“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Personal Observations of Tonights Recreation Board Meeting

The Peru Recreation Board held their monthly meeting this evening. I had previously posted their agenda and quite a few people decided to attend. The pickleball ambassador gave his speech and told us how successful the program was, he simply read off a prepared paper and took no questions and the President of the Recreation Board said he did not need to answer because he was a guest. Well, fortunately I sat right behind Jim Grabowski, the designated pickleball ambassador for the night. I made a few comments to him and I guess he must have very bad hearing as he did not even turn his head, must be from the whistling sound of that pickleball whizzing by his head all the time. A while later in order to get his attention and ask for a copy of the speech he had just presented, I tapped him on the arm to get his attention and ask him if he had a extra copy. No response, now he is either a programmed robot or an arrogant person who gets special treatment, because he then got up and walked out without saying one word to anyone and several people then said to me, Did I see the smirk on his face? You could not miss it.

Also early on when the discussion on pickleball was taking place, I said I thought that Mrs Janice Grabowski, should recuse herself from the discussion and decisions because she has a vested interest in the topic as her husband is the pickleball ambassador. The board said she did not need to because it did not involve money. It is standard procedure in any meeting situation for someone with an interest, monetarily or otherwise, to recuse themselves as a matter of courtesy. Would you consider this committee to be defiant or not? We mentioned that Ald. Potthoff always recuses himself from votes that might be in conflict with his position on the YMCA as a matter of proper procedure and courtesy during Peru City Council Meetings.

The Recreation Board then made the announcement that the Pickleball Program had been a success this summer and they would continue it for 2 more years.Neighbors protested and President Bryan Hartman said with a smirk, that it was over and done with and he would take no more comments.  In the next breath, he said that it was now in the hands of the Public Property Committee, it would be there decision.

I reminded the board that this is an election year and  all this would make very good topics to discuss.  On the hot seat regarding this will be Ald. Bob Ankiewicz of the third ward, chairman of the Public Property committee who will have an opponent this next election and Ald. Ferrari who is also up for election this coming election in April and he is supposed to be representing all the people in the first but he only takes care of his favorite pickleball players and the neighbors, well the neighbors he is not interested in helping them, not even a tiny bit, so it is beginning to look like there will be at least 2 more running in the first. Ald. Radtke was never interested in representing people in the first ward and have no clue why he thought he would make a good alderman, he had me fooled.

Again this board tried to pull a fast one, by opening the fireworks bids, even though it was not on the agenda. After protests from the audience that it was not legal, they decided to table it until next month.  I will be watching them very closely and once again they proved they do not understand the responsibilities of their positions. By the first of January, they will all have to have taken and passed the test on the open meetings act.  I don't know for sure how many, if any have done this yet.  The results have to be on file at the city clerks office.

A position will be opening up on this board, because Tom Stuart is going to step down.  If you are interested, watch for the announcement and  submit your name.


Anonymous said...

Its funny , there was an anti bully rally at echo bluff too. Guess the Mayor and the Rec board lost their invitations. Grabowski should ask for the minutes from the anti bully rally, so he could learn what behavior we are trying to teach the next generation.

Anonymous said...

The pickleball program was deemed a success, based on #s provided by Mr. Grabowski. However, there are no #s available for the previous tennis court. We're not comparing apples to oranges. We're NOT comparing anything.
When asked if the players were residents of Peru or players who've come from afar to disrupt the tranquility of the neighborhood, Mr Grabowski had no idea who the participants were. Really ? How do we know he didn't count the same group five times. For a guy who works with numbers, he's not very adept with them.
It was clear the continuance of prickleball was a fait accompli. Mr Hartman needed only one set of numbers to convince him. No sense doing a compression test on all the cylinders. He then washed his hands of the controversy, and like Pontius Pilate, let the neighbors be damned.

Peru Town Forum said...

Next April, the redistricting will take place and Mr Grabowski's personal residence will then be no longer in the first ward but in the second and he will want to use a park in the First Ward and now he will have 4 aldermen who may not agree with what he wants done. Wonder how a new mayor would look at this? More petitions are being taken I understand. Be optimistic that leadership will take over.

Peru Town Forum said...

When we get the video of tonights meeting together, you will notice that Bryan Hartman has picked some of the bad attitude of our Mayor Scott Harl.

Peru Town Forum said...

"picked up" some of the bad attitude

Anonymous said...

Lois, I read in your comments from last nights meeting that this will now go to the public property committee, does this mean that they will make a final decision or will this issue go before the city council?

Anonymous said...

