“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Peru IL - Public Property Meeting 10/22/2012 Pickleball


Anonymous said...

Just a couple observations from a neutral party:
1- Ald A - please show a little more respect to your fellow alderman and listen attentively when they are speaking. Your lack of respect is starting to show your true colors. If this is your "style", please do yourself a favor and step down before your lack of professionalism gets worse. You're behavior was disgraceful.
2- Will somebody just simply admit that Sunset is a *&%@ hole and nobody wants to go there. It's been disgusting for years!! Bob says that "certain" types of residents just don't want to go there. Do i understand him to mean "the elite" shouldn't be disgraced by having to lower their standards to Sunset? Maybe this is a sign to the City to clean that place up.
3-After reading this blog, I think I can figure out who the players are promoting pickleball. I think I have a good estimate of their income levels. If you so concerned about the city incurring too much cost at taxpayer expense to move the courts each year, make a donation and put your money where your mouth is. We've already spent too much money for your personal habits. Your "concern" is lacking sincerity. In other words, fake.
4-Thank you Sheri for listening to AND FOLLOWING UP with residential complaints. Glad someone is doing their job.
5-If there are tournaments on the courts at Washington Park, make arrangements to play another sport for 4 days. I don't think your world will stop turning if you can't play pickle ball every single day. What do you do in the winter months? Is the city going to pay to have YOUR courts cleared of snow for you too?

In all honesty, i think some of the people in this video should be embarrassed. I've seen 1st graders behave more professionally than some of the players I just watched. Grow up. It's not all about you.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:41 PM

I am hoping there is a second part to this video that will really give you an eye opener and a "what did he just say"?

Anonymous said...

Bob Sczpaniak says he doesn't play pickle ball, but his wife does and she's loud! He said the neighbors should close their windows and keep their a/c on. Who is he to tell people what to do. I wonder how he'd like having it in his big back yard?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Ankiewicz. He thinks it should stay at 28th St Park, but it shouldn't go to Sunset. Is he taking care of another alderman? Too bad an alderman doesn't live at 28th St park.

Anonymous said...

What caught my attention in this video are the demands that the players seem to be putting on the city.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:38 PM
Acting like entitled people and residents are asking, "Why". Why does the city council bend over backwards for this select group of people?

Anonymous said...

FYI: Alderman Ankiewicz was indeed in office at the time of the baseball incident at 28th street even though he states that it was before his time.

Who is the individual who states, and I quote, "2 courts is not enough". Since when does the city and the taxpayers have to accommodate individual requests? I would think they would be happy
that the city has bent over backwards for them?

Anonymous said...

Why are Mr. Grabowski and Mr. Ferrari given so much attention and consideration when it comes to pickle ball and the controversy it continues to cause? Are they rec board members or are they on any other committee in the city that they feel they deserve to have their demands met?

Anonymous said...

Grabowski is an arrogant idiot. Watching him say it is an "insult to be told to go play in a parking lot" makes me want to giggle at him and puke at the same time. Does he think he it too good to play in a parking lot and his elite feet can only touch a pickle ball court? Arrogance at its finest and for all to see.

Anonymous said...

I find it ironic that the pickle ball ambassador and his representatives have never had to attend a rec board meeting to defend their game. Could it be because they were already represented by several fellow players and his wife?

Anonymous said...

The "few" friends that Mr. Ankiewicz refers to that the neighbors brought to the meetings are actually neighbors of the park.

Now, the pickle ball players did bring friends with them. Some have even admitted openly that they don't even play the game. So they are just bringing them to make their numbers look better.

Anonymous said...

10:41 neutral party my butt.

Anonymous said...

Attention Peru City Officials...please take control of this stupid pickleball issue. You have Mr. Grabowski on video openly admitting that to move the courts to Sunset will disturb the neighbors, so you know there are problems with this game. So either find a spot for them to play that will not bother anyone, or put a stop to it completely. We do not have to grant every wish they come up with. There are other means of exercise besides pickleball.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ferrari states that two courts are not enough. What is wrong with waiting to play until the court is empty. If someone is playing tennis the next people wait for them to finish. If someone is on the baseball field you wait until they are done. Children that are playing on the playground equipment know they have to wait their turn. The way I look at this, is no matter what you do for them it will never be right. Want, want, want!

