“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vortex Aquatic Structures | Splashpads create a central gathering point for families while providing an exciting aquatic play activity for kids!

Vortex Aquatic Structures | Splashpads create a central gathering point for families while providing an exciting aquatic play activity for kids!

This is what we should be talking about because so many children could be enjoying summer play Not Pickleball.

. Pickleball either needs to be moved or shut down entirely if the players continue to insist on their way or the highway.

Please be sure to watch the short video of the newly created Splash Park in Cottage Grove MN that is embedded in this article. I have been watching this city since they decided to build the new Splash Pad.


Anonymous said...

Lois you are the reason this blog site is obsessed with the court on 28th St.
If the 28th St. neighbors had any sense they would disassociate themselves from you and this blog. Your sarcasm, negativity, mocking of fellow residents, bullying of city officials has done nothing toward a resolution to the neighbors concerns. The neighbors need to drop you and your blog as did Steve and many other residents.

When people watch those videos they see residents discussing solutions. You search for any word or action from fellow residents and begin your negative analysis and begin your attack. That person is elite, they are associated with city officials, they are related to someone. You and others have mocked fellow residents for participating in a sport in a public park. You have mocked their play, their reasons to play, their intentions of being in a public park. What does yours and others mocking of people contribute toward a resolution?

As your mind formulates your response stop first and list all the words and actions you have contributed toward a resolution. You have successfully turned this and so many other subjects into toxic attacks on people and you contribute nothing toward solutions. Most residents have realized this fact and I hope you can one day change and begin to contribute toward solving problems. Good luck with the Splash Pad idea!

Anonymous said...

lois opened our eyes to everything that is wrong with this administration and how everyone needs to get out and vote this spring and vote in a new mayor this city needs help funny how it only takes 4 short years to bring it down

Anonymous said...


I am a bloggert who only started reading a few months ago, and I see it very differently. I see logical presentations of problems and then usually weak illogical arguments back. Most of the people who I have talked to see some entertainment on the blog, but also appreciate a desperately needed voice of reason, investigative journalism, and critique of an entrenched and often times backward thinking community. This town is in love with its past and crapping all over its future.

If there ever has been a group of citizens deserving of a bit of mocking , it is the incredibly insensitive group of individuals who brought this nuisance and sound pollution illegally into one of the worst locations in the NATION. Show me one instance of a logical solution or compromise by the pickleball group. Just ONE. Blame the blog all you want but I didn't know this blog at all and I am appalled by the videos. If you folks are not connected somehow , or insiders, you must be the luckiest group of citizens that introduced a new game to a community since Abner Doubleday pocked up a ball and hit it with a stick.

All I see are alternatives and possible solutions from Lois and many of the bloggers. If I ever took a public office in this city, volunteer or otherwise I would expect and welcome a critical and uncomfortable treatment by the blog. As an example, I think that many bloggers have disagreed with alderman Rod, but he has gained many peoples' respect for still communicating and responding on this blog. In the world outside of Peru this treatment is what politicians expect.

If you want one example of something this blog has done, look at the city video of council meetings. You can argue that till you are blue in the face but I know for a fact it is only occurring now because this blog started posting the meetings.

When future legal action becomes necessary, much of the information leads came from this very blog. It. Is helping, whether you believe it or not. Disinfectant usually stings when applied to open sores, but it is the first step in healing. Fix all the crap going down here and this blog will get boring and peaceful pretty quick.

A of DS

Anonymous said...

5:22 When I look at the video I see pickle ball representatives voicing their opinions and in many instances not telling the truth. I don't see them coming up with any compromises that would alleviate the noise pollution they have created. I, for one, appreciate this blog for its' openness and honesty and for the fact that it gives everyone a place to vent their ideas and frustrations.

Anonymous said...

Well said 7:33. We must support Lois, because it is because of her tireless effort to get the information out to the residents. I certainly would not have the time, energy, and patience that this woman has displayed. She attends multiple meetings, has been berated by the aldermen, and now is being attacked on her own blog. But you know what, all of this will only make her stronger. And that is exactly what I want...A STRONGER LOIS! Now that is something to look forward to, because I wish I had her strength, and wisdom. Thanks Lois for all you do for all the residents in Peru!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lois for letting us know what is going on with these idiots on the Peru council and the Reverend Godfather Mayor. With your help maybe we can get rid of our mistake from 4 years ago. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Lois its all about wants and needs. The city needs another truck for $142,000.00. Peru doesn't need a splash pad the kids can play in mud puddles in front of their houses alongside the curb.
Doesn't this make young couples want to stay in Peru and raise a family. What will Peru be when some developer comes in and builds a mall along 80 and 39. Than all will learn the importance of sale taxes. Too bad Peru is going to have to lose it to learn how to use it.