“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Peru Pages: Harl Election War Chest Expands to $26,796

Peru Pages: Harl Election War Chest Expands to $26,796

This seems to be the easiest way to answer the donation to campaign question.


Justin Loger said...

Well isn't that comforting. Finding legal counsel to aid you with the nomination papers is also quite the task, right along with the 109 pages for the Campaign Disclosure Act from the State Board of Elections.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Needs help with the papers? Are we on the right track with them there nomination papers?

Justin Loger said...

The State Board of Elections highly recommends you consult "competent legal counsel", funny thing is 95% of attorneys don't deal with them. At all.

Anonymous said...

You need legal counsel to run for office? From the responses on the blog site NOBODY cares about how much money Harl has raised. A topic much too complicated for Peru. And a challenger that needs legal counsel to figure out the papers? Looks like Team Harl is laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Its funny how those who scream change are the same ones outraged when changes happens. A example: adding pickleball courts to a Park with very little use. Changing a intersection for more safety.

Anonymous said...

12:19 I think everyone would be excited and thrilled the day one simple change occurs. On that day, you will have a cogent thought.

Change in leadership is required precisely due to decisions like those you just mentioned.

Anonymous said...

12:19 Where did you get your information that the park that you mention in your post had very little use? I beg to differ with you. And, adding pickle ball might have increased the adult population but it has done nothing to entertain our children. I have always felt that parks (especially neighborhood ones) were basically for the children.

Anonymous said...

Changes are welcome as long as they do not burden or hurt long-standing businesses or homeowners. Change for the sake of change is wrong. That intersection and pickleball are wrong, and it ain't over yet.

Justin Loger said...

I don't need legal counsel to figure out the nomination papers, they are rather cut and dry. I just thought it was rather odd that its highly recommended by the State Board of Elections

Brandon C. Class of 2004 said...

I stumbled upon this blog about 3 weeks ago after moving back to this area around 6 months ago ( I live in the 2nd ward). All I have to say is I'm shocked at what I read. Lois I applaud you for bringing to light some very interesting and necessary topics that are crucial to how government is supposed to (or not supposed to) function. Rodney and Sherry: I am very grateful that you two represent me in the second ward, I am very fortunate to have you two as my alderman. The only people who you need to answer to is the people who voted you in who are actually decent enough to write their names, not someone who hides behind "anonymous." I'm sorry, but 95% of you hide behind "anonymous" and don't add any real contribution to the solving of a problem. You're just radicals who criticize everything from behind the scenes. And to Justin: WAY TO GO. Even though Harl has a $26000 war chest, he doesn't stand a chance to you in a videoed debate. You don't even have to put up one sign, all you need is a debate and people will see exactly what you're capable of. I appreciate everyone who posts their name, Rodney, Sherry, Lois, Justin, Brian. At least these people will not only post their names and aren't afraid of criticism, they also stick their necks out and get involved in the election process. What have you "anonymous" people done?

Anonymous said...

@4:46 welcome back to the City of Peru. Suggestion since you came across these blogs a couple weeks ago, I hope you can find the time to read EVERYTHING since its existence. I agree 90% with your post. However, speaking for myself (annon. blogger), I BLOG 100% the truth! I don't use my name due to my family relations in peru. If I used my name the pot would boil over. I've been a blogger for a long time and I pay taxes in Peru. Personally. I don't
have a problem with annon. Blogs, due to the fact that a political person could set the record straight if any
are questionable with their name used. It when there is no response to anon. Blogs that eyebrows get raised. Again, I agree with 90% of your blog and I hope you get involved and stay involved.

Anonymous said...

the only CHANGE peru needs is a new mayor

Brandon C said...

The only problem is people support other people "getting involved" 100% but then criticize you like crazy when you run for public office. It makes me sick that some of the people who are interested in running for public office will "technically" have to work for you people hiding behind "anonymous"

Peru Town Forum said...

10:34 PM
Welcome to the Peru Town Forum blog. I understand what you are saying about "anon" but if you have read some of the recent posts about why people do just that, they may have a a legitimate reason. Perhaps they write with criticism because here in the IL Valley, they would not dare present themselves with their name but they would like to comment pro or con on something. They maybe be protecting family who are either working for the city or involved in some way, perhaps even business owners who would not want to aggravate the city who might do business with them but still they want to say what they want to say. I have leaned that sometimes I have to just try to believe that many have a legitimate reason.

Anonymous said...


Do you think we should abandon anonymous voting such as we do at the polls? Why do you think they have that? The moderator of the blog can at their discretion screen simple blog flames and personal attacks. Anon is a None issue.

Politicians must be prepared for intense scrutiny and criticism. That is in the job description. If you think the new candidates have been roasted here so far, I assure you this nothing compared to what they will face.

city employees said...