Anonymous said...

Rodney, there was no need to explain yourself to Mr. Grabowski. You were right on with your comment.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:37 AM

And you are not either, neutral that is. This blog represents both sides of an issue and it looks like maybe you don't believe. Things are being exposed and it's not pretty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:37 Yes - I am neutral party contrary to your arrogant personal opinion. I don't live near 28th street and I don't play pickelball. I have never played tennis either. I did not know the Grabowski name until this issue came up. (Bet that will burst his bubble.) I watched this video because I was told how pathetic this situation with pickelball really was and I wanted to see if for myself. I was mortified at the tone and unprofessional demeanor Ald A and some of the guests in the audience treated their peers and elected leaders. I had to laugh when Grawbowski started to speak in his "oh poor me, mousy-I'm confused voice, child like tone" with the Ald M. At the end of this year, I want to see how much money was actually spent on the pickelball courts vs the entire park and rec budget for the other 8,000 plus citizens of Peru. How many years did the girls softball program wait to get out of dilapidated parks with no upkeep and maintenance? How many years has Sunset park look worse than the projects of Chicago. How many years did we struggle to find a place for ice skaters? How many years did the kids have to wait to find a skateboarding area that was for them, how many years do we have to wait for a pool? How many years did we wait to get Veterans park built and waited even longer for a proper memorial! As I can see, it took years and years and YEARS for the average citizen in this town to get access to a recreation activity that suits the needs of the majority, but low and behold, a group of wanna-be-jocks, strutting some sort of stuff, trying to re-live their youth start to whine a little, and SHAZAM, we get the most popular sport in the world dumped within 20ft of someone's backdoor for those VERY FEW players that have nothing better to do but believe this community should revolve around them. Get over yourself old men!! P.S. I would love to see a list of players for this sport. We are required to register to speak at town meetings, therefore we should all have access to the players names. For our own reference and understanding, of course.

Anonymous said...

12:52 p.m. Pickleball players said at this meeting that Veteran's Park (where the ice skating is) is too windy.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:56 PM

Contrary to what the pickleball ambassador would like you to believe and a few others of the group, there is never a waiting line of people wanting to play.
The court will hold 16 players and usually the number is anywhere from 10 to 16 on the court and pretty much always the same people. They never come until evening when Mr. Grabowski appears, although a few times on weekends they do come earlier. The ambassador mentioned that there are 20 ambassadors here in Peru but no one is able to get those names.
Even I through this long hot summer know who the players are. My goodness when you almost step into someones back yard, you can't hide your identity from everybody. If I don't recognize you, someone else will.
This also meant that all the young and old who used to use this court for tennis during the morning and afternoon hours no longer had access to it. It used to be that a young mother could come to the park and maybe play tennis with one of her children or maybe younger children could play on the equipment that is not broken and older kids could play tennis. Once pickleball made its appearance, it was no longer available for families or neighborhood children. Shame on the Peru Rec. Board for that decision to make it a private court, paid for with city dollars and used by a few well heeled people.

Anonymous said...

12:52 That was the intended final location should the program succeed. Now, all of a sudden, the ambassador and alderman Ankiewicz feel that is not a feasible location because of the wind. Sunset Park, according to the same people, is not a viable solution either because it's too close to people's homes and they don't want to upset that neighborhood. Alderman Ankiewicz also made mention that certain parks are suitable for certain activities and apparently Sunset is not suitable for the pickle ball game. He feels that 28th street is the most advantageous location for the most people. WHY YOU ASK? Only he can answer that question. Seems absurd to me and also like the city is trying its' best to accommodate the pickle ball crowd and the HECK with the rest of the people. I personally do not believe that 4 courts could not be added to Sunset Park. MEASURE IT! The dimensions are very, very similar to the now obsolete tennis court at 28th street park. Which, by the way, now houses 4 pickle ball courts. Somebody is trying to pull the wool over somebody's eyes. Why is the city bending over backwards to pacify this elite group of individuals and stepping on the toes of others along the way? A special thank you to alderman Mayszak who seems to be the only one who sees the injustice that is exercised toward the 28th street neighborhood residents. This video and its' context is eye opening. For one of the so called friends of the pickle ball players to even insinuate that the surrounding residents probably can't even hear the noise is absurd. And, on top of that, he admits that he doesn't even participate in the game so he is therefore unfamiliar with the noise or the residents.

