“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, October 19, 2012

Splash Pad Home

Splash Pad Home
 Building their second splash pad


Peru Town Forum said...

Hartland Wi is a very interesting village, just a bit smaller than Peru. I went to their web site and looked through meetings, agendas and minutes. They seem to have things together with the city, businesses, organizations working together for the betterment of the whole city. The minutes for the Park and Recreation Board certainly is very different from ours, some very good ideas there which we certainly could incorporate into ours but it would require a mayor and city council to cooperate.

Anonymous said...

Lois, does Hartland, Wi. have a independent blog and if it does how would I bring it up? I ask this info because from experience of following Peru's local blogs I am finding that they are the communication devises which are the most inquiring, informative and least politically swayed of all existing professional and non-professional sources.

Anonymous said...

Lois, the income levels of Hartland are about $30,000 per household higher than Peru. The home values about $100,000 higher than Peru. They also have a seperate taxing for the recreation depatment. And they have Pickle Ball. Very nice town! More of a bedroom community like many of those small towns in Wisconsin and suburban Illinois.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:39 AM

Thanks for your investigating the city. Sounds rather upscale but in terms of how their government functions from reading the minutes of the committees, any city could use them. I noticed that under Parks and Recreation, that each board member has a city park to watch over and when problems are found, he/she goes to the SPW to fix it. Evidently they have the money for all the splash pads plus a pool, but I still believe that Peru if they had any get up would find a way to have one.
Also looks like the library and recreation board work on coordinating activities which is feasible for us also. In other words more cooperation which is definitely lacking here in Peru, most of the time. With cooperation, we would not have a pickleball problem, a fireworks problem, a neglected parks problem and probably not even an Adventure Drive issue. Those things thrive in the dark but will not live in the light of day.

Anonymous said...

There you go again Lois using a big, dirty, long, eleven letter word which many don't like - COOPERATION! Since this is your blog it is best to leave you have the honor of presenting the definition of such a disgraceful expression.
Why can't you and some others just leave things alone to run in the good old ways by the good old boys.

Anonymous said...

Lois is 100% correct. Cooperation is the only way to solve conflicts. I also believe they could find money for a pool, if the mayor wanted one.

Anonymous said...

2:16 you voted for change, transparency, getting rid of the good ole boys. Mission accomplished. Whats the problem? You mention cooperation with the residents.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:07 The problem is that some whom you believe Peru has gotten rid of are still very active and some are still in office continuing their term of self service rather than public service.