The fact of the matter is the last thing that will be changed is the mayor. If a petition keeps circulating for justin then the city employees just may end up going on strike. We aren't taking orders from some punk kid. We got it. You're involved. Now stay involved from a distance. Careful whose petition you sign people

Anonymous said...

I would surely hope that 7:40's post is not from city employees. If it is it poses many questions to the citizens of Peru. Such as "why would you threaten candidates" and "who is putting you up to making such statements"?

Peru Town Forum said...

7:40 AM

If some city workers think they are so powerful that they can tell people who can run for office, this city is in bigger trouble than any of us anticipated. And if this involves unions that is even worse. That sounds like a threat.

Anonymous said...

Its early in the game. Don't you think the old gang is throwing out the sacrificial lamb to get to the upcoming real candidate?

Peru Town Forum said...

10:49 AM

I think Justin has too much integrity to be involved in a scheme like that.

Anonymous said...

Threatening candidates is a serious matter and tends to be investigated by real law enforcement. Does anyone still wonder why some choose to remain anonymous when posting? A blogger, who claims to be a city employee, has just openly threatened people who sign petitions.

The appropriate steps would be as follows. Lois should take down the ISP info and forward the threat to both the Peru Police and the State Police. The Mayor should be informed that someone possibly on payroll is threatening citizens regarding signing petitions and launch a cooperative investigation. Board of elections should also be notified, so if the Harl Campaign or anyone on it is threatening other candidates or petition signatories it can void the election results. The police should be able to inform Lois of any other law enforcement agency responsible for investigating cyber threats. I would recommend letting the News Trib know, but they would probably just giggle and ask if the blogger posted any peach pie recipe as well.

Sometimes the Illinois Valley believes it is completely immune from the laws and norms of behavior in the rest of the country. It isn't.

Anonymous said...

'some punk kid'. Sounds like union thugs rising up with strike threats. Well, with the unemployment situation today, it would be easy to replace those who like walking picket lines.

Anonymous said...

Its comedy and that's it. Why would Harl be giving daily orders to employees? It doesn't happen and the comments are just a poor excuse for another idiot on the blog site. Over the past years, we have alot of those idiots on the site. I guess the real thought should be is what are the credentials for this person running for office? Can they run a city? Does he have experience in organization of city services? If those questions are answered and the residents choose new direction, then thats great. Remember employees are only going to endorse those that can help them directly. They fall prey to the promise thing and change like the weather. Don't put any stock in employee endorsement.

Justin Loger said...

I willingly dropped out of the race anyways. I am going to pursue being "taken under the wing" of our city treasurer and will take out a petition to run in four years. I do believe he said he is only going to run this last time. I will still help out in any way that I can to ensure a better city for all of us.

Justin Loger said...

10:49. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "sacrificial lamb". Please explain

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Hoffa day's are over Boy's!! Wake up and meet reality. Your Union days are coming to an end and you know it. Realize you might have to wake up and work for a living. No more time killing --- only get paid for working (maybe bid out the job) !! Ha Ha Ha !!! DO NOT THREATEN CITIZENS --- ONLY A BUNCH OF IDIOTS THINKS THAT WORKS.

Anonymous said...

Justin: Sorry to hear that you've changed your mind and dropped out of the race. I surely hope it was a decision that you made yourself without any outside influence. The reason I say this is because it appears that 7:40's comment is threatening. I think you would have been a pleasant change and addition to Peru's future.

Justin Loger said...

It most definitely was willing. I remember having a meeting with treasurer Hylla about 6 months ago and he said he felt he was going to run one more time and that was it. I feel if I could somewhat "job shadow" with him for four years and make a smooth transition when it comes to the cities financials would be the best step. The mayor office is one I most definitely want to hold one day, and one I will pursue in the near future.

Anonymous said...

justin never had a shot anyway

Anonymous said...

1;30 Everybody has a shot. Do you think Harl is a shoe-in? If so, why?

Justin Loger said...

1:30 Unfortunately, I'll probably have to agree with you on that. Although it would have been quite the experience to have an actual debate with our mayor. In any case, finance and economics is more of my thing.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:25 PM

Definitely not a shoe_in but he needs opposition not to be. There are definitely many people unhappy with the leadership in our city but there still is not the interest in being a part of Peru and someone to show us the way forward.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Perez, Please run for Mayor !!!

Anonymous said...

How about Mike Hart for mayor?

Justin, watch your back with Hylla & Harl.

Justin Loger said...

For me, personally, I would most definitely support Mike Hart for mayor. I only have one regret, and that is not showing enough support for his fiscally responsible plan when it came to Peru's infrastructure. That is one of my mistakes.

Anonymous said...


It is obvious you will never be able to serve as Mayor. You actually admit mistakes.