Anonymous said...

27 miutes of my life that I will never get back. The issue does not deserve this much conversation. If you live near a park, expect noise. If you want to implement a new sport in a City Park, pay for it yourself. Move on to important things. Or just send it all to Oglesby, free of charge :)

Peru Town Forum said...

3:02 PM

No he does not play pickleball but his WIFE does. Perhaps he is trying to keep peace in the family, sorry Bob that is the way I see it.
I personally could see through that statement very easily.
But this is not about one family, this is about an entire city of families.

Anonymous said...

1:56 You are running into the myopic views of the pickleballers. They firmly believe, in fact their whole world view is based on the the supposition that no other residents would see the the crazy in all this. They genuinely believe that everyone will support pickleball at this park. They cannot conceive that people who do not live next to the park might see the wrong in this and actually CARE.
Typically narcissists cannot readily understand or expect empathy responses from others.

Anonymous said...

Peru resident Robert Quick suggest his fellow taxpayers and residents of Peru abandon the use of their public parks and take their racquet sport called Pickleball to Kmart or Eagles parking lot, have the City of Peru pay rent. Mr. quick suggested the blacktop be painted with stripes and the pickleball courts be surrounded by a snow fence. 

Quite a suggestion from a fellow resident and taxpayer. 
( it's all on the video )

Anonymous said...


Sherry Mayszak said...

I received an e-mail from Gary Bleck that stated there is a water pipe under the ground in the area to the west of the tennis court (near the water fountain) at Washington Park and the pickle ball court cannot be expanded into that area because of that line being there. I went out this evening and measured the tennis court at Sunset Park, the pickle ball court at 28th St Park and the eastern most tennis court at Washington Park. Sunset Park tennis court and 28th St. Park are EXACTLY the same size. The tennis court at Washington Park is about 5 feet smaller in width and the same size in length. I stay with my original recommendation that pickle ball lines be painted on Sunset Park court and the eastern most tennis court at Washington Park. After the next two trial years, if pickle ball is deemed successful, the tennis court at Washington Park would then be the ONLY court that can be used for pickle ball since it is furthest away from any home and since the players do not want a court at Veteran's Park.

Linda said...

Thank you alderman Mayszak for taking the initiative and verifying what I already knew - that Sunset Court and 28th Street Court are identical in size. It's apparent that not only have they belittled us in public now they have openly and blatantly lied and they can't deny it because it's caught on video. Now, can you imagine what we have been dealing with since this fiasco started.

Peru Town Forum said...

Any Peru city official that has ignored this situation or aided and abetted the pickleball players to reach this point where aldermen are not working for the whole city but a select few do not deserve re election this coming April.
These are the same officials who have sat quietly by and said nothing and hope with their silence it will go away. Or they are the First Ward aldermen who have failed miserably in trying to help solve this issue that has grown and grown right within their own ward. If they cannot solve something like this within their own ward, how can they be trusted with more important city decisions.

Anonymous said...

A elected official upon losing the ward in which he was elected to represent should not be carried as a additional representative. He is upsetting the balance of two aldermen per ward, costing the city unnecessary additional expenses and surely has proven that he does not possess any outstanding abilities that make him of needed value to the council.
The Mayor should have to explain why he has decided to increase the number of city council members. The demographics of the wards have been changed and the council should be changed with it. Why modernize one system and not another?

Anonymous said...

