“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ok I Needed a Laugh


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for Harl to implement this and finally use that signage budget to save lives and deer, like the king did on Adventure Drive. Signage is key.

(warning to Lois, never post any sarcastic humor. There are people in the general public who will not get it and will disagree vehemently lol)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Venture Drive and the intersection does anyone know if those businesses that were suffering are doing better now? I sure hope so because I felt they were treated poorly by our council.

Anonymous said...

The businesses will just accept the new sales numbers as being a few percent lower. That will be their new normal. They had their chance to sue and decided against it. Expecting the city to rationally and professionally deal with things is a mistake. Crazy starts to seem normal, and that's what the Mayor counts on. No one ever takes them to court and they know it.

Anonymous said...

How about "Pedestrian Intoxication" crossing signs downtown LaSalle and downtown Peru? Wouldn't that be a chuckle chuckle! I had to laugh uncontrollably at this video. Thanks, made my day. Have to go to work now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I believe that WLPO should replay the call Donna made this morning. I think she had a very good idea, in interviewing local enforcement I have been informed that yes the deer are to obey the signs and in interviewing area deer by survey disclosed that 98% obey the signs! The other 2% did not want the signs placed at their crossing.
The Ambassador of Deer Crossings (pictured in photo) replied with a complete report on deer crossings and emphasized that the signs should be colored in camouflage rather than orange for the safety of out of town deer, but had no statistical numbers, would not answer questions and left the deer crossing immediately.

Anonymous said...

@11:44. You are a hoot, and your blog says it like it is. You would make a great politician, and MANY taxpayers in Peru are seeking new faces to replace some politicians that we have. Please consider your candidacy! Deer are pretty smart, snakes aren't!

Anonymous said...

Not only replay it, have it be a power point presentation at a council meeting! Which hopefully would be well attended by citizens.

Anonymous said...

FOR MAYOR........even though I have no idea who she is!

Anonymous said...

11:44. The Dave Letterman show is hiring a full time script writer. BIG BUCKS (get it)? You would be a hoof-in! Can't stop laughing, bustin a gut (get it)?

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be surprising if Peru had "An Ambassador for Deer Crossing.". That guy/girl is funny, whoever posted that.

Anonymous said...

As the designated Blog Ambassador , I would like to introduce a new game to the town of Peru. My friends and I have named it Deer Spotting , and it consists primarily of us whacking two flat sticks together loudly repeatedly whenever we see a deer, or pretty much whenever we want to do it if we get bored. The sticks are custom made and designed for maximum irritation. Few people have such loud sticks, so we will petition the city to buy them and hold clinics at the deer crossings. We are trying to locate our clinic at the most convenient location for the deer, which amazingly is near my residence and in several peoples back yards. Who knew? We believe that Deer Spotting will definitely catch on and make our town the leader of the free world. If it doesn't, well we pretty much want to do it anyway.
And if you are wondering who made me the Blog Ambassador, in the grand tradition of Peru Politics I kinda just appointed myself as life long Blog Ambassador of Deer Spotting. Any problems with that take it up with the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

6:19. I'm peeing my in my boxers! Now, that's some really funny deer crap ambassador. What's new- another new title for a self appointed or appointed position in Peru. May I ask you ambassador: HOW MUCH WILL YOU BE PAID? AND HOW MANY HOURS WILL THIS NEWLY SELF APPOINTED POSITION TAKE PER WEEK FOR

Anonymous said...

The sign depicts a deer leaping, so they should obey the sign and leap over the cars. Now if there are printed words on the sign they should also be done in Spanish.

Anonymous said...

Deer Ambassador of Deer Spotting, If the deer don't obey the signage, will they be ticketed? How much? As I understand for a minor violation in Peru the deer need not appear in court in Ottawa. The deer will have a hearing in front of Attorney Jonathon Brandt, is this correct? Thank you for all your you have done Ambassador of Deer Spotting. Those sticks can be purchases on e-bay!

Anonymous said...

4:09 Thank you for your kind words. As a God Fearing Illinois Valley resident, we believe the deer who violate any rule should be shot on sight to send a message to the non union deer. I have seen the loud sticks you refer to being sold on eBay, but we prefer the city purchase the high end custom ones from Nike. I would be insulted that you suggest we play with anything less.
Have you seen our Deer Spotting uniforms? We are all about class. And Noise. Basically, Classy Noise.

The Ambassador of DS.

(Not to be confused with the Ambassador of Pickleball. He is the Ambassador of BS.)

Anonymous said...

The city will only buy pickle ball paddles, so you might have to whack those together, which may be louder than the sticks.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the Ambassador of Pickle Ball was told to go outside of city parks and play in traffic at a recent meeting?

Anonymous said...

7:13, you are quite the politician, and we are so proud to have you in our court(pun intended). I understand you blogging annon., of course I do too, we know what repercussions in using named may have. You should be receiving a trophy in the mail for your artistic blogging. Maybe the city of Peru would allow it to be displayed at city hall in a glass case of it's own. And there could be a fundraiser to pay for the lighted glass case.

Anonymous said...

We need as many deer as possible to reign in the NEW SANTA in April! Please save the deer! Santa
will be in the sleigh (no tuxedo on), and the deer will be pulling it. It will be quite a parade with emergency vehicles escorting.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:12 PM

The Ambassador was reminded that he had placed on the internet a video showing the sport of pickleball was so versatile that it could be played in an empty parking lot or street. When reminded of the video he took to encourage the sport, he was insulted. Someone said that while he was in pursuit of a location, he was seen in the yard of Alderman Ankiewicz.