With all the hoopla surrounding this pickle ball controversy I googled pickle ball and was directed to the wickepedia site and proceeded to read all about it. It sounds like to me that this is a sport gaining popularity and similiar to tennis, although different due to the size of the ball, which slows the game down making it a perfect game for seniors and children. I see no issue with this, the noise, really, what next, outlaw soccer, baseball, loud laughing children?? So much energy wasted on a non issue, if only that energy could be focused on the "real" problems that face our city and not focus on the disdain of a few residents.

Anonymous said...

it sounds to me like this group is way outa control .i hope the new mayor takes control of these goofs . as far as the ambass he's a total lose and we should not even give him the time of day .
wish some one would of recorded this so people in peru could see this group in action . god help us !

Linda said...

Once again this meeting was a display of how if you're someone in this town or have connections you can get whatever your heart desires. It doesn't matter if it affects other citizens lives or neighborhoods as long as the elite get their way. Compromises aren't even an option. And of course, all the people who indulge in this activity along with their boisterous voices go home to their quiet neighborhood after they disturb us. Many of them go to another town so what would they care that they've taken something away from our neighborhood children (their tennis court) and caused aggravation to surrounding homes. The saddest part of this whole situation is the way citizens are treated if they don't belong to the "elite group".

I think it's a personal slap in the face to extend this game for 2 more years knowing that it's causing problems. The least and most civil thing that could have come out of this meeting was some kind of compromise.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what was on this report that Mr. Grabowski presented to the committee. It was neither discussed nor presented to those of us who have been involved in this from the beginning. I also wonder why several of our aldermen were present at this meeting as they don't normally attend it. Was it curiosity on this topic? They sure didn't offer any possible solutions or suggestions.

Anonymous said...

The fact that we have elected officials and appointed rec board members who simply refuse to conduct a fair and impartial bidding process for the fireworks is just plain embarrassing. To blatantly attempt to manipulate and steer the winning bid to a "pre-determined" vendor is not only unethical, it's illegal. If you don't make a good faith effort to advertise for bids and then provide a level playing field for "all" interestred parties, you are in fact guilty of
That is exactly what these aldermen and rec board members are guilty of. They all should be forced to attend ethics training.
Shame on them all for trying to rush a "fixed" bid through. You really have to wonder why our aldermen and board members are so partial to a particular vendor. Why would they be willing to risk prosecution for ethical misconduct.
It's so much easier to just do things the right way.
These people need some education in ethics and morality.

Anonymous said...

When it was suggested that Mrs. Grabowski recuse herself from the discussion and decision regarding pickleball because of her vesting interest in the topic Alderman Radke spoke up and corrected a citizen. He stated that because no money was involved in this decision it was not a violation of Robert's Rules. As Lois mentions, alderman Potthoff always recuses himself from any discussion involving a swimming pool whether money is involved or not. Can she honestly vote without prejudice being her husband is the ambassador and she is an avid player.

Peru Town Forum said...

The meeting was recorded by 2 different people.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:37 AM

It was Bryan Hartman's way of saying, he did not want to answer any questions anymore and was not interested in fairness and compromise. I am happy to say that not only were many of our seated aldermen (Lukosus, Radtke, Waldorf, Ankiewicz and Ferrari ( all lined up together in the front row and very much in agreement with the rec board, all the way). Ald. Mayszak attended also and the tension was there, she has tried to work out a compromise through all this long summer but the mayor and other aldermen have abdicated their responsibility to represent all of the residents and choose to let the unelected continue to push their friends agenda. Also in attendance were 2 potential candidates (one for mayor and one for alderman) at the next election, attending to get a look at what they might be dealing with. Probably several of the Current aldermen who continue to get together after mtg hours had thoroughly talked their plans over ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Lois, I was the person Alderman Radtke corrected with regards to Mrs. Grabowski's right to vote on the pickle ball issue. If you refer to Robert's Rules of Order, Part 1 Rules of Order, Article VIII Vote, Section 46 paragraph 8 states, that it is a general rule that no one can vote on a question which he has a direct personal or pecuniary interest. I believe this rule verifies that Mrs.Grabowski should should not have participated in the discussion or voted on this topic. That is proper decorum that should be followed by all government representatives. Thank You, Jill Bernal

Anonymous said...