Take Sunset Park off the table because we would be down 50% on pickle ball courts? The courts are the same size, so there would still be 4 pickle ball courts at Sunset. Did Grabowski and Ferrari measure Sunset Park before they determined only 2 courts would fit or were they just hoping everybody would believe them without checking it out?? Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

I commend the council and pickleball players for trying something new in the seemingly uphill battle against obesity. Just like tennis, pickleball sounds like an all-ages activity. Regardless of the location issue, the activity itself seems great. Thank you to all involved!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the credibility of this entire administration is going right out the window, starting with the rec board. This goes right back to the fact that the only reason 28th St. was chosen is the proximity to the ambassadors home. Their arrogance is now trumped by their inability to tell the truth. I am hoping that the council and mayor will begin seeing what has been obvious to many of us that read this blog, and put an end to this craziness.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a giant ping pong game to me. What's next, life size chess pieces? Don't forget about badminton. We absolutely NEED badminton courts in every park. I know sombody that can set it up for a few thousand dollars. And why the heck does the LP Tennis Team factor into any part of this conversation? If they have anything to say, they need to PAY FOR IT. IF THE SCHOOLS WANT TO CONTINUE TO USE THE PARKS IT IS TIME THEY PAY FOR THE USE - MAYBE 5 TO 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR!

Anonymous said...

We know there are more important issues to deal with in this city but how the pickle ball issue was handled clearly paints a picture of an administration that caters to the elite. Besides allowing the game to be initiated by violating the OMA (the guide line from the attorney general) many other deceptive behaviors have ensued since pickle balls inception. As of today we can add lying to the list because as you can see alderman Mayszak confirmed that the 2 courts in question are identical in size. However, the pickle ball ambassadors seem to feel that only 2 courts can exist at Sunset Park. Why you ask? We don't know and no one in the administration questioned the ambassadors reasoning for this. Not one question was asked!

Sherry Mayszak said...

I forgot to mention that the courts at Sunset Park have lights, so that would extend the playing time for pickle ball players. 28th St. Park does not have lights.

Anonymous said...

9:28 The answer to your question might be that they feel the court that they wanted so badly does meet their expectations after having played on it all summer. Having four courts has probably cut down on their ability to go after balls that are in bounds, but the fence stops them from returning them. That is why they are pushing for a new and bigger court.

Anonymous said...

Please don't call these pickleballers elite. The definition of elite is persons of highest class. They are FAR from anything that would fit into "class." Class would be to begin humility and accept the offer at sunset park to keep peace and not be a burden on society. Allow their activity to grow in popularity and humbly ask to expand in future years. Class? Absolutely not!! They are rude and now we are coming to find out that they are liars too. Too many ghosts in those closets to fit the definition of class.

Anonymous said...

The piclelballers must have an awful lot of time on their hands to go to all these meetings. Do they have a job? Or are they just sucking off disability insurance, inharitance, etc?

Anonymous said...

I think its the 28th st. park because the embassor lives across the street, easy access to the park, Hes acting like a spoiled child, you asked him to come south of shooting park road, to the older home part of town. Heaven forbid, he would have to play in that area. Acting just like a spoiled child.

Anonymous said...

Convert the 28th street court back to a tennis court.

Leave Washington Parks tennis courts status quo so that tennis tournaments can be played on them without a unfamiliar noise being carried on next to them upsetting the momentum of their game.

Convert one of the tennis courts at LP High School into a pickle ball court so that all ages get a better opportunity to enjoy this up and comer. The school has security that would shut the pickle ball down when needed.

Donate all of Peru's pickle ball equipment to Dalzell as was done with the children's playground equipment. Sorry Oglesby!

Majority of council members quit pampering to a few and discover your true responsibilities to 10,000.

Anonymous said...

The only solution to this problem is to take the nets down until a suitable location is found.

Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Quick was just trying to find a temporary solution where the noise would not bother anyone until a permanent location could be found and agreed upon.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the video on the "Positive in Peru" web-site, which by the way was made by the pickle ball ambassador to promote his sport in the spring? It shows 4 young girls playing the game in various "PARKING LOTS" throughout the city. Why then was the ambassador offended when he was asked if it would be a possibility to relocate the game in a vacant parking lot (such as Jewel's)? Not only was he offended but he became very vocal about it (listen to the video).

Anonymous said...