Anonymous said...

Maybe salt blocks have been put underground in the yard so when it rains a salt taste to the ground attracts deer. Which I heard is illegal in city limits and in the country. Don't know the ordinance on this? Does Peru have one??

Anonymous said...

Lois, please tell me you are kidding about the ambassador being in an alderman's back yard while he was pushing his pickle ball agenda.

Anonymous said...

6:19, what kind of side effects may we get when we are slapping two flat sticks together? Should we discontinue slapping sticks together if we get any side effects in which I hope you tell me what the symptoms are from stick slapping. Good Luck Ambassador of deer
Spotting. Get your night vision goggles and camera out. How much are we taxpayers spending for those items you need to perform your duties? Order those on e-bay too.

Anonymous said...

6:17 I really appreciate your interest. There really are only positive effects from Deer Spotting. We have noticed that by playing it we all feel younger, are more attractive, and have become even more popular with the Mayor and city officials. Many local residents have even gone so far as to call us child like, or childish, or something complimenting us on our new youthful attitude and appearance. We know we are much more attractive, as so many slow down and stop to look at us as we bang our sticks. And it has gotten so they cannot even hold a meeting at city hall without us being invited and asked to speak about Deer Spotting. Some have even suggested we will be asked to give expert testimony in court soon. 95 per cent of the people who have no idea what we are doing have been completely supportive, so that is something. And the deer love us.
All in all I would have to say it has been nothing but positive so far, except for possibly a few neighbors may be shouting out complaints instead of encouragement. We can't really be sure , with all the stick banging going on, it is hard to hear. But it sure is fun, and in the end isn't that all that matters? Life is too short not to let us have our fun. I like to stay positive, don't you? Love to write more but I think I may have spotted a doe... where the hell are my damn sticks?

The Ambassador of DS

Anonymous said...

Ambassador of DS....Please be aware that now that you have this title it must be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Deer Ambassador of DS, Please clarify the difference between WACKING AND SLAPING OF STICKS. I'm very interested in being on the committee for this sporting venue. How do I get on the committee? If there is one. Good luck spotting your doe. Rut season is here.

Anonymous said...

I to want to be on the committee so I can look and act younger.

Anonymous said...

It seems that several people have expressed their interest
in being on this committee for Deer Spotting games. So
Ambassador of DS it is you who is the head honcho to get this committee up and going. What bar or establishment will the first meeting be held for all who are interested? Will those who attend get a free meal and drinks? Who is footing the bill? Please reply asap, so everybody can pencil it in on their calendars! It will be a fun night out.

Anonymous said...

12:05. You can be on committee, it's an all-sport! Kinda like when we old people use to go roller skating in Ottawa and the DJ would announce "it's an all-skate."

Anonymous said...

As the Ambassador of Deer Spotting, a position I take very seriously, I am announcing the formation of two committees and a think tank, as well as an exploratory commission. The details will be posted at our Deer Droppings in Peru Website, to be designed and hosted for 1000 a month by a local ad agency.
These positions will be complex and demanding volunteer positions, dealing with multi faceted issues, so don't expect to be paid more than 15,000 per year. I think that is standard volunteer rate in Peru. And no ugly people please, we are now being videotaped everywhere but in the bathroom. I don't want any people spreading themselves too thin and getting all Vickrey'd out on me, because the issues in Deer Spotting are very complicated and demand full time paid volunteers. In fact, the sole purpose of each of these committees will be to make recommendations on the formation of a super committee for raising money. At this time we do not exactly know what the money will be for, but rest assured Deer Spotting will be in there somewhere. And we will need to pay the website fees and volunteer salaries. I am not sure if the deer must be paid, I will need to check the union by laws.
We had no idea that the simple act of making noise when deer are spotted would become so popular and so complicated, but rest assured, if there are any citizens who can make a simple task very complicated, it is our committee.
Oh, and we will need someone to bring donuts. That is all.

A of DS

Anonymous said...

You guys are cracking me up! Lois you are the genius behind this.....you knew this deer video would relate to the pickle ball players. You did this on purpose, I know you did.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ambassador, do we need to wear specific colors like the ambassador of pickle ball wears?

Anonymous said...

4:13-----Better yet, I'm bringing cookies, carrots and milk! Isn't that what Santa and Rudolf eat? If the committe cotes Nay to me bringing these food and drink items, I WOULD LOVE TO OBLIGE IN BUYING THE FIRST ROUND OF COCKTAILS FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO ATTEND AT THE CLOSEST DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT WHERE THE MEETING IS TO BE HELD. thank you DS Ambassador for taking the deer by the antlers and getting this newly invented sport off the ground. Happy Halloween to all.

Anonymous said...

4/13. A of DS. OMG you are absolutely hysterical. I've got tears running down my cheeks from laughing so hard!! Thank you, I needed a good laugh!!

Anonymous said...

And Lois is the. BS AMBASSADOR (blog spotting ambassador), only she volunteers her time. I think the city
of Peru needs to find a way for her to be paid, Paid Per Blog. Thanks for the laughs. I truly enjoy reading these blogs and sometime commenting. Enjoyed watching the videotaping of council meetings last night. Thanks to all for their efforts for making that become available to all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:29 p.m. I know I myself still haven't stopped laughing. And believe me I have read these blogs at least 20 times and I can't stop laughing. My whole body is sore from laughing. On a serious note, the DS Ambassador has a way on explaining how politics really work only in a humorous way. A DS IS NOT OUT OF LINE, and I give him credit.