8:07 Did you happen to google the issues with it making a loud an unusual noise, neighborhoods complaining all over the country and lawsuits being filed? All the hoopla comes from the fact that people like you do not stand with neighbors who are being forced to endure an unusual hardship repeatedly. This sport should be played indoors or at suitable outdoor locations. This is not a suitable location, and in very few cities would neighbors allow a few individuals to slam this through. Anyone who does not stand with the people who are being victimized is as guilty as the arrogant couple who shoved this through. Wrong is wrong and it does not matter how you try to minimize it.

In the end I do not blame the Rec board, the ambassador, or even the suburban pickleball groupies. The are the type of people who will never compromise, have no empathy, and are likely too old to change. I blame a group of citizens who stand by and laugh, ignore, or simply accept this saying glad it ain't me. In most communities this action would not have stood a chance. There is something wrong with citizens who just stand by and let other neighbors be abused by insiders. This is more than a game and a Wiki entry, this is the right of the individual against abusive and narcissistic people in a position of authority. Wake up. You never know which neighborhood is next on the list.

Anonymous said...

9:18 BID RIGGING is a very serious claim. Put your name on the comment and contact the Attorney General. I doubt this is much more than name calling. Some will cry illegal when the democratic process doesn't agree with their thoughts. The Park Board likes pickleball, its ok. Lets not call them names, cry illegal or attempt intimidation on the members. The label that those who like pickleball are ELITE is comic. Its everyday run of the mill individuals that play the game. What would someone who wants to control the activities of a public park be called. I don't believe anything is illegal, are they playing after hours? Maybe the Park Board is doing their job.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, without being told, without being asked Mrs. Grabowski (for as long as she's been on this board) should have known that she should have recused and abstained last night.

Anonymous said...

9:57 You can complain to the AG anonymously. Sounds silly, but can you believe some everyday run of the mill people in Illinois have been known to retaliate. Sakes alive! Glad you are an expert on Illinois Sound Pollution regs, OMA procedures, and bid rigging. I am sure your post will put all this to rest, now that we know you are convinced there is nothing illegal going on. I will sure sleep better.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:51 AM

It has become apparent that the Rec Boards members are not familiar with Roberts Rules of order and that includes the President, Bryan Hartman. And it also appears that they are not familiar with OMA Act, since they have violated it a number of times this year alone. Will we continue to let them run amuck in this city with no one to clue them in on proper procedures? That is the question!

Anonymous said...

If everybody in Peru could understand the true situation that surrounds this pickleball issue and what has gone on at several meetings regarding this issue everyone of those aldermen that have been present at these meetings and have not represented their constituents should be replaced!!!

Linda said...

Lois did you find it strange that it was discussed that the rec commission would put in for a monetary donation from Ms. Noonan's concert for a cause? What do you think their cause would be and why would they be eligible to obtain more money since the city already subsidizes them $75,000 each year?

Peru Town Forum said...

Not sure that a volunteer committee could legally apply for it. They are not elected and certainly don't have a cause like the Pool Fund. I believe it might have to start at the city council level, if that is even possible.
On the other side of the coin, Ms Noonan is looking for a "cause" that the city would approve. There are a lots of ifs in that proposal. And I mean legal ones.

H. Tom said...

QUESTION? If peru is so broke and can't do any big projects , then why do we have police looking for drugs on interest 80 ? If we have too many police then get rid of some and save the city money . We have cars being broke into and under age drinking going on they could be used for this if nothing else .

Anonymous said...

We need a new Mayor!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How sad that the City of Peru and the leader of the Valley has to ask Ms. Noonan for money. Whose idea was this to discuss this at a rec commission meeting? Reflects poorly on the entire city.

Anonymous said...

10:42 the committee obviously has a budget , fiscal autonomy, and " controls/has strong influence over " public lands. They are also unique unelected recreation czars, not often found in a municipal structures.

Ms Noonan has a high cash generating activity whose primary need is land (venues), security, bands, advertising and volunteer workers. The tighter she gets with the city, the better for the concession sales some say she pockets. Concessions are relatively constant per attendee whether the gate is 35 bucks a ticket or 70. A festival with many B acts could easily generate as much concession revenue as a single A list act.

The city has already shown a desire to use it's public parks, streets, and airport as entertainment venues for small segments of population without much regard for neighbors, airport grants, sound regulations or federal government in general.

Of course , all of the above is simple speculation when asking why the concerts and rec committee would have any connection at all. Usually, you just look at what each party can offer to see what deals might be discussed. I am sure it is all quite innocent.

Anonymous said...