Why are Mr. Grabowski and Mr. Ferrari doing all the talking and defending of this game that is supposedly for the general public and established by the rec board? Why are no rec board members speaking? They used our tax money to set up this program yet it appears they have turned it over totally to Mr. Grabowski and Ferrari.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:27. Remove the nets and eliminate the problem until a viable solution (for all) is reached. This administration needs to listen to all citizens not just the ambassadors (by the way who are the remaining 18 besides Mr. Grabowski and Mr. Ferrari?).

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:27 and 12:41.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:39 Mr. Q, has been and presently is a lifelong giver to the community who has the areas respect.
The person who resents some of the constructive ideas presented at the meeting appears to be Mr Q's direct opposite - a taker and a user for his own personal gain.

Anonymous said...

5:14 I agree with you completely. Mr.Quick is the voice of reason. The videos that he gives his opinions always make sense and he never seems to lose his composure. The one analogy he gives about, you do not have to eat the entire cake to know if it good made me chuckle. All his years of teaching have paid off.

Anonymous said...

What I think, or at least I hope, is that the people who are reading this blog and viewing the videos can better understand where the 28th street neighbors are coming from. The ambassador of pickle ball and now his followers have been treated royally by the rec board. They have been given everything they asked for. The current administration has backed them and protected them until finally at least 1 alderman has seen the light. Even the 28th street neighbors have been polite and accommodating this entire summer listening to the irritating noise of the game. However, this doesn't seem to be enough for this group. They say they just want to play yet when offered Sunset Park (with lights) they won't even consider it an option. They lied and said it was too small. Why do we have to do everything in our power to satisfy them and forget about other citizens in the process? EVERYBODY CAN BE MADE HAPPY IF WE RELOCATE THE GAME!!! If this doesn't satisfy them then eliminate it all together.

Anonymous said...

Everything is advancing in LaSalle-send it to the new Rotary Park

Anonymous said...

LaSalle -- "Leader of the Valley"

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:19 Do you really think the next present tennis cout location would be happy to have pickle ball relocated to it? Presently, besides the pickle ball players themselves, the only backers of pickle ball appear to be the majority of the city council and other city officials therefore the next and only answer is to give in to the pickle ball group and create a year round all weather court in the basement of city hall.

Anonymous said...

If I were up for election the kind of statement made by 6:58 would scare me. I would want the general public (the majority of the people) on my side.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and informative opinion piece in the Trib today regarding Vickrey and his candidacy. I have noticed how slick and overwhelming his candidacy has been, and I wondered when his most dubious past would become at least a matter of discussion.
Might be worthy of a separate blog discussion for different opinions, pro and con I was most suspicious of his main plank, recovery of millions of dollars from court fine debts using a Chicago debt collector. He struck me as the last person I would want privy to every single court action and document in the county, working closely on recovering millions and millions of dollars. Debt collection is a very loosely regulated industry with a very shady reputation... everyone gets a cut. He may be a very experienced office manager with a popular name, but has a dubious past with U of I and the township.

Anonymous said...

The majority of the people are not on their side nor are they going to be on their side in the the next city election. When politicians become self serving instead of serving the general public the only way they can be reelected is to not have opposition. Hopefully all incumbents will have opposition and only Sherry will be reelected.
If Kristy and Lois were to run Peru most likely would have three alderwomen. Since 1776, The Declaration of Independence, which was a masterpiece created by men "You Have Come a Long Way Baby", and are looking good!

Anonymous said...

It's a turnabout when the Ambassador was grinning like Willy Wonka in the PIP video of pickleball in a parking lot. Now he's suddenly developed a severe case of diaper rash when it's suggested to move the game to a parking lot. The venues mentioned, Jewel & K Mart, are high-profile areas, quite removed from residential areas. Certainly they could be appropriately marked for the game and cordoned off for safety.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please explain why alderman Mayszak seems to be the only one concerned with this issue which I believe is not in her ward. Isn't she the second ward alderman? Where are the lst ward alderman on this issue? Don't they have any concern for any citizen in their ward besides the pickle ball players? Just curious as to what their opinion is on this topic and where they have been when its' been discussed. I don't see them present in the video.

Anonymous said...

One of the first ward aldermen, Mike Radke, is being rewarded with his direction of concern with a appointment as Peru's 1st Alderman At Large. This is another example of "we have cut costs down to the bare minimum".