violation of pollution standards, and a completely disregarded minority. There are examples around the country where people have complained and sued, so you have actual reference and legal precedent.

It is exactly the type of issue that can be publicized to great advantage. I am actually surprised that Mayor Harl did not shut it down and position himself as the defender of individuals. It is a political embarrassment that has shown remarkable staying power , and I think it is precisely because it symbolizes all the other "real" issues 6:10 is talking about.

If he runs unopposed maybe none of this matters, but I still think it is worth taking the city to the mat on this.

Anonymous said...

Now that the Oglesby twerp has been silenced and winter is on the way we can be thankful the pickleball comments will diminish for a few months, and hopefully longer, we should turn our brain cells to much more important ideas to improve Peru.

Anonymous said...

Pickleball comments are just starting,but they won't be on the blog.

Anonymous said...

7:52 pm
Harl did not defend those individuals because the Pickleball ambassador & players have more clout in Peru than the neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Pickleball comments must continue as a reminder to all that are up for election in the spring that there are more citizens watching this fiasco than the the families living close to the park. This issue is a perfect example of how Peru politics are run...the enjoyment of a few prominent citizens trumps the health and well being of an entire neighborhood.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:28 AM
And you don't even have to live in Peru, it may be only family or friends with whom you play pickleball and they don't even have to live near the 28th street park. It amounts to wimpy politicians who are trying to make their friends happy, the heck with the neighborhood.