1:18 According to the president of the rec commission I believe the topic was brought to their attention by the Park and Recreation Director.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34 you are wrong with your comparisions between A acts and B acts. The top draw A act will and does draw more than a number of B acts placed together. When a promoter gambles on a act that promoter assumes the risk, and they should assume the profits or the losses. The airport is much different than a park or a backyard game of pickleball. The airport is a perfect place for large acts, not Baker Lake. To those who want to promote Baker Lake for concerts, fireworks, big events is just somebody making a statement about the types of homes around the lake. You the same person that wants higher for everybody else, but never pays taxes.

Anonymous said...

2:08 If they want the profits and losses, they should level the playing field and stop pretending to be a Charity Concert. Several B acts could draw people for an entire weekend, a festival. It's all about raising the per ticket concession from 10 per person to 20. If you pawn off your front end and back end fees on the city and buy weather insurance, there is not as much risk as you claim. If Peru wants to be the new summer music festival town in Illinois, you cannot spare Baker Lake and pawn the drinking off everywhere else. Let's do this thing.

Anonymous said...

3:54 Its about profits and the promoter giving to charity makes sense for everybody involved. Weather insurance costs money and provides many guidelines before you qualify. Several B acts are for 2nd city acts, go to the county fair if you want b acts. Baker Lake hahaha is not practical, festivals are not the new norm. Big acts are concessions in the area of 20-25 per unit. The local matinee is 8-10 per spending unit.

Anonymous said...

4:21 By B acts I am referring to those with guaranteed gate of 75 k or less, not one like Kid Rock of 300K or more. The county fair acts are not generally in that range. The risk is minimized by offering a no refund policy, like CfC does. Thats the only major risk involved, and it's not that complicated to get rain out insurance, or all that expensive, unless it has changed a lot in the last three years. If sponsors and the city cover your front and back end fees, and there is no venue charge, the concessions are a sweet deal no matter how you look at it.

Thanks for the concessions figure, we have estimated 10 per ticket , just to be on the conservative side, but you sound like you know what you are talking about so we will use that. It is a higher estimate than most promoters interviewed.

I never said it didn't make business sense, only that the way the concerts have been marketed and promoted is not ok. Not ok at all. I will stick to that.

Anonymous said...

Why would you 5:44 gamble the front end fees with a City or Promoter. That is crazy! No refund policy is not that big of a deal, the risk is the ticket sales. You have a contract for a act that cots $200,000, you sell 4000 tickets at $60.00. You gross $240,000, it cost you $10,000-$20,000 for promotions. Another $5000 for security, $1500 for insurance, $2000 for porta potties, $10,000 stage, $2000 waste removal, $1000 for band requests like green mms or special rare brandy that these rock stars want, etc. Before you know it the sponsors have lost money. No sponsor will risk a front end deal and a small city like Peru or LaSALLE would not be smart to take your front end deal. Leave the concert lady take care of her expertise and lest hope your not making any business deals for our surrounding area.

Anonymous said...

9:31 I was saying the sponsors and city have been taking care of most front and back end fees. I was not suggesting the city and sponsors take over the concert. The sponsors cover the fees you are talking about for the most part, and the promoter takes 15 per cent of the gate.
Are you stating for a fact that the A list acts brought in so far have been 200 k minimums. That is much higher than what they quoted to other promoters, why the disparity?
It is a risky venture as far as ticket sales, you need free promotions or discounted ad space and radio time, I wonder if that is given to these concerts?
Kid rock brought in 9000 though, at 60 per ticket that seems to be higher than what you put down, and I believe it was projected to be at between 10 and 15 k for attendance. What would the percentage given to the charity be then of the gate fees and concessions, by your numbers? Around 2 or 3 percent?
Seems like calling them Charity concerts might be stretching it a little when compared to other Charity drives or events.
I think most of the people in the area think much more goes to charity, but its not the people in the Illinois Valley that really are upset as much as other full time music venues. Turns out you need to do is ask them.

Anonymous said...

Clean up that eyesore West of Burger King. Play all the pckle ball you want there. What an eyesore on Peru's most traveled road.

Anonymous said...

Who owns that property?

Peru Town Forum said...

2:52 Pm City owns that property, the power plant.

I do know whomever I vote for must be somebody I can have an intelligent conversation with about issues. I am tired of being talked at I am willing to listen and I expect the same of them and I expect answers and not "anybody else" or "that is what the board thinks" Both answers are disrespectful. Time to bring back some respect and courtesy to our city government. Is that to much to ask for?

Anonymous said...

Disrespect seems to be the norm anymore when questions are asked of city officials (not all). I don't expect anyone to always agree with me, nor will I always agree with them, but we should be able to do it in a civil manner and come to a compromise that satisfies both parties.